Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 1052 Model Software Academy

Su Tong left the manuscript, and Yu Dong didn't stay any longer, and left after a brief chat with Su Tong.

He went to Anren Street first. Normally, they would have dinner at the parents-in-law's house on Tuesday or Wednesday.

When Yu Dong arrived at the place, Cheng Yanqiu had already arrived first, and Yu Yi had also been picked up. The mother and daughter were playing with building blocks.

Seeing Yu Dong coming back, Yu Yi immediately stood up and rushed to Yu Dong, "Daddy is back."

Yu Dong hugged his daughter in his arms and said with a smile, "Are you building blocks with your mother?"

"Well, grandpa bought such a big building block." Yu Yi made an exaggerated gesture, "It's so big, Dad, let's play together."

Yu Dong nodded, and carried Yu Yi to the place where the building blocks were built. Cheng Yanqiu rolled his eyes, "I played with you for a long time, and you ran to my father as soon as he came back."

Yu Yi ignored her mother at all, slipped from Yu Dong's arms, and then pulled Yu Dong to sit on the ground, "Dad, let's play together."

"Okay, what are we going to build?"

"Build a castle, build a big castle, as big as the one at Brother Haiguo's house."

Yu Haiguo has a castle at home, and it was given to him by Yu Dong. I have to say that although Yu Haiguo is a child who escapes, he can play with peace of mind. The castle Yu Dong bought for him is very difficult. It took him more than a week to put together the castle.

After the castle was put together, it was kept in the living room of their house. At first, it was in the teaching and staff apartment. Later, when Yu Hua and the others moved, they moved the castle to the new house. Every time the other children went to his house, they had to look at it. That castle, Yu Yi is no exception.

While chatting with Yu Yi, Yu Dong was also quite surprised. Recently, Yu Yi's language expression ability has improved very fast. It feels like he hasn't seen each other for two days, and Yu Yi's expression has become a little smoother.

It probably has something to do with her entering kindergarten. The activities in kindergarten are still very useful for the development of young children.

After playing with Yu Yi for a while, Yu Dong looked around and asked, "Where are your parents?"

"Mom is in the kitchen. Dad called back and said he will work overtime. He won't be home until seven o'clock."

"Is their Faculty of Arts busy recently?"

"The main reason is not that their college is busy, but that their school is relatively busy, and there are meetings every day, so he can't escape."

Yu Dong nodded. Jinling University has indeed been very busy in the past two years. Two years ago, Jinling University entered the first batch of universities that were key to the national 985 project construction. Last year, it was approved to pilot a national demonstration software college.

After Jinling University was approved to pilot a national demonstration software college, it signed an agreement with Deep Space Company to carry out all-round cooperation. The two parties will have closer cooperation in computer software.

The National Demonstration Software Institute is a national policy. There are 35 colleges and universities in the first batch of experimental demonstration software academies, and Yanjing has the most, with a total of six, namely Yenching University, Tsinghua University, Yenching University of Technology, Yenching University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Yenching Institute of Technology and Yenching University of Posts and Telecommunications.

There are only two schools in Jinling, namely Jinling University and Southeast University.

The purpose of building a model software college is to cultivate software talents in leaps and bounds in the new century, increase the intensity of higher education personnel training structure adjustment, and promote the important measures of transforming traditional industries with information technology.

The so-called model software colleges encourage schools to cooperate with universities, software companies or enterprises in the United States, India, Israel and other countries to run schools. Particular attention should be paid to cooperating with foreign software companies to establish internship bases for senior students. To put it bluntly, they want Through cooperation with foreign universities and companies, we will cultivate more practical modern talents for China.

According to the guidance of relevant policies, the next main task for schools building exemplary software colleges is to find suitable foreign universities to cooperate with software companies, but for Jinling University and Southeast University, they don’t need to find any foreign companies at all. , because today's most famous Internet companies are right in front of them.

After Jinling University and Southeast University established a model software school in 1999, they successively signed cooperation agreements with Deep Space Company. By September this year, senior students from the software schools of the two schools had begun to intern at Deep Space Company.

Some students will stay in Deep Space China for internships, while others will be sent to Deep Space America or other Deep Space companies, depending on the student's study direction.

If there is a game-oriented company, it will naturally be sent to companies such as Blizzard, Sierra or Deep Space Games. If it is related to streaming media, it will be sent to companies such as Duckweed.

Anyway, no matter what direction the students are studying, Deep Space Company can always find suitable internship positions for them.

According to the cooperation agreement signed by Deep Space Company with Jinling University and Southeast University, Deep Space Company will provide internship positions for all third-year students of the model college who meet the academic standards, but all the students' food and accommodation will be provided by the two universities and the students themselves. burden.

However, in fact, as long as students go to deep space companies for internships, they can basically get subsidies, and some students who perform particularly well can even get bonuses.

At that time, the reason why Deep Space Corporation signed such an agreement with the two universities was to prevent some bastards from coming out of the school, so as to make a fuss about the agreement, and to deal with this situation in the future.

For the students who intern at Deep Space Company, if they perform well, the Deep Space Company will directly provide them with an offer when they graduate. As long as they are willing, they can directly enter the company to work. That period of time is also counted into their seniority.

In the past two years, the model software colleges of more than 30 schools, namely Jinling University and Southeast University, have developed the best. The admission scores in these two years are also the highest. As long as students want to enter the software industry, Jinling University must be the first choice. Follow Southeast University, then Yanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Zhejiang University, National University of Defense Technology, Yenching University, and Tsinghua University.

Because as long as they enter the exemplary software colleges of these two universities, it can basically be said that one leg has stepped into the deep space company, and if they do not want to work after graduation, they can continue their studies.

Deep Space Corporation has many research centers, and they can choose to enter the research center to do research and development after further study.

Now Jinling University is busy, mainly because of the demonstration software college and other science and engineering colleges, and has little to do with the liberal arts college, but the school knows that Cheng Liye is the father-in-law of Yu Dong, so he is naturally indispensable for meetings.

The couple were chatting, and Chen Yuqing yelled in the kitchen, "It's time to serve the food."

"Okay, here we come."

Yu Dong responded, and ran in to help serve the dishes.

After the dishes were served, Chen Yuqing took off her apron, "Let's eat first."

Yu Dong looked at the time, it was already [-]:[-], and he said with a smile, "Why don't you wait a while, Dad, it won't be long."

"Wait for him to do..."

As soon as Chen Yuqing spoke, the door of their house was pushed open, and Cheng Liye pushed the door in.Chen Yuqing changed her tone, "Go wash your hands and eat, the whole family is waiting for you."

"Didn't I let you eat first, don't wait for me."

"I don't wait for you, you Dean Cheng has a lot of things to do every day, and you can't get a bite of hot food when you go home. Am I not a sinner?"

Cheng Liye was used to being criticized by his boss, so he went to wash his hands with a smile without saying anything.

After coming out of the bathroom, Cheng Liye took out another bottle of wine from the study, "Yu Dong has nothing to do tonight, we two have a drink?"

Yu Dong smiled and said, "I really have something to do tonight, let's stay with you tomorrow night."

Hearing that Yu Dong had something to do, Cheng Liye didn't say anything. He held the wine bottle and poured himself a glass. That's how he drinks. It's good to have someone to accompany him. If no one is with him, he can drink happily.

After the wine was poured, Cheng Liye took a sip from the bar, and then said with a smile, "During this time, I have meetings every day. I am from a liberal arts college, and I listen to a bunch of professors of science and engineering talking about their majors every day. I am the first two. big."

Chen Yuqing pouted and said, "The meeting is not mandatory. If someone calls you and you go, who do you blame?"

"Hey, after all, it is related to the development of the school, and I should also do my part."

"You're a liberal arts college, just do your own college well, and other colleges don't want you to do your best."

Yu Dong said with a smile, "Dad is also for the sake of the school. I heard that the Ministry of Education recently signed an agreement with Jiangsu Province to jointly build Jinling University. Jinling University must be busy with this matter. After the agreement is signed, Jinling The university is also planning to use the Xianlin campus.”

"Xianlin Campus?" Cheng Yanqiu looked puzzled, "Is the Xianlin campus built so fast? Didn't you say before that it won't work in seven or eight years?"

Yu Dong smiled and said: "Because our company invested some money, the university town now has sufficient funds, so the construction is very fast."

"You invested a lot of money?" Cheng Liye asked.

"[-] million yuan was invested."

"[-] million, tsk tsk, this money is enough to renovate Xianlin." Chen Yuqing said with emotion.

"The [-] million yuan is mainly used for the basic road construction in the early stage, which is completely enough."

"Then what do you get for the [-] million people you invested?" Cheng Liye asked.

"The government will give us a piece of land in Xianlin for commercial construction. We plan to build a large-scale comprehensive shopping mall on this land. Our report depends on this shopping mall."

"That's still risky. You have to pay for the later construction of the comprehensive shopping mall yourself. Then the cost will be more than [-] million. When will you spend so much money? Xianlin University Town basically There are no people there, and when there are more people there, I don't know when it will be." Chen Yuqing worried.

"Comrade Chen Yuqing, your ideological consciousness is not enough. It is certain that you want to make money, but you can't just focus on the money. Now, Deep Space is investing funds in the University City to help the construction of the University City, and has taken a piece of land for commercial construction. In this way It can greatly speed up the construction of a university town and help the Jinling government build a higher education gathering area."

"Yes, I am not enlightened enough. You are still noble. You should give back to the society after making money, but you can't ignore your own risks. I think that as long as the Deep Space Company can operate healthily, it will be good for Jinling, the country, and the people. The best feedback. I saw it in the news before, and some people said that now the company is making big moves, and the company’s business risk is greatly increased. If the capital chain is broken, the company is likely to go bankrupt.”

Cheng Liye rolled his eyes, "The more you talk, the more exaggerated you are."

Yu Dong smiled, and his mother-in-law said that he was not surprised by this at all. Some news media did write such news a few days ago. The people who wrote the news made good use of spring and autumn brushwork, writing as if the deep space company was going to close down at any time.

People who write this kind of news either want to gain popularity or are instigated by someone. Nowadays, the deep space company is developing rapidly, and there are many more opponents who use underhanded tactics.

Using public opinion to smear is a commonly used method in commercial wars. Many large companies have used it, and have also been tricked by others.

This kind of public opinion attack will not have a great impact on Deep Space Company. On the one hand, Deep Sky Company itself has a relatively strong control over public opinion. On the other hand, most of the companies under Deep Space are not listed, and there is no risk to their stocks. impact situation.

Other companies also have to consider the issue of investor confidence, but Deep Space Company doesn't care at all, because most of their investor confidence lies in Dong Hejiji.

Companies such as PayPal, Amazon, and BenQ Dentsu are more affected. PayPal is now backed by Deep Space Corporation, so its stock price is stable. Amazon has experienced glory before, but now it is fluctuating at a low level, and there is not much room for it to go down. Well, BenQ Dentsu doesn't have many shares in the market, and BenQ Dentsu's stock has always been quite stable.

Hearing his mother-in-law's worry, Yu Dong said with a smile, "The news is too exaggerated. The Deep Space Company is still very stable and there will be no problems. Moreover, our eggs are not in the same basket. Even if there is a certain basket Broken, the eggs in other baskets are still there."

Cheng Liye also smiled and said, "That's right, among other things, Deep Space Company has so many copyrights, and now it doesn't do anything. The annual copyright fees alone are enough for the company's expenses. And even if your son-in-law loses the company, he My own book can support a company.”

Yu Dong finally discovered that his father-in-law and mother-in-law were optimistic and restless.

It’s not wrong to start a business in the process. Even if there is no Deep Space Company now, his own annual copyright fee can support a company.

In fact, Chen Yuqing's uneasiness was not only caused by the scribbled news, but also because Yu Dong's wealth had grown too fast in the past two years.

A few years ago, because the development of Shenkong was not as big as it is now, and the outside world knew little about Dongfu, so Chen Yuqing and the others only knew that his son-in-law was very rich, but they didn't expect that his son-in-law's wealth had exceeded their imagination.

In the list of the world's richest people published by the "Sunday Times" in April this year, Yu Dong ranked No. 66 on the list with 30 billion pounds.

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