Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 104 Ordinary Good Friends

Chapter 104 Ordinary Good Friends
After Su Tong got the manuscript, he returned it to Yu Dong, because he knew that Yu Dong was expanding and revising the manuscript recently.

Equal East put the manuscript back in his room, and the four of them sat together and chatted in a harmonious atmosphere, as if nothing happened just now.

Cheng Yongxing came a bit late, so he asked about the situation of the International Book Fair: "I was quite surprised when I received the notice before. Aren't the fairs in previous years held in autumn? Why is it so much earlier this year?"

In fact, Yu Dong has always been puzzled. He has never participated in the International Book Fair, but this fair is very well-known in the book industry, and he has heard of it before.In my impression, this exhibition is held every two years, and it has always been held in autumn.

Mo Yan said with a smile, "Actually, this time it can't be regarded as an official international book fair. The full name should be Yanjing International Book Fair Publicity Conference. The last fair was not as satisfactory, and the number of exhibits was even higher than the previous one." The decline, so this year I want to do some publicity in advance.”

Cheng Yongxing nodded and said, "It's understandable."

Knowing that it was not an official exposition, none of them seemed disappointed.After all, things like book fairs are not closely related to them.

Domestic publishers, booksellers and exhibitors pay more attention to such exhibitions than they do, because the exhibition directly involves copyright trade.

Cheng Yongxing and Yu Dong came here just to broaden their contacts and get to know more publishers and authors.

As long as there are publishers and authors attending the conference tomorrow, their trip will be worthwhile.

Then Mo Yan revealed another news, "Although there were fewer exhibits in the previous exhibition, the copyright trade increased several times. The leaders of this year want to make persistent efforts to increase the number of copyright trade."

"I've heard about this." Su Tong took over the conversation and said, "If I remember correctly, the number of copyright trades in the last session was 88, while the second exhibition in 70 had only more than [-] copyright trades. Four or five times."

"That's right, so the Book Import and Export Corporation is going to do a big job this year." Mo Yan laughed.

Yu Dong also nodded secretly. Over the years, the domestic publishing industry has actually developed very well, and it has become more and more ambitious.And just this year, China will join the Berne Convention and the Universal Copyright Convention, which will inevitably attract more and more overseas publishers and booksellers to enter the domestic market.

However, this is actually not good news for domestic writers, because the influx of foreign publishers and booksellers will inevitably make domestic publishers purchase the copyrights of a large number of foreign works.

As a result, the living space of domestic writers will be squeezed.As long as domestic publishers invest less manpower and material resources, they can publish excellent foreign works, and it is difficult to focus on cultivating domestic works.

Cheng Yongxing and Su Tong both know this, but they have full confidence in domestic works.Moreover, the emergence of this kind of situation may also be an opportunity for domestic writers.

Foreign works can come in, and domestic works can naturally go out.We don't have to sell copyrights for a little foreign exchange, but to present China's overall image to the world and promote domestic culture and literature to the world with a new attitude.


The next morning, Yu Dong and his team arrived at the International Exhibition Center at No. [-], North Third Ring Road East.

For Yu Dong, this international exhibition center is an old one.But for Su Tong and the others, this is a new museum.

The International Exhibition Center was completed in 85, and it is still the largest exhibition hall in China so far. Now there is only the first phase, and the construction of the second phase will not start until this summer.

Although it is not a formal exposition, the scene is still very lively.

Without cutting the ribbon, Yu Dong and the others entered the exhibition hall directly.The [-]-square-meter hall displays books from nearly a hundred publishing institutions in more than a dozen countries and regions.

In addition, there are quite a few publicity booths for the exhibition, the main content of which is the official International Book Fair this fall.

In one morning, under the leadership of Su Tong and others, Yu Dong got to know no less than thirty publishing houses and booksellers, as well as countless writers.

Some of them Yu Dong had heard of the names before, and some of them had no memory at all.

Most writers come to the exhibition, in fact, to broaden their network.In any part of the world, connections are of extraordinary importance.

Writers are not gods who don't eat fireworks. On the contrary, in this era, they know the importance of connections better than most ordinary people.

Yu Dong followed Su Tong and the others behind him, and he was considered a "fake tiger". Even people who have no impression of his works or who are not interested in his works will give false compliments.

But whether they will criticize Yu Dong behind his back as a villain who relies on connections to make money is unknown.

Throughout the morning, what impressed Yu Dong the most was Wang Shuo who he met before lunch.

Different from others, Wang Shuo is a willful person. When he saw Yu Dong and his party, he shouted that he was bored and bluntly stated his purpose for coming here.

"I was thinking of getting to know some famous people, but I didn't expect that most of the people who came here today were irrelevant masters. Fortunately, I met you, otherwise I'm fucking in vain today."

Wang Shuo spoke in a ruffian manner, and Yu Dong and the others were not surprised. Many people in Yanjing spoke in this way.

But the difference is that most people in Yanjing keep their heads down in public or when they meet unfamiliar people.

Wang Shuo who was present had never seen Yu Dong before, and asked with a smile: "Who is this, face-to-face."

Cheng Yongxing helped introduce: "Yu Dong, he just published an article "Death of a Widow" on "Harvest"."

Hearing Cheng Yongxing's introduction, Wang Shuo immediately became interested, "Coincidentally, your novel is next to mine "You Are Not an Ordinary Man", and the back of my novel is yours. I don't like to read my own novels. Things, usually start from the back of my work, and the first article I read in this issue of "Harvest" is yours."

Yu Dong said with a smile: "I also watched "You Are Not an Ordinary Man", which is very interesting. I am deeply impressed by the Sanhao Association in it."

Wang Shuo said with a smile: "You southerners are fake modesty."

Cheng Yongxing rolled his eyelids and said, "You attack too broadly, and you are biased."

"I'm telling the truth." Wang Shuo smiled and waved his hand, "Stop sticking here, it's dinner time, I'm the host today, please go and have a meal."

He wanted to invite him to dinner, but everyone didn't refuse and went out together.

Cheng Yongxing walked behind, and smiled with Yu Dong: "Wang Shuo is very poor in mouth, but he is not bad, and his works are also very good. As for making can only be good friends, not ordinary friends."

Yu Dongrao asked with interest: "How do you say that?"

Mo Yan smiled and said, "If you have a friend who catches you and scolds you every day, you won't be able to bear it. If you can, are you still an ordinary friend?"

Yu Dong took it seriously and said, "That makes sense."

Wang Shuo is the kind of person who can get along well with him, so he doesn't care about his little problems, and even thinks he is frank.

But what did Yu Dong think of, and asked: "Then are you good friends or ordinary friends with him?"

Cheng Yongxing laughed: "We are ordinary good friends."


 Thank you [Moshang Chuxing] for the 100 tip
  Thank you [Book Friend 150730103431460] for the 100 reward of the boss
  Thank you [Ten Years of Waste Wood] for the 500 reward
(End of this chapter)

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