Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 1074 Super High Ratings

In fact, when watching a live broadcast on a TV, the picture will definitely be clearer, and the live broadcast signal will be more stable.

Although the live broadcast technology of the Yawei Yawei website is very good, when millions of people pour in, there are still situations where the live broadcast room drops out and freezes occur.

However, netizens still prefer to watch it on the Yawei Yawei website. Although the live broadcast is important to them, watching the live broadcast on the website does not give them the sense of interactivity that a TV set cannot give them.

Even if many people have no way to enter the live broadcast room and cannot see the live broadcast screen, they are still willing to look at the words "Waiting to enter" on the screen and discuss with other netizens in the comment area.

They enjoy the feeling of communicating with others more. The live broadcast itself has a strong social attribute.

The live broadcast room was showing scenes of spectators pouring into the sports center, and online viewers expressed their envy.

[I really wanted to go, but unfortunately I couldn’t get a ticket. 】

[Indeed, tickets are too difficult to grab. How did so many people at the scene get tickets? 】

[I have never been to China in my life, and I vow to go there once. 】

[Go if you have the conditions. Jinling is very interesting now. I went there twice and was not disappointed each time. 】

[Just one deep space park is enough to entertain you for several days. 】

[Deep Space Park, if you are going to travel, it is not that good in normal times, mainly in winter and summer. 】

[Yes, yes, there is an annual meeting in winter, and there are various activities in summer, especially the Science Fiction Festival. 】

[Next summer will be more interesting. It is said that Real Madrid and Manchester United are going to China tour and will play a friendly match in Jinling. 】

[Real or fake, Real Madrid and Manchester United? 】

[Anyway, this is what I heard. 】

[This is not surprising, Manchester United is owned by Deep Space Company, and BenQ is a major sponsor of Real Madrid. 】

[Be sure to grab tickets next summer. 】

[Has today’s program list been out?Who appears first? 】

[The first song today is sung by Avril Lavigne. 】

[Oh, Avril, I like her very much. 】

[It’s such a surprise to be the first to see her. 】

[Please be patient, when will Sister Niu come out?I mainly watch Sister Niu. 】

[Sister Niu is in the back. There is a program list on the official website. Go check it out for yourself. 】

[Please kindly tell me, how many songs will be sung tonight? 】

[There is no breakdown, it should be more than 50 songs. 】

【Jay should be there, right? 】

[Isn’t this nonsense?How could the leading singer not be on it? 】


When the concert officially started, there was no host on stage, and there was no opening ceremony. The first singer, Avril Lavigne, slowly rose up on the lifting platform, and there was a scream of surprise.

Avril, who has just debuted for a year, has swept all major music charts with her single "Complicated". This single also topped the US Billboard Hot [-] singles chart for three consecutive weeks.

However, Avril did not sing "Complicated", but sang another song of her own, "Skateboarder".

Speaking of this song, there is another interlude.

Because she signed with Deep Space Company, Avril decided to learn Chinese.

Her learning ability is quite strong, and the environment for learning Chinese at Deep Space Company is very good, so she quickly learned a general idea of ​​Chinese.

After learning Chinese, she began to think about singing Chinese songs. It was too difficult for her to write a Chinese song herself, and she didn't want to cover other people's songs, so she made ideas based on her own previous songs.

After much searching, she settled on "Skateboard Boy". She found someone to translate the lyrics of "Skateboard Boy" into Chinese, and then practiced like crazy.

After practicing for a while, Avril felt that she was good at singing, so she wanted to apply to the company to sing the Chinese version of "Skateboarder" at the annual meeting.

But after the company listened to the version she recorded, they decisively rejected her request on the grounds that they would not allow her to ruin the song.

Although Avril Lavigne was unwilling to do so, she had to abide by the company's decision, so she eventually sang the English version.

However, the company saw that she wanted to perform Chinese songs so much, so they asked Jay Chou to help her write a Chinese song.

"Skateboarder" is a dynamic song that instantly ignited the atmosphere at the scene. Many audience members just sat down on their chairs and stood up to dance and sing with Avril Lavigne.

In fact, most people don't know the lyrics, but they know the melody, so they just dance and hum.

But in a concert, it doesn't matter whether the audience can keep up. What matters is the atmosphere. When you see someone standing up and dancing along, others will be infected by the atmosphere and stand up too.

When the song was finished, Avril was slightly out of breath even though she was young.

Although Avril Lavigne has developed well over the past year, this is her first time on such a big stage, singing in front of 6 or [-] people.

In her previous stage experiences, the largest number of people was only 6000 or [-] people, but she already felt that there were many audiences and the atmosphere was explosive. But compared with today's scene, the scene at that time was simply weak.

The reason why Deep Space Company put her first was not to use her as cannon fodder, but to praise her. Moreover, she had more than one song today, and she was treated the same as many of her predecessors.

After a moment's pause, Avril Lavigne spoke into the microphone in broken Chinese, "Next, I will bring you a new song. This song is also my first Chinese song. The song's name is " "Say I Love You". Moreover, you also know the person who wrote this song, his name is Jay Chou!"

Although Avril's pronunciation is very poor, her expression is still standard.

After he finished speaking, the crowd cheered again.

When most viewers come to a concert, they don't go out of their way to look for the concert program, so most people don't know that Avril Lavigne will sing a Chinese song tonight, and some people who read the list in advance may not know either. We know that "Say I Love You" is a Chinese song, because the program list on the official website has a Chinese version and an English version. The song titles in the Chinese version have been translated into Chinese. People think that "Say I Love You" is also translated from English. .

The most excited ones are naturally Avril Lavigne’s fans, because there are new songs to listen to, and they are also Chinese songs.

What's more important is that this song was actually written by Jay Chou...Brother Jay Chou is so considerate, taking such good care of his younger generation.

At the same time, they are also curious, Avril's Chinese pronunciation is so bad, is it really okay to sing Chinese songs?
Netizens in the duck web live broadcast room are also making fun of it.

[It’s my birthday, Avril Lavigne is going to sing a Chinese song. 】

[To be honest, her Chinese is not as good as mine. 】

[It turned out to be a song written by Jay for her. Signing with Deep Space Company is a perk. 】

[When will Jay write a song for Kelly, we can’t favor one over the other. Kelly is also working very hard. 】【Why don't you write a song for our little Mars? 】

[Little Mars can write songs by himself, let him write by himself, and let Jay’s talent be left to other singers. 】

[I feel Jay’s songs are only good if he sings them himself. 】

[That’s because you haven’t listened to it enough. The songs Jay wrote for other people are also very nice. He wrote “Summer Wind” by the boss lady. 】

[Was "Summer Wind" actually written by Jay?I just found out. 】

【What you don’t know is that Shakira’s Touma Dan is the same. 】


Although everyone was worried, once Avril opened her mouth, this doubt disappeared instantly.

"my world

become more wondrous and more indescribable

I thought


Although Avril Lavigne’s Chinese pronunciation is very poor when she speaks, the amazing thing is that when she sings, her pronunciation becomes very good, at least it does not affect listening to the song and the lyrics can be heard clearly.

Some people even think that Avril Lavigne’s pronunciation is clearer than Jay Chou’s…

When Avril Lavigne took the stage before, many of her fans were wondering why Avril Lavigne was dressed so sweetly today, which was different from her usual style. Some people also speculated that it was because it was New Year's Eve, so he was dressed relatively cheerfully.

But now it seems that the reason why she dressed up so sweetly is because the new song she sang today is a light and sweet song.

[Tell me, what’s the name of this song? 】

[I just posted it in the comment section. The song is called I Love You. 】

[The name is very suitable, I feel like I am about to fall in love. 】

[This song reminds me of my first love. My first love looked very similar to Avril Lavigne. 】

【Don’t dream in the morning. 】

[Sorry, it’s night here. 】

[This singer sings well, I didn’t know him before. 】

[This song was written by Jay. 】

[Listen to another new song. 】

[Hurry up and put it on the BenQ store. I want to buy it and make it my mobile phone ringtone. 】

【I agree. 】

[Are you going to release a new album?Will this song be on the new album? 】

[Just make a Chinese album, I love listening to it. 】

[Although I don’t understand the lyrics, I enjoy listening to them. 】

[Hahaha, can I say that after studying Chinese for half a year, I can only understand I love you? 】

[Then you are too good at it, I can still understand "say". 】


"Exceeded, exceeded, already exceeded."

Inside ABC Company, President Dolent’s assistant Hakimi pointed at the computer screen and shouted excitedly.

Dorrent looked at the data displayed on the computer screen and smiled. This time, they bought it right again.

Because they had not purchased the broadcast rights for other theme days before, they had to spend 600 million US dollars to separately purchase the broadcast rights for the Deep Space New Year's Eve concert this time.

Twenty-six million doesn't sound particularly expensive, but the key is that they only spent twenty-six million to share the broadcast rights with Turner Broadcasting Company and Duckweed.

Let’s not talk about duck webs and duck webs. After all, it is an online live broadcast, the volume is limited, and there is not much overlap with the target audience of TV, so the impact is not big.

But Turner is different. Turner's channels have every opportunity to take away a large number of their viewers.

Looking at it this way, 600 million US dollars is not cheap, because they are in a weak position in this transaction, and may be cheated by Deep Space Company at any time. After all, Turner is now also owned by Deep Space Company. If it happens later There is nothing they can do about Deep Space's small tricks to get viewers to go to Turner's channel.

When they made the decision to buy it, Dorrent was under tremendous pressure, thinking that the price of US$600 million was the same as the price they got for the Oscars broadcast rights, but what they got for the Academy Awards was It will be broadcast exclusively and no one else will share it with them.

Many people in the company feel that it is not worth it, and the price should be lowered, preferably to less than 500 million, or at least less than 2000 million.

Dorrent has tried to bargain with Deep Space, but the results were unsatisfactory. Deep Space said that if ABC was unwilling to pay the money, they could give Turner Broadcasting $200 million for exclusive use.

When Shenkong said this, Dorrent knew that bargaining was impossible.

In fact, it is more cost-effective for them to spend 600 million US dollars to obtain the broadcast rights than for Turner. Although the two companies spend the same amount of money, ABC usually pays more attention to the broadcast of entertainment programs, and the audience watching will definitely be bigger. There are many channels below.

Since the price couldn't be negotiated, and Dorrent really wanted it, he didn't hesitate and settled directly with Deep Space Company.

Now they have to see how effective this live broadcast is. If the effect is good, then their deal is right, and the pressure on Dorrent will naturally be gone.

Now, only halfway through the live broadcast of the concert, the number of simultaneous viewers has already exceeded the highest number of simultaneous viewers of the previous Academy Awards live broadcast.

Seeing this data, Dorrent was also very emotional. The popularity of Deep Space Company is too high now. You know, there are three live broadcasts this time, and the number of simultaneous viewers on their side has already exceeded Oscar. In addition, Turner Broadcasting and Duckweed are definitely far ahead of the Oscars.

In fact, before the live broadcast started, Dorrent's goal was not to surpass the Oscars. They believed that if there was diversion, there would definitely be less, so their goal was to have 70.00% of the ratings of the Oscars.

But this goal was achieved long ago, just a few songs into the concert.

Dorrent smiled and said, "Don't be anxious yet. Jay, Shakira, and Kelly haven't taken the stage yet. When they do, the ratings will definitely soar. Just watch, today's At the same time, the number of viewers will definitely increase by 20.00%.”

The assistant nodded. He felt that there was nothing wrong with Dorrent's prediction. Jay, Shakira and Kelly, the three of them together have hundreds of millions of fans around the world, and the coverage of the three of them is particularly wide.

The three of them are not only famous in Europe and the United States. Jay Chou also dominates the Chinese market, while Shakira dominates the Latin American market. Their ABC live broadcasts can also be watched in Latin America.

But it turned out that their prediction was still conservative. In the last program of the concert, when Jay Chou and Shakira took the stage to sing "Da Ma Dan", the ratings of the concert soared instantly, reaching [-] times that of the Oscars.

Such terrifying ratings made Dorrent smile all over his face.

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