Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 1038 Be Your Own Director

In fact, the movies released this year are relatively difficult. The first half of the year was not bad. Only the super blockbuster "Spider-Man" can still be avoided if you want to, but since August, there is basically nowhere to hide.

At the end of August, "Pirates of the Caribbean", which has been delayed several times, will finally be released.

"Pirates of the Caribbean" is a big hit at the box office this year. Compared with "Lord of the Rings" and "Harry Potter", it lacks the blessing of the original novel, but the script was written by Yu Dong after all, and it was written by Deep Space Company. It is absolutely impossible for Disney's two major manufacturers to jointly produce a box office.

Since the beginning of the year, Deep Space and Disney have been promoting the film.

Box Office launched a function last year. When a movie has not yet been released, netizens can click the "Want to Watch" button. In this way, the website will push movie-related information to users in a timely manner, such as what the movie is. When will it be released, when will it start selling tickets, which theaters have tickets, and even information such as on-demand screenings, premieres, and road shows.

As of today, 9 to [-] people have clicked the button, which proves that the early publicity is still very good.Movie tickets will go on sale in two days, and then we will be able to see whether the movie has any potential at the box office.

"Pirates of the Caribbean" is only the first hurdle in the second half of the year. After "Pirates of the Caribbean", there are several films such as "X-Men", "Lord of the Rings 2", "Harry Potter 2", and "A Game of Cat and Mouse" Movies from Deep Space.

In addition to several films from Deep Space, there are also hit films such as "Snoopy", "My Greek Wedding", "Iron King Kong", and "Interstellar 2".

In this case, there is no safe schedule in the second half of the year, no matter what time it is, they have to face the box office squeeze of these movies.

However, there are so many blockbuster movies this year, which is not a little bit good for other movies. At least this year, there are more audiences who are willing to go to the cinema than before.

The cake is getting bigger, and other movies can eat a little bit.


Saturday, August [-]th, Manhattan, New York, on the second floor of Satisfactory Tea House, Serena looked out of the window at the new Deep Space Building, which had not yet been closed, and asked Linda who was sitting opposite her with a smile, "What do you think of the tea here?" Is it good to drink?"

"It looks nice, but I'm not used to drinking it yet."

"Maybe I have a Chinese tongue, so I'm quite used to drinking it, but I think it would taste better if it's cold. This tea is too hot." Serena laughed.

"If you think it tastes good, you can buy some tea in the future and we will make it at home. I don't know if it is difficult to make tea."

"Before I came, I asked some netizens on the Deep Space Tribe. They said that making tea is not difficult, but if you want tea to taste good, the main thing is the raw material. As long as the tea is good enough, just boil it with boiling water."

"That's good, I'm afraid making tea is as difficult as cooking Chinese food."

Before Serena and Linda often went to authentic Sichuan restaurants, they really liked mapo tofu. After returning home, Serena tried to make mapo tofu at home. Later, she found it was too difficult, so she gave up.

"It's not difficult to make tea, but it's definitely not easy to buy good tea. Besides, look at the price, we can't usually afford it."

Linda clicked her lips, nodded and said, "Indeed, a pot of tea costs 39 dollars."

"Still the cheapest one."

"Well, the cheapest one, the key is to drink their tea, but there is still a queue."

The two of them queued for this position for more than 40 minutes, but they had better luck and lined up upstairs by the window.

"I heard that Americans drink more tea now than before," Serena said.

"Really?" Linda was very surprised, "How do you know?"

"I saw the data given by a survey and consulting organization on Deep Space Tribe. In 1997, the proportion of regular green tea in American households was only 2000%, but by 20.00, this data had increased to [-]%[-]."

"There are so many?" Linda was even more surprised.

20.00% six, which means that more than a quarter of households in the United States always have green tea, which is beyond her imagination. The United States is a coffee kingdom, and basically everyone drinks coffee. Things like green tea should be very Few people drink it.

Serena was not surprised by Linda's reaction, she said with a smile, "I was also surprised when I saw the data. Later, I read the data carefully and realized that the green tea they mentioned is not just green tea, but also green tea. There are some instant teas and bottled green teas. Americans don’t like to brew tea leaves and pour out the tea leaves. But I also heard from many Chinese netizens that instant tea and bottled green tea are not considered tea in the eyes of Chinese people.”

"It's not surprising, and is there any strange hot tea that Americans can drink?"

"So they all drink ice, which is to put the tea made with tea bags into ice cubes, and then add lemon and tea."

"Aren't there a lot of people in London drinking like that too?"

Serena looked around again on the second floor, "However, most of the people in this teahouse are not of Asian descent, which proves that this teahouse still has a great market in the local area."

There are also rumors that this teahouse was opened by Jimmy James, the owner of Deep Space Corporation, so the business is so good. However, after Serena and the others came to observe on the spot, they felt that this speculation was not very reasonable. It's not like it's because of Jimmy James.

The two drank a pot of tea for a long time, and when they arrived at the restaurant, they each ordered a "crystal".

They came today just for the crystal. Before they came to Manhattan, someone recommended it. If you think of authentic dumplings in China, you must go to Satisfied Tea House. Although the price is not cheap, the taste is absolutely delicious.

Satisfied with the pork and corn dumplings in the teahouse, even if they are placed in China, they are considered to be delicious.

The reason why the dumplings are so good is that on the one hand, the ingredients are good, and on the other hand, it is also because the chefs in the back kitchen are all top chefs recruited from China.

After Serena and Linda ate it, they were also full of praise, saying that the netizens were not lying, the dumplings were really delicious, and they were quite in line with their taste, with a sweet feeling.

It can be said that apart from being expensive, there are actually no disadvantages in being satisfied with the things in the teahouse.

After eating, the two walked out of Yiyi Teahouse, wandered around the neighborhood, and finally stopped when they reached an Internet cafe.

It stands to reason that the two of them traveled all the way from the UK to travel, so there was really no need to waste time in an Internet cafe, but today happened to be the day when the Duck Web website was officially launched, so the two wanted to find an Internet cafe to witness the launch of the website.

The business in the Internet cafe was relatively good. When the two of them entered, the attendance rate was already very high, but it was not yet full, and they still found two consecutive seats.

The duck-web website was launched at nine o’clock in New York time, and it’s only past seven o’clock, and there are still nearly two hours left. Linda chose to visit the Deep Space Tribe, while Serena chose to log in to .

In addition to watching dramas and variety shows, she usually likes to play video games. Recently, "Warcraft 3" is about to be released, so she pays more attention to it.

At the beginning of the year, I was already talking about the launch of "Warcraft 3". At that time, YU also specifically mentioned this matter at the Deep Space Annual Meeting, but it has been delayed for more than half a year, and it has not yet launched. It is said that it will be September [-]st. It will be officially launched at the time of the number.

There is still half a month, and now everyone is discussing this matter.

Serena never took "Warcraft 3" seriously before. After all, she prefers to play "StarCraft". She thinks that "Warcraft 3" is a weakened version of "StarCraft". The style of painting has nothing to do with the gameplay itself.

But looking at the situation now, Serena felt that maybe "Warcraft 3" could really surprise them.

After browsing, Serena opened Space again. Now she opens the computer and habitually opens three softwares, one is Dongdong, the other is, and the other is Space. Even if she doesn’t play games that day, You must also open all these three softwares, otherwise you will always feel that there is something missing.

In space, she used to play Plants vs. Zombies the most, and now she plays "Minecraft" most. This game is very time-consuming. Sometimes after entering the game, she feels like she has nothing to do, and time slips away. gone.

Some time ago, she wanted to synthesize a new Chinese ancient sword "Fish Gut" in the game, which took at least six hours. This was only after she had seen the basic strategy, otherwise it would be much more difficult.

It's the same this time. Before I entered the game, I didn't really want to play this game, but after entering it, I unknowingly invested in it again. Recently, a big guy has researched a jet barrel. It is said that as long as it is used properly, it can Flying machines have been made with this jet barrel, but no one has succeeded so far.

Of course, it is very difficult to make this kind of jet barrel first. Many materials are relatively scarce, and she does not have these materials on hand, so she can only find and synthesize them slowly.

By the time Linda patted her on the arm, she hadn't even found all the ingredients for a jet barrel.

"It's almost nine o'clock."

Linda nodded, plugged in the game page, and waited to enter the address of Duck Web Duck Web in the website address bar.

Before nine o'clock, she tried many times, and every time the web page was opened, there was only one word "stay tuned".

The two slowly counted the time, and when it was exactly nine o'clock, they clicked directly into the website.

At this time, the original "stay tuned" word is no longer there, but a complete website.

At this time, the most conspicuous place on this website is a large video cover with YU on it.

"YU's video."

Serena yelled excitedly, and then clicked into the video step by step.

The video started to play, and the YU inside also started to move.

"Hello everyone, I'm YU, I'm very happy to be able to record the first video for the duck web site, the slogan of the duck web site is 'be your own director', so today I won't bother others, I will shoot by myself Now, next, I will take you to see what I will do in a day? It is morning, there is a class in school today, I usually get up and go to the school cafeteria to eat..."

"After breakfast, I go to the office first, and then to the classroom."

"There is no class in the afternoon, and Teacher Cheng also has no class. The two of us will go back to Luoyuan for dinner."

"Look, Mr. Cheng is leading little friend Yu to play the piano. I believe that after a while, little friend Yu's piano skills will surpass mine."

The whole video is not long, only about three minutes in total. Yu Dong briefly showed his daily life, and also took pictures of his family members, but except for Cheng Yanqiu, everyone else took pictures of their backs or profiles. included in one.

In the video, Yu Dong speaks Chinese, but with English subtitles, so Serena and the others don't seem to be under any pressure.

After watching the video, Serena found that the bottom of this video was the same as the Deep Space Tribe, showing the number of views and reposts of the video. In just a few minutes, the number of views of the video exceeded [-], and there were dozens of reposts. As soon as it is refreshed, these two data will go up.

There are also hundreds of comments in the comment area below.

[Don't look at it yet, grab the first one. 】

[Seeing my comment, you are no longer the number one. 】

【sofa. 】

【sofa. 】

[How can there be so many sofas, you are all floors. 】

【It's finally online. 】

[Being your own director is a very emotional sentence. 】

[English subtitles are well received. 】

[It seems that it is possible to post a video, I will try it out. 】


After scanning the comment area, Serena found the retweet button and was about to retweet it too.

After pressing the forward button, the system prompted her to log in, and she realized that she hadn't logged in, so she hurried to log in again.

She had logged in many times before, and she had logged in directly with her Dongdong account.

After logging in, she pressed the forward button again, and then two options popped up: "Forward to Duck Web Space" or "Forward to Dongdong Friends".

"Can you still forward it to your friends?"

Serena muttered, and chose to forward it to Dongdong friends out of curiosity, but the page did not go to Dongdong, but it was prompted that the link had been copied, and she understood when she saw this, so she opened Dongdong and found Linda's account, paste the link.

Linda was still reading the comment section. After receiving the message, she asked Serena, "What is this?"

"Here is the link to this video, click it and try it out."


Linda clicked the link, and the web page directly opened the video page of Yu Dong in the duck web, which was quite smooth.

Seeing that the link could be clicked, Serena tried "forwarding to Duck Web Space" again, this time instead of copying the link, it was directly transferred to the personal space, and there was a forward page with a text input box on it .

Serena tried to write a sentence in the text input box, then clicked confirm to forward, and then saw a forwarded video in his personal space, which gave her the same feeling as the deep space tribe, except Deep space tribes are words and pictures, and here is video.

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