Chapter 105 Is It You Too?
Wang Shuo is good at bragging, but sometimes people can't tell whether he is bragging or telling the truth.

Especially in recent years, Wang Shuo is really popular.

How hot is it?
As soon as his novels were written, mainstream publications published them for him, such as "Harvest", "Zhongshan", "Contemporary", "People's Literature", "Flower City" and other well-known publications have published his novels. Novels, and often more than one.

As for the film and television dramas adapted from his novels, or simply written by him, the number of TV dramas in just a few years is beyond count.

In particular, "Desire", which was broadcast the year before last, caused crowds to empty out the scene, and even set a TV drama rating record in one fell swoop.

There is also the upcoming mainland's first TV sitcom "The Story of the Editorial Department", which is also highly anticipated.

And Yu Dong knew that "The Story of the Editorial Department" was loved by the audience as soon as it was broadcast, and it also made Ge You, who was not very famous at the time, famous in one fell swoop, and won the Golden Eagle Award for Best Actor for his role as Li Dongbao.

In the past few years, although there have been many different opinions on Wang Shuo in the mainstream literary circles, in the entertainment industry, he is like a god, as if anyone who matches him can become popular.

As for those voices in the mainstream literary world—no one can be sure whether there is a mainstream in literature.

If there is a mainstream, then who is the mainstream?
Then again, the literary world has become a bit weird in recent years. Writers want to be mainstream, but most of them don't admit that they are mainstream.

On the one hand, he secretly advertises that he is the mainstream, but once he is said to be the mainstream, he feels a little unhappy.

why you are not feeling happy?
Because literature needs to be unconventional and have its own characteristics. If it is too mainstream, is it still called literature?
In Yu Dong's opinion, Wang Shuo's works should be serious literature that is not too serious, with some pure literature that is not too pure.

These words are not derogatory, but that Wang Shuo's works are very "breaking the tradition".

"What kind of cultural person am I?"

During the meal, Wang Shuo didn't know what was talked about, so he came up with this sentence.

Cheng Yongxing said with a half-smile, "Wang Shuo, you say that you are not a cultural person, but you are actually falsely modest, and you are also very cunning."

Wang Shuo didn't speak, and looked at Cheng Yongxing with a cigarette in his mouth. The latter continued, "Don't be fooled by him. This is his usual trick. First mark yourself as a hooligan, and then anyone who provokes him will take it for granted. , without psychological burden to fight with others. When both sides scolded back and forth, the other party fell into his trap. Anyway, he calls himself a hooligan, and it is only natural for him to swear, but when the other party scolds him, he immediately quit When a tall cultural person falls from a high platform, it is someone else who falls to his death and becomes disabled in the end."

"It's true, I didn't think about it so much myself, it shows how insidious you are." Wang Shuo said the last sentence with a smile, but he didn't continue to refute.

The others looked at each other and smiled. Everyone knew that Wang Shuo was also a kind of wisdom in life, but no one could do what he did. He threw himself off the literati seat from the very beginning.

At this time, Wang Shuo looked at Yu Dong, "You don't look like a Shanghainese."

Before Yu Dong responded, Cheng Yongxing was upset at first, "I just said that you have a stereotype of Shanghai people."

Wang Shuo laughed and said, "I only have stereotypes of people from Shanghai and certain places, but you people from Shanghai have stereotypes of people from all other places."

Cheng Yongxing flicked the cigarette ash, but did not speak.Su Tong next to him laughed straight at the sight, and he thought that someone finally cured Cheng Yongxing.

Aren't you a rascal, there are people more rascal than you.

However, Wang Shuo did not continue to talk about the geographical issue, but said to Dong: "After I watched your "Death of a Widow", I felt a little impressed by the name, and then I remembered that I saw it in "Zhongshan". I deliberately took out "Mending the Sky" and re-read it again. Don't say it, it still has some meaning. Also, it was published in the newspaper before, and you were the one who sold the film and television adaptation rights for a high price."

Except for Su Tong, the others at the scene looked at Yu Dong with puzzled faces. They didn't know what Wang Shuo meant by selling film and television adaptation rights at a high price.

Seeing their reaction, Wang Shuo laughed in surprise, "Don't tell me that you guys don't know about it. This is not a small matter. I have read the news in both newspapers."

Wang Shuo continued to ponder the expressions of the few of them, making sure that they really didn't know about it, and smiled even more presumptuously: "You guys are really careless."

Facing the doubts on the faces of several people, Yu Dong explained with a smile: "It's not a big deal, I published a novel in "Science Fiction Literature" before, and an American director valued it and bought the film and television adaptation rights. Yes, journalists in the media did some exaggerated descriptions and wrote news reports."

Su Tong immediately followed up and said, "I know about this, and I think it's a good thing. In recent years, everyone has been emphasizing that literature should broaden the boundaries and broaden the boundaries. But no one has said where the boundaries are. Since no one knows where the boundaries are Where, then what should we do to broaden the boundaries? I think science fiction is a new attempt.”

The scene was silent for a while, the news was a bit sudden to them.But they feel that hearing the news now is not as explosive as it used to be.

In the past few years, China has developed rapidly, and many writers have moved their minds and wanted to "go to sea" to make money.

In such an environment, it seems that it is not unacceptable for someone to suddenly go to write science fiction.Moreover, this novel written by Yu Dong was also used by Americans to make a movie, which added a more acceptable aura to it.

After a period of silence, Mo Yan was the first to speak, and said with a smile: "This is a good thing, and I have gone abroad. Next time I have a chance, I will find this novel to read. I think since Being able to be chosen to make a movie must be something special."

Cheng Yongxing pursed his lips, and took off the cigarette that was about to stick to his lips, "Actually, I know Tan Kai from "Science Fiction World". That’s right, you should have told us. Like what Old Su said, literature seeks to broaden the boundaries, and since you have tried it, it’s a good thing to share it with everyone.”

Wang Shuo on the side teased: "I don't tell you, you don't know what to do in your own mind, isn't it because you are afraid that you will look down on me?"

Cheng Yongxing was about to refute, but Yu Dong shook his head and said, "I didn't intend to hide it, otherwise I wouldn't be willing to publish science fiction with my real name. But in my opinion, this is not something that has to be said, you guys I didn’t come to ask, so I naturally didn’t need to say anything.”

Hearing Yu Dong's words, Wang Shuo picked up Thumb and said to Dong, "Well, this matter has been done openly, there is no need to cover it up, other people's opinions are nothing."

 Thank you [DP1988] for the 1500 reward
  Thank you [Angel with Broken Wings 06] for your reward
  I want to make a pretty good recommendation on Sunday. From that day on, I will strive for more than three updates a day, and write a little more during the free period.
(End of this chapter)

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