The rapid development of the Kadi family in the past few years is also related to Kadi. Many cooperations between the YU Umbrella Association and their family were negotiated because of Kadi. Now most of the materials used in the activities of the association are provided by the Kadi family. .

There is also Kadi's hotel, which also cooperates with the association. People from other branches usually come here, and they basically stay in his hotel.

Cady logged into the game with a group of members, and then started upgrading system tasks.

After more than an hour, some members upgraded relatively quickly and had already reached the third level. When Kadi saw that there were already five people who had reached the third level, he hurriedly organized a match.

"Come on, let's have a match. You first talk about the heroes you are good at, and then we will arrange the lineup."

Cardi didn't know how to line up, but he listened to Ma Tianyuan and planned to match his team with one with thick blood, one with long attack distance, and one with agility, and the other two were free.

The key is that they are only five newcomers, and each of them basically knows how to play a hero... they don't even know how to play, they just roughly know what the hero's skills are, and they don't even know how to buy equipment.

After matching the lineup, they started random matching.

After more than a minute, they finally matched their opponents. When they entered the game, Kadi was excited but also mentally prepared. This first match will definitely lose.

But what he didn't expect was that they won the first game. They were good, but the opponent was even better than them.

At least he was in command on their side, and they each performed their duties, but the five people on the opposite side were running around like headless chickens. At the beginning, there were four people on the opposite side in the middle.

But even so, it took them more than an hour to win the game.

After winning the game, Cady was full of energy and led them to the next game.

This time he came to the jungle by himself, because he found that novices would not go to the wild to fight monsters. He could choose a hero to harvest resources in the wild with peace of mind, and wait until the economy is up, equip it, and then come out as a big devil.

In the second game, the opposing team played a little bit better, but it wasn't too bad. In the end, Cardy and the others won the game, but it still took more than an hour.

The third game, the fourth game...

After playing four rounds in a row, Kadi and the others realized that they hadn't eaten lunch. Kadi hurriedly called someone to deliver the meal, and continued to fight fiercely after eating.

Cardi is a very talented person. He keeps learning and exploring during the battle, and then tells his other teammates about his exploration experience, so that others can improve accordingly, so their team improves very quickly.

After at least four rounds, they figured out the most basic things, so they wouldn't forget to buy equipment when they went out.

In the fifth game, when the opponent picked a hero, Cardi felt something was wrong.

This game just came out today, so the heroes everyone plays are basically the cheapest heroes or other weekly free heroes, and there are very few other heroes.

At this time, those more expensive heroes must have been bought with money, because it is impossible to accumulate gold coins so quickly.

In order to reward these members who played with him, Cardi bought a hero for each of them, so every time they played against each other, their lineup seemed to be a little more advanced than the opponent.

But this time, the five heroes used by the opponent are not weekly free heroes, and the combination seems very reasonable, with high attack, high defense and strong control, long-range and short-range high agility.

Cady pondered, "Everyone, please pay attention, we may encounter an opponent this time."

The teammates didn't take it seriously, and one of them said with a smile, "Director, you think too much. We played so early and prepared so well. How can anyone beat us?"

"be careful."


Cardi's prediction was right. After the game started, the five players on the opposite side had a clear division of labor and cooperated very well. It took only half an hour to defeat them all.

The strongest player on their side is Kady. When the situation was tense in each round, Kady came out with good equipment to help open the situation.

But this time Cady couldn't survive in the jungle at all. He was targeted by the opponent from the beginning, and he often saw two people in the jungle.

After losing the game, Kadi and the others were a little confused. Although Kadi also expected to lose, he didn't expect to lose so quickly.

Did the five people opposite really start playing this game today?Why can you play so well?

"Are you still playing, director?"

A loss woke everyone up, and that's when they realized they'd been playing for a long time.

Cardi gritted his teeth, "Let's play, let's continue. Anyone of you who has something to do can go first, and I will replace someone else."

"No need to change, we can all do it." Others said that there is no need to change, and they can fight again.

Next, Kadi led them to play several more rounds, and the results were all victories, and the time to win gradually decreased. In the round that was crushed by the opponent, Kadi and the others also learned something. progress slowly.

But Cady was still thinking about the team just now.

At this time, Kadi looked outside, it was already dark, he waved his hand, "Come on, let's go eat."

"Okay!" The others shouted excitedly when they heard Cardi invite him to dinner.

On the way to dinner, Cardi was still thinking about the game. This game gave him an experience that he had never had before. He found an unprecedented sense of accomplishment in the process of commanding the team. After that defeat, he also I've been longing to play against each other again.

Perhaps, he can discuss with Jeff to set up a game team in the name of the association. The association is famous and he contributes.


On the other hand, the DOTA team of hsd e-sports club also ended their training for the day.

Their team was established recently, and all the members in the team were drawn from the previous club's "Warcraft 3" team.

It is said to be transferred, but it is actually eliminated. Basically, those who perform well will stay in the "Warcraft 3" team, and only those who perform poorly will be transferred to the DOTA team.If they can't continue in the Dota team, they may have to leave the club later.

The level of hsd club is not high. If they leave the club, there is a high probability that they will not continue on the path of professional e-sports. Some clubs further down the road cannot even play formal games.

If you can't compete in the competition, you can only rely on the boss to generate electricity for love, and their income cannot be high.

Although they didn't play the game in advance, they knew early on that the new game focused on hero operation, so after the formation of the team, the members have been practicing hero operation crazily.

Therefore, after the game was officially launched, they got started very quickly. They played against each other for a whole day today and did not encounter any opponents. Except for a team that looked a little interesting in the middle, the opponents in other matches were all scattered.

"Let's practice in the team tomorrow, don't match again." Team captain Kane said.

Regarding this proposal, the other team members agreed one after another. At this stage, the opponents who are randomly matched are too good, and there is no practice effect. It is a waste of time.Now it seems that other clubs have not yet started to match their opponents, and they should all be studying this new game internally.

"Captain, let's try out the lineup and equipment during team practice tomorrow." A team member suggested.

Kane nodded, "No problem. In addition, you should always pay attention to the game strategies released by the game masters on the Duck Web Duck Web site. We may not be able to see what others can see, so we must learn more. Now say Talk about the problems we have encountered today and how to change..."


Not long after its launch, DOTA quickly became the new favorite of many game fans. Compared with "StarCraft" and "Warcraft", DOTA is much easier to get started. The most important thing is that this game is very adaptable to the number of people. Whether it is One person or four or five people can play, and even ten people can play custom battles.

The key is that they have never played this kind of gameplay before, and it is very novel. Now there are the most discussions about DOTA on major websites, especially Duck Web Duck Web. high.

On the third day after DOTA was launched, Blizzard issued another announcement that DOTA will soon launch a team system, but the requirements for establishing a team are particularly high. First, a certain number of coupons are required to establish a team, and whether it is the team leader or ordinary members, All must reach level [-].

There are also many benefits to forming and joining a team. Teams can participate in officially organized online competitions, and get prizes after winning the ranking. Even if you don’t participate in the competition, as long as the team’s activity reaches the standard, you can get the corresponding prizes. Sometimes, the character screen will display the logo of the team, which is very cool.

If it is five rows, there will also be an animation exclusive to the team when entering the arena.Of course, this is all secondary, even if there are no prizes, players will still be interested in the team system.

As soon as the team setting came out, it attracted the attention and discussion of the majority of game players.

[The team is good, we will have an organization in the future. 】

[It takes money to build a team. 】

[The team needs to be at level [-] to join, which is so harsh. I'm only at level [-] now, so it's very difficult to upgrade. 】

[It's not difficult to play often. If there is no threshold, then building a team is meaningless. 】

[There are no [-]-level players yet, but it won't be long before a group of [-]-level players will appear. 】

[Will DOTA officials really arrange online tournaments? 】

[Should be able to, this thing is not difficult, I look forward to their prizes. 】

[This game needs to be played with friends to be interesting, please have a team. 】

[Have you played with girls? 】

[I don’t know if I can enter the wcg project after DOTA. 】

[This year is definitely not going to work, this wcg will start soon, it should be okay next year. 】

[If it can join wcg, the live game must be very interesting, and the game must be more intense than StarCraft and other games. 】

[After all, it is five-on-five, there will be more battle scenes, and the rhythm will be faster during the live broadcast of the game, which will be more enjoyable. 】

[I like to watch everyone, quack quack. 】

[I'm still very optimistic about this game, maybe it will be as popular as Plants vs. Zombies in the future. 】

[It's not the same game, this is a competitive game, and Plants vs. Zombies is a casual game. 】

[The gameplay of this game is quite interesting, thanks to Blizzard for creating a new gameplay. 】

【Haha, you have to thank YU, this new gameplay was proposed by him. 】

[YU contest is high, is there anything else he doesn't know? 】

[I heard that although he participated in a lot of game design, but the game is very difficult to play, I don't know if it is true or not. 】

[It's true, it's delicious. 】

[YU's new book "Pounding Heartbeat" will be officially released in a few days, everyone go join us. 】

[You should also tell me that I have already placed a pre-order on Amazon and am waiting to receive the goods. 】

[I'm waiting for the movie "Pounding Heartbeat" to be released. Unfortunately, I heard that there is no IMAX for this movie. 】

[This movie sounds like a love movie, there is no need to engage in IMAX. 】


"Warcraft 3" and DOTA have been successful one after another. The Vivendi Group should be the most uncomfortable, because when Deep Space Corporation bought the entire game division from them, it only spent 8000 million US dollars.

And now, the combined valuation of Xueleshan and Blizzard has doubled several times, especially Xueleshan, which has successively released "Half-Life", "Minecraft" and the space platform in recent years. The development is extremely rapid, and the outside world's valuation of them has reached more than 6 million US dollars.

And this kind of valuation is useless, even if someone pays [-] million U.S. dollars, it is impossible for Deep Space Corporation to sell Xuele Mountain, because the potential of Xuele Mountain is far more than [-] million U.S. dollars. What about selling his hens?

Although Vivendi was depressed, they had nothing to say. After all, when Deep Space Corporation bought Vivendi’s game division for 8000 million US dollars, Vivendi was still very happy, even when the acquisition was not completed. It was publicized with great fanfare.

At that time, the outside world generally believed that the Vivendi Game Division was worth at most [-] million U.S. dollars. Deep Space Company paid such a premium to acquire it, which was a pure act of taking advantage of others. However, looking back a few years later, people discovered that the clown was themselves.

Now that the valuations of Xueleshan and Blizzard have skyrocketed, Deep Space’s operating income has doubled several times, and judging from the current situation, these two companies will definitely develop better and better.

The main reason is that Vivendi's life is really not easy recently. This year has not yet ended, and Vivendi's net investment loss has exceeded 200 billion euros. It is estimated that by the end of this year, the loss will exceed 250 billion euros.

In this case, in order to survive, Vivendi can only sell assets and reorganize. I heard that they are preparing to sell Universal’s shares recently. If it weren’t for the fact that Deep Space Company is really unable to make a move now, Jimmy would like to ask the price , Take Universal down. (end of this chapter)

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