The conversation between Yuliang and Yang Qing did not come up with anything substantive, but at the end of the phone call, Yuliang made it clear that as long as there was a chance, Deep Space and Lenovo would also have the opportunity to cooperate.

After hanging up the phone, Yuliang looked at the time. It was almost time to get off work, so he walked out of the office and went to the top floor.

Yu Dong was looking at the information of some football players in the office. Although he didn't care about the operation of the football team, he couldn't help but look at the information of potential young players collected by the company's scouts.

Hearing the knock on the door, Yu Dong looked up, saw that it was a margin, and said with a smile, "Come in."

Yuliang walked in with a smile, "Boss, are you going to work overtime today?"

Yu Dong looked at the time and saw that it was almost time to get off work. He touched his head and said, "It's already past five o'clock. I thought it was three or four o'clock. If I don't work overtime, I will leave soon."

He has always advocated that employees should not work overtime, so he can stay away from the company as much as possible to set an example.

Today he only came in the afternoon, because there are still classes in the morning, and now he has fewer and fewer classes in Jinyi, but he still keeps the classes.Although he is the vice-principal, he does not do much practical work. Some small matters are decided by others in a meeting. If it is a big matter, Wu Changxin will come to him for a private chat.

"Are you going to eat in the cafeteria?" Yu Liang asked.

"No, go home and eat. If you came to see me for anything, why don't you just ask about the meal?" Yu Dong stood up with a smile, then pointed to the sofa, "Sit down and chat."

After Yu Dong sat down first, Yu Liang followed suit. Then Yu Liang said with a smile, "I just received a call from Yang Qing."

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows, "Are you here to seek peace again?"

Yuliang nodded and said, "Well, we came here to seek peace, but Yang Qing's mind is still unclear. He thought we were the same as them, so he was thinking of using some integrated Internet access to impress me."

Yu Dong is not surprised at all, "Integrated Internet access is a monopoly business, from the Internet to the terminal, everything is connected together. From Lenovo's perspective, if we are ambitious and want to achieve this, we will start with them If we cooperate, then at least we will be interdependent in this system from now on. I heard that IBM is lobbying Lenovo to acquire their PC business, is this happening?"

"Yes, there is such a thing. IBM not only approached Lenovo, they also approached Sony, Toshiba and other companies, but now it seems that no one is interested in them."

Yu Dong touched his chin, "Is it possible that Lenovo will acquire IBM's personal computer business?"

Yuliang shook his head, "From the data point of view, it is unlikely. The reason why IBM wants to sell their personal computer business is because the profit margin in this area is extremely low. According to the current situation, IBM's personal computer business will be sold at any time." There is a possibility of losses. If they can sell the personal computer business as soon as possible, they will not only be able to increase the company's annual interest rate, but also get a lot of liquidity."

"From Lenovo's perspective, first of all, they want to buy IBM's personal computer business, but there are some financial problems. Although they have not made a detailed valuation of IBM's personal computer business, if they want to buy it, the price is estimated to be more than 20 to [-] billion. US dollars, which Lenovo cannot afford at this stage."

"What if it's stocks plus loans? If Lenovo really wants it, there should be a way."

"The risk is too high. The key is that their own business conditions have not been very good in the past two days. The state's support for them has decreased, and it has become more difficult for them to obtain loans from the bank. Besides, the loans still have to be repaid after all. In their current situation, the pressure to borrow hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars is too great. The main reason for Lenovo's acquisition of IBM's personal computer business must be IBM's overseas market. If Lenovo can get 08 If there is no strategic partner quota for the [-] Olympic Games, the possibility of acquiring IBM's personal computer business may be higher."

After hearing so much from Yu Yu, Yu Dong also probably understood that the key is that Lenovo has no money now, and they have not won the quota of strategic partners for the 08 Olympic Games, so it is of little use for them to acquire IBM's personal computer business.

"Does BenQ hope to acquire IBM's personal computer business?" Yu Dong asked.

Yuliang was stunned. He didn't understand why the boss suddenly asked this. Is the boss really interested in IBM's personal computer business?

But from the margin point of view, even if it wants to acquire, Acer should be allowed to do it. With the size of BenQ PC, even if it takes over IBM's personal computer business, it is meaningless. Even if it is taken by force, it may break the current balance.

"It is not difficult for BenQ to acquire IBM's PC business. IBM doesn't care who buys their PC business, they only care about the money. But if you want to spend less money, you may need to wait patiently, as long as IBM If they don’t find a suitable next home, then they will definitely lower the price.”

Yu Dong narrowed his eyes. He didn't just want to say this out of the blue, but he really had thoughts about this.The profits of personal computers are indeed low, but Dudong wants to create a high-end personal computer brand and form an ecosystem with other products of BenQ Mobile in the future. Moreover, the market for tablet computers will be huge in the future.

However, IBM's price is indeed too high, and it is not cost-effective for them to get it now.

Yu Dong frowned and thought for a while, then asked, "Did you buy an alienware computer last time?"

"Uh... I bought a computer. I really didn't pay attention to the brand. Jiang Jie recommended it to me. He said it was a good laptop with a unique appearance. I can use it just fine."

"Is there an alien head up there?"

Yuliang nodded repeatedly, "Yes, yes, there is indeed an alien head. It looks very special. The green body is also rare. I keep that computer at home. Anyway, it is better to play games than other computers." Use it, of course, the price is not cheap. I spent close to 3000, and I heard that even if you buy it in the United States, it will cost more than [-] US dollars."

If it were two or three years ago, or even more than a year ago, a computer worth 1 US dollars would not be that expensive, because the price of notebooks is already high, starting at [-] yuan, and those with higher configurations are worth [-] to [-] yuan. is normal.

But this year is different. The IT industry is too sluggish this year. Major computer manufacturers have been cutting prices. The price cuts are basically more than 3000 yuan. One of the IBM thinkpads has been directly reduced by 5000 yuan. Dell has also directly reduced the price of some notebooks. The price dropped to under eight hundred dollars.

Eight hundred dollars. Before this year, who would have thought that you could buy a Dell laptop for less than eight hundred dollars?Digital China, a spin-off of Lenovo, also launched laptops priced below RMB 5000.

In fact, since last year, Dell has been continuously cutting prices in order to expand its market territory. In the second half of this year, the frequency of price cuts has been ridiculously high. Many manufacturers have been forced to follow suit due to the situation.

The final result is that all manufacturers lose money. The difference is that small manufacturers have a higher loss rate and are not strong enough to withstand losses. In the end, they are likely to exit sadly.

IBM is eager to get rid of its own PC business for this reason. If it continues to compete with Dell, losses are inevitable.

"Do you know Alienware?" Yu Dong asked.

Yuliang shook his head and answered truthfully, "I don't know anything about it. This computer was also recommended to me by Jiang Jie. I have never heard of this brand before."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Let's find out."

Yu Yu tentatively asked, "Boss, how much should I know?" "At least know how much it will cost if we want to buy this company."

Although he had expected it, Yu Dong was still very surprised when he heard it said by Yu Dong himself. He didn't understand how the boss knew about Alienware and why he wanted to acquire them.

The boss's thinking was too out-of-the-box. He was asking BenQ if he hoped to acquire IBM's personal computer business, but then he turned to talking about acquiring an unknown small company.

However, based on his belief in Dong, Yuliang decided to get to know this company well. He also wanted to see what it was about this company that attracted his boss.

After talking about the computer, Yu Dong looked at the time again. There were still 15 minutes left before getting off work, so he asked about the annual meeting again.

This year's New Year's Eve is January 31, and there are still more than two months to go, but preparations for the annual meeting have already begun.

"The invitation list has been initially drawn up. I will ask them to send it over to you tomorrow."

Yu Dong waved his hand, "You can make your own decisions about the invitation list. There is no need to show it to me. There is not much difference between this year's annual meeting and last year's. However, we must pay attention to the arrangement of participants from Huawei and AOL Time Warner. .Also, you, Mr. Ji, and Britney will walk together on the red carpet this year, so you need to pay attention to this."

Yu Liang smiled and nodded, "I'm going to confirm this matter with Mr. Ji, and there is also the matter of the concert, which must be finalized as soon as possible."

"Has the guest list for the concert been drawn up?"

"The list has been sent to Mr. Ji, but Mr. Ji has not responded yet."

"Send me the list later and I'll take a look. It's really getting late. If you're not sure anymore, the process will be difficult to follow."


The concert that Yu Liang mentioned was a project that Jimi did to generate income. There was originally a concert every year at the Deep Space Company's annual meeting, but there was no charge before. You only had to swipe your Star Card to enter the park... and you didn't even enter the park. You can see it from outside the park.

However, the situation is different this year. On the music theme day, there will be a relatively large concert, and a number of stars from Deep Space will sing on stage.

The venue of the concert is no longer the Deep Space Park, but the Jinling Olympic Sports Center, which was completed and delivered just this year.

The Olympic Sports Center was completed and delivered at the end of August, and the launch conference was held just last week. This also marks that Jinling Olympic Sports Center has officially transferred from the engineering construction stage to the operation and management stage. The newly established Jinling Olympic Sports Center Sports Culture Company Officially took over.

At the end of next month, the inauguration ceremony of the Jinling Olympic Sports Center will be held.

Deep Space Company’s New Year’s Eve concert will be the first large-scale event held at the Jinling Olympic Sports Center.

The reason why the performance was moved to the Olympic Sports Center was, on the one hand, to generate some income. On the other hand, it was also because the space in front of the music hall was too small and too restrictive, which not only was not conducive to the performance of the singers, but also allowed them to come over. Participating audiences are also limited.

The Jinling Olympic Sports Center is large and can accommodate [-] to [-] spectators, and the experience of watching performances is also better.

Moreover, Jinling Olympic Sports Center is very close to the Deep Space Park. On the day of the concert, many buses will be specially arranged between the two places. If tourists do not want to take the bus, they can also choose to walk there, from the Deep Space Park to the Jinling Olympic Park. The nearest sports center is only two kilometers away.

Previously, Yu Dong and the others actually planned to arrange a friendly match between two football teams at the Jinling Olympic Sports Center to open the Olympic Sports Center. However, the completion and delivery time was a little late and could not keep up with the free time of Manchester United and Real Madrid.

But it doesn't matter, Jimmy has already made arrangements. Manchester United and Real Madrid will arrange a trip to China at the same time next summer, and they will play a friendly match at the Jinling Olympic Sports Center.

"Have the ticket prices for the concert been decided?"

"It has been decided that the infield will be in four levels: 1580, 1280, 880, and 680, and the stands will be in four levels: 580, 480, 380, and 280." Yuliang said.

Yu Dong frowned, "Isn't the ticket price a bit high? The lowest one is 280."

Yu Yu smiled, "If you really want to count, according to the lineup of our concert, this price is already low enough, and now the four kings of Xiangjiang are basically at this level, even if it is low, it will not be much lower. And our tickets are also very expensive. Not all of them are sold, but a large part of them are given away.”

Hearing what Yu Liang said, Yu Dong didn't say anything, but just reminded, "The main thing is not to let the tickets go to scalpers."

"I know this. If these tickets are in the hands of scalpers, the 1580 tickets will be sold to 5000 at least. In fact, the audience who can buy the in-field tickets are basically people who are not short of money. Really selling for [-] , there must still be a lot of people buying it.”

This is true. Even if it only sells for 1580, it is not affordable for ordinary people. Although people's wages have increased a lot in the past two years, most people still cannot earn 1580 a month.

In Shanghai, Yu Dong’s hometown, the average salary of employees in urban units is only more than 400 yuan, and the salary of employees in urban units in Shanghai is definitely higher than most people in the country.

Let’s talk about some statistics. Before Yu Dong traveled back, the average salary of employees in urban units in Shanghai had exceeded 1 yuan.

A concert sells 400 tickets, with an average price of 2000 yuan per ticket, which is [-] million yuan.

In fact, this doesn't seem like much to Yu Dong. After all, there are so many guests at the concert, and if everyone pays an appearance fee based on market conditions, there probably won't be much left after deductions are made.

For Deep Space Corporation, collecting the ticket price is to save money, after all, the previous performances of the stars were posted by the company itself.

But for Jinling, the economic effect of this concert is very considerable.

During the nearly half month before and after the Deep Space Annual Conference last year, Jinling City’s tourism revenue reached 27 billion yuan, of which hotel accommodation accounted for the highest proportion, with 4 million yuan, followed by catering consumption income, about 6 million yuan, the shopping consumption income is about 8 million yuan, the transportation consumption income is about 6 million yuan, the ticket income of Jinling's scenic spots and venues is about 8 million yuan, and other entertainment consumption income There is also 8 million yuan.

The key is that among the 27 billion yuan, there is US$[-] billion in foreign exchange. (End of chapter)

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