Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 1042 His name is Yu Dahua

Wang Xiaobo had no choice but to say, "Actually, I feel that life is too comfortable, so I don't have the passion to write at all. Although life was a little bit hard in the past, I wanted to write a lot. I write and draw every day, and I don’t have to publish it when I write it, so I put it in the drawer and take it out to see if I have nothing to do.”

"Now." Wang Xiaobo took a sip of hot tea, then shook his head and said, "Life is too easy, and sometimes I want to force myself to write something, and I can't write for a long time sitting in front of the desk."

Hearing this, several people were silent, because what Wang Xiaobo said was correct, and now their output is getting lower and lower.

Not to mention Yu Hua, this guy's output was low in the first place.

Bi Feiyu used to have a high output, and the number of manuscripts sent out from his room every month is definitely the largest, but now his output has dropped a lot. On the one hand, Bi Feiyu really doesn’t want to write The short and medium novels are finished, and he started to think about the long novels. On the other hand, it is also the problem that Wang Xiaobo mentioned just now. Life is too comfortable, and Bi Feiyu still has many distractions.

There is also Yu Dong, who seems to be "high-yielding", but in fact, his output has also declined in the past two years.

In the past, no matter what year it was, no matter whether it was a medium-length novel or a short story, no matter whether it was an essay or a novel, anyway, every year there must be first-line literary magazines such as "Harvest", "Zhongshan", and "Contemporary" that would include his works.

But now, Yu Dong’s works are all relatively commercial works. Although they are still loved by many readers, some readers also expressed regret. ", "Curse" and other works, only these works can reflect Yu Dong's height.

Yu Dong is naturally aware of this problem, but with more and more works, no matter whether they are copied or original, he finds that his creative enthusiasm is getting lower and lower. Now he writes more to create new IP. Let the company develop better.

"So, do you think that finding a rural school to teach will rekindle your enthusiasm?" Yu Hua asked.

Wang Xiaobo shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know if I can rekindle my passion, but in this case, I should make a change. What the answer is, after half a year, I will naturally see the result."

Bi Feiyu sighed slightly, and said, "Old Wang's idea is actually very good, but we are not like you alone, we can leave as we want."

Wang Xiaobo also has a wife, but Li Yinhe has been in the United States all year round and rarely comes back. It is almost equivalent to being alone. Because of this, it is relatively easy for him to make such a decision.

And Bi Feiyu not only has his wife Fu Jing, but also the school leader. He usually has a lot of work, so he can't just shake his hand and go to teach.

But Yu Hua, after pondering for a while, said, "Old Wang, if you say that I am like this, if I go to support education, will I be able to accept it?"

Wang Xiaobo said with a smile, "Now you can teach college students and graduate students with ease, let alone elementary school students. Besides, you have been a doctor before. It is very popular in the countryside."

Yu Hua does have graduate students in the International Collaboration Center, but she focuses on literature.

Speaking of being a doctor, Yu Hua said a little embarrassedly, "I only had my teeth pulled for a few years, and I can't treat other diseases well."

Yu Hua's words are of course modest. In terms of professional skills, he can't compare with other professional doctors, but after all, he has been exposed to it since he was a child, and he can still treat some minor illnesses well.

"Do you want to go with Lao Wang?" Bi Feiyu asked.

Yu Hua rubbed her head, "I have this idea, but I have to ask Chen Hong later."

Bi Feiyu curled her lips and said, "Haiguo is still in elementary school, and you suddenly went to help teach, how could Teacher Chen agree, you are asking for training."

Yu Hua said with a smile, "No, Gaocheng is not far away. I come back twice a month during the weekend. The situation is better than when I first came to Jinling."

What he said was true. When he was hired to Jinyi as a writer-in-residence, Chen Hong's mother and son were still in Jinling. Later, he took them over after he had stabilized his work in Jinling. Yanjing was far away, not to mention seeing each other, it was not easy to talk on the phone at that time, the phone was hard to find, and the phone bill was expensive.

When Wang Xiaobo was going to support education in the countryside, Yu Dong didn't say anything, and when Yu Hua was going, Yu Dong didn't say anything. After all, Yu Hua was in much better health than Wang Xiaobo.

"Go back and ask. If you are sure, go with them on Monday and I will contact you."


The next day, Yu Hua went to find Yu Dong and said that Chen Hong agreed to let him go to teach, but the condition was that he had to go home once every two weeks.

"The conditions have been negotiated, and I will set off with Lao Wang and the others on Monday."

Seeing Yu Hua's excited look, Yu Dong smiled and said, "It's not easy to support education, you have to be mentally prepared, especially with the children, you have to be patient."

"Don't worry about that. A person who can extract teeth for five years in a row will never lack patience."

Yu Dong smiled and nodded, "Okay, I'll take you there tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? Don't you mean Monday? Tomorrow is Saturday."

"I won't go to Gaocheng anymore, I have found another place that needs you more."

"Where is that?" Yu Hua asked.

Yu Dong kept a close eye on it, "You will know when you go tomorrow."

"Does the king know?"

"He doesn't know yet."

"Then I'll go tell him."



On the second day, Yu Dong got on the car with them to support education in the countryside.

Seeing Yu Dong getting in the car, Wang Xiaobo was even more surprised, "Why did you get in the car too?"

"I'll also go to the site to have a look. If the conditions are really bad, I'll ask the company to help the school later."

Hearing what Yu Dong said, Wang Xiaobo didn't say anything more.

The car walked west all the way, and after about an hour and a half, the car stopped.

Wang Xiaobo got out of the car, looked around, and asked, "Already there?"

Yu Dong said with a smile, "It will take a while."

After a while, a tractor came over with black smoke, and they ran to sit in the back bucket of the tractor and continued to move forward.

The speed of the tractor was very slow. After walking for half an hour, it finally stopped in front of a row of buildings with brick walls and tile roofs.

Yu Dong jumped off the tractor, "It's here now."

After Wang Xiaobo and the others took down the luggage, the tractor ran away again emitting black smoke.

Wang Xiaobo looked at the row of dilapidated tile-roofed houses in front of him and asked Yu Dong, "Is this the school we want to teach?"

Yu Dong nodded, "It should be, the principal should be inside, let's go ask."

After all, Yu Dong took the lead and walked towards the room.

After all, it was his first time here, and he didn't know where the principal lived, so he shouted as he walked, "Is Principal Huang there? Is Principal Huang there?"

As soon as he finished his second yell, a voice came from the westernmost room, "On the ground, on the ground."

Then the door was pushed open, and a man in his 60s or [-]s came out. This man was not tall, wearing a gray Chinese tunic suit and a black hat, and he had a smiling face as soon as he came out.

"Is it the comrades sent by the county to work?"

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Yes, Principal Huang, we are all three. My name is Yu Xiaodong, the big one is Wang Bo, and the one next to him is Yu Dahua."

Hearing Yu Dong's introduction, both Wang Xiaobo and Yu Hua were taken aback for a moment. Before they could react, Principal Huang had already grabbed their hands.

"Hello, hello, I'm looking forward to you, please sit inside."

The three of them followed Principal Huang to the westernmost room.

This room is not big, there is no space for two single beds, there is not even a place to put a chair, they can only sit on the bed.

Principal Huang poured water for Yu Dong and the others, and then introduced the situation of the school.

"The situation here, I don't know if the county has told you in detail, but since you are here, I must tell you clearly. The school is only this big, with a total of six rooms, except for the room where we live. room, and the other five are classrooms, from west to east, from grade one to grade five."

"Although our place is remote, there are quite a lot of people. There are six to seventy students in each grade. There are now a total of 70 students in the whole school. The teacher and I have four."

"Four?" Yu Hua showed a surprised expression, "That is to say, even if you don't take a break, you can't teach all grades at the same time?"

Principal Huang said with a smile, "Actually, we had seven teachers before, but three of them have left in the past six months. The last teacher left in June. There was really no way for all grades to attend classes for half a month. There must be one grade If there is a gap, sometimes we will give them a physical education class, or the last class can go home first.”

Huang Xiaobo and Yu Hua looked at each other, and they both saw shock in each other's eyes. They didn't expect the situation to be so difficult before they came.

"Then you don't even have a yard here. If you teach physical education to students and no one is watching, aren't you afraid of problems?"

"I'm afraid, why not be afraid, but there is no way, and we are all acquaintances here, so there will be no major problems. The only thing I am afraid of is that the students will run to play in the water."

Yu Dong asked, "Then how will we arrange the accommodation after we come? Can we stay there?"

Principal Huang pointed to the bed under their buttocks, "The other teachers don't live here, this bed is vacant, one bed can sleep two people, and the other one can squeeze in with me. Of course, there are One plan, some people in our village go out to work, and if the house is vacant, you can live in it, but it will cost money.”

Yu Hua looked at the bed under her buttocks, and asked, "How much is the rent?"

"That depends on who rents the house, but they are all cheap, basically two or three hundred yuan is enough, some are a little more expensive, and they are not that expensive."

"Two or three hundred a month?"

"One year."


Yu Hua was about to say something, but Yu Dong said beforehand, "Then please trouble Principal Huang to help us find it."

Principal Huang said happily, "No problem, this matter is on my shoulders."

When it came to finding a house, Principal Huang found it very quickly. He quickly took Yu Dong and the others to a relatively new residential building with brick walls and tile roofs near the school.

They were received by an old lady. According to Principal Huang, this bungalow belongs to the grandma's son. The son and daughter-in-law are away all the year round and don't come back to live. The grandma lives in another place and doesn't usually come to bother her.

Yu Hua and the others went into the bungalow to have a look, and they were overall satisfied.

There are three bungalows in total, two bedrooms and a main room with two beds. In addition, a side room was built on the west side of the house, and a large stove was built in it as a kitchen.

There is no other home, and there is no problem with electricity. The most important thing is that the house has not been built for many years, and this house is the one that the principal said is slightly more expensive. The annual rent costs 350 yuan.
Regarding this price, Yu Hua and the others had no objection, after all, the conditions were really good.

The only disadvantage is that there is no telephone. Of course, it is not this family that does not have a telephone, but their village does not have a telephone.

In fact, most of the villages in Anhui Province have telephone connections, but there are still some remote villages that do not have telephone connections. The telecommunications department is planning to build village-to-village connections, and it should not take long to complete.

Now they need to go to the town to make daily calls.

After the accommodation was arranged, Principal Huang took them around the school and introduced them to the villagers.

"These are all teachers from the county."

The villagers looked a little strange when they saw Yu Dong and the others. It wasn't that strange, but it was unusual anyway. They also ran into some students playing outside on the way.

When the students heard that Yu Dong and the others were new teachers at the school, they were afraid and curious, and followed behind to see, but were afraid that they would find out.

After a brief walk around and back to the school, Principal Huang said, "I won't send any tasks when you just came here today. We'll talk about teaching tomorrow morning after you go back to rest at night."

Then he patted his forehead again, "Oh, by the way, you don't have a place to eat, do you? Can you cook by yourself?"

Wang Xiaobo wondered, "I know how to order, but where can I buy food here?"

"Even if you can buy vegetables, you have no shortage of space. The house you rent only has a stove and no pot. Otherwise, you can come to my house to eat... Food expenses, you are all from the county to help us, food expenses are considered gone."

Yu Dong understood Principal Huang's meaning at once, and said with a smile, "Principal Huang is too polite, how about it, three yuan for a meal per person, the standard is up to you to arrange."

Headmaster Huang's eyes lit up when he heard that one person would pay three yuan for food.

A meal for one person costs three yuan, which is not a low standard. There are food sellers in front of the middle school in their town. A boxed meal only costs one yuan and five yuan. Are reluctant to eat.

Three yuan can buy seven taels of pork. For vegetarian dishes, there are vegetable fields everywhere in the countryside. If you control it well, you can earn a lot in a month. (end of this chapter)

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