Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 1054 Holy Alliance and Glorious Tribe

Chapter 1054 Holy Alliance and Glorious Tribe
After all, Cady is a veteran of the YU Umbrella Association for ten years. It is easy to find people to play a game with. He gathered ten people soon after coming out of Jeff's office, and he also found two more people just to be on the safe side. .

It is no secret that the YU Umbrella Association has always been funded by Deep Space Corporation. However, Deep Space Corporation’s funding of the association usually does not directly provide money, but provides resources and channels.

YU's collector's edition signed books, event spots, movie collectibles... many things are difficult to buy outside, but the association can get them directly from Deep Space Company, and they can also do so at a relatively cheap price Get YU's book.

With these resources and channels, the association has developed rapidly. In the early days, they could only rent a factory in the suburbs of New York as their headquarters, but now they have moved their headquarters to the city center.

In the new association headquarters, there is a large electronic reading room with more than 50 computers. During the main activities, they are used to assist in data processing. When data is not needed, there is no one in the electronic reading room.

Cardi led people to the electronic reading room. Several new members who visited the headquarters looked at the dozens of computers in the electronic reading room and asked curiously, "Does our headquarters have a game room?"

"Haha, this is not a game room, this is an electronic reading room. Generally, we will help with any activities that the Deep Space Company has to do, and they will do all the data here."

Several young people were a little confused. They didn't quite understand what data processing was, but they didn't continue to ask, and they all nodded in a daze.

Knowing that they didn't understand, Kadi smiled and said, "Each of you find a computer, and I'll take you to make a wave of data."

Hearing what Kadi said, the others found a computer in the electronic reading room and sat down.

"Now turn on the computer, then open the Deep Space Tribal Network, and log in with your account."

The others did as he said, and then Cardi said, "Now you find the official account of Blizzard and click on their latest tribe. It should be related to the new game."

"Yes, it's the tribe that counts down to the launch of Dota." Someone replied.

"Well, enter this tribe, and then post a comment to express your expectations."

By this time, members already know what data creation is, and it turns out that it is to help increase popularity on the Internet.

"Actually, our data creation is not an exaggeration. We are just doing it normally. The electronic reading room is basically provided to some members who do not have computers. Those of you who have computers at home can just do it at home."

One of the members said with a smile, "But it's interesting for everyone to sit together and post comments. It's more interesting than posting comments at home alone. It's like a discussion, and everyone can update their strategies at any time."

Cardi smiled, "It's more interesting than posting comments alone, but you have never done this before, so you find it more interesting. I think this electronic reading room should be developed into an e-sports room in the future, anyway. We, YU, have so many games, are you right?"

"Yes, yes. If I don't play other games, I will play games that YU participated in the design. I especially like to play "Minecraft"."

"What, my world was actually designed by YU?" Someone asked in surprise.

"You're a fake fan. I don't even know about it. The designer of the game has YU's name in it. The Williams couple from Xuele Mountain also said in an interview that the original idea of ​​this game was proposed by YU. , there would be no game without him.”

"Oh, I gained a new piece of knowledge today."

Cardi heard them discussing "Minecraft", and said with a smile, "When it comes to playing "Minecraft", none of you are as good as Hahns."

"Hahns, is our old president?"

"Yes, that's him. He recreated Tian Wen from "The Martian" in "Minecraft"."

"Wow, amazing, really amazing, I tried to make a house, but it's so ugly."

"I made a small house in "Escape" according to the tutorial, and it took me more than a month, which was very time-consuming."

"If you like to play "Minecraft", you can pay attention to it. Later, our association may also launch some competitions, allowing you to build props and buildings in YU's novels in the game. The prizes in the competition are not cheap."

"That's great, I'm definitely going to take part."

"Haha, although I will definitely not win, I will definitely participate."

"I'm here to watch the battle."

"I can provide ideas."


Looking at the enthusiastic members, Kadi also felt very happy. Although he does not hold any substantial position in the association now, he still likes to hang out at the headquarters when he has nothing to do, because everyone here likes YU. It is easy to have a common topic.

Although he is only in his 20s, he has begun to think about the past often.

Many members who just started to like YU, the feeling of finding an organization also reminded him of the scene when he and Hahns met for the first time. They got acquainted because of YU's book, and then met more people who like YU. With the YU Umbrella Association.

The feeling that everyone comes together because of the same hobby, and there are people who can share the joy every day is really wonderful.

Everyone chatted for a while. Cady looked at the time, opened the Yawei Yawei website, and then found MTY Ma Tianyuan's personal account.

Sure enough, although DOTA has not yet officially launched, MTY Ma Tianyuan has already released the strategy.

Cardi came by coincidence. Ma Tianyuan’s strategy video has only been released for less than a minute, and it is still hot. Even the comment area is empty, but after Cardi refreshes it again, there are more than 1 comments in the comment area. Comments, but comments have nothing to do with the game.

[The M contest is high, the game hasn't come out yet, the strategy is coming out first. 】

[Outrageous! ! 】

[You also said that you are not an insider? 】

[I knew there must be a strategy. 】

[Fuck, the recommendation index is five stars... University M likes this game very much, "Warcraft 3" only gave it four and a half stars. 】

[Seize the sofa. 】

【First. 】

【I am the first. 】


After roughly glancing at the comment section, Cardi shouted to other members, "Now open the Duck Web site, find MTY Ma Tianyuan, and watch his latest video."

"Director, it seems that has opened the purchase and download of DOTA." A member said.

"What?" Kadi frowned, and hurriedly opened the platform.

Sure enough, as the member said, the platform has opened the purchase and download of DOTA.

Cardi clicked Buy without even thinking about it, but to his surprise, the purchase price was displayed as "0".

This game doesn't cost money?

Kadi has seen many free games. The reason why he was surprised is because there have been rumors that DOTA is a cross-generational game, so the purchase price is very expensive, so Kadi has been mentally prepared to participate in the game today. Each person in the game is given a game.

He didn't expect the game to be free, but he saved a lot of money.

"Everyone buys the game first, and then watches the video while downloading it. After the game is installed, the video is almost finished."

At this time, other people also found out that buying the game does not cost money, and they were as surprised as Kadi.

Everyone clicked to download one after another, and then clicked on Ma Tianyuan's strategy video to watch.

This strategy video released by Ma Tianyuan is the most basic video, explaining the basic gameplay of the DOTA game and the process after opening an account.

Enter the game and create an account... In this step, you can log in directly to your account, or log in with your Dongdong account. Now most players are used to binding their account with their Dongdong account, which is relatively convenient.

After you have an account, you can start selecting districts... Now there are only two districts in DOTA, one is the Holy Alliance and the other is the Glory Tribe. There is no essential difference between these two districts. Which district to choose depends entirely on personal preference. Each district can create a role, and the same account can create a role in each district.

Select a district, enter personal information such as a nickname, and then you can start the game.

After the new account enters the game, it must go through a game animation. The content of this game animation is to roughly tell you how the game is played and what the map is like.

This game is a 5v5 battle game, the goal is to capture the opponent's base.

After experiencing the animation, you must first play the man-machine for a period of time or do system tasks to upgrade the character level to level three before you can play random matches with other players.

Seeing this, Cady also understood that if he didn't want to form a team to play by himself, one to five people could be matched, and he didn't need to call these ten people at all.But according to Ma Tianyuan's introduction, there are still tasks to be done if they want to match.

Upgrading to the third level, doing one system task, and two man-machine battles will take more than an hour in total.

Cardi can understand why the game is designed in this way. In fact, it is to let players know more about the game before performing random matching, instead of playing against others without knowing anything as soon as they enter the game.

This kind of setting has good and bad qualities. The good thing is that it tries to ensure the gaming experience of those who are matched with each other. The bad thing is that many people come to play the game excitedly, but are unable to play against each other for a while and feel bored.

This is not a problem for Kadi. He doesn't think there is any problem with doing system tasks and fighting against humans and machines. He likes to fight well-prepared battles. Even if there are no such regulations, he will run to fight two Human-machine experience experience.

In addition to these basic rules, Ma Tianyuan also briefly introduced several heroes. There are a total of 47 heroes in DOTA, some of which are in "Warcraft 3", and some are new, and even if they are in "Warcraft 3", [-]》Some heroes in it may also have different attributes.

After introducing the heroes, Ma Tianyuan also expressed his opinions on the game. He believes that the map has three roads in total, and the game is a team battle of five people, so when choosing heroes, you must decide on the lineup and different types of heroes. The heroes are placed in different lanes.

Although the official did not give any suggestions, Ma Tianyuan believes that heroes with strong mobility must be selected in the middle lane, because the middle lane is relatively close to the other two lanes, and heroes with strong mobility can support them at any time.

Two heroes can also be placed in the middle, but there must be a distinction between primary and secondary, otherwise the economic separation will make both of them weaker.

The top lane is the same as the bottom lane, but you must choose a hero with long-range attacks. This way, when fighting in a group later, you will have both distance and nearness, giving you an advantage.

Most of the long-distance attack heroes in this game are high attack and low defense, so it may also be necessary to have a protective hero nearby.

The two wild areas between the three roads have a lot of resources, and one or two heroes can be arranged to eat them.

How to arrange the specific lineup, and how to choose the equipment, it depends on the players to explore by themselves.

Although they haven't started playing the game yet, just by listening to Ma Tianyuan's introduction to the game, Cady has already felt the charm of this game. This is completely different from the games they played before. It has great influence on tactical designation, lineup arrangement and teamwork. Cooperation requirements must be very high.

Finally, Ma Tianyuan also mentioned that in addition to the random matching mode, this game also has a ranking system, but it can only be opened after the player's level reaches level [-].

After the ranking is turned on, players can earn points through ranking, just like other games on

Oh, yes, there is one more thing, if you are playing man-machine and customization, the 47 heroes in the game can be used at will, but if you want to match or rank, you have to buy heroes.

Players can use coupons or gold coins to buy heroes. Coupons are exchanged for money, while gold coins can be accumulated by doing system tasks and playing games.

In order for players to have heroes to use at the beginning, new characters can get a certain amount of gold coins, and players can use these gold coins to buy heroes.

If there is a match, in addition to the purchased heroes, you can also use weekly free heroes. The so-called weekly free heroes mean that every week there are a few specific heroes that can be played without spending money.

Seeing that there is a place to spend money, Kadi waved his hand, "After you finish selecting the district, you just choose heroes, and if you like it, just tell me, I will buy it for you, and when we reach the third level, we will go Random match."

The new members were a little embarrassed when they heard that Kadi was going to give away the hero, but the old members have accepted it frankly.

Older members know that Cardi is rich.

At the beginning, everyone only knew that Cardi opened a convenience store near the headquarters of the association. They wondered how much money a small convenience store could make. Later, they learned that Cardi’s family has more than 100 convenience stores in North America. In addition, Kadi's family also has several big hotels, and they are real rich people.

Cardi's family has mainly developed in the past few years. When the Yu Umbrella Association was first established, his family only had a dozen convenience stores and no big hotels. In just ten years, their family has developed. .

The main reason is that the real estate and retail industries have done well in the past two years, so their family has also made a lot of money.

(End of this chapter)

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