Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 1059 Are you going to go public?

In fact, tourism revenue of 27 billion yuan in half a month is not much, but the Deep Space Annual Conference was held during the off-peak tourism season.

Without the Deep Space Annual Conference, Jinling’s tourism revenue would be very low from November to March and April of next year, but the Deep Space Annual Conference fills the gap in the off-season very well.

The best tourism market in Jinling is naturally during the summer. During the two months of summer vacation, Jinling’s average daily tourism revenue is more than 2 million yuan.

Now that the Olympic Sports Center is completed, various competitions and concerts will be held in the future, and Jinling's tourism revenue will also be greatly increased.

If Real Madrid and Manchester United really decide to hold a friendly match in Jinling next summer, Jinling's tourism revenue will be greatly increased next summer.

Yu Dong looked at the time and saw that it was already 05:30. He said with a smile, "It's time to get off work. If you have anything to do, we'll talk about it tomorrow."

"Boss, you really have to be careful when you leave."

"Haha, you have to be careful. If I don't leave, you won't leave either. If you don't leave, the people below won't leave either. So isn't it just empty talk when we advocate not working overtime?" Yu Dong stood up and said, "I won't talk to you anymore, I have to cook when I go back tonight."


In the office of the general manager of Alienware in Miami, USA, the two founders, Nielsen and Alex, stared at a card on the coffee table in front of them in trance.

They had been staring at the card for two minutes, and no one said anything.

This is a card that looks nothing special, just like an ordinary greeting card. There are no words on the outside of the card, only a blue starry sky printed on it.

Many netizens can recognize this card as an invitation to the Deep Space Annual Meeting. Some people have sold this thing on the Internet before, but most of them are fake. Generally speaking, guests who accept the invitation will keep the card for collection. , It is impossible to take it out and sell it. Most of the people who can be invited by the Deep Space Company to participate in the annual meeting are not short of money, so this stuff is rarely revealed.

The key is that this thing has a name on it. Some famous people sold this thing. It would be embarrassing if others found out.

Of course, there are also some lucky ones who are drawn. Although the invitations of these people can only sell for one or two hundred dollars, the price is enough to make some people's hearts flutter.

Alex had never seen the invitation to the Deep Space Annual Conference. He asked Nelson, "Have you seen the photo of the invitation? Is this true?"

Nelson curled his lips, "I just saw the photo. It's impossible to tell whether it's real or fake. But this card was sent directly by the staff of Deep Space Company's Miami Office Center. He has Deep Space Company's ID and left his phone number." The number allows me to call him if I have any questions, so there should be no problem with the card.”

"Why did Deep Space Company invite us?" Alex asked puzzledly, "We probably have no business dealings with each other, and our company is so small, so I am surprised that they know about our company."

Nelson said with a smile, "Alex, although our company is small now, you have to believe that sooner or later we will become a world-famous company, and our computers will definitely impress gamers all over the world. Maybe Deep Space Is the company so discerning that it invites us when we are not yet developed?”

Alex scratched his head and said, "Tell me, some company might want to acquire us."

"Acquisition? Why does Deep Space want to acquire us?"

"Of course because of the potential our company has."

Nelson waved his hand, "It's useless to think too much. You'll know when the time comes. If you really want to acquire it, as long as the price is reasonable, it's not impossible to consider it. I heard that the acquisition company of Deep Space Company never interferes with the company's business philosophy."

"It's not easy to go there. The round trip costs a lot of money."

Nelson laughed and said, "Are you stupid? All the guests attending the Deep Space Annual Meeting are paid for by the Deep Space Company. Besides, the company is not too small now. Let's go to China and make the round trip. Can't afford the fee?"

Hearing that Deep Space Company was covering travel expenses, food and accommodation, Alex smiled and said, "The company is in the development stage, so save as much as you can. When will their annual meeting be?"

"You can go from January 23th onwards, and their last day of annual meeting will be January [-]rd."

"We didn't have anything going on during that time, right?"

Nelson thought for a moment and said, "It's probably nothing."

"Okay, then let's go and have a look. It doesn't cost anything anyway, and we should be able to see many colleagues on site. Maybe going there this time can help us open up overseas sales for our computers."


"Please sit down."

Jin Yi, in Yu Dong's vice principal's office, a young man with silver hair sat in front of Yu Dong.

Looking at the silver-haired young man in front of him, Yu Dong couldn't help but sigh, this is the Internet unicorn.

Larry Page is not even 30 years old this year, but Google founded by him and Brin is now valued at more than 200 billion US dollars.

Although his worth is not comparable to that of Yu Dong, Yu Dong is a bad guy after all.

Larry Page took the tea cup from Don's hand and said with a smile, "No matter how much you spend on tea in the United States, it seems that it doesn't taste as good as the tea you have here."

"Maybe it's a psychological effect." Yu Dong smiled, "The tea I have here is just ordinary tea. You can sell better tea in the United States."

Larry Page shrugged, "But I always think the ones here taste better, maybe it's because of the water."

Yu Dong smiled and stopped talking about tea. Instead, he said, "I was quite surprised to hear that you came to Jinling. It's still a long time before the annual meeting. Do you have anything else to do here?"

Larry Page explained, "We have an investment in China, which is relatively important, so I came to see it in person. Since I have come to China, of course I have to come and visit you."

"How's the investment going? Is the negotiation done?" Yu Dong asked.

Larry Page nodded, "That's almost it. There wasn't much of a problem. I just came to take a look. In fact, Sergey was originally going to come, but he had other things to be busy with, so I had to come. "The year is coming to an end again. Sergey must be very busy. He should be able to spare time during our annual meeting, right?"

"That should be no problem." Larry Page took a sip of tea and looked around Yu Dong's office, "I still envy you very much. The company is obviously bigger and bigger than us, but it's still so easy. "

Yu Dong smiled, "Because Jimmy is busy with most things, so I can relax a bit."

"But I think Jimmy seems to be much more relaxed than us."

Yu Dong glanced at Larry Page and felt that there was something special about this kid coming here today. It was not like he said he was just passing by for a visit.

"Although we buy many companies, most of them don't have to make decisions ourselves. These companies operate independently, and we only need to provide some help occasionally. These companies also strive to do well and develop very well without us."

"I think the most important thing is that your company's equity structure is relatively simple. You and Jimmy have more say. No one can influence what decisions you want to make."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Isn't it the same in your company? Is there anyone who can influence what decisions you and Sergey make?"

Although Google has many shareholders, and Larry Page and Sergey each only hold more than ten percent of the shares, due to their special shareholding structure, they have absolute decision-making power in Google. Other shareholders include Even the Deep Space Company has no control over them.

In fact, after several acquisitions, Deep Space Company now holds 15.00% of Google shares, which is basically the same as Larry Page and others. However, Deep Space Company has no decision-making power at Google.Even if the stock of Deep Space Company can surpass Larry Page and others in the future, the situation will not change.

Larry Page held the tea cup and leaned back, "If it goes on the market, this situation will be different."

"Listing? Are you planning to go public?" Yu Dong raised his eyebrows.

Many financial analysts say that if Google wants to grow and develop, it is best to go public at this time, but Google seems to have no intention of going public at all.

Google is definitely going to go public, but Yu Dong can’t remember exactly which year Google went public. Is Google going to go public now?

Larry smiled and said, "I just said casually... the company will eventually go public, it's just a matter of time."

"Once listed, your value will skyrocket. I want to congratulate you in advance." Yu Dong said with a smile.

Larry Page smiled sheepishly, "Those are all false values. I believe that if you are willing, you can make a company's value skyrocket by listing any company. The key is that after listing, you can't help but make many decisions." gone."

Yu Dong was not surprised to see Larry Page looking in a bad mood. According to the styles of Larry Page and Sergey Brin, they were really concerned about some of the problems caused by the listing. Hard to accept.

Google is somewhat similar to Deep Space. Both companies are very secretive. When promoting to the outside world, they never release the details of the company.

For example, when a reporter asked how many employees the company has, Google would usually say more than 1000, while Deep Space would say several thousand, both of which were very vague answers.

Reporters asked them how many servers they have and how much they spend on research and development each year. It is impossible to get accurate answers to these questions. When faced with some questions, the spokespersons of the two companies will refuse to answer.

In particular, the shareholding structure of Deep Space Corporation is still unclear to the outside world, and Deep Space Corporation has never answered such questions.

However, once a company is listed, according to the requirements of the US regulatory authorities, corporate information must be made public, and the company's operations will eventually be placed under the supervision of investors.

By that time, all aspects of Google's information will be open and transparent, and it will be impossible to be as secretive as before.

Just now, Larry Page said that he envied Deep Space. In fact, he did not envy Yu Dong and others for their ease, but that Deep Space did not have to go public, and many of their companies were not listed. In this way, no one could control the company's operations. .

But as those analysts said, Google wants to go further, and going public is a good choice.Although going public has various disadvantages, there are also many benefits. It can not only raise a lot of funds for the company, but also improve the brand effect and realize asset securitization.

In fact, in the eyes of Larry Page and others, Deep Space Company is simply a miracle. It has grown from scratch to such a scale in just ten years, and it has not yet been listed on the market.

The reason why Deep Space Company has been able to remain unlisted and still have enough funds is that it relies on blood transfusions from film and television companies, and it is also because they made a lot of money by selling Amazon stocks before, which ensured the company's cash flow.

In the first few years when Deep Space Corporation started to develop the Internet, it has always been losing money. If the company had not had a lot of cash, I am afraid that it would not be able to support it, and the Deep Space Computer had been listed on the market long ago.

Later, the difficult period was finally over, Deep Space Tribe and Dongdong also began to make profits, and the days of Deep Space Company began to get better.

Now even if Deep Space Company has no money, it can still sell its stocks without worrying about running out of money.As for corporate visibility and value securitization, Deep Space does not care.

Although Larry Page denied that they were going to go public in the near future, Dong Dong knew that the rumor was groundless. Google must have had this idea before Larry Page mentioned it.

"Have you already started contacting investment banks?" Yu Dong asked with a smile.

In the traditional IPO process, the protagonist is the investment bank responsible for issuance and underwriting, because investment banks have the most systematic professional knowledge and extensive contacts. Generally, companies that want to go public have to visit investment banks one by one and ask for help.In other words, in the traditional IPO process, investment banks take the initiative.

Larry Page shook his head, "Not yet. I am planning to convene a group of investment banks in a while and have them come over to have a chat and see who can take on our job."

Hearing Larry Page's words, Yu Dong was stunned. Hey, this kid has a very high profile. He asked an investment bank to help them go public, and he actually looked like he was "choosing a concubine".

But if you think about it carefully, Larry Page's attitude is normal, because Google is indeed strong now, enough for investment banks to beg them.After all, everyone knows that you can definitely make money by underwriting Google's stocks.

"It seems that you are very ambitious. How much money do you want to raise?" Yu Dong asked.

Larry Page shook his head and said, "We haven't decided how much money to raise yet, but it will definitely be no less. Now we just have this idea, and we have to wait until we contact these investment banks before making a decision. By the way, Please help us keep this matter confidential, we do not want to announce the listing for the time being."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Of course, even if you don't tell me, I won't reveal this news to the outside world. This will not do us any good. If you need any help, you can tell us." (End of Chapter)

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