Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 1067 The boss wants to see you

Chapter 1067 The boss wants to see you
Nielsen smiled after hearing the driver's words. This driver was recommended to them by a friend who was familiar with China. This older brother also received the friend when he came to China.

The eldest brother had worked in New York for several years. Later, his wife had some problems in China and disappeared. The eldest brother resigned from the company in New York and returned to China to look for his wife.

He has been back in China for seven or eight years now and has traveled to dozens of Chinese cities, but he has never found his wife, and he is still looking for her.

The eldest brother usually helps people drive, or takes on jobs like "black tour guides". He speaks foreign languages ​​well, drives well, and is familiar with all parts of the country, so he is very suitable for this kind of tour guide.

Along the way, Nelson and his eldest brother took care of the tickets and transportation to the scenic spots. After arriving in Suzhou and Hangzhou, the eldest brother directly rented a seven-seater car locally and took them around.

My eldest brother knows where the most interesting scenic spots are and where there are delicious restaurants. He can arrange everything properly from beginning to end. The key is that my eldest brother has a wide network of contacts. From north to south, he has acquaintances everywhere he goes.

The eldest brother said that he had no choice. In order to find a wife, he traveled all over China and asked everyone he met, so he got to know more people. Many people were also very kind and asked for photos. He said they met him and told him A sound.

Although Big Brother is not cheap, Nielsen and the others felt that the experience along the way was quite good. The key is that Big Brother is very humorous and it was very interesting to chat together on the road.

However, the contract between them ends today, because after the annual meeting officially begins, Nelson and the others will stay in Aurous Hill, and there are many reception staff at Deep Space Company, so there is no need to pay more for a tour guide.

"Chen, where are you going after today? Do you want to take other orders?" Nelson asked.

Brother Chen laughed and said, "No more. The New Year is coming soon. I have to prepare for the New Year. I will bring you to Jinling just in time. I will also celebrate the New Year in Jinling. Although I am alone now, I still want to be alone." Have a good New Year. Besides, your order is a lot of money and it will last me a long time. After the New Year, I will continue to find my wife and wait until the money is spent before I take the order."

This is how he makes money and looks for it at the same time. When he makes money, he looks for it, and when he runs out of money, he goes to make money.

Nelson and Alex felt that Chen's wife should no longer be in this world, but they were unwilling to say this for fear that Chen would lose hope in life. Now Chen obviously lives on the hope of finding his wife. It's hard to imagine. What would happen if he was sure that his wife was dead.

You may breathe a sigh of relief and start a new life, or you may lose your support and give up on life.

"Where are you going to live during this time?" Alex asked.

The eldest brother said with a smile, "There are so many hotels in Jinling, I can stay anywhere. What about you? Apart from going to the stadium to watch concerts these days, you just stay in the Deep Space Park?"

"Probably, you know, we're here by invitation and maybe there's some work-related stuff," Nelson said.

"That's right, you are VIPs of Deep Space Company."


The car drove directly to the Deli Hotel near the Deep Space Park. Nelson and the others had to put their luggage away and meet with the staff of the Deep Space Company. The staff would give them Star Cards and concert tickets.

The Deli Hotel is a newly built hotel. It is very close to Li Shen Kong Company and cooperates with them. This hotel has directly taken away the business of Jinling Hotel. Now most of the guests attending the Shen Kong Annual Meeting are staying there. Deli Hotel.

After the staff handed the Star Card and the concert tickets to Nelson, he smiled and said, "Are you going to the park now? If you want to go, you can contact the front desk directly and the hotel will arrange a car for you."

Nelson looked at the direction of the Deep Space Park through the glass and said with a smile, "The distance is so close, we can walk there directly, but we don't understand Chinese. How can we solve the language problem?"

"If you decide to walk there, you can directly contact the staff wearing the same clothes as me when you get there, and they will help you solve the language problem. Of course, we can also arrange a guide for you."

"There is no need for a guide, we can do it ourselves."

The staff nodded, and then asked with a smile, "Do you two have any other arrangements this morning?"

Alex shook his head in confusion, "We have no other arrangements for the time being. Is there something going on?"

"Yes, our boss knows that you two have come to Jinling and wants to invite you to his office at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. I don't know if you have time." The staff explained.

"Your boss? Is it YU or Jimmy?" Alex asked.

The staff member smiled and said, "Both of them will be there by then."

Alex nodded, "Then let's go directly there tomorrow morning? Where is your boss's office?"

"Tomorrow you go directly to the main building, which is the lobby on the first floor of the tallest building. Just tell your name and a staff member will take you up there."

"Okay, we got it."

"Do you two have any other questions?"

Nelson thought for a moment, shook his head and said, "No more."

"Well, okay, if necessary, you can contact the front desk or call our company's internal hotline. I wish you a happy life in Jinling."

After the staff left, Nelson looked at Alex and said with a smile, "You guessed it, we will be summoned as soon as we come here."

"They have no reason to invite us over for no reason. As for what they are looking for, we will know tomorrow morning." Alex said with a smile.

"Well, let's go to the deep space park today and have a good time. Allen can't wait."

"He really can't wait. He has said that he wants to go to the Deep Space Park many times before, but he has never had the chance. You know, most boys can't refuse a place like the Deep Space Park."

Allen is Alex's son. He is seven years old this year. It is normal for a child like Allen to like science fiction. When the model Tianwen from "The Martian" was put on sale in the United States, Alex I just bought one for Allen.

But Allen’s Tianwen is small, and there is a bigger one in the Deep Space Science Fiction Museum.

Nielsen and Alex were more interested in game centers. They were two complete game fans. The reason why they founded Alienware back then was because they felt that the computers on the market for playing games were weak, so they wanted to make one. The most powerful computer in Taiwan for playing games.

The two were chatting when suddenly the voice of Alex's son Alan sounded outside the door.

"Dad, let's go to the Science Fiction Museum quickly." Alex responded quickly, "Okay."


There were more people in the Deep Space Park than Alex expected, especially in the Science Fiction Museum. In order to control the flow, queues had begun to form at the door.

If you are not particularly obsessed with science fiction museums, you can choose to go to other relatively less popular museums first, such as the Literature Museum and the Science Fiction Museum.

Although the popularity of the Deep Space Literature Museum is also very high, compared with highly popular venues such as the Film and Television Museum and the Science Fiction Museum, the Literature Museum’s popularity is much lower. Except for Literature Day, the Literature Museum’s popularity is the lowest among all museums. .

For tourists, the disadvantage of the literary museum is obvious. Because of the lack of interaction, the literary museum is full of books. Many people regard the literary museum as a library.

Looking at other venues, it goes without saying that the game hall is full of games and is very interactive. The film and television hall not only has a large number of figures, but also allows you to watch movies. The situation is the same in the science fiction hall, which has various interactive science popularizations.

There is also a detective theme museum. When the detective theme museum first opened, it was not very popular because most of the detective theme museums were detective novels. Visitors might as well go to the literature museum here.

But later, there were more and more games in the detective museum. At first, there were games like "Werewolf" and "Script Killing". Later, some planned escape rooms were also opened.

Even though the Detective Museum is the most expensive of all the venues, it is still very popular.

Unlike the free games in the game hall, all the games in the detective hall are charged. From "Werewolf" to Escape Room, all games are charged, and the fees are not cheap, basically the same as those in other stores.

But compared to other stores outside, people are still willing to come to the Detective Center, even if they need to pay Star Points at the door to enter.

Because the games in the Detective Hall are very comprehensive, taking script killing as an example, they now have some well-known scripts outside. After all, the "Deep Space Screenwriter Group" is the largest script killing producer in the world.

It is no exaggeration to say that more than 80.00% of the scripts circulating on the market were released by the Deep Space writing team.

This is not to say that the Deep Space writing team has a high output. In fact, many scripts were compiled by the Deep Space writing team.

Most people want to write a killer script, but even if they write it, they don't know where to sell it for money. There is no way to realize it, so their best choice is to go to the deep space company.

Deep Space Company will sign various types of contracts with them, including profit-sharing and buyout versions. Then Deep Space Company will be responsible for selling scripts to them, and they only need to rest assured and create.

Most scripts on the market now adopt this form.

Of course, there are others who want to learn from Deep Space and become script distributors, but Deep Space's channels are already very mature, and others cannot shake Deep Space's status at all.

Nelson took a look at the game hall. The situation was similar to that of the science fiction hall. There was also a queue at the door. He gave up the idea of ​​​​moving to the game hall.

In fact, although there is a queue, the queue moves forward quite quickly. The reason why the theme pavilion queues outside is mainly because it is worried that too many people will gather and cause confusion, so the flow is blocked in sections.

If there is no queue, many people will be blocked in the lobby on the first floor after entering, which will cause unnecessary crowding. The space upstairs may be relatively large, so now we let some people go in first and wait until they disperse inside the building. Let another group of people in.

Nelson and the others waited outside for about seven or eight minutes before going in. As soon as they entered the lobby on the first floor, they heard the staff shout:

"The density of people on the third floor is the lowest now. You can go to the third floor to visit and play first."

"There are more people on the straight elevators, so you can take the escalators on both sides."

Nelson and the others began to walk upstairs with the flow of people.

The staff didn't lie. The crowds get a little thinner as you go up to the third floor, but there are still quite a lot of people.

The scale of the Deep Space Science Fiction Theme Museum was a bit beyond his imagination. It didn't seem very big from the outside, but after entering, I found that the space was very large, and each floor was very high, with various large screens everywhere.

These large screens are all made by BenQ. In the past two years, BenQ's LCD screens have been very good and have been introduced into the home market.

In the past, the price of an LCD screen of the same size was more than four times that of a CRT screen, but now BenQ has controlled costs and is able to achieve a price that is only a little more than twice that of a CRT screen.

Experts have predicted before that if the price of an LCD screen is within three times the price of a CRT, some families will consider LCD screens.

In fact, experts are right. BenQ's display screen has basically become a standard feature of desktop computers, and many brands of computers now choose to be sold with BenQ screens.

For example, a complete machine produced by BenQ itself has low configuration and the price is only over 5000, but the screen is very good.

Many people bought this computer just for the screen, because now larger TVs are more than this price. Many people think that BenQ is selling the screen and giving away the console to clear inventory.

In fact, what they said is right. The whole machine is sold so cheaply just to clear the inventory.

In the past two years, BenQ's screens have made Lenovo miserable. It has computers with the same configuration and price. Because it has not cooperated with BenQ, Lenovo cannot produce them. They can only produce a single host without a screen, which suddenly loses a lot of advantages.

BenQ's current market is not only in China. Their shipments in Europe and the United States in 2002 were also very impressive. At home, they relied on Acer and Deep Space to enter the market, while abroad, they mainly relied on advertising.

In the past year, BenQ has invested up to 9000 million US dollars in advertising. Just advertising on the chest of Real Madrid costs 600 million pounds a year.

There is also advertising fee for sponsoring WCG, which also costs 2000 million US dollars a year. Adding these two advertising costs alone, BenQ will spend almost 4000 million US dollars a year, and the budget will be wiped out nearly half.

"We can also consider matching BenQ screens. They have many high-end screens." Nielsen said while looking at the screens in the venue.

"Looking back, we can see that BenQ's screens have been really good in the past two years," Alex said.

Soon they arrived at the surrounding area, and Allen saw "Tianwen" at a glance. He immediately grabbed his father's hand and ran there, but Alex's attention was attracted by a robot not far away.

(End of this chapter)

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