Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 1061 Teacher Yu, I figured it out

Chapter 1061 Teacher Yu, I figured it out
Jimmy smiled and said, "The Dutch auction method has advantages and disadvantages, and the conditions are relatively harsh. Very few companies use this method to set prices for listing, and the proportion should be less than one percent. This method can save a lot of investment bankers' money. Commissions, and the process is open and transparent, investment banks have little room to operate, and the stock price can be sold at a higher price. But the problem is that without the help of investment banks, companies that generally do not have a strong market position and high reputation will not have any investors' attention at all."

Yu Dong nodded, meaning that companies that adopt this method of pricing are very confident in themselves.

Compared with companies in traditional industries, Google's popularity is definitely much higher, so I don't worry that investors will not pay attention to it. It depends on whether investors see their company's development.

According to Google's current situation, it is indeed very likely that it will adopt this pricing method.

"You said he came to me to talk about this because they are not as confident as they seem. What do you mean?" Yu Dong asked.

"Although Larry didn't say it, I guess he probably hopes that we can buy their stocks later. We have been buying stocks everywhere, and we are also shareholders of Google, so when they go public, there is a possibility that we will buy their stocks. It's still pretty big," Jimmy said.

Yu Dong smiled, "Even if he doesn't say anything, as long as I know that Google is going to be listed, I will definitely buy their stocks."

"Why don't you wait for them to set the price range? If they set the price range too high, will we still buy it?"

Yu Dong thought for a while and said, "Look, it shouldn't be so high that we can't afford it. If the price is low, we will buy more. If the price is high, then we will buy less. I don't know what they are preparing." It’s time to go public.”

"Haha, don't worry. We are the major shareholders holding 15.00% of the shares. We will definitely know what the real movement is. I will follow up on this matter. I am now worried that Larry and their actions will make those investment banks unable to Be happy, some investment banks may be a stumbling block."

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows and said, "Those investment banks won't do things that ruin their own brands, right?"

Jimmy chuckled and said, "Isn't it enough to be more concealed? The investment banking industry is very deep and dirty. I know their methods all too well."

"Well, have a snack, the situation of Google's IPO is very important to us."

Google's listing is indeed important to them. After all, they have 15.00% of the shares on hand. The situation of Google's listing directly affects the amount of small money they have.

In addition, Yu Dong is also discussing with Jimmy whether to list Tengxun.

Tengxun now has a lot of business on hand, and it is also in the stage of rapid growth, but they have no extra money to invest in it, so they are thinking of listing it so that it can move forward on its own.

Google and Tencent are both Internet companies, so Google's listing situation is also a good reference for Tencent.


Yu Dong just hung up the phone, but before he could turn around, the phone rang again. He looked at the caller ID and saw that it was from Jinling, so he picked up the phone with doubts.


A woman's voice rang on the other end of the phone, "Hello, is this Yu Yi's father?"

"Well, who are you?" Yu Dong asked.

The woman laughed, "I'm the principal of the experimental kindergarten. My surname is Zhang. I'm calling to ask you, should you still be studying at our school next semester? Because there are cases of school transfers every year, I'll call you in advance. Find out more and we can make arrangements later."

Although Principal Zhang's explanation was reasonable, Yu Dong still felt strange, because there was still some time before the end of the semester, and it seemed that it was too early to say this.

In addition, Yu Dong and the others left a total of three phone numbers at school, two landlines and one mobile phone. The first one is the landline number of his father-in-law and mother-in-law's home, followed by their home landline number and his mobile phone number. Logically speaking, If Director Zhang wanted to contact them, he would first call his father-in-law and mother-in-law's house. There must be someone at home because Cheng Yanqiu and Yu Yi were having dinner there tonight.

And even if they need to be notified, it should come from Yu Yi and their class teacher, not the principal himself.There are nearly two hundred students in their entire kindergarten. If the principal personally calls every student, it would be too much trouble for the principal.

However, Yu Dong didn't ask any more questions and just said with a smile, "Hello, Principal Zhang, our Yu Yi family has no intention of changing schools for the time being."

"That's good. Yu Yi is adapting well to school. If there are no insurmountable difficulties, the school does not recommend transferring to another school. I called him tonight. On the one hand, he asked whether to transfer to another school. On the one hand, I also want to chat with you, because I have always been in contact with Yu Yi’s grandparents, and my parents have not met yet. I know that you must be very busy and have your own frustrations, so I want to use the phone. Let me tell you, Yu Yi's performance in school is very good. Although he is relatively young, he does not recognize students and communicates very well with classmates and teachers."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Thank you, Principal Zhang. Yu Yi's mother and I are usually busy, so we haven't had the chance to go to school. Yu Yi is very happy at school, and we are very relieved. Now seeing Zhang The director is so serious and responsible, which also proves that our previous choice was correct."

"Thank you for your compliment. This is what we should do. Well, it's getting late, so I won't disturb you."

"Okay, goodbye, Director Zhang."

After hanging up the phone number from Principal Zhang, Yu Dong frowned and pondered for a while. This call from Principal Zhang was too weird. He looked at the caller ID number again and checked it against the information of the experimental kindergarten. It was indeed the experimental kindergarten. number.

Perhaps Director Zhang noticed something, so he made this call specifically.

Yu Dong shook his head and didn't think about it again. He wanted to pack the things he would take to Huangcao Village next year.


The next morning, Yu Dong arrived at Huangcao Village Primary School on a tractor.

Before the tractor arrived at the school, Yu Dong saw several students squatting in the sandpit in front of the teaching building, writing and drawing.

Hearing the sound of the tractor, several students stood up and looked this way. When they saw it was Yu Dong, they dropped the branches in their hands and ran towards Yu Dong.

The tractor didn't stop, and was still slowly driving towards the school gate, and the students ran along with the buckets of the tractor.

"Teacher Yu, you are here."

"Teacher Yu, did you bring anything good this time?"

"Teacher Yu, will you continue to tell the story you told last time this time?"

"Do you want us to call Teacher Wang and the others?"

"You came so early today."

While the students were chattering and playing, the tractor drove to the school gate, and Yu Dong pointed to the things inside the tractor bucket and said, "Help me, and help me move these things to the warehouse."

"Okay, Teacher Yu."

There weren't many things in total, just some test papers and notebooks. Several students scrambled to move the things to the warehouse.

After everything was moved, Yu Dong asked them, "Why did you come to school so early to see? I just saw you playing in the sandpit?"

One of the little students said with a smile, "Teacher Wang assigned us a math problem. We don't know how to do it. We were studying it in the sandpit just now." Yu Dong knew this little student, his name was Li Hongchuang, and they were a few All students are in fifth grade.

Li Hongchuang should be the one who is better at school. Yu Dong had heard from Wang Xiaobo before that this kid is quite talented in mathematics, but the level of education in the countryside is poor, so his foundation is not as good as those in the city. The child is relatively weak.

"What question?" Yu Dong asked.

"Teacher Yu, I will write it for you to read."

Li Hongchuang picked up the branches on the ground and wrote the question on the sand. Yu Dong stretched his head and took a look. At first glance, he didn't even know this math question, at least he couldn't calculate it verbally. It was quite difficult.

Yu Dong smiled awkwardly, "Ahem, Teacher Wang said that you solved the problem, did you give you any rewards?"

Li Hongchuang shook his head, "No."

"That's good. There is no reward, and you can come over so early to solve the problem." Yu Dong said with a smile.

Li Hongchuang said with a smile, "I just think this question is interesting."

Yu Dong looked at the other students, "What about you, do you also think this topic is interesting?"

The students shook their heads repeatedly, and one of them said, "We just don't think Li Hongchuang can figure it out."

Yu Dong smiled, and said to himself that these bastards are really free, watching people joke here.

"Then can you figure it out? Li Hongchuang."

Li Hongchuang nodded confidently, "It's almost solved."

Yu Dong nodded, "Then you solve it carefully. If you can solve this problem, I can reward you with ten pieces of scratch paper."

Hearing the reward of ten pieces of scratch paper, Li Hong became excited. He clenched his fist and said firmly, "Don't worry, Teacher Yu, I will figure it out soon."


Li Hongchuang said he was very confident, but solving the problem was not as smooth as he said.

In the first ten minutes, several other friends were still watching the questions, and then they all ran to play. As time went by, more and more people came to the school gate. They built a stone flagpole on the east side. Two tables, with a stone board placed on top, serve as table tennis tables.

Although the slate was the wrong size and had many pits, the students played very enthusiastically on it. There was no net on the table, so bricks were placed on top to serve as a temporary net.

The students also have all kinds of rackets, including serious table tennis rackets bought for a few dollars, and some made by themselves out of wood.

The only thing that can't be replaced is table tennis balls. Yu Dong bought them from Jinling and brought them here. They are consumables and basically break two or three a day. Fortunately, table tennis balls are not expensive. A few of them break every day. Not much money.

Yu Dong first tidied up the warehouse, played table tennis with the students for a while, and then went to find Wang Xiaobo and the others. Before leaving, he looked at Li Hongchuang and told him that if he couldn't solve it, he would first He went home for dinner and came back after dinner, but Li Hongchuang didn't have the heart to respond to Yu Dong at all.

After finding Wang Xiaobo and the others bragging for a while, the principal Huang Guozhu came over and called them to eat.

After eating, the three of them wandered back to their residence. Yu Dong looked in the direction of the school and said, "I don't know if that guy Li Hongchuang is still in school."

From his position, he couldn't see the school sandpit, which was blocked by the classroom.

Wang Xiaobo asked curiously, "What is Li Hongchuang doing at school?"

"It's not because you gave him a math problem. He arrived at school early in the morning and was solving the problem in the sandpit."

Wang Xiaobo patted his head: "That's what happened. I saw that this kid was making rapid progress, so I made it a little more difficult for him. I also stipulated when he would solve it. Why is he in such a hurry?"

Yu Hua smiled and said, "You are not in a hurry, but for this kid Li Hongchuang, this question is stuck in his heart, and he can't do it unless he pulls it out. I have long seen that this kid Li Hongchuang is a bit Paranoid, don’t give up on any topic if you can’t solve it, and you are too strict with yourself.”

"I also knew he was paranoid, but I didn't expect him to be so paranoid. Let's go and have a look. Don't let the child stay there all the time."

The three of them walked towards the school, walked around the classroom, and saw a little man squatting in the sand pit and writing something.

Wang Xiaobo walked over quickly and was about to call Li Hongchuang, but suddenly stopped.

Seeing that Wang Xiaobo didn't shout, Yu Dong and Yu Hua also walked over curiously. Wang Xiaobo made a silent gesture and mouthed, "It's almost over."

The two nodded and followed Wang Xiaobo to stare at the ground.

Less than a minute later, after Li Hongchuang finished writing a line, he suddenly slapped his legs and was about to stand up. But when he was halfway up, he suddenly felt dizzy and his vision became a little dark, so he was about to fall back.

Yu Dong, with quick eyes and quick hands, supported Li Hongchuang and said, "Li Hongchuang, are you okay?"

Li Hongchuang rubbed his head and smiled when he saw that it was Yu Dong who was supporting him, "Teacher Yu, I figured it out."

Seeing Li Hongchuang's smile, Yu Dong felt mixed emotions in his heart. He was both relieved and sad.

Li Hongchuang's condition was obviously because his blood sugar was too low, he had been squatting for too long, and his blood supply was insufficient when he suddenly stood up.

Huangcao Village is very poor, and Li Hongchuang's family is also considered poor in Huangcao Village. His family has four children, two older sisters, and one older brother. Without exception, the older brothers and sisters all went out to work.

If there were no accidents, Li Hongchuang would follow his elder brother and sister's path after graduating from elementary school and go out to work.

Logically speaking, with so many people working in his family, he shouldn't be too poor. However, Li Hongchuang's mother has always been ill and often needs to go to the hospital. With several members of the family working, it is not enough for Li Hongchuang's mother to live alone. The money spent by the hospital.

I heard that Li Hongchuang's mother committed suicide by drinking pesticide last year in order not to burden her family. However, she did not die, but instead made her health worse.

Her brothers, sisters, and father were in the city taking her mother to see a doctor and working part-time at the same time. Li Hongchuang lived with her grandmother in her hometown.

(End of this chapter)

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