Yu Dong stayed in Huangcao Village until Tuesday before returning to Jinling. His task in Huangcao Primary School was very simple. He mainly taught two subjects, one called "Society" and the other called Physical Education.

Before Yu Dong didn't come, the students had physical education class to let them go out to play. Now that Yu Dong is here, he is arranged to take this class.

The social class was originally a self-study class, no one taught it, this class was a general knowledge class, and there were no exams, so if there was a shortage of teachers, it would definitely be in the back row.

Arranging Yu Dong to teach this is because Huang Guozhu wanted to please Yu Dong and let him relax.Among the three, Huang Guozhu is the most optimistic about Yu Dong, because Yu Dong is different from Yu Hua, they are not here every day, which means that the leader still values ​​Yu Dong, and Yu Dong is still young, and there is still room for improvement in the future. very big.On the other hand, Wang Xiaobo is about to retire, and there is no room for advancement.

Yu Dong doesn't care much about what he teaches, even if it's social and physical education, it's not impossible to teach something.In fact, this arrangement is also good. After all, they can only stay here one day a week, and it is not suitable to teach other things. Sports and society are just right.

The first is the physical education class, and the children like this class even more than Yu Dong expected.

Before he came, the children were free-range. When they came to physical education class, they were allowed to play by themselves. Of course, they thought it was good at first, and there was no teacher to supervise them, so they were free.

But as time goes by, of course the children also want to play something a little different.Huangcao Village is indeed a bit out of the way, and the children don't even have marbles or matchsticks to play with.

Some villagers have TVs in their homes, and the children also watched the physical education classes of the students in the city through the TVs. There are basketball, football, and table tennis. They are also happy with other group activities.

Some boys, because they have no time to play, developed a special activity in private, which is "fighting competition". The so-called fighting competition is a wild fight. Grass, play wrestling in twos.

The school does not have sports equipment such as football and basketball, so what Yu Dong asked them to do in the first class was "horse vaulting".

The so-called vaulting means that one person acts as a horse, bends down and attaches himself, and others jump over his back. This is a sport in itself, but in rural areas, the "horse" is replaced by a human.

Children usually play this game, but after Yu Dong brought it to class, the children's enthusiasm is completely different.

First of all, in the eyes of the children, Teacher Yu from the county took them to play, which made them feel novel. Secondly, Yu Dong would also rank them, which also added an exciting sense of competition for honor to the game.

The horse vaulting event is divided into two groups of men and women. Each group will have several rounds of knockout competitions, and finally the top three will be selected for the finals. The competition system is relatively formal, which the children have never seen before.

And the top three players will also get prizes.

The prizes were paid out of Yu Dong's own pocket. Each person could get a book, a notebook, or a pen, all of which Yu Dong brought with him. Later, when the prizes were not enough, Yu Dong used paper to handwrite the certificates for the children.Although it is a handwritten certificate, it is very simple, but it is still very popular among children.

After distributing the prizes, Yu Dong also told the children that they should practice hard in physical education class in the future, and will hold such competitions for them when they have the opportunity.

This time it is subject to conditions. Next time Yu Dong plans to bring some footballs and basketballs... The requirements for large ball fields are relatively high. Yu Dong wants to get some table tennis tables for the children so that they can play when they have nothing to do. For playing table tennis, if the conditions are better, we can build a basketball court in front of the teaching building.

The football field is relatively expensive. You can first draw a field, make two gates, and play on the dirt field. Yu Dong and the others also played like this when they were young. Sometimes sports activities do not require very good sports equipment, mainly because someone brings them with them. They do it.

For example, football, if no one teaches them, these children will just kick around the ball after they get the ball, which is not interesting at all and will not keep them enthusiastic about sports.

In the social class, Yu Dong found that the children lacked too much social knowledge. Some senior students did not understand the outside world at all. Yu Dong could only temporarily put down the books and supplement them with social knowledge.

In fact, Yu Dong encountered relatively few problems. After all, what he taught was society and sports, and he could easily arouse the interest of the children, so he could get started quickly. But the problems encountered by Yu Hua and Wang Xiaobo were very difficult. up.

Wang Xiaobo was better. After all, he had worked as a private teacher in the countryside when he joined the queue, so he had some understanding of the education level in the countryside, but Yu Hua couldn't.

Of course, Yu Hua also knew that students in rural areas must have a poor foundation, and he had made mental assumptions. However, when he actually taught students, he found that it was really difficult, at least harder than pulling out teeth.

Tooth extraction is mostly boring. The tooth is there, and it can always be pulled out. It is a handicraft, but the education is different. The foundation of the students is too poor, and the understanding is not enough. They also seem to be listening to the bible.

The difficulty of teaching is second to none. The most difficult thing is that the reality is hard to accept. Many students here have missed the golden time for laying the foundation. Those children, let alone just a few of them.

These students, who can learn a little, have recognized all the characters, will be more convenient when they go out to work in the future. Can plan food in the ground.

At this time, Yu Hua and the others could feel the weakness of their personal abilities, and it was also at this time that they could deeply feel the greatness of everything that Deep Space Company has done in these years.

In the past ten years, Deep Space Corporation has spent countless manpower and material resources on charity and public welfare. Although there are still backward schools like Huangcao Village Primary School, the situation in the whole country has changed a lot.Many of the students who received funding from the Deep Space Corporation earlier have graduated.

At the very beginning, when Deep Space Corporation was engaged in charity, many people said that Deep Space Corporation was just putting on a show. Deep Space Corporation never defended itself, because they knew that it would be useless to explain these things, only time will slowly stop them The mouths of these people.

Even if it’s a show, it’s enough for Deep Space Corporation to make a show for the past ten years, and now no company dares to say that Deep Space Corporation is doing fake charity, unless they can also spend hundreds of millions or even billions of RMB for this purpose every year. thing.

Yu Hua and Wang Xiaobo naturally knew that the Deep Space Company was not just a show. In fact, the public did not know about the many things that the Deep Space Company had done, and they had never actively promoted the company's charity work.

The most commendable thing is that Deep Space Corporation is not just spending money, they are really doing it seriously, and strive to make all the investment be implemented on the students.


Early in the morning, after He Congjun sent his granddaughter to the kindergarten, he went to the vegetable market not far away to buy vegetables.

He Congjun took the initiative to pick up his granddaughter. Since he retired, he has nothing to do all day long. He is quite boring all day long. Recently, he picks up his granddaughter every day, and his mental state is much better.

After wandering around the vegetable market and buying vegetables, He Congjun walked home with a bag. From the vegetable market to his house, he had to pass by the experimental kindergarten where his granddaughter was. When passing by, there was a class of students playing games outside the classroom. He Congjun He smiled and stopped to watch.

These children were playing a game of breaking through levels. There were some circles and some short blocks in the place. The children held sandbags in their hands, stepped on the short blocks to the end, and then threw the sandbags into the circles.

From this point of view, the students in the small class are not very good at playing, so the teachers have to teach them patiently one by one.Some students were not supervised, and the teacher ran all over the garden without catching them, and the teacher had to catch them all over the field. Some students were shy and dared not play games, and the teachers kept standing beside them. encourage.

He Congjun looked at it for a while, and when he was about to leave, he suddenly saw two rather special short mounds.

These two short mounds are black and white, and they are particularly conspicuous among some colorful mounds. If you look closely, the short mounds are wrapped with a layer of rice paper, and calligraphy is written on them.

Although it was a little far away, He Congjun could tell that the words were well written and the paper was of good quality.

"That's a good word."

While He Congjun was muttering, a middle-aged woman in the yard greeted him, "Director He, go home from shopping."

This middle-aged woman is the director of the experimental kindergarten. She is an acquaintance with He Congjun. Seeing him standing outside, she took the initiative to say hello.

He Congjun smiled and raised the plastic bag in his hand, "I bought a fish, and there are not many people at home eating, so I can't finish the food if I buy too much."

"It's not easy to cook when there are few people, but you and Teacher Liang are at home, you can eat whatever you want, and you don't have to worry about other people."

"That's true." He Congjun nodded, then pointed to the two piers in the yard and said, "Director Zhang, what's going on with those two piers?"

"Dunzi?" Director Zhang turned his head in surprise, "Which two do you mean?"

"It's the two white ones with words on them." He Congjun said.

"Those two, they should be made by the parents of the students, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing, I just feel that the writing on it is good, and I'm a little curious." He Congjun said with a smile.

Director Zhang looked at He Congjun, then at the two blocks, wondering, "Why don't I show you those two blocks, but I can't take them away, after all, they were made by the parents."

He Congjun smiled and waved his hands, "No, no, I just saw that the word is good, take a second look, it's nothing, you are busy, Director Zhang, I'm going back."

"Hey, okay, you go slowly."

After He Congjun left, Principal Zhang walked up to a young female teacher and asked sideways, "Which parent made those two plum blossom piles?"

The female teacher was watching the students playing games, and when she heard Principal Zhang's words, she froze for a moment, "Which two are you talking about, Principal?"

"It's the two with calligraphy."

The female teacher looked at the two plum blossom piles, and then recalled, "It seems that they were sent by Yu's family. What's the matter, director?"

Director Zhang smiled, "The handwriting is not bad."

The female teacher nodded, "Well, it's really well written, I noticed it when it was delivered."

Director Zhang stared at the two plum blossom piles for a while, and fell into deep thought.

If ordinary people say that this word is well written, then the principal Zhang will not take it too seriously, but this is what He Congjun said.

Before He Congjun retired, he was the director of the Jinling City Cultural Center, and he was also the honorary vice-chairman of the Suzhou Calligraphy Association. His handwriting is called a good one, and the characters he can praise are definitely not ordinary characters.

Could it be that the Yu family also practiced calligraphy?

The next morning, when Chen Yuqing sent Yu Yi to school, Principal Zhang took her to chat.

"Grandma Yu, who will come to your family when the parents of your primary class will meet next Monday?"

Chen Yuqing smiled and said, "I don't have time next Monday. There are still some things at work. Maybe her grandpa will come, or maybe her grandparents will come."

"Her parents are very busy."

"Young people, aren't they all working hard? They really don't have time."

"By the way, I heard that the plum blossom pile that Yu Yi brought was made by her father?"

Chen Yuqing nodded and said, "Yes, it was her father who made it. He hadn't made this thing before, and it took him a long time to make it. Is this school homework?"

"No, no, I just saw that the writing on the plum blossom pile was pretty, so I was curious to ask, Yu Yi's father's handwriting is really good."

"Hey, my son-in-law doesn't usually have any hobbies. He just likes to write, so the handwriting is not bad. During the Chinese New Year, we don't buy door couplets outside. Either my old man wrote it or my son-in-law wrote it."

Director Zhang clapped his hands and showed a surprised expression, "Grandpa Yu Yi is good at writing, and Yu Yi will definitely be able to write well in the future."

Chen Yuqing said with a smile, "There is no root here, it still depends on how to teach. Now she is still young, she is not taught to write, but her mother takes her to learn piano every day. My daughter is a music teacher, and she is thinking about how to teach her every day." Really."

Speaking of this, Chen Yuqing looked at his watch and said, "Director Zhang, I still have something to do in my unit, let's talk again when we have time."

Director Zhang nodded and said, "Okay, okay, go ahead and waste your time."

As soon as Chen Yuqing left, He Congjun brought his granddaughter to school.

After sending his granddaughter in, He Congjun chatted with the principal Zhang at the door, and he said with a smile, "Are the children still playing sandbag throwing today?"

Director Zhang smiled and said, "I shouldn't be playing today. If you want to read the words on the plum blossom piles, you can come to my office. I keep everything in my office."

He Congjun thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Then excuse me, I'm really curious about that picture."

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