Chapter 1040 Plum Blossom Pile

On the penultimate day of August and the last Friday in August, "Pirates of the Caribbean" met with the audience "as promised".

Audiences have been waiting for this movie for too long. At the beginning of last year, there was news that it was about to be released, but there was no definite news after waiting for a year. This year, there was no news for a long time until June and July. Deep Space Corporation and Disney have only begun to increase their promotional efforts for the film.

When the audience saw that Deep Space Company and Disney had increased their promotional efforts, they knew that the movie should be released, and this time there was no ticket delay, and it was indeed released as scheduled.

At the end of August, there were no competitors in this schedule. After the release of "Pirates of the Caribbean", it directly swept away other small shrimps that were currently in theaters, and even "The Bourne Shadow" was deeply affected.

The North American box office of "The Bourne Movie" has just broken through [-] million US dollars, and it is heading towards a higher figure. It was affected and stopped suddenly.

According to the current situation, it is basically hopeless for the North American box office of "The Bourne Shadow" to exceed 5000 million US dollars, but it will definitely exceed 2000 million US dollars.

This kind of box office has fully met expectations, after all, the production cost of this movie is less than 6000 million US dollars.Now it is only released in North America, and after it is released in other countries and regions, the box office can rise a lot.

And even if there is no box office in other countries and regions, the box office of 2000 million US dollars is enough for Deep Space Company to earn, because movies like "Bourne Shadow" will definitely perform very well in subsequent DVD sales.


Before "Pirates of the Caribbean" was released, many organizations made predictions about the movie's box office. The predictions made by many organizations were not much different. The box office in North America was between 7000 million and 8000 million U.S. dollars. , the global box office is between 4000 million US dollars and [-] million US dollars.

This prediction is actually okay, but only okay.

If the script was not written by YU, and it was jointly produced by Deep Space Corporation and Disney, the predicted data may drop a lot.Of the 4000 million U.S. dollars in box office worldwide, only [-] million U.S. dollars was given out for the sake of YU and Disney.

The reason is simple. Pirate-themed film and television works have not achieved very good results in recent years. Disney has made pirate-themed animated films before, but the results are very poor.

The reason why Disney wants to make pirate movies is not because it wants to make money from movies, but because it wants to make a pirate-themed pavilion.

Moreover, the cost of the film is too high, as high as [-] million U.S. dollars. With such a high cost, it is naturally more difficult to make money.

Some people predict that this may be a movie in which Deep Space Corporation invests more but makes less money, and may even not make money.

Not every movie of Deep Space Company can make money. Many of the niche movies they produce basically do not make money, but as long as the investment is high, they can definitely make money, and the profits are very high.

Many people expressed their incomprehension, because Deep Space Company was able to remain invincible without any investment at all. It only needed to sell the script to Disney and then provide some shooting services.

But Deep Space Company did not do this. It not only provided scripts and filming services, but also invested almost the same amount as Disney, and finally got more film copyrights.But in this way, more risks are taken. If you spend tens of millions of dollars, you will lose as long as you don’t make a lot of money. After all, you can make a lot of money if you put tens of millions of cash in other places.

The film was delayed for too long before it was released, and Deep Space Company and Sony invested a lot of money in it. If the box office can't sell well, the business will definitely lose money.

It is precisely because everyone has such thoughts, so when the box office of "Pirates of the Caribbean" came out in the first weekend, many people were dumbfounded.

In less than three days, the box office of "Pirates of the Caribbean" reached 6000 million US dollars.

At this time, there are still many people who believe that the box office of "Pirates of the Caribbean" can reach 6000 million US dollars in the first week, but it is only because of the relatively strong publicity of Deep Space Company and Disney, coupled with the addition of the screenwriter YU, the follow-up will definitely not be successful. will be too strong.

But what they didn't expect was that the performance of "Pirates of the Caribbean" in the following week was more violent, and the data was higher than that of the first week, showing an upward trend.

In the second week, for seven full days, the box office of "Pirates of the Caribbean" exceeded 2000 million US dollars, plus the 6000 million US dollars in the first week's box office, the total box office reached 8000 million US dollars.

In just ten days, the box office of "Pirates of the Caribbean" almost surpassed the previous forecasts of major agencies, and now no one doubts that its North American box office will not exceed [-] million US dollars.

According to this trend, the North American box office of "Pirates of the Caribbean" is likely to exceed [-] million US dollars, and the global box office may double, exceeding [-] million US dollars.

The key is that after ten days of word-of-mouth fermentation, the rating of this movie is now very high. Many netizens said that this is the most interesting and special pirate movie they have ever seen.Even though this movie still has many routines of commercial blockbusters, the plots in it can attract people to watch every minute, and the characters of the movie are too successful.

Especially the character of Captain Jack completely astonished the audience. They never thought that a pirate leader would be like this. More importantly, even though the character was strange, they quickly accepted the setting.

Even Disney himself didn't expect that "Pirates of the Caribbean" would be so popular.

When Disney first wanted to make a pirate movie, the purpose was very simple. As they announced to the public, they wanted to develop a pirate theme park. They never thought about making money from movies. If they wanted to make money, they developed Pre-existing IPs are the most reliable.

At that time, they were working closely with Deep Space Corporation, so they tried to invite Yu Dong to help them write a movie script. Unexpectedly, it went well. Yu Dong not only agreed immediately, but also gave the script to written out.

Seeing Yu Dong's script, Disney was very satisfied and decided to use this story.

Yu Dong's script gave Disney more confidence, but even so, they wouldn't have expected the box office to be so good, let alone the follow-up pirate theme park, this movie alone could make them a fortune up.

Now it seems that the global box office of "Pirates of the Caribbean" has a high probability of reaching [-] million U.S. dollars. If it is calculated at [-] million U.S. dollars, even if the cost is as high as [-] million U.S. dollars, the box office split can make a lot of money.


"Pirates of the Caribbean" was released in North America, but what Yu Dong paid most attention to every day during this period was his daughter's going to school.

After careful evaluation, Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu decided to let Yu Yi go to kindergarten this semester. In fact, Yu Yi's performance was better than they expected. Although Yu Yi didn't show any talent, he was not too stage fright. It blends into the environment very quickly.

In fact, Yu Yi didn't speak very clearly, and his expressive ability was not good enough, but generally speaking, he had no problem coping with kindergarten life.

She went to the experimental kindergarten, which is not far from Anren Street. She was dropped off at eight o'clock in the morning, had lunch at school at noon, and was picked up at 04:30 in the evening. Every day, Yu Dong's father-in-law and mother-in-law went to pick her up.

Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu had never shown up at school before. The reason why they decided to send Yu Yi to the experimental kindergarten was that they didn't want others to know that she was their daughter. If she showed up, they might as well send their daughter to the kindergarten in the Deep Space Park go to school.

After their daughter went to school, Yu Dong and his wife had more things to do with their daughter, because every night Yu Dong and the others would go to Anren Street to pick up their daughter, either returning to Jinyi or going to the Shenkong Talent Apartment.

Kindergarten does not have any requirements for the children, it takes them to play every day, and does not teach too many things, but since Yu Yi entered the kindergarten, Cheng Yanqiu has deliberately cultivated her daughter's interest in music, making sure that her daughter At least half an hour of exposure to music.

Yu Yi still likes music very much, but it is limited to listening to her mother playing the piano or singing. Sometimes Cheng Yanqiu wants to induce Yu Yi to try to play the piano, but Yu Yi always looks indifferent and doesn't buy it at all.

On the contrary, when she saw Yu Dong writing, she would run over to participate, but every time she started, she would scribble on the paper, and Yu Dong's pile of good paper was ruined by her.

Seeing that Yu Yi likes to paint and draw, Cheng Yanqiu wondered if his daughter had a talent for painting, and tried to make her daughter learn to paint.

Although the couple don't engage in art, Jinyi Art is very strong, so Cheng Yanqiu took his daughter to the studios of the art department, hoping that her daughter could be influenced by what she saw and heard, and even if she couldn't become a musician or a writer in the future, she might be able to become a painter .

However, Yu Yi did not show a strong talent or interest in painting, she still likes to scribble with a pen in her hand.


More than two weeks later, when Yu Dong went to Anren Street to pick up Yu Yi, his mother-in-law Chen Yuqing said to him: "Today, the teacher assigned a task for you to take Yu Yi to make two plum blossom piles?"

"What plum blossom pile?" Yu Dong was taken aback for a moment, not understanding what it meant.

"The teacher gave the production strategy, which is in a schoolbag, you just follow the strategy and do it."

Yu Dong opened Yu Yi's schoolbag suspiciously, and then found the strategy, and only then did he understand what plum blossom piles are.

The so-called plum blossom pile is to put some cans together, and then wrap them with tape to make a pier. For the sake of beauty, you can use colored paper to hug the pier, or write something on it yourself.

This thing is easy to make, but it takes more than a dozen cans to make two piers, and intact cans are hard to find.

In order to do homework for his daughter, Yu Dong asked someone to buy some canned beer and returned to the Deep Space Talent Apartment, but the wine could not be drunk by Yu Dong, nor could it be thrown away in vain, so Yu Dong ordered a table from the restaurant After the food arrived at home, they called Yu Hua and the others over for a drink.

It was meal time, and Yu Hua had already picked up the bowl to eat, but when he heard that Yu Dong wanted to treat him to dinner, he put down the bowl and chopsticks, and Pi Dian came running over.

Bi Feiyu and the others were not slow. When Yu Hua arrived, he and Wang Xiaobo arrived behind.

After several people arrived, Yu Hua asked Yu Dong curiously, "Why do you suddenly want to treat me to dinner?"

Bi Feiyu glanced at the pile of canned beer on the table, and asked strangely, "When did you invite dinner and start serving beer?"

"Why, let you drink beer and still hate it?"

Bi Feiyu shook his head with a smile, "It's not that I hate you, it's just that your style has changed drastically, I'm really puzzled."

Wang Xiaobo grinned and said, "Why do you two care so much? There is wine and food, let's just eat."

The other two didn't bother, and began to sit down and eat.

During the meal, Yu Dong kept counting the empty wine cans, and when the number of empty wine cans reached the standard, he put down the bowls and stood up, "Eat, I have something to do."

As he spoke, he carried the empty jar to the side and began to make plum blossom stakes according to the strategy.

The few people who were pushing the cups and changing the cups looked at Yu Dong's movements, and they were all dumbfounded.

"Waiyuan, what are you doing?" Yu Hua asked.

Yu Dong smiled and explained, "Isn't this what Yu Yi and his teacher told us to make game props plum blossom piles? To make this thing needs to use empty soda cans, so I asked someone to buy a case of beer."

"Oh, dare you invite us to drink just to make up for your daughter's soda cans. I said, why did you suddenly ask us to eat when it's time for dinner?" Yu Hua muttered.

"For a game prop, you not only pay for a case of beer, but also for a table of food, which is not cheap for a plum blossom pile. Yu Yi only went to kindergarten, and if he went to elementary school in the future, he would still have to pay for it." Got it?"

Wang Xiaobo burped and said, "Actually, you don't need to make such a trouble. Go to the old Wu restaurant at the door and ask the boss for it. They have a lot of empty cans every day, beer and drinks."

Yu Dong said with a smile, "I still want to treat you to a meal."

Yu Hua nodded, "It's not bad, I have good things on my mind."

"Okay, you guys eat first, and I will accompany you after I finish this plum blossom pile."

Yu Dong began to make plum blossom piles in earnest. It was relatively simple to make. He arranged the cans, fixed them with tape, and wrapped them with paper.

There was no such kind of colored paper at home, and the school did not stipulate that colored paper was required, so Yu Dong went to the study to get some waste paper that he had written on before to wrap it.

Not to mention, because there are brush writing on the paper, it looks pretty nice when you hold it up.

After wrapping them in paper, they were then covered with tape. In less than half an hour, Yu Dong made two.

After finishing, he even stepped on it for a try, and it was more stable than he imagined, not to mention children, even adults can play on it.

Throwing the two plum blossom stakes to Yu Yiwan, Yu Dong went to drink with Yu Hua and the others again.

(End of this chapter)

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