Chapter 1049 Card Friends
He Congjun saw the two plum blossom piles in Zhang Yuan's office. Before that, he could only see a rough idea from a distance. Now holding the plum blossom piles in his hands, he felt that the words were well written, and the characters of the words were beautiful. The style looks a bit familiar, as if I have seen it somewhere.

"This word is a bit..."

"What's the matter?" Director Zhang asked.

He Congjun read it up and down twice again. One of the plum blossom piles should be written "Humble Room Inscription", and the other is "Quick Snow and Sunny Post". Not too much of the author's own style can be seen, but the former style is very obvious.

"This seems to be written by Yu Yuanwai." He Congjun concluded, but his tone was not sure, after all, there were not many words exposed on the plum blossom pile, and they were still crumpled.

Director Zhang didn't understand for a while, "Yu Yuanwai?"

He Congjun said with a smile, "Yu Yuanwai is Yu Dong's quack nickname, which came from Yu Hua's "Cucumber Garden Essay". They are acquaintances together, and they are all called Yu Dong as Yuanwai. Outsiders like us Follow the trend, that’s how it’s called.”

Director Zhang couldn't understand Yu Yuanwai, but of course she knew the word Yu Dong. Yu Dong's popularity in Jinling was almost unmatched.

In Jinling, it is normal not to know a movie star or an international political figure, but if you don’t know Yu Dong, people may suspect that you may not be from Jinling, because every aspect of Jinling’s life is related to Yu Dong.

Among other things, as long as you are from Jinling and have children at home, basically there is no one who has never been to the Deep Space Park. As long as you have been to the Deep Space Park, how can you not know Yu Dong?

Although there is no sculpture of Yu Dong in the Deep Space Park, nor is Yu Dong's name enlarged and hung somewhere, but as long as you enter the Deep Space Park, you can see Yu Dong everywhere.

The literature area has the most books on Yu Dong, and they are placed in the most conspicuous places. In the science fiction area and the film and television area, you can see things related to Yu Dong everywhere, and Yu Dong is also an ambassador for the Olympic bid. When the Olympic bid was successful that year, Jinling only Families with TV sets watched special programs on the Olympic bid, and Yu Dong's speech on the Olympic bid was also made into a model essay and included in the textbook.

"Why is he called Yuanwai? Is there any special meaning?" Director Zhang asked.

He Congjun said with a smile, "I don't know what the meaning is, but according to Yu Hua's explanation in the book, it's because Yu Dong is the richest among them, and Yu Dong usually pays for dinner, so everyone So I gave him such a nickname, which means that he is rich."

"Oh, I thought it was referring to the ancient official staff, Wailang, but I didn't expect it to refer to the landlord and gentry." Director Zhang smiled, but when she said this, she suddenly remembered, sending this plum blossom pile child His name is Yu Yi, with the same surname as Yu Dong.

It was heard that Yu Dong had a daughter before, such a couple, then Yu Yi is probably Yu Dong's daughter.

Thinking of this, Principal Zhang was a little surprised. She never expected that Yu Dong's daughter would come to their school to study.

Seeing Director Zhang in a daze, He Congjun asked, "What's the matter, Director Zhang?"

Director Zhang waved his hand, "It's nothing, I just think this nickname is quite interesting."

"It's really interesting." He Congjun cast his eyes on the plum blossom pile again, and said in a deep thought, "Just looking at this word, it's hard to be sure that it was written by someone else, or someone else copied it, otherwise, who would use his words? On this one. Yu Yuanwai’s writing is very rare in the market, so the price is not low, even if it doesn’t sell for much without inscription and seal, it can still be a souvenir.”

"It should be." Director Zhang echoed.

It's hard for her to tell He Congjun her guess, and it's hard for her to reveal Yu Yi's name. If Yu Yi is really Yu Dong's daughter, then Yu Dong sent her daughter here to study because she wanted to keep a low profile.

Since Yu Dong wanted to keep a low profile, she couldn't reveal it to others at will.

Yu Dong's daughter is studying in his own school, which makes Principal Zhang feel honored but also very stressed. On the one hand, families like Yu Dong have high requirements for their daughters, and whether the school's education can satisfy them. If there is anything that cannot be fulfilled, will Yu Dong raise it? If raised, they will not be able to refute it at all.

In addition, Yu Dong's family is too rich, is it safe for her daughter to go to school here?

Let’s not talk about whether something as extreme as kidnapping happened. What if Yu Yi bumps into each other at school?
Seeing Director Zhang's absent-minded look, He Congjun took the initiative to leave and said, "Director Zhang, I have something else to do, so I won't bother you."

Director Zhang really had something on his mind, so he didn't keep anyone, "Well then, go get busy."

After He Congjun left, Principal Zhang paced back and forth in the garden for a while, then ran to the guard's room, and told the guard, "Master Li, we need to do a good job of security. If there is anything suspicious near the kindergarten Personnel, you must pay attention, the safety of the children is very important."

Uncle Li saw that Director Zhang was acting serious, so he didn't know what to do, but the leader had already spoken, so he nodded and said, "I know, I know, Director, don't worry, with my old Li here, I guarantee that not a single fly will let it go." flew in."

After instructing Uncle Li, Director Zhang started to patrol the garden again, for fear of any potential safety hazard.

There was a small break in the fence of the garden, and she also wrote it down on paper, planning to find someone to repair it.

After visiting the garden, she went to tell the head teacher of the first class to be careful not to have any friction between the children, to pay attention to the safety of daily activities, and to teach the children carefully.

After finishing the instructions, she couldn't help but ask again: "Yu Yi in your class, is there anything special about his usual behavior?"

The class teacher thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "It's nothing special, she's too young, and there's still a gap between her abilities and older children. If there's something special, she's very courageous and can play with anyone. And her heart is very generous. Sometimes the older children think she is too young and don't want to play with her. You can also get close to people.”

"What about music and literature, do you have any talents?" Director Zhang asked.

The teacher in charge twitched the corner of his mouth, "They are still too young now, it's hard to see their talents in this area, and there is no test in this area."

Principal Zhang nodded, "Well, I see."

The head teacher asked curiously, "Principal, why did you ask Yu Yi?"

"It's nothing, I'm just curious, it's nothing, you can be busy."


As soon as Yu Dong got home, Bi Feiyu ran to his house and came up with a series of questions.

"Where have you been? Is it far from here? How many people are there in the school? What are the conditions like? Have you already taught classes? How do you feel?"

Yu Dong packed his luggage, looked up at Bi Feiyu, "If you are curious, why don't you go and see with me next time, you have so many questions, how can I answer them?"

"I can't get away. Is it far away? Where is it?"

"It's not far, and it only takes two hours to go there."

"Two hours, then next time you take me there... Is there any place so close? I just left Jinling in two hours. Some places in Jinling can't be reached in two hours." Bi Feiyu said .

Yu Dong smiled, "It's right next to Jinling, and it's really not that far away. The straight-line distance is only [-] kilometers. If the road is repaired, it can be reached in an hour. Let's wait until next week, and the two of us will go together next week."

"Okay, let's go together next week." After making an appointment with Yu Dong to go to Huangcao Village together next week, Bi Feiyu said again, "Old Liu and the others have an appointment to play cards tonight. Are you going or not? Pharaoh and Yu Hua After the two left, it became more and more difficult to find a match."

"I think you are too smart at counting cards. Others don't want to play with you. Look at He Yu, who wouldn't want to play with him?"

Bi Feiyu curled her lips, "Old He, isn't he mainly playing a rare muddlehead? Every time he plays a card, he is muddleheaded. Don't talk about what you have and what you don't have, just say if you have time tonight, if you don't I'm going to find Feng Ming."

"I really can't do it tonight. The company still has a lot of documents that I need to deal with. I have to work overtime after dinner. You should go to Feng Ming."

"Boring." After saying that, Bi Feiyu left cursing.

Looking at Bi Feiyu's Bi Feiyu, Yu Dong smiled and shook his head. Fortunately, he didn't send Bi Feiyu to Huangcao Village. Otherwise, the three of them would definitely play cards together. But can fight the landlord.


"23456 Straight Flush, do you want it? Do you want it?"

"How many more?"

"There are seven more."

"There are seven more to worry about you. You have to release them at least twice before you can finish them. I'll pass."

"Are you stupid and let him pass, you are not afraid that he will add a straight flush with a pair in his hand? 56789 straight flush is in charge."

"Hahaha, I'm waiting for your hand. 78910j will be closed for you. No one wants it now. There's still a pair of a's."


In a one-story house in Huangcao Village, several people were frantically wrestling with each other.

The players who played cards were none other than several teachers from Huangcao Village, including the new teachers Yu Hua and Wang Xiaobo.

In the first two days after arriving, Yu Hua and Wang Xiaobo were new to the school and were still thinking about how to find out the situation of the school. Later, after learning that two teachers also liked playing cards, they set up the card table.

They don't play cards in vain, they have a lot of money, but the bets are not big, they are all [-] or [-] cents, even in the countryside, it is acceptable, even if they lose a day, they can't lose much.

In the contact with these two teachers, Yu Hua and the others also figured out the situation of the Huangcao Village Primary School. In fact, they can't blame Huang Guozhu for being a coward. He was leaving in a while, so every time a new teacher came, Huang Guozhu tried every means to get some money from these teachers, and these teachers were not short of money anyway.

There have been rumors from above that the government wants to build a new elementary school in Huangcao Village, and then build a cement road from the elementary school to the town. For many years, there was no movement at all.

This news is not only not good news for Huangcao Village Primary School, but it has a bad influence.

Huang Guozhu submitted applications to the town more than once, hoping to build a wall around the Huangcao Village Primary School and get a yard out, so as to control the entry of students and social personnel and ensure the personal safety of the students.

It doesn’t cost a lot of money to build a fence. Just get some red bricks, cement and sand, and find some local farmers who can build walls to help you build it. You don’t need to paint white walls, which is very cost-effective.

But for this application, the town government has not approved it, the reason is very simple, it is because of the news that a new building will be built.

The consideration of the town government is that if the higher-ups really want to build a new school for Huangcao Village after a while, then the wall will be built for nothing, and the money will be wasted.

"Hey, you two are still good, different from those who came before." Halfway through the cards, one of the teachers said with emotion.

Wang Xiaobo asked with a smile, "What's the difference between the two of us, and what about the ones who came here before?"

"Those who came before basically didn't put their minds on teaching, and thought about how to go back every day. The two of you are different. I can see that you put students in your heart, and you don't think about going back every day. .”

"One pair two." Yu Hua casually played a card and said with a smile, "We are different. We are getting older and don't want to work hard in the city anymore. Apart from not being able to take care of our family, working here is pretty good. OK."

"Hey, I'm afraid you won't feel better if you stay for a while. To be honest, who wants to live in the countryside when you can live in the city? Water and electricity are inconvenient. I lived in the city for a while before, except The water is not very good, but everything else is very convenient. It is normal for people in the city to not sleep at eight or nine o'clock at night. If you look at our side, except for the lights in this room, there are other things. Is there a lighted room?"

"Naturally, the city is better than the city, and the countryside is better than the countryside. When the conditions are better in the future, the life in the countryside will be the same as in the city now, and the environment will be better, and the air will be better. Once the roads are repaired, every household will have a car. Go to the county town It only takes a few 10 minutes, and it only takes an hour to go to Jinling. In the city, in the countryside, you can go back and forth many times a day."

The teacher pointed at Wang Xiaobo, "Brother, you are good at everything else, you just like to brag, not to mention that every household has a car, our family is satisfied with buying a motorcycle. Besides, even if you can afford it Car, who can drive a car? I have heard that it is not easy to learn to drive a car. I have a cousin who drives in the city. It costs thousands of dollars a month. If my son fails to pass the school exam, I will let him He went to learn to drive, so he has a skill."

Wang Xiaobo smiled and didn't say anything else. He has lived in Jinling for the past few years and has been in contact with Yu Dong every day. Naturally, he understands the development trend of society better than ordinary people. It's just that he doesn't intend to spread these things to others, because these things can only be experienced in the end. Only then can they feel that what they say now is bragging in their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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