Amazon has indeed done a lot in the past two years, such as the big price cuts last year and this year.

In July last year, Amazon announced that all books priced at $99 or more would get a [-]% discount, and it announced again in January this year that as long as the order amount exceeds $[-], you can enjoy the free shipping service on the order.

These price cuts brought Amazon more customers, more sales, and their cash flow soared.

The reason why they can do this is because they have improved in cost control.

The reason why Amazon was able to control costs was partly because of their previous investment in the distribution center, and partly because the deep space computer provided them with very good search technology and cloud services.

Thanks to better search engines and recommendation engines, Amazon customers can now always buy what they need and are more comfortable scheduling distribution centers.

In addition, Deep Space Company has some of the best-selling authors in the world, so they can buy books more cheaply.

Amazon has been doing these things, but the numbers didn't show up until last quarter.

Investors' growing confidence in Amazon has also been reflected in the stock, which was closed on Friday afternoon when Amazon reported its quarterly earnings.

After a weekend, on Monday, Amazon's stock started to rise as soon as the stock market opened. Eventually, it rose from 40.00 US dollars to [-] US dollars, an increase of more than [-]%. This was also the highest single-day increase in recent years. once.

Of course, this was just the beginning. After all, $[-] was still low compared to the previous stock price. Another day later, Amazon’s stock continued to rise, rising from $[-] to $[-].

It has been a long time since Amazon's stock price has reached $[-]. There was a period of time before because the deep space company performed particularly well, and Amazon's stock price recovered for a while, but it only reached $[-]. Since then, it has been going up It has fallen, and it has not exceeded ten dollars for a long time.

This time Amazon’s stock broke through the highest point in recent years, and it also gave investors a signal that everything is possible. After all, Amazon’s stock has also reached triple digits before, and it may not be possible now. up.

Therefore, in just a few days, the direction of the entire investment market has changed, and Amazon's stock is generally believed to be worth owning.

Didn't some analysts say they would sue Mary Meeker collectively, and they really did what they said. Just a few days before Amazon announced its quarterly financial report, they filed a lawsuit in court.

The current situation is embarrassing for these people, because it turns out that if investors listened to Mary Meeker, they would have made a lot of money by now.On the contrary, many people threatened to sue the group of people who sued Mary Meeker, thinking that they delayed their money.

Some people predicted before that Deep Space Company was going to raise the stock price and then sell it to cash out, but now that the stock price has risen, Deep Space Company has held the stock in its hands instead of issuing it.

In fact, the stockholders are very contradictory. They hope that the company can sell the stock, but they also hope that the company will not sell the stock.

Now Amazon's stock is rising too fast, and there are not many people willing to sell, so it is difficult to buy stocks, which is why the stock is rising so fast.If Deep Space can throw their stocks out at this time, wouldn't they be able to buy Amazon's stocks cheaper?

But if Deep Space Corporation really wants to sell its stock, they are afraid that Amazon's stock will fall again after Deep Space Corporation sells its stock.

Like Amazon's stock price, the box office of "Harry Potter 2" is also soaring. The second film is the same as the previous one, with a box office of more than 9000 million US dollars in the first weekend, but it is a pity that the previous two films did not complete their premiere. A feat of over [-] million box office.

Although I knew that the box office of "Harry Potter 2" would definitely be a big hit, but when the box office came out in the first weekend, it still made a group of people in the industry stare wide-eyed.

The box office of this year's movies is terrible. In previous years, if a movie can exceed 6000 million U.S. dollars in its first week, it is definitely very powerful. It is hoped that it will compete for the top box office. But this year there are eight such movies.

The North American box office of "Spider-Man" has now exceeded 2 million US dollars, the North American box office of "Star Wars Episode [-]: Attack of the Clones" has also exceeded [-] million US dollars, and "Pirates of the Caribbean", the North American box office is only [-] million US dollars away. It's almost a little bit, and it should be achieved in two days.

If the box office of "Harry Potter 2" and "Lord of the Rings 2" can exceed [-] million US dollars, then there will be five films in North America this year with a box office of more than [-] million US dollars.

In addition to this kind of high-grossing movie, there are many other high-quality movies released today. Although the box office is not as good as these few, it is not bad.

Some people estimate that this year's North American movie box office list, there should be 22 movies with a box office of more than [-] million U.S. dollars, and last year, the number of the year before and the year before last were all [-].

Of course, the biggest winner is still Deep Space Corporation. If there is no accident, four of the top five box office movies in North America this year are related to Deep Space Corporation.

Now ranked third in the box office list is "My Greek Wedding", with a North American box office of 4000 million US dollars. It is impossible for this box office to stop "Harry Potter 2" and "Lord of the Rings 2".

There will be another "X-Men" from Deep Space Company later. If "X-Men" performs well, "My Greek Wedding" may not even be able to stand at No. 6. Then by that time, the top six movies at the box office will be Five of them are owned by Deep Space Corporation. Such dominance has never been seen before.


"Harry Potter 2" was released simultaneously in China and North America. In the past two years, due to the coordination between Deep Space Corporation, more and more movies were released simultaneously on both sides, especially "Source Code" before.

As soon as "Harry Potter 2" was released, Acer's co-branded notebook came out.

After the release of "Harry Potter 1" last year, the number of brands that went to talk to Deep Space about co-branding suddenly skyrocketed. Regarding the matter of co-branding, Deep Space is relatively cautious, so they only talked about a few gadgets.But there is one exception, and that is the notebook computer. Because of Acer's relationship with Deep Space, it got a notebook joint name.

Acer's notebook is thin and light, youthful, and Harry Potter elements can be seen everywhere in the entire computer. Its target group is college students.

In the past two years, Acer's main target is also college students, and they have also refined it among college students. Some students value the portability and appearance of laptops, and some students value the gaming performance of laptops. For these two Acer has done the deployment.

Acer is doing well in the college student market, but Lenovo, which is belatedly on the other side, has suffered repeated setbacks. They were jointly suppressed by BenQ and Acer, and their domestic PC market has been declining year by year. ...

Lenovo, CEO's office, Yang Qing looked at the data report in front of him, frowning like used toilet paper in the toilet.

Last month, some new policies they introduced did not work at all, and the situation in their company continued to deteriorate.

He hasn't heard any good news for a long time. Every time he sees a report, he can sum it up in eight words: the situation is very bad and there are many problems.

But the problems are always unsolvable, and the old problems are still there, and new problems are coming, and they are constantly accumulating, making Yang Qing breathless.

Lenovo is still the No. [-] in domestic PC sales, but I'm afraid it won't be long.

In fact, Lenovo has also made a lot of efforts in the past two years. They developed a website, invested in and sponsored football teams, and even thought about making a movie, but they either gave up halfway or failed.

As for the development of the website, they saw that the Facebook created by Tengxun was quite good, and Facebook was not implemented in China, so they thought about copying it and building one in China.

They did create a website called "Heart to Heart", but the whole website is fragmented from the inside to the outside, not only can't realize many Facebook functions, but even chatting is very stuck.

They also want to realize the function of drifting bottles, but this function, which they think is very simple, they can't develop.

They also want to sponsor football teams such as Manchester United and Real Madrid, but after asking the price, the other party asks for a lot of money, and they don't give them a chance at all. The price is too expensive, and they can't bear it.

They did invest in a football team in China, but the effect was mediocre.

Yang Qing also knows that they are actually not at the same level as Deep Space Corporation, and their current market value of Lenovo is only 400 billion yuan. The company can't compare them.

Earlier, they wanted to unite with the behemoth America Online to deal with Deep Space Corporation in China, but what they didn't expect was that they were put together by America Online in the end.

Now it seems that even if AOL didn't backstab them at that time, their end would not be too good now. After all, even AOL now relies on Deep Space to rescue them.

After pondering for a long while, Yang Qing picked up the phone and dialed a number to go out. After a while, the phone was answered by the opposite party.

"Hello, who is it?"

Yang Qing said with a smile, "Mr. Yu, I'm Yang Qing. I didn't disturb your work."

"Oh, Mr. Yang, don't bother, don't bother." The margin on the other side is also smiling, and it can't be heard that the two companies are now hostile.

Yang Qing weighed his words and said, "Mr. Yu, congratulations, your Amazon stock is soaring now, and several movies are also box office hits. Not only did I go to the cinema to watch "Source Code" and "Harry Potter" , The employees of our company even went to see it in a group, and the movie is really good.”

"Thank you for your support, thank you for your support, but the rise of Amazon's stock has nothing to do with me, and I don't care about it. I didn't expect Mr. Yang, you are listed in Xiangjiang, and you care about Nasdaq. I'm not afraid of your jokes. If I didn't have a colleague who showed me the news, I wouldn't even know about the rise in Amazon's stock." Yu Yu said with a smile.

"Your Deep Space Company is now a leading company in our country, and our other companies naturally need to learn from you, so we should pay more attention to you."

"Thank you for your attention, but Mr. Yang, you are also a busy person, why did you remember to call me?"

Yang Qing quickly said, "That's Mr. Yu. I met Motorola's Vice President Cole two days ago. During the chat, I talked about your Deep Space Company. Cole gave you a thumbs up and kept praising you. The company has a structure, and although it had an unpleasant experience with Motorola before, it is still willing to cooperate with them again from the perspective of the overall situation. I am also very moved after hearing that, your company's courage is indeed worth learning from."

On the other end of the phone, Yu Yu couldn't help but smile when he heard Yang Qing's words. This Yang Qing came to ask for peace again.

Lenovo is having a hard time during this period. Everyone knows this, and the margin is still known. This is not the most difficult time for Lenovo.

In the future, Acer will gradually let go of the domestic complete machine market, while BenQ will take advantage of the original foundry to take over the domestic low-end and mid-range complete machine market, while Acer will focus on the notebook market and foreign markets.

At that time, Lenovo's market share will be further squeezed. The key opponents of Lenovo are not only BenQ and Acer, but also domestic brands such as Founder and foreign brands such as IBM and Toshiba.

The meaning of Yang Qing's words now is obvious. Your deep space company is generous, can you ignore the previous suspicions and cooperate with the two of us.

Yuliang pursed his lips and said with a smile, "Mr. Yang, please don't put your hat on us. Our Deep Space Company has never engaged in grievances and grudges. Everything is based on interests. Before, we only had interests with Motorola. There is no conflict, there is no personal emotional conflict. This time we are working together again because we have common interests."

Yang Qing raised his eyebrows, and the meaning of the margin is obvious. It's not that Deep Space Company doesn't want to cooperate with Lenovo, but Lenovo wants them to see that it's profitable. As long as there are benefits, all grievances and grievances are not a matter .

"Mr. Yu, if you don't tell lies in front of real people, I'll just say it straight. As long as Deep Space is willing to cooperate with us, we are willing to hand over all the integrated Internet services of our company's theaters to you, and assist you in completing The ultimate integrated Internet service system, as long as the user opens the browser, the home page is your company's web page."

For Yang Qing's proposal, there is no margin for interest at all. The integrated Internet access is Yang Qing's blueprint, not Deep Space Company's. Deep Space Company's plan for the future Internet world is completely different from Lenovo's. In Deep Space's plan, Internet terminals should be separated from software and websites.

Want to use a computer to control the Internet world, that is simply a dream.

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