Chapter 107 is so random
After entering the house, putting down his things, Yu Dong looked around the room.

Hu Yueming lives in a two-bedroom apartment, and the living room is not big, but it has a spacious balcony with plenty of light.

There is no study room in his house, but it can be said that there are study rooms everywhere. Basically, in this house, books and newspapers may be found everywhere you look.

Even the coffee table had a copy of Rousseau's Confessions under the broken foot.

This "Confessions" is still in French, so it should be some years old.Back then, Hu Yueming bought this book admiringly, but after reading it, he was very displeased, and because he felt sorry for the money he had spent, he was not willing to throw it away.

Later, one of the legs of the coffee table was broken, so he found the "Confessions" and put it down, and it was just right, which made him shout: It turns out that its destination has already been determined.

But those who like Rousseau may find it difficult to accept this situation.

"Your mistress will be back in a while, you sit down first, and I'll cook."

"I'll help you." Yu Dong said immediately.

Hu Yueming sneered: "Do you have this ability?"

This straight-to-heart question made Yu Dong sit down resentfully, he really didn't have the ability.

Hu Yueming was tinkling busy in the kitchen, Yu Dong was not polite, ran to pour himself a cup of tea, and copied a copy of "Secret Stories of the Tang Dynasty" to read.

This book looks very new, it should not be long since I bought it, and it was placed on the coffee table again, probably Hu Yueming is reading it recently.

This is a collection of short stories written by Wang Xiaobo.

The name Wang Xiaobo has been known to people, probably since the People's Daily reported in October last year that "The Golden Age" won the "United Daily News" Literary Award for Novella.

However, this report last year was published in the overseas edition of "People's Daily", so the news did not spread widely in China.

It was not until "Golden Age" was published in China with difficulty that Wang Xiaobo gained some popularity.

It's just that this popularity is insignificant compared with that after his death.

Later, Wang Xiaobo's fire may also be related to his death, but his works can cause such a big response, definitely not only because of his death.

Yu Dong was actually quite surprised when he saw "Secret Stories of the Tang Dynasty". After all, it is not easy to find a copy of Wang Xiaobo's work at this time, but he did not expect the teacher to have a copy here.

He held the book and read for a while, when Hu Yueming's lover Xu Qinghua opened the door and came back.

As soon as he entered the door, Xu Qinghua shouted at the top of his voice: "Old Hu, what day is it today? I'm cooking, tsk tsk, and fried meat."

Before Hu Yueming in the kitchen could respond, Xu Qinghua saw Yu Dong in the living room, and said with surprise, "Yu Yu, why are you here?"

Xu Qinghua is six or seven years younger than Hu Yueming, and is less than 50 years old this year. He is very energetic and does not look old.And she is very enthusiastic, Hu Yueming often brings her favorite students home, she always cooks a table of dishes for entertaining, and often asks about their relatives.

She and Hu Yueming have a son who is in his early 30s. He was assigned to Gan Province after graduating from Renmin University. Later, he married a wife and had children and settled down there. He only came back once or twice a year.

Probably because of this, she treats Hu Yueming's students very well, just like she treats her own children.

Yu Dong is Hu Yueming's favorite student, and he looks clean, so she treats Dong the best, and asks him to eat at home more often than anyone else.

"I came to Yanjing to participate in an event. I just have some time today, so I came to see you and the teacher." Yu Dong stood up and said.

"You should have informed us earlier, then I won't go out to play cards this afternoon." She then ran to the kitchen in a hurry, "Old Hu, what else is there at home, do you want me to go out and buy some cooked food again?" .”

Yu Dong also ran over, "Master, don't bother, it's not the first time I've come here."

Hu Yueming held the spoon and glanced at his wife, "Could it be that I have to prepare a full banquet for him when this kid comes? Don't worry, there are enough dishes."

Xu Qinghua glanced at the pot, then rolled up his sleeves and snatched the spoon from Hu Yueming's hand: "Let me come, you and Yu go to the living room to chat."

Hu Yueming was not polite either, and took off the apron to tie it on for his wife, then washed his hands and brought Yu Dong back to the living room.

After the two sat down, Hu Yueming began to ask about Yu Dong's recent situation.

During this period of time, they communicated a few letters, but there was very little that could be said in the letters, so it is better to have a clear chat in person.Yu Dong had mentioned in his letter about writing science fiction novels before, but this time Hu Yueming asked about it on purpose.

After Yu Dong told the general situation, Hu Yueming said with a smile: "You have made a lot of money, so I don't have to worry about drinking this wine today. I usually pay less attention to science fiction, and it is hard for me to read it now. I have paid attention, since you have done this, do it well. It is a good thing to make money, but I still remind you not to be blinded by money. In the past two years, many writers have started to write commercial novels. I don’t think it is a bad thing. It’s just that commercial novels should have their own bottom line and principles.”

"I remember." Yu Dong nodded and said.

Hu Yueming looked at Yu Dong for a while, and suddenly laughed twice, "I'm also guilty of old problems. Since you have graduated, I shouldn't lecture you."

"A teacher for a day, a teacher for a lifetime, I will always listen to your teachings."

Hu Yueming waved his hand, "This is pedantic, am I the best teacher in the world, am I a sage, are my words all golden laws and regulations? No, since they are not, you have to choose what I say. Listen. Forget it... I'm preaching again."

After speaking, they laughed again, and they started chatting about other things.


Later, during dinner, Yu Dong chatted with Hu Yueming about his upcoming open class at Jinyi.

Hu Yueming and the old couple were very interested in this, and they tried their best to give Yu Dong advice and impart experience.

After listening to the experience taught by Hu Yueming and the others, Yu Dong also became more confident.

The teacher has taught in school for so many years, and the experience he has is his greatest wealth. It is possible that Yu Dong can learn less than one tenth of it in four years of university.

This time, learning from Hu Yueming is also an important purpose for coming here.


The next morning, Yu Dong and Su Tong caught the train and went back to Jinling. It was already midnight when they arrived there. They found a hotel to sleep at random, and they didn't go back until the morning.

After Yu Dong returned to school, he got an important piece of news, that is, the fact that he held an open class had been announced in the school.

He also deliberately went to the bulletin board to read the content of the notice, which said that voluntary registration for the open class, just report to the designated classroom on Friday night.

Wu Changxin also called Yu Dong to the office and explained the matter to him in detail. On Friday night, both the students signed up and the first class.Starting from this Friday, there will be two classes every Friday night for five weeks.

At the same time, Wu Changxin also said that if the response to the first round of classes is not bad, the class hours can be extended, or the second round of classes can be held this semester. Anyway, it is not linked to the class hours stipulated by the state, so it can be so casual.

 Thank you [Yang Guang] for the 1500 reward
  Let me know, it will be three more tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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