Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 1069 We want to buy you

Chapter 1069 We want to buy you
There is another point that makes Serena and the others think that the points absorbed by the Deep Space Park every day are far more than what netizens say, and that is the autograph session.

Although the Literature Museum in the Deep Space Park is not usually very busy, it is still very popular during the autograph session.

The Deep Space Park holds about 100 autograph sessions every year, and there are at least two autograph sessions every week. This data can be found on the Internet, because the time of each autograph session will be announced online in advance. .

Among the authors who hold book signings, there are well-known authors and small authors who have just debuted. The number of readers they attract at their signings is different. Some big authors like Yu Dong can sign more than 1 books a day. This book, and some small authors, only write a few hundred books a day.

But on average, it's normal for an author's book signing to sell two thousand books. After all, no matter how low his reputation is, there's no need to hold a book signing, and it's still in the Deep Space Literature Museum.

One book costs about two to three hundred points, so two thousand books will cost about 50 points. More than 100 games a year, at least 5000 million points.

This is just a book signing, the Deep Space Park also often holds record signings.

The frequency of record signings is a little lower than the frequency of book signings, only two or three per month.

But the income from record signings is higher than that from book signings, because the unit price of records is higher than that of books.A record normally requires 700 to 8000 points to be redeemed. In addition, the singer needs to sign a little more when signing for it. So in total, [-] records need to be signed out every month, which is about [-] million points, which is another year. Seven to eighty million points.

This is just the points from signings. Normally, the deep space park also sells records and books, which is not a small sum.So just for the two items of records and books, there are probably more than 2 million points a year.

I am afraid only the Deep Space Company knows how many Deep Space Points the Deep Space Park can absorb in a day, and no one else has specific data.

Some reporters have interviewed senior executives of deep space companies before. People like Yuliang and Jiang Jie have all been asked this question, but their answers are very interesting.

"It's only tens of millions."

As if negotiated.


After a day of running, Nelson and the others returned to the hotel in the evening, took a shower, and fell asleep until seven or eight o'clock the next morning.

After a simple breakfast in the hotel restaurant, the two walked to the Deep Space Building.

The two of them reported their names in the lobby on the first floor, and then the front desk staff led them to the top floor.

Yu Dong had just arrived at the office and was making tea for himself. After hearing a knock on the door, he turned around and saw two young foreigners standing at the door at the front desk. He knew it was Nelson and Alex because today We only made an appointment with the two of them in the evening.

"It's Nelson and Alex, please come in." Yu Dong said with a smile.

When the two of them walked in, Yu Dong smiled and asked them, "What do you want to drink?"

Nelson laughed, "We can drink anything."

"Me too," Alex said.

Yu Dong nodded, "Then just like me, drink tea."

"No problem at all."

Yu Dong made a cup of tea for each of them and brought it to them personally. The two of them quickly went to pick it up.

"Be careful because it's hot." Yu Dong warned, then said with a smile, "Sit down."

After they sat down on the sofa, Yu Dong said with a smile, "You two must be very surprised to receive our invitation letter. After all, your company has no business dealings with us yet."

Nelson and Alex looked at each other, and Yu Dong said exactly what they thought.

Alex also didn’t expect that Yu Dong would get straight to the point. He smiled and said, “When I got the invitation, I was really surprised, but at the same time I was honored. After all, it is a very happy thing to be able to attend the Deep Space Annual Meeting. , we have never been to China before, and we just happened to come here for a trip."

Yu Dong nodded, "I heard that you arrived in China several days in advance. How was your time?"

"It's pretty good. Several cities have left a deep impression on me, but I believe that Jinling will leave the deepest impression on me. Thank you for your hospitality. Your arrangement makes us feel very comfortable." Eric Si smiled and said that he knew that if he didn't say anything about these scenes, Nelson would not say it.

"As long as you are happy, you must have made guesses about why I invited you here before, and you may have guessed the correct answer. Our company now has a very wide range of business. BenQ is making complete computers, but BenQ The main business is still screens, and the consoles are all mid- to low-end, so we need a high-end sub-brand."

Hearing Yu Dong's words, Alex and Nelson's hearts were pounding. They had thought about Deep Space Company wanting to acquire them more than once, but when it came true, they were still very surprised and excited.

Nelson and Alex had previously discussed whether they would agree if someone wanted to acquire them. The results of each discussion were different.

But this time when they heard that Deep Space Company was willing to acquire them, they found that they were not resistant. This was probably because the companies acquired by Deep Space Company were developing better than the last one.

Just as Nielsen was about to say something, Alex said first, "I believe that with your strength, it is very easy to develop a high-end sub-brand."

Yu Dong smiled. He found that Alex was a little more difficult to deal with than Nelson, but it didn't matter. Their willingness to come over proved that they were willing and everything could be discussed.

At this time, Yu Dong was no longer anxious. He smiled and said, "China's computer market has been growing rapidly in recent years, especially personal notebooks, but your company is currently not capable of grabbing this market. You should also know , "World of Warcraft" will be in public beta soon, maybe Blizzard can do a linkage with you by then."

Nelson frowned and expressed doubts, "Does the game World of Warcraft require very high computer configurations?" He was confused because this was unreasonable. "World of Warcraft" is an online game. If the configuration requirements are too high, , there will be many problems, which may lead to the loss of many users.

"The configuration threshold of this game is certainly not high. The purpose is to let most people play it while pursuing the graphics. However, if you want better effects, you need better graphics cards and processors. Isn't this what Alien Is it something that people are good at?" Yu Dong said.

Both Nielsen and Alex knew what Yu Dong said made sense. Even if "World of Warcraft" didn't need the high configuration of Alien, as long as the gimmick of "playing "World of Warcraft" with Alien" was created, it would definitely be able to Let the aliens open the market.

And they are mainly making laptops now. There is a relatively vacant market for laptops to play large games. If they can really catch the fast train of World of Warcraft... Nielsen and the others have never considered that World of Warcraft will not be popular.

Blizzard has proven itself more than once, and Deep Space has proven itself more than once. When these two companies produce a game together, it will definitely not be bad.

Even if the response to World of Warcraft is not good enough, Deep Space does not only have one game under its name. It also has games such as "StarCraft", "Warcraft", and "Resident Evil", and there is also the space platform, which can also be followed. They are linking up.

Nielsen has even thought about this matter. If it can be linked with Space, and Space directly puts the purchase link for Alienware computers on the homepage, wouldn't the publicity effect be explosive?

And even if there is no linkage with these games, Deep Space Company's publicity ability is obvious to all. When the time comes, the big yappers on Deep Space Company's duck webs will release some review videos and praise their computers. Then their computers are not Do you have to sell it like crazy?
It's not like this has never happened.

BenQ has previously released a high-end computer screen, and the price is very high. A 19-inch screen costs more than 400 US dollars. You must know that LCD screens have plummeted this year. Many manufacturers are selling screens for more than 100 US dollars, and their high-end screens only cost 300 US dollars. For more than $[-], this high-end model from BenQ is $[-] more than others.

But the results are jaw-dropping. This BenQ screen sells very well. This is because a bunch of game yappers on Yawei Yawei have evaluated the screen, especially in the CS area. The results of the evaluation are obvious. Compared with ordinary Screen, BenQ’s screen is brighter, clearer, and more eye-friendly.

Eye protection is a concept first proposed by BenQ. Before this, other manufacturers did not pay attention to this.

In fact, the development time of LCD is not long. BenQ has the advantage of early development. When other manufacturers are still nibbling on CRT, BenQ has already begun to set up LCD production lines, and its research and development has also kept pace with it.

The technology is inherently superior, the publicity is strong, and BenQ will also give away a keyboard and mouse set, so it makes sense.

But in any case, this wave of BenQ’s marketing has become a classic case. Some manufacturers have also followed the trend and asked Yapper from Yawei Yawei website to help evaluate, hoping to get them to help put in a good word.

What Nielsen and the others didn't know was that the reason Deep Space helped BenQ with that marketing was of course not just to help BenQ sell screens.

That screen, which costs more than 400 US dollars, belongs to the high-end market after all. No matter how much it is promoted, the market cannot be too big. There are not so many rich people willing to spend more than 400 US dollars to buy a computer screen. Most people do not have such requirements for screens. high.

The main purpose of this marketing is to demonstrate to all brands the promotional capabilities of Duckweed.

As long as they see it, they will generously place advertisements on the duck webs, and the Deep Space Company can extract money from these advertisements. Compared with selling screens, these money are the bulk.In addition, as more advertisers enter, more excellent yappers will naturally be attracted to produce high-quality content. With high-quality content, more users will be attracted, forming a virtuous cycle.

Facts have proved that Deep Space Company’s strategy is right. Since the BenQ screen marketing incident, the income of well-known yappers has skyrocketed, and the revenue of Duckweed Duckweed website has also skyrocketed.

In fact, the Yawei Yawei website quickly gained popularity in the beginning mainly because of those game Yappers. The website gathered almost all game bloggers, but later other sections, such as music and sports, also followed suit. Now Yawei The website of Web Duck Web is quite comprehensive.

In November, the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show was held. They collaborated with Duckweed and Duckweed to launch an online live broadcast, and subsequently posted a lot of live videos. During that time, there was also a "dressing craze" on the website. Many people Go to the website to learn how to dress.

Unexpectedly, since then, the fashion section has become popular, and many fashionistas have gone to Yawei Yawei to share their outfits with others.

Now the income of this part of yapper is also very high, because those clothing brands are really willing to spend money in the past two years.


Of course Nelson and the others knew why Yu Dong mentioned World of Warcraft and the Chinese market. He wanted to tell them that they would have all these things if they joined the deep space family.

At this moment, Jimmy also walked over from the opposite office.

As soon as he came in, Jimmy smiled and said, "Hey, the guests have arrived. You guys are here quite early."

Jimmy often appeared in TV reports, and of course Nelson and the others knew him.

"Hello, Mr. James."

"Just call me Jimmy." Jimmy smiled, and then ran to pour himself a cup of tea. While pouring the tea, he said, "I asked you to come here so early in the morning that I didn't have any rest."

"No, we slept well," Alex said.

Jimmy poured the tea, walked to Yu Dong's side, and said with a smile, "How long have you been chatting?"

"It's been a while." Yu Dong said.

"Did you talk about our desire to acquire Alienware?"

Yu Dong smiled and said, "It's almost time to talk."

Jimmy blew on the steam rising from the cup and said with a smile, "Let's do it quickly. Everyone knows what's going on. We want to acquire Alienware. There are two options. The first one is to acquire all the shares. What can you get? 3000 million U.S. dollars, but we will leave you with 20.00% dividends, and the company will still be run by you. Second, we will acquire 70.00% of the shares and give you 300 million U.S. dollars, and the company will still be run by you. We will decide the price There is no need to discuss it. I should not be treating you badly. In fact, for you, it doesn’t matter how many million more or less you have when selling your company. The key lies in whether we can give you enough support. If you choose the second option, today If you leave 30.00% of the shares, I think in less than a year, the 30.00% of the shares in your hands will definitely be worth more than the entire company now."

Nelson and Alex looked at each other, Jimmy's strong confidence had a great impact on them.And what Jimmy said is simply irresistible, especially the second one. They can retain 30.00% of the shares and continue to run the company. Is there any better merger and acquisition plan than this?
(End of this chapter)

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