Chapter 1073 Circular Lane
On the music theme day, at nine o'clock in the morning, the deep space live broadcast room on the Yawei Yawei website had just started broadcasting, and the number of people in the live broadcast room reached [-].

Even though the live broadcast room only has a still picture of the Deep Space Park building for the time being, the comment area of ​​the live broadcast room is still very lively, and many people have been waiting on the website for the live broadcast room to open.

[After waiting for a day, it’s finally here. 】

[I'll check in. I'm going to bed now. I'll see you tomorrow morning. 】

[Not in the morning, I have already set the alarm clock for three o'clock in the middle of the night. 】

[Londoners say it’s midnight now. 】

[I envy London. When the concert officially starts, it must be noon over there. 】

[When the concert starts, we are still in the morning. Okay, I have to go to bed. 】

[The Neon people are here. The time difference between us and Jinling is negligible. 】

[You still want to sleep, I have already slept, and I want to watch all of today’s live broadcast. 】

[There will be game theme days and sports theme days later, you don’t want to die. 】

[I have reversed my work and rest time, now it is Chinese time. 】

[What activities are there today? If it’s exciting, I won’t sleep. 】

[There are many activities, and I heard that there are also online signings. 】

[What is a signature? 】

[Online signing is online signing. 】

[Haha, online signing means a lottery will be held online, and the winner can get a signed album on the spot, and it will be signed with your name on it. 】

【real or fake?Is there such an operation? 】

[Don’t you all read the announcement? The content of this event has been announced before. It will start at 09:30 Yanjing time and end at 04:30. There will be a lottery draw every half hour. 】

[It only takes half an hour to complete one round, so there are only a dozen in total. This is too difficult. 】

[That's not the case. There is more than one draw in each round. It seems that there are at least fifty at a time. They are from different singers. Today, more than 1000 lucky viewers will be drawn. 】

[Why is it Yanjing time, not Jinling time? 】


[Are there any conditions for the lottery? 】

[No conditions are required, as long as you are online, you can draw the lottery. 】

[Then after you win the prize, how do you give it to us? 】

[It will be delivered directly by express delivery. 】

[Could it be written by someone else? 】

[No, it’s all written on the spot. You can see it in the live broadcast room when the time comes. Don’t worry. 】


The online signing event was only launched this year, mainly to drive traffic to the live broadcast room, and the cost is only a thousand albums and express delivery fees. The latter cost is higher than the former.

This cost is compared to the effect brought by the event. Not only the proposal, but also the reason why the live broadcast room had 09 viewers just after it opened is because everyone is interested in the music theme day itself, and a large number of people are in Those who are waiting for the lottery are all waiting for the first wave of lottery at 30:[-].

In fact, the probability of winning is very low. There are 5 people in the live broadcast room now. When the first wave of lottery officially starts at 09:30, there will be at least 10,000+ people in the live broadcast room. Even if only ordinary people participate in the lottery, the winning rate will be It’s less than one thousandth.

Moreover, there are no conditions for participating in this lottery. It is very convenient. You only need to move the mouse and click the lottery button, so the participation rate is very high.

But humans, when faced with something like a lottery, don’t calculate probabilities rationally.

They would only think, Damn it, at least fifty signed records were released at one time, so my probability of winning is very high. Even if I don’t win once, won’t I still win nine times?
Just think about it, people buy lottery tickets, so this free lottery will naturally attract people.

In addition to online book signing activities, there are actually some artist performances during the day, which can ensure the popularity of the live broadcast room.

Although the artists performing during the day are basically newcomers, there is absolutely no problem with the performance quality, so there are still many viewers willing to stay in the live broadcast room to watch.

In fact, these newcomers are not particularly new. They have basically been in the industry for a while and have already produced their own works, but their fame is not as good as that of other artists in the company.

For example, Kelly Clarkson, who just won the first "American Idol" championship this year, is definitely a newcomer, but her popularity is not low at all.

After "American Idol" ended, Deep Space released three singles for her, two of which entered the top ten of the US Billboard Hot 1 singles list, ranking No. 7 and No. [-] respectively.

In terms of popularity in recent times, Kelly Clarkson is no less than a first-tier singer, but she has less experience and has fewer works.

Taking advantage of the annual meeting, she also made many appearances to win over her fans.

In addition to Kelly Clarkson, there are several people performing during the day who are from "Pop Idol" or "American Idol".

These singers from variety shows have already accumulated a lot of fans during the competition. Most of them are young people. These young people may not be able to spend money to come to China to support them live, but most of them can use the Internet and can broadcast during the live broadcast. Support your favorite singer in the room.

So in today's live broadcast room, there are also many fans waiting for their brothers and sisters to come out, preparing for them to wave the flag and cheer.Singers who come out of the show will basically sign a contract with Deep Space Company as long as they receive an invitation.

It is precisely because of this unique advantage that Deep Space Music has signed many potential new singers over the past year.

In fact, Deep Space Company does not force these singers to sign formal contracts with them.

Under normal circumstances, after the players enter the knockout round, Deep Space Company will sign a contract of intent with these players, which means that after their competition is over, Deep Space Company can give priority to signing contracts with them.

Of course, they can also sign contracts with other companies, but they will have to pay liquidated damages.Deep Space Company does not have to choose to sign them, but Deep Space Company does not need to pay liquidated damages.

Some people may say that if you have to pay liquidated damages, doesn't that force players to sign with Deep Space Company? Moreover, this condition seems to be an unequal treaty and is squeezing these players.

In fact, this is not the case. If players break the contract, the liquidated damages they need to pay are very small, usually only tens of thousands of dollars. Under normal circumstances, if other companies are willing to sign these players, they will never mind helping them pay these tens of thousands. Liquidated damages in U.S. dollars.

But few people choose to default.

These singers are not stupid either. Although the foundation of Deep Space seems to be shallower than other established music companies, Deep Space is backed by the Deep Space Group and has very obvious Internet advantages.

Especially after Bruno Mars became popular on Duck Web and Duck Web some time ago, many singers have found a new way to become famous, which is to sing on Duck Web and Duck Web.

Nowadays, there are many yappers with good singing on the Yawei Yawei website. They have attracted a lot of fans on the website with their singing voices.Some singers who perform particularly well have even received invitations from some music companies and are about to become professional singers.

In addition to Yawei, Deep Space Company also has BenQ Store, Dongdong, Deep Space Tribe... Nowadays, Deep Space Company wants to promote a singer, and there are too many methods. Unlike old companies like Sony, which are used for publicity Still the traditional method.

They also want to keep up with the times and use new methods, but conditions do not allow it, because nowadays, when promoting on the Internet, there is no way to escape Dongdong, Deep Space Tribe, and Duck Web, especially video websites such as Duck Web and Duck Web. There is also a BenQ store.

Many people now use the BenQ Store Popularity Chart and the Duck Web Duck Web Listening Chart as a standard to measure the popularity of a song. As long as the song sells well in the BenQ Store, it is definitely a popular song.

Not to mention anything else, just talking about the Deep Space Annual Conference, as long as the singer comes to show off, isn't it more likely to attract fans than holding a small solo concert by yourself?
Before the first program of the day even started, the number of viewers in the Deep Space Live Room had already reached hundreds of thousands, and it was still rising.

There are also many people in the park.

There was no performance on the music theme day this year, but the stage in front of the theme hall was no smaller than in previous years. This large stage was provided for the singers who performed during the day.

A temporary stand was also set up in front of the stage, and the crowd gathered around the venue. Plus, there were ten or twenty thousand spectators upstairs.

The bus station outside the park did not have a stage this time, but the building opposite was still full of sold-out performances.A rough estimate is that the audience for the daytime concert can exceed [-], which is much larger than the audience for tonight's New Year's Eve concert.

There are many performances during the day and the time is quite long. It is divided into four stages, each stage lasts one hour, starting at 09:30 am, 01 o'clock, 30:[-] pm and [-] o'clock in the afternoon. .

This period will also be mixed with some on-site interactive activities. Just like online, the main draw will be lottery, but the on-site lottery prizes will be much richer. In addition to signed records, there will also be signed posters and signed cultural shirts.

There are also some singers who will come on stage during breaks to interact with the audience and play games.


Until four o'clock in the afternoon, the daytime performances in the music hall officially ended.

By this time, although the activities at the music hall were not over yet, it was no longer particularly lively, because at this time most people had to rush to the Jinling Olympic Sports Center to wait to watch the Deep Space New Year's Eve Party.There are no lively activities here in the park.

Serena and Linda listened to the two performances at 01:30 and [-] o'clock in the Deep Space Park. When it ended at [-] o'clock, they hurried outside because they were in a hurry to go to the Olympic Sports Center.

Everyone else had the same idea as them, so they all crowded out. If there weren't enough security personnel on site to maintain order, there would definitely be a stampede today.

After Serena and the others came out, they were anxiously looking for a car, but found that they didn't need to worry about it at all. When they walked to the door, a staff member shouted with a loudspeaker, "Tourists heading to the Olympic Sports Center, please stay ahead. Line up to get on the bus, line up ahead to get on the bus.”

The buses at the entrance of the park have already set up queuing railings, and tourists can go in and queue directly after coming out of the park.There are a total of four gates in the Deep Space Park, and each gate is like this.

Linda originally thought about finding a taxi, which would be faster, but she gave up the idea when she saw the long bus queue behind her. This kind of bus can still transport many people at a time. Moreover, the Deep Space Park is not far from the Olympic Sports Center, and cars can drive back and forth quickly, so you don’t have to worry about queuing.

In fact, the round trip time of the bus is shorter than Serena and the others thought. The bus departs from the Deep Space Park and goes directly to the Jinling Olympic Sports Center without any pause in the middle. It only takes 2 minutes one way, and more time is spent on Get on and off the bus.

It stands to reason that although this section of the road is very short, there are traffic lights and it will consume a lot of time. However, Serena and the others discovered that there were no traffic lights at all on the route the bus took.

It turns out that in order to quickly transport tourists from the Deep Space Park to the Olympic Sports Center, the local transportation department in Jinling specially planned a circular route for them. On this route, the red street lights at all intersections were stopped, and traffic police were already on duty. Restrict traffic flow to this section at the previous intersection in advance.

There are also traffic police watching each intersection to prevent people and vehicles from passing through these intersections to ensure that buses can pass quickly and safely.

This is not a privilege. The reason for implementing this kind of traffic control is to clear the traffic as soon as possible. If this is not done, several roads near the Deep Space Park and the Olympic Sports Center will be blocked.

At that time, it will be difficult for ordinary citizens to travel, and tourists going to the concert will also be stuck on the road.

How good it is now. One hour of traffic control can send most tourists to the Olympic Sports Center, and then the traffic will be smooth.

In fact, during this period, if you are not coming to the Deep Space Park, Jinling citizens will try not to pass by here because they know that there will probably be traffic jams.

The Deep Space Annual Meeting is a very important event for the citizens of Jinling. Everyone, young and old, basically knows about it.


When the live broadcast room of the Duck Web was transferred to the Jinling Sports Center, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room directly exceeded 100 million. However, by this time, the website had begun to restrict users from entering the live broadcast room unless the user had tickets for the live concert. , which is the thing that was previously open to the public to grab tickets.

People without tickets who want to enter can only wait until other users exit the live broadcast room. However, during this period, they can see the comment area of ​​the live broadcast room and make comments in the comment area, but they cannot see the screen.

Netizens have no choice. Although in addition to the online live broadcast, two TV stations will also broadcast live, but it is still some time before the concert officially starts. Both ABC and Turner Broadcasting only set the start time of the live broadcast at the concert. Started half an hour ago.

(End of this chapter)

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