After mentioning the matter of going public, Larry Page never had any serious conversations with Yu Dong. He only talked with Yu Dong about eating, drinking and having fun, or things related to things like robots and nuclear fusion.

He did not regard Yu Dong as a liberal arts student, and discussed with Yu Dong with great interest when humans could achieve sustainable nuclear fusion reactions, how much money it would cost to achieve this, and how human life would change after it was achieved.

He is also keen on discussing robots. After learning that Deep Space Corporation has a robot research and development center, he said he must go and see it.

Larry Page is not a typical CEO, and he doesn't even look like a CEO. He spends most of his time focusing on messy knowledge.

At the end of the conversation, Larry Page suddenly thought of something, "By the way, I heard that Andy Rubin is working for you now. Is it true?"

Yu Dong couldn’t tell whether Larry Page really suddenly thought of it or whether he had wanted to ask for a long time. He said with a smile, “We do have cooperation with Andy Rubin, mainly based on the projects he led before. "

"Mr. Rubin's project is very promising. In fact, I think his previous project can be developed on the mobile phone system. I have always wanted to talk to him about this matter, but I have never had the opportunity. He is very busy recently. It's not open either."

After hearing what Larry Page said, Yu Dong knew that he must have wanted to ask about this for a long time.

BenQ Mobile has done very well in mobile phones in the past two years, and Blue Star has successively acquired several chip design teams. The outside world has speculated that Deep Space may want to enter the field of smartphones.

If BenQ Mobile really enters the smartphone field, it will definitely need an operating system, and at this stage it seems that joining the Symbian family is the best choice.

However, BenQ Mobile has never had any intention of joining the Symbian family. Facing invitations from Motorola and others, BenQ Mobile has repeatedly refused.

Based on this situation, the outside world has speculated that Deep Space Company wants to develop its own smartphone operating system, but this is just speculation without any evidence or sign.

But Larry Page knew more information because he had contacted Andy Rubin before and he had a good relationship with Andy Rubin.

Although Andy Rubin did not reveal what project he is currently working on, Larry Page can probably guess it, because he has studied Andy Rubin's previous projects and knows what Andy Rubin has done. It is very promising to transplant it to smartphones.

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Maybe this time next year, he won't be so busy."

Larry Page raised his eyebrows. The message revealed by these words was that in one year, Andy Rubin's project would make great progress.

Larry Page, who is as good as Andy Rubin, knows that if the project they are researching really makes big progress, then the smartphone developed by the Deep Space Company will definitely be very powerful.

Thinking of this, Larry Page fell into deep thought. If BenQ Mobile can really produce a smart phone that is ahead of its time, then the mobile communication market may undergo a super big change.

Larry Page felt a little itchy. He really wanted to see how far Andy Rubin's project had been developed, but he knew that this was impossible. He was very disappointed that YU could reveal so much information to him. Surprised.

The two chatted for a while. Yu Dong looked at the time and said with a smile, "It's getting late. Let's go have dinner together. I know a good Western restaurant."

But Larry Page smiled and said, "No, no, just take me to eat wherever you usually eat."

"I usually eat either at my wife's parents' house or in the cafeteria. If I have time, I might cook for myself."

"Then we'll eat in the cafeteria."

Yu Dong thought for a while, "I'll take you to our company canteen to eat."

Larry Page waved his hand again, "No, no, no, I'll eat it in your school cafeteria."

Seeing Larry Page's insistence, Yu Dong smiled and nodded, "Okay, as long as you're used to it."


When the two of them arrived at the cafeteria, it was lunchtime. The cafeteria was full of students. Students kept greeting Yu Dong, and Yu Dong kept nodding in response.

Then it was time to queue up and get food. When the two finally sat down, Larry Page smiled and said, "Every student greets you and you respond. Isn't your neck tired?"

"Used to it."

Larry Page looked around again, and then sighed, "You are really close to life, or in other words, the school is very safe. A rich man in the United States was kidnapped last month, and now many rich people have increased." Security force.”

Yu Dong smiled and said nothing. In fact, there were at least two groups of security personnel around them.

Although the school is very safe, there are many people in the cafeteria after all, so some security measures are always needed. However, these security personnel are very good at disguise and are not easy to be discovered.

Moreover, Jinyi is now under surveillance everywhere, and if any suspicious person appears, they will be focused on.

In the past, several people who were handing out small cards like that came into the school and were caught by security personnel before the cards were handed out. Another time, gangsters outside the school bullied Jinyi students next to the school and were directly arrested. Security personnel caught the twister and sent him to the police station.

Now, no matter the people who distribute small advertisements or the underworld, they all know that Jin Yi can't come here.

Yu Dong gave Larry Page a serving of scrambled eggs with tomatoes, a serving of beef tenderloin with pepper, and a serving of rice.

"Are you still used to eating?"

"I'm quite used to it." Larry Page raised the chopsticks in his hand ostentatiously, "I'm very skilled at it."

"Just get used to it."

"How much does my meal cost?" Larry Page asked.

"Two yuan." Yu Dong then replied. "How much?" Larry Page looked at Yu Dong in surprise, "Do you think these things I eat only cost two yuan?"

Yu Dong nodded, "Don't be surprised, the beef is not much. In this cafeteria, you can actually get a meal for thirty cents, so your meal is considered expensive."

In fact, in Jinyi’s canteen, you can have a meal for free because there is free soup with vegetables in it and you can serve the rice yourself.If you prepare your own food, the cheapest price is [-] cents per dish.

Usually, a lunch for students costs between [-] cents and [-] yuan, and some more expensive set meals can cost [-] or [-] yuan.

This price is indeed cheaper than most school canteens, mainly because the canteens are contracted separately, and most of the windows are contracted out separately.

The contracting fee is very cheap, but the contract is signed once a year. If the school does not do well, the school will not renew the contract with them in the second year.In order not to be eliminated, each window strives to be of high quality and low price.

Jinyi not only does not earn contract fees, but also regularly updates equipment in the cafeteria, such as dinner plates, tables and chairs, and credit card equipment, all of which are borne by the school itself.

In the past, cash or meal tickets were used to pay for meals in the canteen. Now that the canteen system has been upgraded, all meals are paid with a card.

The reason why Jinyi can offer so much money is that on the one hand, the school now has more public budget allocations and applied for scientific research funds than before, and on the other hand, the school also receives much more social donations for running schools than before.

Jinyi has produced many celebrities in the past ten years, from all walks of life. Take the first class 91 Gongmei in Yudongdai as an example. After more than 20 people graduated, most of them have achieved good career development. There are several All started successful businesses.

The drama department students at the back are even more incredible. A number of big stars have emerged. In recent years, some students have donated millions to the school. In addition to those relatively large donations, Jin Yi also donated relatively small amounts. No one refused, and the one who donated the least amount even had two yuan.

Every penny donated by each alumni to the school will be publicized on the Jinyi official website. As long as the money is in the school's account, the donor's name, donation amount, graduation date, and college and other information will be publicized on the website, unless the donor himself does not Be willing to disclose information.

In recent years, the donations received by Jinyi have been increasing every year. According to statistics, the total donations received by Jinyi last year reached 5000 million yuan, an increase of 20.00% over the previous year.

In addition to donations, Jin Yi himself is also busy making money. The school has cooperated with the Deep Space Company to set up many studios that are already profitable. In particular, the visual design studio chaired by Liu Changmin has not only helped many students , and also brings millions of RMB in income to the school every year.

At the end of last year, Jinyi had a lot of money in financial savings, and they also entrusted Deep Space Company to help manage this part of the funds. Up to now, the monthly income has exceeded one point.

Now Wu Changxin thinks about how to make money every day, and he also thinks about how to spend money. There is so much money every year, and if it is not spent, money is dead, so Wu Changxin thinks about how to improve the lives of students and faculty every day.

It's just that the school is too small, there is no room for further construction, and the teachers' remuneration has also been raised to an unusual level.

In the past, among schools such as Jinyi, China National Theater, and Yanjing Film Academy, teachers might choose the latter two without hesitation, but now teachers will put these schools in the same position when choosing.

The drama departments of the latter two schools may have more history, but the treatment given by Jinyi is too good, and the students recruited by Jinyi are better than those of China Opera and Yanjing Film Academy. The students are not stupid, they go to the drama department Just for the sake of filming, choosing Jin Yi is obviously one step closer to the movie.

As for other emerging majors, such as animation, Jinyi is almost overwhelming. No school in the country has an animation major that can rival Jinyi.

Halfway through the meal, Larry Page suddenly asked, "What lessons will you teach the students now?"

"It's basically some literature-related courses, and my students are mainly screenwriters."

Larry Page nodded, "As I thought, I heard that your school's screenwriting major is very good. Many screenwriters in Hollywood are from your school."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "This is a bit exaggerated. There are indeed students from our school in Hollywood, but there are not many, only three or five, and they are all still young and have no representative work."

Jin Yi’s Drama Creation major started relatively late, and it’s only been a few years since the first batch of students graduated, and most of them haven’t made any representations.

The rumor Larry Page mentioned was not spread by anyone else, but by Deep Space Company for the purpose of promoting Jin Yi.

The effect of the publicity is indeed good. There are many foreign students in Jinyi now, and Jinyi’s fees for international students are not cheap, basically three to five times that of Chinese students.

Of course, their tuition fees are not in vain. As long as they can obtain a degree, Deep Space Company will basically arrange jobs for them. If they study acting, they may even hope to act in Hollywood.


Larry Page was so impressed that he ate all the food Yu Dong gave him.

After finishing the meal, Larry Page said goodbye to Yu Dong, who was flying back to the United States tonight.

At around eight o'clock in the evening, Yu Dong called Jimmy and shared with Jimmy the key information he got from chatting with Larry Page today.

After listening, Jimmy smiled and said, "Larry, they are very ambitious, but they may not be as confident as they show themselves, otherwise he would not come to tell you about this. I think they may continue Take the initiative to go public.”

"How to take the initiative?" Yu Dong asked.

"They should make a fuss about the pricing method. Under normal circumstances, the IPO pricing initiative lies in the hands of investment banks. The investment banks will agree on a price based on the prices of benchmark companies in the market and the needs of institutional investors. In this process , investment banks have great power. As a result, some investment banks will consciously lower stock prices for their own interests to maintain their own business networks. After all, for investment banks, what they really serve is investors. Lowering stock prices, Of course investors are happy."

"So what do you think Larry and the others are going to do?"

"It is very likely that a 'Dutch auction' will be used. The so-called Dutch auction is when the company announces the number of shares to be issued and the price range, and then investors submit orders based on this announcement and write down clearly what price they want on the order. How many stocks are purchased, and finally the auction is conducted from high to low.”

"Is this any different from an ordinary auction?" Yu Dong asked.

Jimmy smiled and explained, "There is a difference. In a normal auction, the first bidder wins, and the price is based on the bid. In a Dutch auction, the first bidder buys first, but the final transaction price must be based on the price of all stocks. For example , Google wants to issue 90 shares, we bid 90 yuan and want to buy [-] shares, and another company bids [-] yuan and wants to buy [-] shares, then we can buy [-] shares first, but the transaction price is [-] Yuan Lai."

Yu Dong nodded on the other end of the phone, "I probably understand that this auction method is more beneficial to listed companies." (End of Chapter)

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