Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 1056 The people are like rainbows, they know there are

The scene on the day of the release of the novel "Pounding Heartbeat" should be the most unremarkable one in recent years when Yu Dong's novels were released, but even so, there are still a lot of people in bookstores around the world who go to the bookstore in the morning to ask about the new book. Most other writers have a much more lively release scene.

Because the promotion of the new book this time is a little weaker than before, it relied on loyal readers at the beginning, and Yu Dong's strong passerby has not yet worked.

In fact, readers' expectations for this novel are a little lower than the previous novels, because it is said to be a fresh and fresh love novel.

YU is indeed powerful, but this is not what YU is good at. Even if YU's style is changeable, the theme of small fresh love will give people less sense of expectation.

If you want to look at love, readers still like the kind of "Old Book" that nourishes things silently and can transcend time and space.

But when the readers finished watching "Pounding Heartbeat", they couldn't help but say something really sweet.

Especially some female readers, after reading the book, they are all surprised that YU can write the thoughts of boys and girls so vividly, especially the psychological changes of the little heroine, which are not only real, but also very subtle.

There are also frequent changes in perspective in the novel, which also make readers' eyes light up. There are many works that use narrative perspective changes, but it is too rare to use something as smooth as YU's.

I have to say that he is indeed a master of literature, even if he is writing a small, fresh and pure love novel, he can still write flowers.

At the beginning, everyone thought that the sales volume of "Pounding Heart" would definitely not be as good as "Source Code". "It took only one week to complete the overtake in sales.

In the first three days, the sales volume of "Pounding Heart" was indeed much lower than the sales volume of "Source Code" in the first three days, but on the seventh day, "Pounding Heart" was already lower than the sales volume of "Source Code" in the first seven days. The sales are high, and judging by the current situation, the sales of "Pounding Heart" will get better and better.

In the sales rankings of many YU novels, "Pumping Heart" can at least surpass "Source Code", and it is very likely to reach the mid-stream.

The key point of "Pounding Heartbeat" has caused a series of effects, the most popular being the wave of confession.

Since "Pounding Heartbeat" became popular, various confessions have appeared on major social software and websites, most of which are memories.

[When I was in junior high school, there was a girl in my class. I liked her very much. Unfortunately, I was as stupid as the boys in the book and missed her. 】

[Jessica who has studied in Starling High School, if you see this comment, I hope you can know that I liked you. 】

[There once was a girl who liked me very much, but I didn’t understand it at all at the time. I just played video games with my friends. 】

[Ten years ago, when I was a high school student, I would go to the basketball court every afternoon to watch my male classmates play basketball. The boy I liked was there. I watched it for three years but never talked to him...]


The story of the male and female protagonists in "Heartbeat" is definitely not what most people have experienced, but the ignorant relationship between the male and female protagonists is something that most people have experienced. Reading the novel also reminds them of their youth. The beauty of time.

Two weeks after the novel was released, the film of the same name "Pounding Heart" was officially released.

Because there are many blockbuster films during this period, the schedule of "Pounding Heart" is average, and there is not much pressure at the beginning, but not long after the novel came out, the pressure of box office pre-sales appeared. People found that the tickets for "Pounding Heart" were not enough. Good buy.

The three-day box office in the first weekend came out. "Pounding Heart" performed very well, and won 2000 million US dollars. This was achieved when there were few films in the lineup. much taller.

Interestingly, it took only two and a half days for "Pounding Heart" to become profitable.

Including Yu Dong's screenwriting fee, this movie only cost a little over 800 million US dollars. Now the box office has exceeded 2000 million US dollars. It has been recouped. Next, let's wait to make money.

Of course, the upper limit of the box office of movies like "Pounding Heart" is there, and there are too many blockbusters during this period, with "Pirates of the Caribbean" in front, followed by "Lord of the Rings 2" and "Harry Potter" 2" Encirclement and Siege, it is very good that the film finally grossed more than [-] million US dollars, and most of the credit is still attributed to the novel.

After the novel became popular, many of the sentences in it also became popular. Many netizens also used the sentences in the novel when expressing their love.

The sentence "A person is like a rainbow, you will know it when you meet it" is also a literal translation in the English version. After this line became popular, some people on the Internet began to use "rainbow" to represent the kind of person who is more than "almost lover". A relationship that is farther away is more inclined to the crush.


【A man is like a rainbow, you will know when you meet him】

This is not the confession of a netizen on the Internet, but the title of a research report recently issued by the famous investment analyst, Mary Meeker, who is known as the Queen of the Internet.

Mary Meeker is a loyal supporter of Amazon. She has been very optimistic about Amazon's future from the beginning, and she has expressed praise for Amazon in the analysis reports she has written in recent years. She wrote in the research report, "We believe Amazon has demonstrated its ability to increase wallet share by developing the best e-commerce infrastructure, including customization tools, customer relationship management applications, and more.

[We think Amazon is developing a very significant and sustainable competitive advantage. 】

[Investors are likely to profit by owning shares in companies like Amazon, which will become one of the most growing companies we can see in this generation, and for more than 40.00% of the shares Deep Space Corporation will also gain huge benefits. 】

[In multiple analyses, I have seen the strength and depth of Amazon's management team, as well as their outlook for the future, which will enable them to succeed. Now is the best time to invest in Amazon. 】

Mary Meeker was already well-known in the investment world. She gained a huge reputation for launching Netscape. On the day of Netscape's listing, the stock price soared from the issue price of 75 dollars to [-] dollars, setting a record high. The listed company's first-day increase record, and that listing also successfully opened the Internet era.

Mary Meeker's report this time caused great controversy. Some street tabloids even said that she was either in a relationship with Bezos or having an affair with Jimmy. Otherwise, she would not be so brainless in supporting Amazon.

Some investors even said that they are about to launch a class action lawsuit, accusing Mary Meeker of misleading investors and recommending Amazon stock for alleged conflicts of interest.

Investors also don't trust Mary Meeker, even though she was once the queen of the Internet.

Not only because investors have no confidence in Amazon, but also because Mary Meeker's development in the past two years has not been very good.

The year before last, Mary Meeker led AOL's acquisition of Time Warner, the merger of the century. She was very confident that this merger would become the most profitable merger in history, but in fact the merger of the two companies became a A total disaster.

With the bursting of the Internet bubble, the merged companies continued to lose money. If the deep space company hadn't made a timely move this year, their losses this year may have exceeded 1000 billion US dollars, and they would lose a world-class company in a year.

But even with the intervention of Deep Space Corporation, AOL Time Warner's losses will not be smoothed out for a while, and they will still lose tens of billions of dollars this year.

This incident also caused investors to lose confidence in Mary Meeker, thinking that her support for Internet companies was too irrational.

Ordinary people don't know about investment or company management. They only know that Amazon has been losing money for the past few years.

Who can invest in a company that keeps losing money?

Can a company that has been losing money bring profits to investors?This is obviously impossible, so ordinary investors will not take their money to buy Amazon stock.

Although some analysts are not as straightforward as the tabloids, they also implicitly stated that Mary Meeker suddenly issued several research reports in a row to recommend Amazon's stock, most likely because Deep Space Company was preparing to raise the stock price. , and then sold the stocks in hand.

Deep Space Corporation is very short of money recently.

Everyone in the industry knows that Deep Space has made a lot of moves recently, and they all spend a lot of money, so now Deep Space must have no money.

If you run out of money, you can either push a company to go public, borrow from a bank, or sell stocks. These are the three ways that Deep Space Corporation makes money.

It takes too long to prepare for the company's listing, and it is not the style of the deep space company. After all, borrowing money from the bank has to be repaid, and the only last resort is to sell stocks.

The speculation of these analysts is unfounded, but it can convince people, because it is in line with human nature.

However, the subsequent operations of Deep Space Company made it impossible for outsiders to expect that not only did they not sell their stocks, but they also bought a small amount of Amazon's stocks.

When they bought on the first day, people thought that Deep Space Company was fishing. On the second day and third day, Deep Space Company still bought a small amount of Amazon stock every day, and had no intention of selling stocks at all.

This action made the investment analysts look confused. If Deep Space Corporation wanted to fish, then it must have placed too much bait. With so many stocks in their hands, how much can they throw away later?
It’s not like you can sell stocks if you want to. If you want to buy them, someone has to take over. So even if Deep Space Company wants to raise the stock price to cash out, it won’t be able to get away with much at one time. After all, once they sell in large quantities, it will cause Panic will not only make you unable to make money, but may also cause the stock to fall below its original price.

Now Amazon’s stock is too low. It fell to five dollars at the lowest point last year. This year it has risen a little, but it is less than ten dollars. If it is not because Deep Space has been holding stocks, Amazon’s stock may be even lower. .

Many people still hold shares in Amazon because of Deep Space Corporation. They have always hoped that Deep Space Corporation can take action to change Amazon, just like taking over BenQ Group and taking over pets to create miracles.

They even opposed Bezos, hoping that Deep Space would come forward to remove Bezos from the CEO position and let someone more capable take it.

It is very easy for Deep Space to remove Bezos from his position as CEO. As long as Deep Space is willing, they can decide anything about Amazon. However, Deep Space has never interfered with Bezos. It is only when Bezos needs help. Help them when needed.

On the day when the movie "Harry Potter 2" was released, Amazon suddenly announced their company's financial report for the third quarter of this year. The report stated that during the three months from July to September, the company achieved profit for the first time. Reached 680 million US dollars.

As soon as this financial report came out, it was like a powerful bomb thrown into the lake. Many people were dumbfounded.

What?Didn't you say that Amazon will always lose money?How did you start making a profit?

Although more than 600 million US dollars is not much, it is still money. As long as it is profitable, it proves that there is hope, and in this Amazon report, there are many other things besides profitability, such as net income and free cash. flow.

This is the third quarter report. Combining the previous two quarters, it can be estimated that this year's net income should eventually increase by more than 20.00% compared to last year, and product sales growth should also exceed 30.00%.

There is another most important indicator, which is free cash flow. This year's free cash flow should be able to turn positive, exceeding [-] million U.S. dollars, an increase of nearly [-] million U.S. dollars compared with the end of last year.

Every piece of data here indicates that Amazon is still very promising, at least not as unbearable as previous investment analysts said.

Amazon's official website also explained the reason for its profitability. In the past two years, except for laying off a small number of employees, there has been no substantial change. However, in the second half of last year, some of the company's previous investments have taken effect.

Amazon spent a lot of money investing in the construction of distribution centers before, and these distribution centers are now helping Amazon to significantly reduce distribution costs, improve their gross profit margins, and make the inventory cycle much shorter than other retailers.

Most importantly, this also helped Amazon increase sales.

In fact, Amazon was expected to make its first profit in the first quarter of this year. However, in order to develop the company's cloud services, Amazon allocated a large amount of funds to Deep Space Computer and asked Deep Space Computer to provide them with technical support. At that time, this move was still criticized. Many people protested, thinking that this was an act of transferring funds, which caused a wave of decline in the stock. (End of chapter)

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