Chapter 106 Inculcation

After lunch, Wang Shuo left first, and he didn't plan to go to the expo either. According to what he said, just come and take a look at this thing, and it's not interesting to see too much.Moreover, this exposition is half-baked, and there is nothing to watch at all.

Yu Dong and the others finally came here, and of course they couldn't leave easily, so they still went to the exhibition center in the afternoon.

But in the afternoon they were separated and did not get together.

Yu Dong felt more comfortable walking in the exhibition hall by himself. No one knew him, so he didn't need to spend too much energy dealing with others. He could freely and actively look at what he was interested in.

Until [-]:[-] or [-]:[-] in the afternoon, when Yu Dong was about to leave the expo to visit Hu Yueming at school, he met Huang Jie, the person in charge of Sichuan Shu People's Publishing House at the expo.

On the booth of Chuanshu People's Publishing House, in addition to the books they had published, there was also the magazine "Longmen Zhen" edited by their agency. Yu Dong had some impressions of this magazine, so he stopped to take a look.

As for the magazine "Dragon Gate Array", it has nothing to do with literature, but its content is humorous, witty, and close to life, and it is widely circulated in the market.It is somewhat similar in style to the "Yangzi Evening News" that Yu Dong bought by mistake, except that the former is a serious and genuine publication.

Two colleagues went to other booths to "spy on the military situation". Huang Jie stayed at the booth alone. When he saw a young man with outstanding bearing stop by, he approached with a smile and introduced: "Hi sir, we people from Sichuan and Shu The publishing house is a time-honored brand with strong comprehensiveness and a wide range of coverage..."

After listening to the other party's introduction, Yu Dong nodded with a smile and said, "Of course I know the reputation of your publishing house. But I'm not a bookseller. I just saw your "Dragon Gate Formation" and became interested to come and have a look."

The implication is to let the other party stop wasting time on themselves.

However, Huang Jie still said with a smile: "It doesn't matter if you are a bookseller or not. We welcome anyone to learn about our publishing house and the works we publish. Of course, "Dragon Gate Array" is also a publication with local characteristics. Our publishing house I have always placed high hopes on it. Oh, by the way, I am Huang Jie from the marketing department of the publishing house, I don’t know what to call my husband?"

Yu Dong looked at Huang Jie, then reached out to shake his hand.

Huang Jie looks to be in his 30s, wearing a decent suit and combing his hair meticulously.His overall demeanor doesn't look like he works in a publishing house, but rather like a peddler in a trading market.

The professional smile on his face is easy to remind people of the lobby manager in a high-end hotel.

"My name is Yu Dong, nice to meet you." Yu Dong reported his name with a smile.

"In the East?"

Hearing Yu Dong's name, the smile on Huang Jie's face became strange. He stared at Yu Dong's face seriously for a while, and couldn't help asking: "I don't know Mr. Yu, do you know Yang Xiao from "Science Fiction World"?" President?"

"You want to ask me if I have published works in "Science Fiction World"."

Huang Jie nodded embarrassedly, "Yes, so you are Yu Dong, the author of "One Day" and "Second World"?"

"Well, it's me."

After receiving an affirmative answer, Huang Jie said with a smile: "I didn't expect to meet you here, please sit down quickly, and I'll pour you a glass of water."

Yu Dong shook his head, "I have something to do later, so I won't sit down, I'm really sorry."

"Understand, understand, then I won't waste your time, please let me know when you have time to go to Sichuan and Shu, I like your works very much, I don't read much science fiction, but you are in "Zhongshan" and I have read both of the two novels published in "Harvest"." Huang Jie boasted fiercely to Yu Dong, and then returned to the main topic: "Our Sichuan People's Publishing House has always been thirsty for books. If you have any ideas about publishing works in the future, you can contact us. And we have a good relationship with "Science Fiction World", and there will be many opportunities for cooperation in the future."

Seeing what Huang Jie said, Yu Dong couldn't help but look at him differently.

Today, many publishers have offered an olive branch to Dongpo, but Huang Jie is the most enthusiastic and sincere among them.

No matter whether he comes from the heart or puts on a show, at least his performance makes people feel very comfortable, and other publishing houses always have a bit of superiority.

In fact, it is also understandable that Yu Dongchu entered the literary world as a real newcomer. Apart from science fiction, he has only published two novels in magazines.

It is true that the quality of the novel is not bad, but it cannot be said that it is the kind of article that has caused shocks in the literary world.

There are many people like Yu Dong who publish one or two novels every year that make people's eyes shine, but they may disappear every other year.

Most of the publishing houses have tasks assigned by their superiors and some well-known writers who regularly cooperate with them. Naturally, they don't pay much attention to newcomers like Dong.

Yu Dong will get in touch with these publishing houses sooner or later, so Huang Jie, who is proactive and enthusiastic, will naturally not push it away. He said with a smile: "Okay, I guess I will go to Rongcheng in a short time, and I will definitely go to your company when the time comes." visit."


After saying goodbye to Huang Jie, Yu Dong left the exhibition hall, first went to buy some gifts, and then prepared to visit his teacher Hu Yueming.

At this time, Hu Yueming should not be in the office, so Yu Dong went straight to Hu Yueming's apartment.

Yu Dong was lucky, Hu Yueming was at home at this time.

Hu Yueming was reading the newspaper, when he heard someone knock on the door, he yelled "Here we are" and got up to open the door.

When he saw Yu Dong standing at the door, he pushed his glasses unexpectedly: "Why are you here, kid?"

"Isn't it because I have no place to eat when I came to Yanjing? When it's time for dinner, I remembered my wife's craftsmanship and came over with a shy face to beg for a meal." Yu Dong raised his things again, "Hey, bring meal ticket."

Hu Yueming stared at the things in Yu Dong's hand, and said in surprise: "This Wuliangye is 40 yuan less now, why do you bring such a good wine?"

"What else can I do, let me drink it for you." While talking, Yu Dong walked in with his things, and said as he walked, "Where is Mrs. Shi, let me say hello to her."

"She went to play cards." Hu Yueming rushed up to Yu Dong, grabbed his hand and said, "Keep the other things, you can take this wine and return it later, how much is your salary for a month, so much?"

Yu Dong said with a smile: "Didn't I earn some extra money by writing novels? Just buy it this time, and I will definitely not buy this wine next time. I finally came back to school to have a drink with you. Didn't you say that before?" , people must indulge once in a while, otherwise the shape of the soul will be distorted, but I remember your earnest teaching."

 Thank you [Love is Loneliness] Big Brother for the 5000 reward
  Thank you [Yang Guang] for the 500 reward
  Yang Guang's nickname is really powerful...

(End of this chapter)

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