Nelson has heard about Deep Space's intelligent robots for a long time. However, the reason why Deep Space's intelligent robots are famous is not because they are really smart. In fact, Deep Space's intelligent robots are not intelligent at all. They are all controlled by the backend. It is controlled by staff, so it should be called an "artificial robot". Everyone knows this.

The reason why their robot is so famous is because the robot looks like Wall-E in the YU novel, and it has many live-action cases. There are many funny videos of "Wall-E" on the Internet.

To put it bluntly, the reason why Deep Space Company’s Wall-E is famous is because Deep Space Company is good at marketing.

However, the progress of "WALL-E" seems to be very rapid in the past two years. In the video Nielsen saw before, "WALL-E" looked very clumsy, and the motor performance was also average. But now the performance of "WALL-E" is very good, and the joints The rotation is much more flexible than before, which shows that their technology is steadily improving.

Deep Space Company's robotics laboratory has hired many people in the past two years. Several internationally renowned engineers in the field of robotics have been recruited to Jinling. Deep Space Company has spent a lot of money on this project.

Not only do they poach people, they also buy patents everywhere.

It can only be said that they have money and are willful. When Deep Space Company does some things, they don't care about the output at all. They rely entirely on their own wishes. Robot is such a project.

Apart from selling scaled-down models, the robot project will not be able to bring profits to the Deep Space Company in the short term, and the income gained from the cuteness of "WALL-E" cannot support the operation of the robotics laboratory. Most of them The money was given directly by Deep Space Company.

Another example is the deep space park where they are now. Even when the park has such a large flow of people, the park cannot make much money because the tickets are too cheap.I heard that the price will increase for a while, but even if it doubles the current price, it won't be much because the base is too low.

However, it turns out that the construction of the deep space park has many benefits for the deep space company. The deep space park has become a super large flow-absorbing machine, attracting tourists from all over the world.

As long as the deep space park becomes popular one day, the Jinling government will definitely give the deep space company the best policy, because the deep space park has become a business card of Jinling and has contributed a lot of GDP to Jinling.

If we had changed the company, this project would not have been possible. Of course, if we had changed the company, the park would not have been so popular.

Many cities in China want to imitate deep space parks. Some local governments even take the lead in trying to bring together science and technology museums, museums, and libraries to form a super large park. But on the one hand, it costs a lot, and on the other hand, it is difficult for them to attract the public. So much traffic.

Many attractive things in the Deep Space Park are unique to the Deep Space Company, and besides the Deep Space Company, who can afford such a large-scale annual meeting?

Perhaps many years later, the deep space robot project will also give back a lot to the deep space company. This is something no one can predict.

Nelson heard someone say that this generation of "WALL-E" is already the seventh generation.

Nelson was very surprised by this. It seems that "WALL-E" has not been out for a long time, and it has already reached the seventh generation.

Iteration is not something you can do over and over again. Each iteration means huge consumption.

If "WALL-E" is a product for external sale, Nielsen would not be surprised that some manufacturers even deliberately make unnecessary iterations in order to increase sales, because each iteration can stimulate customer consumption, and the old products can still function normally. Use it, new products have been released.

But "WALL-E" is not sold to the outside world. They are usually only displayed in the Deep Space Park or other places of the Deep Space Company, so there is no need for such frequent iterations.

But they still iterate so fast. There is only one reason. The laboratory really has money.

Nelson planned to take the children to see the surrounding exhibition area first, and then go to see the robots, but he underestimated the charm of the science fiction museum.

They visited the exhibition area on the second floor alone for more than an hour and still hadn't finished it. The main reason was that the science fiction museum had a lot of interactions, and almost every small area was interactive.

The kids couldn't move when they saw the interaction.

Looking at the excited children, Nelson smiled and said to Alex, "I feel like I might not be able to visit the deep space park in a few days."

Alex said with a smile, "Today was actually okay. When the theme activities start later, time will be even tighter. For example, on the literary theme day, it will take a long time just to queue up for autographs."

"Now I would rather go to the cinema and watch a movie. I heard that IMAX movies are screened every day?" Nielsen muttered.

"Well, there are more than one movie every day, but you need to make a reservation to watch the movie. You can't go in on the same day. And I regret to tell you that all the places for the next week have been reserved."

"Where did you know that?" Nelson asked confused.

Alex shrugged his shoulders, "Yesterday, I went online and tried to make a reservation, and found that there would be no seats for the next week. The seats in the screening room were too busy."

Nelson smiled, "Of course it's in demand. I heard it's not easy to watch IMAX movies in China..."

"Well, it's not that easy to watch IMAX movies in the United States."

"It's still more difficult in China. The screening hall in the Deep Space Park can be said to be the best and cheapest IMAX. Of course it is very popular. If I lived in Jinling, I would definitely make an appointment every day."

The two were chatting in the screening room when Allen suddenly pulled Alex's trouser leg and shouted, "Dad, you can change WALL-E over there."

Alex looked in the direction that Allen was pointing. There was a counter there with "WALL-E" peripheral products on it. It could be seen that it was a WALL-E counter. Someone was holding a starry sky card on the counter. The credit card machine swiped it, and then the staff handed him a small Wali, so Allen said he could exchange it for Wali there.

"I gonna go see."

Alex walked to the counter, pointed at Little Wall-E, and then started drawing.

The staff member smiled and said in English, "Sir, do you want to ask how to get this robot WALL-E?"

Alex breathed a sigh of relief and smiled, "That's right."

"We only support the redemption of deep space points here." The staff member smiled: "This little WALL-E requires two thousand points."

"Is it just 60 points?" Nelson was a little surprised. The card given to them by Deep Space Company had [-] points in it, and the six people had a total of [-] points, so he thought Wall-E would want a lot of points.

"Then give us two in exchange." Nelson handed over his star card and said.

The staff member nodded, took the card, and operated it for Nielsen. He swiped the card, Nielsen entered his password, and the points were deducted.

After switching to Little WALL-E, Nelson said with a smile, "This figure is quite cheap."

Alex shook his head, "It's not cheap anymore. I checked online and found that the current exchange ratio of deep space points to RMB is 100:[-], so two thousand points is equivalent to [-] RMB."

"100 yuan, more than ten dollars, is not expensive." "It is not expensive in the United States, but in China, most people cannot afford it."

"Hmm...but I didn't expect deep space points to be so valuable."

"What does this mean? The current ratio is the result of deliberate regulation by Deep Space Company. Do you know what the exchange ratio between Deep Space Points and RMB was at its peak?"

"How much?" Nelson asked.

"Seven to one, seven points can be exchanged for one RMB."

Nelson said in surprise, "That's more valuable than neon coins."

"you are right."

Nelson looked at the Star Card in his hand again, "We have a total of six cards. Each card contains 5000 points, which is 3 yuan per person, a total of [-] yuan. Everyone who comes to attend the annual meeting will receive a card. What?"

Alex nodded and said, "As far as I know, all the guests are there, and Jimmy will give out Star Cards to people he sees."

"What if you already have a Star Card?" Nelson asked.

Alex shook his head, "Then I don't know."

"I might add points directly to other people's cards, haha, but we have so many points on these cards that I probably won't be able to use them all in the next few days."

"It doesn't matter. You can use it when you return to the United States after you run out of it. There are many places in the United States where you can use deep space points. I have thought about applying for one before, but I have never done so."


Nelson and Alex somewhat underestimated the children's ability to spend points. Ever since they learned that the points in the Star Cards could be exchanged for peripheral products, Allen and the others would hand over the Star Cards to the staff whenever they saw something good-looking.

Even Nielsen and the others did not hold back their desire to buy. They each bought what they liked. The things in the Science Fiction Museum were so attractive. The key is that the points are given for free and you don’t feel the need to spend them at all.

When I looked back, I realized that all 60 points were spent, which was equivalent to more than 4000 US dollars. Even if Nielsen and the others had money, this more than 4000 US dollars was still a lot.

Only then did Nelson and the others realize that although the tickets to the Deep Space Park are cheap, their ability to attract money is not weak at all.


Serena and Linda also felt the deep space park's ability to attract money.

Because they had prepared the strategy in advance, they came with more than [-] points.

In order to collect these points, the two of them went shopping. First, they bought a lot of books at bookstores in London where points could be earned. Then they used all the membership points they needed to add to the annual meeting, and redeemed them for one from the BenQ store. Lots of songs.

Later, when I arrived in China, I bought a lot of deep space products in some stores in Jinling, and finally collected 10,000+ points.

Before coming to the park, Serena and the others thought that 10,000+ points would be close to [-] yuan in RMB, so they should be enough to spend.

But what they didn't expect was that the points were not spent as they expected.

They didn't go to the science fiction museum, but to the music museum. Logically speaking, where could a music museum spend a lot of money?Isn’t it just to listen to music?But after entering, they discovered that there were places to spend money everywhere in the music hall.

The collector's edition records specially provided in the park are not available outside, and each record has a special number, so you must not miss it.

The first album signed by Jay Chou will not be sold, only a lottery will be held. One prize will be drawn for [-] points. Should I draw a prize?

With [-] points, you can order a song from the Deep Space Music Library and play it in any venue. Is this service tempting?
Jay Chou's humanoid doll alarm clock, co-branded with Sony, sings every day when the time comes. Do you want to buy it with [-] points?
There are also a variety of ordinary signed albums, and the points required are not expensive, which is really exciting.

Their hearts will naturally follow their actions. After wandering around the music hall for more than two hours, one-third of the 10,000+ points in their hands were spent.

After coming out of the music hall, they went to the detective hall.

In the Detective Hall, they felt how valuable the points were. Although there was a fee for all items in the Detective Hall, the fees were really not that much. Moreover, after points were deducted for an item, they could play for a long time. One game of script could kill a lot of people. Play for half a day.

Serena had seen a discussion thread on the Internet before, and someone asked how many points the Deep Space Park consumes in a day.

At that time, most of the people who participated in the discussion in that post had been to the Deep Space Park, and some big bosses even listed the data. The data showed that the number of visitors to the Deep Space Park a year was more than 400 million.

However, some people refute that more than 400 million is an old figure, and the current flow of people must be more than 400 million.

Some people also say that the passenger flow of the Deep Space Park has exceeded that of the Palace Museum, and the passenger flow of the Palace Museum this year is more than 700 million. Many people are convinced by this data.

If calculated based on the passenger flow of 700 million, each person entering the park will need to deduct 8000 points, and the tickets alone will cost [-] million points.

On average, it costs 5000 points per person to enter the park, which is 3000 million points, and the two add up to [-] million points.

Serena thought this data should be fine before.

But after she came, she discovered that spending an average of fifty points per person was sheer nonsense.

It is true that there are many people who come to the Deep Space Park without spending points, but these people can easily be averaged out by others. They spent more than 5 points today. If you want to average, it would take a thousand points without spending money. people.

Not to mention anything else, just talk about the electronic reading room in the park. There are multiple computers on both sides. Even if there are two hundred computers, one computer operates twelve hours a day and costs 360 points per hour. One machine costs 7 points per day. Two hundred units are 360 points, and there are 600 ​​and five days in a year, which is more than [-] million points.

In fact, there are more than 4000 computers in the electronic reading room. In addition, the points income of the electronic reading room is not only the Internet fee.For an electronic reading room, the minimum guarantee of three to [-] million points a year is still acceptable.

Serena feels that just today, the Deep Space Park has absorbed tens of millions of points. Not only the two of them bought the collector's editions and signed albums in the music hall, but also the lucky draws inside. There are really a lot of people, fifty points at a time, and one lottery project per hour can absorb thousands of points at least.

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