Chapter 1043 Huang Guozhu

There was still a while before lunch, and Yu Dong and the others went back to the bungalow they had just rented to make up the beds.

Although the room was clean, the bed hadn't been slept in for a long time, so it had to be wiped before the quilt could be put on.

While wiping the bed with a rag, Yu Hua asked Yu Dong, "What's the matter? See what you mean, you also want to teach here."

Yu Dong said with a smile, "I will do short-term work, and you will do long-term work. From now on, I will come one day every week."

Wang Xiaobo said with a smile, "No wonder I'm looking for this place. It's so close that I can go back and forth in a day."

"The car is wobbly. I still don't know where it is. Have we left Suzhou?" Yu Hua asked.

"Of course, our current location is Huangcao Village, Wugang Town, Hongqiao County, Anhui Province. The straight-line distance from Jinling Academy of Art is actually less than [-] kilometers." Yu Dong said.

"Less than [-] kilometers? We walked for half a day, it took more than two hours, and we only walked less than [-] kilometers?" Yu Hua asked in surprise.

Yu Dong nodded, "I'm talking about the straight-line distance, but the road around here has not been repaired, and there are many detours. It is estimated to be [-] kilometers. Don't forget that the key is to cross the river."

"That's true, but I didn't expect that with such a small distance, the economic gap is so big. The traffic here is worse than the place where I jumped in the queue. Now it's the 21st century." Wang Xiaobo said.

Yu Hua wiped the bed for a while, and was also tired. He threw the rag away, lit a cigarette for himself, and then said, "Principal Huang is kind of interesting. He arranged our board and lodging in a short while. You are generous, you can pay three yuan for a meal, which is enough to eat two meat and two vegetables in Jinling City."

Yu Dong said with a smile, "When people are busy, they always want to make some money, don't they? This principal Huang is called Huang Guozhu. He used to be a teacher in another village. Later, because there were no teachers in Huangcao Village, he was transferred. Come here, and have worked here for more than ten years. Before us, there were three teachers who came here last semester, but they all left in the end.”

"Just now the villagers looked at us strangely. I don't know why." Wang Xiaobo said.

"I guess it's because we are all relatively old. If we are so old that we are transferred here, we must not be doing well. The teachers in the city who came here to teach before are not very old. The oldest is only 24 years old, and the youngest is [-] or [-] years old." Yu Dong said.

Yu Hua took another puff of cigarette, "You changed our name, tell us, the introduction just now confused us a bit, Yu Dahua, why does this name sound so weird to me."

Wang Xiaobo also nodded, "You got rid of my "Xiao" character. I have become Wang Bo, and I don't sound like myself anymore. Are you worried that people here will recognize us by name? Don't worry about that. , if you want to change your name, you have to change it, they may recognize you, but they cannot recognize us."

"Just in case, so as not to encounter any trouble." Yu Dong smiled.


Several people chatted for a while, and then heard Principal Huang's voice from outside, "Mr. Yu, it's time to eat."

Yu Hua looked at the time, it was only eleven o'clock, and said with a smile, "It's really early for dinner here."

"Hey, here we come." Yu Dong responded, then got up and walked out.

Huang Guozhu's home is one mile away from the school, which is not too close. There are two houses in the family. The east is an earthen wall and thatched roof, and the other is a bungalow. In addition to Huang Guozhu and his wife, there are two grandchildren in the family. granddaughter.

The grandchildren are not very big, the oldest granddaughter is only seven or eight years old, she just started elementary school, the younger granddaughter is two or three years old, and there is a little boy between the two girls, who is four or five years old.

The eldest granddaughter and grandson belong to Huang Guozhu's eldest son, and the younger granddaughter belongs to the younger son.

The two sons and daughter-in-law are both working as masons outside, wandering outside all year round, and have no fixed place. Naturally, the children can only stay in their hometown and take care of the old couple.This is the case for many households here, and there are many left-behind children.

Huang Guozhu probably wanted to reassure Yu Dong and the others that eating at his house was worth the money, so his family even killed a chicken, burned half of it at noon, and ordered some wine.

His family certainly seldom eats meat. When the chicken was served, the children stood far away, staring at the chicken on the table.

When the little boy's hala was about to come out, he took a sharp breath, and then wiped the corners of his mouth.

Huang Guozhu felt a little embarrassed when he heard his grandson slobbering, so he waved his chopsticks at the children, "Take the rice bowl and eat on the pot."

In their place, "the pot" refers to the kitchen.

The children were so frightened that they rushed out and went to the "pot". After Huang Guozhu's wife brought the dishes, they also went to the kitchen.

Yu Dong and the others looked at each other and felt that something was wrong, but they didn't say anything.

At their age, they naturally knew that saying a few words here to persuade Huang Guozhu would not be effective at all. After decades, their thinking must be changed step by step.

Later, when the wine was half drunk, Yu Hua suddenly said to Huang Guozhu, "Brother Huang, we are newcomers, and I need you to take care of me in the future. In this way, I will toast you and my sister-in-law."

The smile on Huang Guozhu's face twitched, "Your sister-in-law doesn't drink, so let's drink."

"That can't be done. We will bother you every day in the future. We should toast to my sister-in-law. Even if you don't drink, you can use tea instead of wine."

"Yes, Principal Huang, I don't know what the rules are here. Anyway, on our side, this wine is not respectful. If we don't drink this wine today, we will feel embarrassed to come over for dinner." Yu Dong said.

Upon hearing this, Huang Guozhu quickly shouted to the outside, "Chen Xiuhua, come in quickly."

His wife hurried in and asked, "What's wrong? Is there not enough food?"

Huang Guozhu said with a smile, "The brothers are enthusiastic and insist on toasting you. If you are like this, drink a cup from a small cup."

Chen Xiuhua froze for a moment, a little at a loss.

"What are you doing in a daze, you want me to pour you wine."

"I'll do it myself, I'll do it myself." Chen Xiuhua wiped his hands and poured himself a glass of wine, then slowly lifted it up.

She didn't know how high to lift, and she was afraid that it would not be good enough, so she stopped when she reached the abdomen, and didn't know what to say.

Yu Dong said with a smile, "Sister-in-law Chen, we will come to bother you often in the future, and I want to trouble you. This glass of wine expresses my gratitude to you."

"No, no." Chen Xiuhua said no, and drank the wine directly.

Yu Hua said with a smile, "Sister-in-law Chen, why don't you eat some food, you don't want to go down after drinking a drink?"

"Not happy, not happy."

Huang Guozhu pushed a bench over, and Chen Xiuhua also sat down.

Afterwards, Yu Hua and the others each offered a toast to Chen Xiuhua. Huang Guozhu felt uncomfortable at first, but after drinking it, he gradually didn't care. He was thinking more about Yu Hua and the others coming to eat every day and paying money to their family every day. up.

It is too difficult to make money in the countryside, especially in villages like theirs with inconvenient transportation, Siji basically earns some money by selling a la carte.

It is too difficult to earn money from selling vegetables. Let alone the cost, many people are deterred by the hardship of the process. Sometimes when they go to the town with a burden, two large baskets of vegetables can only be sold for more than ten yuan. If the market is not good, the vegetable vendor can send them away with a few dollars.

If you think you don’t have much money, that’s fine. You can go to the county with your own burden, and you can sell twice as much, sometimes more, but the town is tens of miles away from the county, and it takes a day to go back and forth. Still tired.

Why do you have to go out to work? Isn't it because there is no food in the ground?
When the pot of wine was almost finished, Huang Guozhu hiccupped and said, "From your accent, you are not from our county, right? Why did you come to teach in our school? Before I sent a report to the county education bureau to give us Teacher Pai, I thought there would be no reply for a while, but I didn't expect to send you here so soon."

Yu Dong said drunkenly, "We don't want to come either. Isn't this a little mistake in work? The leader asked us to come here to exercise."

Upon hearing that they made a mistake, Huang Guozhu comforted him, "It's nothing serious, and I'll definitely be back soon, Xiaoyu, don't you only teach here one day a week, and you still have to work in the county most of the time, right?" .”

"Hey, isn't it? It's quite tiring to run at both ends." Yu Dong said.

"It's not easy to come to the county. I went to the county before and it took me half a day to get there. Our place is actually pretty good. It's not far from Jinling. I heard that there will be a railway line built from Jinling in the future. When we arrive in Luzhou, we are on this line, maybe we will build a railway station in our town, and our side will be developed by then."

This kind of statement is naturally impossible. Where did Huang Guozhu hear this kind of statement? He may not believe it himself. He just said it to stabilize Yu Dong and the others.

According to the geographical location, Huangcao Village is indeed on the line connecting Jinling and Luzhou, but the railway line has been repaired and it passes through the county. How could another railway be built to pass their side? Rivers, railways and bridges need to be built, and the cost is quite high.

Seeing that Yu Dong and the others did not respond to the rumor, Huang Guozhu said, "I also think this statement is unreliable. The country has plans for railway construction, but I heard from old friends in the education system that Jinling may expand in the future. The area under its jurisdiction includes our side, and then we will not be from Langya, but from Jinling, and now we are closer to Jinling than to Langya."

Huang Guozhu's statement is more reliable than the one just now. After all, from the point of view of straight-line distance, Jinling city center is closer to here than to Jinling Lukou International Airport.

But it's just a little more reliable, this kind of thing is basically impossible.

Although he knew it was impossible, Yu Dong still cooperated and said, "That's right, that's right, if we build a concrete road from our town to Jinling Railway Station, it will take two or three hours to ride a bicycle."

Huang Guozhu waved his hand and boasted, "When the road is really repaired, every household in our family will have a motorcycle. I'm afraid it will take an hour to get there by motorcycle. This year, my eldest son is going to buy a motorcycle when he comes back. , Now motorcycles are also cheap, less than 1 yuan is enough, this money is nothing to them, and the couple can earn [-] to [-] yuan a year now."

Although Huang Guozhu was bragging, Yu Dong and the others were not too disgusted. Instead, they saw Huang Guozhu's positive side.

In recent years, China's economy has developed rapidly, and many people who go out to work have earned money.

It is possible for Huang Guozhu's eldest son and his wife to earn 1 to [-] yuan a year, and it is also possible to save more than [-] yuan for a year of frugality.

However, Yu Dong has seen many rural people spend their money on houses. Even in places like Huangcao Village, you can see some two-story "small western-style buildings".

Even in the countryside, everything is cheap, and it costs tens of thousands of dollars to build such a house, and some houses are more expensive than 10,000+.

After many years of hard work, one house consumes all the hard work.

And when they built the house, they didn't have the money to decorate it. The house only looked okay from the outside, but it didn't look good inside.

The most important thing is that they can't live in such a house for a few days, because most people who can afford such a house are working in other places and are not at home all year round.

But in fact, even in Shanghai, some communities can buy a house for tens of thousands of yuan, and they even get a household registration.

A piece of land near his home in Yudong was demolished, and later a community was built. Last year, houses were sold to outsiders for 8 yuan a set, and a household registration was given away, but the area was not large, only about 60 square meters.

But if a family working outside saves 9 to [-] yuan, instead of building a house in the countryside, they buy a house in Shanghai, and their lives will change accordingly.

Even if you don't buy a house in Shanghai, but in an urban area of ​​a third- and fourth-tier city, it will be completely different.

After that, Huang Zezhu boasted a lot, saying that buying a motorcycle this year can build a house the next year.

In a few years, when the son and daughter-in-law earn enough money, they will come back and hire a few people to help them raise the ducks. Now that there is a lot of chicken, duck and fish in the city, raising ducks will definitely sell well, and the ducks are easy to feed, basically costing nothing.

When they raise ducks here, they always go to one place. The duck raiser pitches up the tent and starts to release the ducks. After the ducks eat up all the ducks, they move to other places and rely on nature to feed the ducks.

After talking about raising ducks, I also talked about raising pigs. I said that the breed of pigs is different from before, and they eat feed. They are bigger than before. sell money.

Listening to Huang Guozhu's bragging, Yu Dong and the others couldn't help feeling that they had never heard the primary school principal mention teaching from the beginning to the end. Probably, teaching only played a very small part in Huang Guozhu's life.

(End of this chapter)

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