Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 1070 The most tiring day

A merger worth two to 3000 million US dollars is already considered very small for the Deep Space Company. Under normal circumstances, Jimmy does not need to come forward directly. They can just sign a contract to finalize the matter.

But the Nelsons came over, and Jimmy took the opportunity to come over and have a look.

From the perspective of Deep Space Company, the merger and acquisition of Alienware is not their only option. Computer assembly itself is not a high-tech industry and is relatively replaceable. There are no aliens, there are Martians, and Mercury, as long as If the Deep Space Company wants to develop high-end machines, there are always ways, but acquiring aliens is the fastest way.

Nelson and Alex were completely impressed by Jimmy's conditions, but they didn't agree on the spot. They just said they would discuss it later.

Jimmy and Yu Dong both expressed their understanding of this.

"Of course you have to consider such a big deal. Let's go back and discuss it. Just give us a reply before leaving Jinling. If you agree, we can talk about the details of the contract while you are still in Jinling. Finalize the merger and acquisition as soon as possible," Jimmy said.

Jimmy doesn't want to delay such a small case for too long, and Alienware's organizational structure is relatively simple, so the acquisition process should go quickly.

Alex nodded and said, "No problem, we will reply to you as soon as possible, try our best before the end of the annual meeting."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "No problem."

After that, the few people stopped talking about mergers and acquisitions, but chatted about other things. In the middle of the chat, Nelson suddenly said, "Is there a closed beta for World of Warcraft now? Can we get a closed beta number?" "

He is a game fan, and what he pays most attention to is naturally games. Ever since Blizzard announced that it would develop an online game, he has been paying attention to it. Most of the reasons why he has a good impression of deep space are related to Blizzard.

Yu Dong smiled and shook his head, "Now "World of Warcraft" is not in closed beta. If you want to play, you should wait for a while before the open beta."

Nelson was a little disappointed. He also wanted to enjoy the benefits of joining the deep space family in advance.

"How long will the open beta last? Will the data from the open beta be transferred to the officially launched game?" Nielsen asked.

Zhou Yan shook his head again, "No, during the public beta, the player's character will be reset after the game is officially launched, and the previous game progress will not be there."

"How long will the open beta last?" Nelson asked again.

Yu Dong smiled and said, "It's hard to say. It depends on the situation of the public beta. If players feedback more problems, the public beta will definitely last longer. If there are fewer problems reported, the public beta will be longer. short."

"Understood." Nielsen nodded: "I hope the public beta can pass quickly so that we can play the official game as soon as possible."

"I believe it won't take long. The results of the internal test are pretty good. Even if there is a problem, it shouldn't be a big problem and it will be repaired quickly."

Hearing what Yu Dong said, Nelson also smiled happily.


At noon, Yu Dong and Jimmy treated Nelson and his family to a meal. In the afternoon, they went to play by themselves. They didn't even finish visiting the science fiction museum yesterday afternoon, but today they don't plan to continue visiting the science fiction museum, but to play in the game museum. One play.

After they left, Yu Dong and Jimmy returned to the office.

"Looking at them, there should be no problem with this acquisition." Jimmy said.

Yu Dong nodded, "I'm not worried about this acquisition, but what is Samsung doing recently?"

Speaking of Samsung, Jimmy curled his lips. Samsung has started to cause trouble in the past two days.

Samsung's attitude towards Deep Space has always been ambiguous. From the beginning, Samsung begged Deep Space to cooperate, then the two sides became inseparable in the middle, and now they are almost at odds with each other.

When Deep Space was fighting with Lenovo, Samsung helped.

Samsung was initially hostile to Deep Space when Deep Space had just acquired BenQ and was preparing to release mobile phones. However, the hostility was not obvious at that time. On the one hand, mobile phones were only a small part of Samsung's many businesses, and BenQ mobile phones mainly impacted This is not the market for Samsung mobile phones. Secondly, the sales of BenQ mobile phones were not that good at that time.

But things are different now. The market share of BenQ screens is getting higher and higher, which has already had an impact on Samsung's market.

Samsung has done two things recently. One is to release a mobile phone with very similar configurations to the BenQ S2, and then mark the price to 2 yuan lower than the BenQ S1000 in an attempt to compete at a low price. The second is to hire people on the Internet The trolls are smearing BenQ mobile phones and BenQ screens.

Hiring trolls to carry out cyber attacks has gradually become an important means for brands to attack each other. Even large companies like Samsung have begun to use this shady method. It can be seen that this method is still very effective, otherwise these people would not One after another.

In fact, the most convenient company to use network means to attack opponents is Deep Space. Deep Space has Dongdong, Deep Space Tribe, Facebook, and Duckweed. It is too easy to give Samsung some dirt.

It's just that Yu Dong and the others are not willing to do it. On the one hand, they are disdainful to do such a thing, and on the other hand, doing such a thing will cause a scandal, which may affect other deep space businesses.

Now the Deep Space Company is preparing to collect evidence, then sue Samsung, and then publicize the prosecution.They won't do any dirty work, but exposure is still possible.

The disgusting thing about Samsung is that it just happened to arrive at the Deep Space Annual Conference to do this.

Regarding Samsung's actions, Jimmy didn't care much. "I have expected this day. In the mall, you will die or I will live. Deep Space currently has many businesses that conflict with Samsung. I heard that Samsung seems to be planning to withdraw." The endorsements of several artists in our company.”

Yu Dong curled his lips and said, "If you don't want to withdraw, just withdraw. Just ask them to pay liquidated damages. If not, sue them."

In their endorsement contracts, unless the celebrity violates the law, the brand has no right to cancel the endorsement. If it must be canceled, it will have to pay liquidated damages, which is not a small amount.

Jimmy shook his head, "Let those artists be careful, especially the ones in Korea. Samsung has great power in Korea. It is not difficult for them to make an artist break the law."

Although Yu Dong didn't think Samsung would do such a thing in order to escape the liquidated damages, he still had to be wary of others. He still nodded and said, "You can let them come to China to avoid it. We have many people in Korea." I still can’t control the time.”

Ordinary people may not know, but at Yu Dong's level, they have more information and naturally know more inside stories.

Goryeo's plutocrats are very dirty. If it were in China, Yu Dong would definitely take charge of it. But of course he couldn't get involved in the country's affairs. He could only manage his own artists. If someone wanted to touch Song Ji Hyo and Jun Ji Hyun They, the Deep Space Company must take care of them.

Let alone an ordinary small chaebol, even if Samsung comes, Deep Space Company is not afraid at all. "Let's take things slow with Samsung. We have to focus on the absorption of Huawei and Turner Broadcasting recently, and complete the integration of these two companies. Our territory will really take shape." Jimmy said.


Starting from the literary theme day, the passenger flow of the Deep Space Park has truly reached a peak, with more than [-] people entering the park in one day.

There are four gates in the southeast, northwest and northwest of the park. Each gate has more than twenty gates, but there are still often queues.

Because there is a book signing on the literary theme day, the Deep Space Park opens earlier than usual, at six o'clock. Otherwise, those readers who queued up in advance would have to wait outside the park.

Serena and the others arrived at the park at eight o'clock. When they arrived at the door, a staff member asked them whose book signing they were attending. There were many authors coming to book signing today, and each author was a team. .

"Of course we are here to attend YU's autograph session." said the boy who brought Serena and the others.

Hearing that they were participating in YU's autograph signing, the security guard pointed to a queue near the entrance of the Science Fiction Museum, "If you want the boss to sign autographs, stand in this queue."

Seeing that the team had already lined up outside the museum and arrived at the entrance of the Science Fiction Museum, Serena and the others were a little dumbfounded.

While they were in a daze, several more people had already ran to the back of the team.

Serena hurriedly said, "Let's go there quickly."

Then several people ran over with all their strength, and when they arrived, they discovered that there was a sign next to the team that read "Yu Dong Autograph Session Ranking Place" with an English translation.

Linda stood on tiptoes and looked inside the literature museum, "I wonder what other authors' autograph lines are like, whether they will be as long."

They came here today not only wanting Yu Dong's autographs, but also wanting the autographs of other authors, so they hoped that the queue of other authors would not be so long, otherwise, they might not be able to get two authors' autographs today. Signed book.

Serena smiled and said, "It's not good if it's too long, and it's not good if it's too short. If it's too long, we'll have to wait in line. If it's too short, it'll be over before we finish queuing here."

The boy who brought them here was named Zhong Qiu. He smiled and said, "You must not think about Yu Hua, Wang Xiaobo, Bi Feiyu, Mo Yan, and Liu Cixin. You can only get one more at most. The others are slightly more famous. For the lower ones, signings should not have started yet. On the Literary Theme Day, in order to stagger the time, less popular authors only started signing in the afternoon, because by that time many people had already queued up for Yu Dong and others, so you can I went to find these authors to sign autographs. In addition to them, there should be other writers in the morning, such as Fu Shui and Ruan Xiaohu, and they are all promising."

"I like tiger too. Where is he?"

Because Ruan Xiaohu’s Chinese name contains tiger, many foreign readers like to call him tiger, and some people call him baby tiger.

"I can only guess that he will come in the morning, but I really don't know whether he will come specifically."

"Well, I hope YU can sign it quickly so that we can get the book as soon as possible." Linda said.

"No matter how fast it is, it can't be faster. There are probably thousands of people in front of us, otherwise it would be impossible to reach this position." Zhong Qiu said.

"Why don't Zhong Qiu go to Yu Hua's queue? Anyway, one person can sign two copies. The two of us can sign four copies here. If you go to Yu Hua's place to line up, you can also sign two copies of Yu Hua's. If Yu Hua If Hua gets it first, you can also go to other authors to queue up."

Zhong Qiu thought about it and felt that this plan was feasible. "Then I'll go over first. You must remember to get me a copy."

"Do not worry."


The most tiring time for Yu Dong every year is actually the book signing on the literary theme day. In order to let as many people get signed books as possible, he will extend the signing time.

The Deep Space Park opened at six o'clock in the morning, and he went to the site to sign for them at seven o'clock, and then continued signing for them until more than eleven o'clock in the evening. It was about sixteen or seventeen hours from morning to night, so he signed the most, more than one Thousands of volumes.

Yu Hua and others signed for two or three hours before, and started complaining after signing less than a thousand copies. But after knowing Yu Dong's record, they couldn't say anything more because they were really embarrassed.

Now Yu Hua and the others try to extend the time for signings, but it is impossible to do it like Yu Dong. They usually only sign for eight or nine hours in the morning and afternoon. If they are faster, they can sign five or six thousand copies, and if they are slower, they can sign five or six thousand copies. Four thousand copies.

Of course, the slowest person to sign autographs is Wang Xiaobo.

Not only does he write slowly, but he also likes to chat with people.

Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu signed for eight or nine hours, and he also signed for eight or nine hours, but he and Bi Feiyu probably only signed one or two thousand copies in those eight or nine hours.

Sometimes Yu Hua and others joke, saying that if Wang Xiaobo dies in the future, his autographed books will definitely be valuable because there are so few in existence.

Wang Xiaobo doesn't usually hold book signings, but he managed to hold one on theme days and signed more than 1000 books, and he also likes to sign special books for people.

Being a fan of Wang Xiaobo's books is both sad and happy. The sad thing is that it is not easy to get Wang Xiaobo's book signing. Obviously there are not as many people attending his book signing as Yu Dong, but the queue length is about the same as Yu Dong's, and Yu Dong The queue on the east side stops queuing more than an hour in advance each time. On Wang Xiaobo's side, the staff stopped queuing almost before it started.

The staff knew Wang Xiaobo's speed, so they gave him a certain amount. Once the number of people in line plus those who had signed reached one thousand and two, they stopped queuing because Wang Xiaobo couldn't finish signing if he was further in line.

The good news is that as long as you get in line, you can not only chat with Wang Xiaobo, but also have a high chance of getting a special lottery.

In fact, he signs a little slower, and Yu Dong is relieved. After all, this guy is not in good health, and it is not good to be highly tense for a long time.

In fact, Yu Dong has gradually felt powerless in the past two years. When he signed a book ten years ago, it took more than ten hours to complete the signing. Although he was tired, it was okay. The main reason was that he felt sleepy. But now, after signing for more than ten hours, people are happy. It's like he's dying.

He has also thought about it. This is the last year. Starting from next year, he will limit signings. He can only sign two to three thousand copies at a time, and cannot sign more.

Seeing that Yu Dong was about to turn 35, his health began to really decline. In the past two years, he was planning to have a second child with Cheng Yanqiu, but he couldn't let his health go wrong.

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