The few of them hadn't finished their meal yet, and Cheng Yanqiu also came back from get off work.

Seeing Yu Hua and the others at home, Cheng Yanqiu was also very surprised, "What day is it today, why are you guys drinking?"

Yu Hua said with a smile, "Mr. Cheng, we are here to work for your family."

"Work?" Cheng Yanqiu was even more puzzled, what kind of work could there be at home?Besides, what can these people do?

Bi Feiyu explained with a smile, "Your Zhenzhen school assigned homework for the first time today, making plum blossom piles. The materials needed for the production are empty cans. The staff bought beer. We are here to help him solve the beer in the cans."

As soon as he heard that his daughter's school had assigned homework, Cheng Yanqiu hurried to look at it, and saw that the two plum blossom piles had been made, so he asked, "Who made this plum blossom pile?"

"The plum blossom pile is naturally the member himself, so it's not easy for us to do it for him." Yu Hua laughed.

Cheng Yanqiu gave Yu Dong a thumbs up, and praised: "Comrade Yu Dong is good, capable of writing and martial arts. From now on, the girl's homework will be left to you to tutor."

Wang Xiaobo said with a smile, "The main credit is still on us. Without us drinking all the wine, this plum blossom pile would not have been made."

"That's really hard work everyone." Cheng Yanqiu said with a smile, "Go ahead, I'm going to see the girl."

"Have you eaten?"

"Eat in the cafeteria."


After drinking and eating, Cheng Yanqiu took Yu Yi upstairs to play the piano, while Yu Dong took Yu Hua and the others to the living room on the first floor to drink tea and sober up.

Looking at the tea in his hand, Bi Feiyu smiled and said, "After drinking beer and tea, I really can't drink it anymore. Now my stomach is so full that there is no place to put tea."

Wang Xiaobo said with a smile: "I feel pretty good. The tea here has never been talked about. They are all good teas that can't be seen in the market. At least they taste better than the teas of yours."

"It's because you don't drink much beer. You only drank two bottles, so you naturally have the stomach to hold tea." Yu Hua joked.

Although Wang Xiaobo's health is much better than before, and he drinks alcohol occasionally, he must not drink too much. He can only drink two taels of liquor at most, and two cans or a large glass bottle of beer at most. No matter how good he says he is now, Yu Dong and the others wouldn't let him drink too much.

In fact, everyone has drank less in the past two years. If they don't drink beer today, the four of them will only drink a bottle of liquor together, and it is impossible to exceed two bottles at most.

If Mo Yan was around, it would be a little bit better. Although he is the oldest among them, he has the best drinking capacity.Mo Yan is not only a good drinker, but also likes to persuade people to drink. After all, he was a publicity officer and wrote "Liquor Country". There is a set of words to persuade people to drink. drink a little.

Or Su Tong, Yu Dong's senior brother. Although he is usually serious, he is very enthusiastic when he drinks. He insists on getting drunk, but his drunk is not thin at all. .

The reason why Mo Yan was not called over for dinner tonight was because Mo Yan was still living in the faculty dormitory of the school, and it would be troublesome to ask him to come over for dinner temporarily.

In fact, Mo Yan had the conditions to buy a house in the Shen Kong Talent Apartment. Over the years, his books have sold for a lot of money, not much less than Yu Hua and the others. The reason why he didn't buy a house here was because it was inconvenient.

After all, there is still some distance between Shen Kong Talent Apartment and Jinling Academy of Art. If you go back and forth every day, it is very inconvenient without a car. The key is that Mo Yan doesn't have a car.

Of course he can afford a car, but Mo Yan doesn't have a driver's license yet. He keeps saying that he wants to take a driver's license test, but he never did.Last time Yu Dong joked with him that if he got a car, he would be determined to take the driver's license test.

Yu Hua didn't actually have a driver's license either, but Yu Hua didn't have to drive. Unlike Mo Yan, he didn't have to go to Jinling Academy of Art every day.Mo Yan is now the deputy director of the International Writing Center. Mo Yan is in charge of all the affairs of the writing center. He stays at the school almost every day. Yu Dong is a shopkeeper who only visits occasionally or gives lessons to the students.

As for Yu Hua, he's just a bastard, he only goes to Jinyi two or three days a week, and even if he travels, he still takes a taxi. Now that Hexi has developed, it's not too difficult to get a taxi.

However, after the subway here is connected to Jinyi, it will be much more convenient to travel on both sides. Even if you don’t buy a car, you can still buy a house here.

Several people drank tea for a while, and Wang Xiaobo suddenly said, "I suddenly had a special idea recently."

"What do you think?" Yu Dong asked.

"I want to find a place in the countryside to teach and teach children. It doesn't matter what I teach, as long as I know it." Wang Xiaobo said.

Bi Feiyu's eyes widened, "Old Wang, are you drunk from drinking tea? How could you have such an idea?"

Wang Xiaobo curled his lips and said, "What's the matter, is there anything wrong with the idea of ​​supporting education? I have to be drunk to talk about it?"

Yu Hua rolled her eyes, "Supporting education is a good idea, but it must be separated. Look at your body. If you really want to go to the countryside, if something unexpected happens, you will die in someone else's village. How much psychological shadow does it bring to people? At that time, some of us will have to go all the way to collect your body. It’s not enough to go, you are so big, and you can’t lift it without people. Last time you had an accident in Yanjing When you thought we were here by chance, you could still live until now, but the grass on the grave is probably three feet high."

Wang Xiaobo pulled the corner of his mouth and said, "You dog can't spit out ivory, so you can't think of me ordering it, and look, I haven't had anything to do in the past few years, and the physical examination is also very good. How could it be possible? Problem. The air in the countryside is better than the air in the city, so I might feel better after staying for a while. Besides, I didn’t go there for several years, I just want to feel the feeling and come back after half a year.”

Yu Hua's words are naturally unpleasant, but Wang Xiaobo also knows that he is for his own benefit, and when he was in Yanjing, if it weren't for Yu Dong and the others, Wang Xiaobo would have passed away forever, so Wang Xiaobo is very grateful to them.


Yu Hua wanted to say something else, but Yu Dong raised his hand to stop him from continuing. Then Yu Dong asked Wang Xiaobo, "Have you decided where to go to support teachers? There are many places in our country that need teachers."

Wang Xiaobo scratched his head and said, "I don't go too far. I'm in the next province. There is a city called Gao. The villages below are relatively poor. There must be a shortage of teachers. Gaocheng is not far from Jinling. Sometimes I can go back by car on weekends. Get together with you."

Yu Dong nodded, "I know Gaocheng better. I have been there before, and our company has built a lot of schools there. The education conditions in the towns and villages that are closer to the city are actually good, mainly in the north. Some villages have large populations and few educational resources, some schools have thousands of students, and the total number of teaching staff is less than [-], and many teachers are very old, so there is a shortage of young teachers, so it’s just right for you to go.”

Yu Hua joked, "Is Old Wang a young teacher? Would you like to count the wrinkles on his face?"

Yu Dong and Bi Feiyu also laughed. It is said that Wang Xiaobo is definitely not a young teacher. He just celebrated his 50th birthday a few months ago, and some people have already retired at this age.

Wang Xiaobo rolled his eyes and said, "I had this crease when I was a teenager, and it has nothing to do with age."

He has always looked old, and the creases on his face, like his buck teeth, have always been there.

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Although people are not young, the knowledge in Xiaobo's mind is young and can keep up with the times."

In addition to being a writer, Wang Xiaobo is definitely a professional talent. He has studied as a graduate student abroad and is proficient in foreign languages, mathematics and computers, and also understands sociology.Before writing, he taught at the Institute of Sociology of Peking University and the Accounting Department of Renmin University of China.

Moreover, Wang Xiaobo had worked as a private teacher when the educated youth joined the queue, so he has experience in this field.In fact, Yu Dong said that if Wang Xiaobo really wanted to teach, it would be best to teach at a university. If he only taught primary and secondary schools, he would not be able to use much of his knowledge.

"I know I'm old, but teaching elementary school is still manageable." Wang Xiaobo said.

Yu Dong waved his hand, "Well, let me recommend a school to you. This school has a junior high school and an elementary school. The junior high school has just been established, so there is a shortage of teachers. You can help them relieve their pressure. But the place is too far away, I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it..."

As soon as he heard Yu Dong say that the location of the school was relatively remote, Wang Xiaobo became excited, "It doesn't matter if it's a bit remote, I'll go there, when can I leave?"

Yu Dong thought for a while and said, "Next Monday, our company has two inspectors going there. You can drive there with them."

The Deep Space Corporation has an inspection team, which will send people to inspect the schools funded by the Deep Space Corporation from time to time to prevent the situation that the donations are not in place.

When the inspection team was first set up, Yu Dong thought that there would be very few cases of corruption, but the facts are completely different from what he thought. Since the establishment of the inspection team, there have been more than a dozen cases of corruption detected, and the amount is not counted. Xiao, this is all found, there must be more that have not been found, Yu Dong will not naively think that the inspection team is omnipotent and can find all corruption cases, there must be many cases of corruption that have not been found .

At the very beginning, Yu Dong felt very sad when he heard them report the corruption.He is distressed not only by the fact that the money was not spent on students, but also by the corruption of some rural part-timers. The existence of these people will make it very difficult to do public welfare in the countryside.Of course, there is no problem with public welfare itself, but I am afraid that the appearance of such people will affect everyone's trust in public welfare.

Yu Dong was very impressed by the situation of one school, most of the other schools were directly swallowed up by the principal, and there were many cases of empty pay.However, the principal of this school did not directly embezzle the charity money, but distributed the scholarship places through "auction".

A scholarship, originally only 500 yuan a year, he publicly auctioned it, and even sold it for a high price of 2000 yuan.

Some people may wonder what the person who spent 2000 yuan to bid for the auction is thinking, because the bonus is only 500 yuan, isn’t this a loss-making business?There are still people in this world who trade at a loss.

In fact, the reason is very simple, because the value of this scholarship is not only 500 yuan, but also an honor.

Scholarships are different from bursaries. To get a scholarship, the comparison is not about being poor, but about studying well. So getting a Deep Space Scholarship means good academic performance.

Some students can even use the experience of scholarships to apply to some better schools.

So these people are spending money for the added value of the scholarship.

The principal also sells bursaries, but the bidding price is much lower, basically not exceeding the total amount of bursaries, because bursaries do not have the attributes of scholarships.

When Jimmy heard the news, he joked that although the principal is not a good educator, he should be a good businessman who knows how to magnify the value of commodities.

Up to this point, except for the special means of the corrupt personnel, it is no different from other corruption cases, and the reason why Yu Dong was deeply impressed by this case was because it was found out that the person who actually got the scholarship was really Really poor.

That is the only one. There is corruption in the school, and the students who get the bursary are all really poor students, which is very surprising.

Many poor people will bid to buy scholarships, and the bids are very high. The scholarship is 500 yuan, and some of them can bid up to [-], or even [-] yuan, because they know that if the bid is not high, they will have no chance at all. If you pay four hundred and fifty or four hundred and eighty, you can earn at least a few tens of dollars.

Other people who are not poor will basically not bid. They don't need to do this for 30 to [-] yuan. They have to take risks and damage their reputation.

In other words, these poor people were also forced to join in a crime.And his children may also have a firm belief in the future that they can get things done by spending money through the back door.

In fact, Yu Dong didn't know if anyone from the inspection team would go to Gaocheng on Monday. The reason why he said this was to give Wang Xiaobo a chance.

Wang Xiaobo said with a smile, "Monday, right? Then I'll go back and pack up. I'll go with them on Monday. Do I need to bring anything?"

Yu Dong said with a smile, "I don't have anything to bring. Take more toiletries, clothes, etc., and the medicines you usually take, especially medicines. You can buy daily necessities nearby, but medicines There's nowhere to buy them."

Yu Hua asked from the side, "Can you tell me why you suddenly want to teach?"

Wang Xiaobo said, "Didn't I say that, I suddenly had this idea."

Bi Feiyu followed and asked, "What's so sudden, tell us in detail."

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