Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 1044 Agilent Technologies

Chapter 1044 Agilent Technologies
After drinking and eating, Yu Dong and the others stood up and said goodbye. Huang Guozhu insisted on sending the three of them to their residence, and then wandered back to his home.

Yu Dong was worried, and followed Huang Guozhu for a while, and when he saw that Huang Guozhu was sure he had returned to his home, he went back.

After returning home, Yu Hua sat on the newly made bed and frantically poured water into his mouth. After the pour, he wiped his mouth, "Fortunately, the water was boiled in advance, otherwise I wouldn't even have to drink the water when I came back."

"Principal Huang is pretty good at drinking. We killed half of a jug of wine. That jug can hold two catties of wine." Wang Xiaobo said with a smile.

"Not only can he drink, but he can also blow it. I thought we could blow it, but I didn't expect him to be able to blow it too. If he wants to write a novel, then we're definitely not going to be able to do it." Yu Hua lay down on the bed, " The school that Yuanwai chose for us is very challenging."

Yu Dong also sat on the bed, and said with a smile, "If there is no challenge, why let you come? I won't leave tonight, and we will listen to him arrange tasks for us tomorrow. It's too early to say anything. Let’s talk about it after a few classes, and solve any problems you encounter, and don’t put pressure on yourself before you encounter specific problems.”

"There are a few other teachers. I don't know what the situation is. If other teachers are willing to teach the students well, it's not that difficult. I just hope they don't just think about making money." Wang Xiaobo grinned, "This yellow The principal’s house is enough for him to live in, but he still wants to live in the school, presumably he wants us to find a house in the local area.”

"I noticed it when I first came here. Although there are beds in the dormitory, it doesn't look like people live there every day." Yu Dong said.

"Hey, I see there is a washbasin and a kettle there? Why doesn't it look like someone is living there?" Yu Hua asked strangely.

Yu Dong smiled and said, "The washbasins and kettles can be used during the day. Think about it again, is there a rack for drying clothes there? Not to mention clothes hangers, there are not even clothes for changing and washing. Could it be that Principal Huang does not wash clothes when he lives in the school?"

Yu Hua curled her lips, "It's not as careful as I observed."

"Me too……"

As soon as Yu Dong opened his mouth, the phone in his pocket rang, and he took it out.

"Hey, boss, I have something to report to you." Assistant Jiang Yueming's voice came from the opposite side.

"Well, you said." Yu Dong replied.

Jiang Yueming began to report, "The first trial of the lawsuit between Huawei and Cisco has ended, because 3com CEO Bruce and others have testified in court, the situation is relatively good for Huawei, and it involves some unavoidable suspects. For products containing Cisco code, Huawei also announced in court that it had withdrawn from the U.S. market. Because Huawei is relatively well prepared, Cisco has nothing to do now, and I guess results will come soon.”

Yu Dong nodded. This kind of intellectual property lawsuit is usually lengthy. It is common for the two parties to be in a stalemate for several months. During the process of litigation and negotiation, it is always tricky. But now Huawei has the help of Deep Space Corporation. , The move was too fierce, and Cisco couldn't stand it.

If Cisco doesn't have a good way to embarrass Huawei next time, the court will most likely reject most of Cisco's appeals.

Yu Dong thought for a while and said, "Let them not take it lightly, and wait for Cisco to resubmit the evidence. When the next round of court is held, they should be able to see the general result."

"Mr. Ji said that it might not be able to withstand the next court session, and Cisco will come to us to discuss reconciliation. Before negotiating reconciliation with them, they refused to let go of the harsh conditions at the beginning, but now the two parties have fought in the court. They I also know that the conditions proposed at the beginning cannot be realized, so I should back down."

"Well, let's wait for them to settle. If the conditions are reasonable, they will settle. If the conditions are not reasonable, they will continue to respond to the lawsuit. Besides this matter, is there anything else?"

"One more thing, President Wang of Huayi wants to invite you to dinner."

"Huayi's...Wang Zhongjun?" Yu Dong asked.

Jiang Yueming replied, "Yes, he made an appointment before, but every time he got stuck in the secretary department, this time he didn't know where to get my phone number, so he asked me for an appointment directly, do you want me to help you refuse? ?”

Yu Dong was not surprised that Wang Zhongjun got Jiang Yueming's phone number. Jiang Yueming was his assistant. He had to contact many people and had many places to leave his contact information.

It's just that most people wouldn't contact Jiang Yueming and make an appointment with Yu Dong for dinner.

If you are familiar with Yu Dong, you can just call Yu Dong directly. Those who are not familiar usually have self-knowledge and will not make this call.If the level is relatively low, Jiang Yueming will definitely not report it.Although Wang Zhongjun couldn't reach Yu Dong, he was still the boss of a big company after all, so Jiang Yueming naturally wanted to show some face.

Wang Zhongjun actually approached Yu Dong with many people, including Zhao Baogang and Wang Shuo before, but neither of them helped him.

Zhao Baogang is a monkey spirit, so he naturally knows that he can't help him with this favor. If he helps him, Yu Dong's impression will be bad. Yu Dong doesn't like Huayi, and outsiders don't know. Can people not know?

Among other things, just the fact that Xu Zheng left from Deep Space Entertainment was enough to make Yu Dong angry.Not to mention helping Wang Zhongjun meet Yu Dong for dinner, now Zhao Baogang is not willing to get too close to Wang Zhongjun, for fear that Yu Dong will classify him with Wang Zhongjun, and now Zhao Baogang's film and television company is still making money from Deep Space Company.

As for Wang Shuo, he was too lazy to care about such things, and he didn't feel that he had too much face.

Yu Dong thought for a while and said, "No need to refuse, no appointment for dinner, you make a reservation for a box at Liji Teahouse on Tuesday afternoon, and I'll be there at three o'clock."

Jiang Yueming was a little surprised and said, "Are you really asking for an appointment?"

"Well, meet him and see what he wants to do."

"Okay, I see, I'll call him back now."


After hanging up the phone, Yu Hua looked at the phone in Yu Dong's hand, "Hey, does your phone still have a signal here?"

Wang Xiaobo also took out his mobile phone in surprise. Since the two of them came to this place, there was no signal at all. They couldn't send text messages or make calls. They were useless except to check the time.

There is no phone call in this town, so they are all worried about this matter, especially Yu Hua, who usually wants to call his family.

Seeing that Yu Dong's mobile phone can still answer calls now, they feel very miraculous, and they all look at Yu Dong eagerly.

Yu Dong smiled and said: "This is not an ordinary mobile phone, but a satellite phone. Let alone here, you can call even in the deep mountains, but the phone fee is a bit expensive. But don't worry, this phone will stay here for you use."

Yu Hua gave Yu Dong a thumbs up, "That's right, Shangdao, then I will thank you very much."

Yu Dong added, "You're welcome, I'll let the accountant deduct the cost of the machine and phone calls directly from your manuscript fees."

Yu Hua twitched the corner of her mouth, "I take back what I just said."


The lawsuit between Huawei and Cisco is an understatement here, but this matter is very sensational in Europe and the United States. Although only a few media have released a little information, the outside world still speculates based on the attitudes of the two companies after the trial. thing.

After Cisco opened the court, it sternly sued Huawei on the Deep Space Tribe, but the wording was rather vague, and there was no confidence at first glance.

If Cisco is dominant in this court session, Cisco will definitely not have such an attitude.

On the other hand, Huawei did not mention the matter of the trial after the trial. While congratulating itself on the establishment of a joint venture company with 3com, it also actively reported to the outside world that they were acquired by Deep Space Corporation. The entire acquisition is about to be completed. With some finishing work left, it can now be said that Huawei is a subsidiary of Deep Space.

The different attitudes of the two parties, no matter how you look at it, are Huawei taking advantage of the court.

Cisco's development relies on mergers and acquisitions and lawsuits. This time, they used the methods they used to suppress Huawei, but this time they hit a hard bone. Huawei is not only hard on itself, but also hard on the backstage. If they want to bite, they can only collapse first. Lost some teeth.

Some people don't quite understand why Cisco must mess with Huawei. Although Cisco was brilliant before and is not bad now, it is still a little bit worse than the booming Deep Space Company. The key is that the current operation of Deep Space Company is too stable. , and it is also Cisco's Party A, it is too disadvantageous to confront Cisco head-on.

Look at America Online next door. They used to fight with the CEO and Deep Space Corporation, but now they are also two brothers, okay?In the face of interests, there is no shame in bowing your head.

But everyone in the industry understands that Huawei is too aggressive and Cisco cannot stand up to it.

Originally, Huawei was quite conservative in advertising, but since Cisco decided to sue Huawei, Huawei's advertising has let itself go.

Now Huawei's slogan in Europe and the United States has become "the only difference between them is the price", naked and direct.

Huawei's products have the same performance as Cisco's products, but the price is 60.00% to [-]% cheaper than Cisco's. In July, Huawei's sales in the US market increased by [-]% compared with June, and most of these sales came from Cisco. It is dug out of the market share.

Just imagine, things with similar performance and functions have a price difference of 20.00% to 50.00%. How many people will choose a higher price?No matter how valuable Cisco's brand is, it is not worth so much money.

It is also this year that although Cisco still maintains its dominance in the global network equipment market, its market share has declined.

Of course, Cisco's market share has declined not only because of the emergence of Huawei, but also because of the emergence of other companies of the same type.

Of course, Cisco is afraid of such a terrifying growth rate of Huawei. In this case, they have no way to make peace, unless they are willing to hand over the country of telecommunications equipment to Huawei.

Since peace cannot be sought, naturally they can only be tough. The two sides go to the frontal battlefield to fight with bayonets. Either you die or I die.

On September 400 this year, in a bidding meeting held in Brazil, Huawei stood out with its outstanding product performance, beating Cisco to get an order of [-] million yuan. This is also the largest order that Huawei has won alone since June.

Also because of this failure, Cisco directly fired the company's bidding manager.

This incident has also dealt a big blow to Cisco. They know that there will likely be more large orders going to Huawei in the future.


At this point, many people think that Huawei and Deep Space have done enough, but to everyone's surprise, the blue starry sky The technology company suddenly published an announcement on the Deep Space Tribes website that the company will acquire the chip division of Agilent Technologies for US$[-] million.

Agilent Technologies is a semiconductor company. In 1999, it was separated from Hewlett-Packard R&D Limited Partnership. It is mainly committed to the research and development, production and sales of products in communication and life sciences.

At the beginning, Agilent Technologies was in the hands of HP itself, but in the summer of 2000, HP distributed these shares to HP shareholders, and Agilent Technologies became a completely independent company after that.

Although Agilent is only a company spun off from Hewlett-Packard, it has a very large scale. It now has more than 3 employees and its annual net income can reach more than 50 billion US dollars.

It is basically impossible for Blue Star to acquire Agilent, so what they acquired was only the chip department of Agilent Technologies, but even a humble chip department would cost Blue Star $[-] million.

The main reason is that the life of high-tech companies has not been easy in the past two years. Otherwise, Agilent may not be willing to sell the chip department to Deep Space, even if the price reaches [-] million U.S. dollars.

Of course, the reason why this department was able to sell for 3 million US dollars is also because their department does have technology. For example, they put more than [-] human genes on a chip for the first time, and they also launched a mobile phone with a camera function. Micro camera modules, these technologies are so useful for the blue starry sky, it can even be said that they are tailor-made for them.

In fact, Agilent is also laying off employees recently. In their plan, in the next year, their company will soon lay off 9000 people, and the layoff ratio has reached 30.00%.

If the chip department was sold directly to Blue Star, their pressure to lay off staff would be much less.

After completing the acquisition of [-] million US dollars, Blue Starry Sky has become completely incomparable with the previous scale at this time, and it has become a big company.

At this time, the most nervous thing is not the chip companies such as Nvidia and adm, but the mobile phone manufacturers.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the emergence of the company Blue Star is mainly to develop higher-performance mobile phone chips. If this happens, the development of BenQ Mobile will be immeasurable.

BenQ Mobile has developed rapidly in the past two years, but because of the small number of models and high prices, its market share is relatively low, and it does not pose much threat to other manufacturers.

(End of this chapter)

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