Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 1075 Several rounds of encores

Chapter 1075 Several rounds of encores
Ever since Jay Chou and Shakira sang together, the ratings have been at the highest level. After their duet ended, the ratings had not gone down because the audience was still in the encore, and the audience in front of the TV must have been too. Waiting for the audience to have a successful encore and see Jay Chou again.

Listening to the encores, Dorrent smiled and said, "How many rounds of encores is this already?"

"It's already the third round," the assistant replied.

Yes, this is actually the third encore. There have been two encores before, and both were successful.

Originally, Jay Chou was the last one to take the stage, and Shakira took the stage before Jay Chou. However, during the last round of encores, the audience called Jay Chou back and offered a buy-one-get-one-free performance, so Jay Chou brought Shakira up again. , such a surprise directly heated up the atmosphere at the scene and also boosted the ratings.

According to Dorent's experience, this should be the last show, and the audience has already called for an encore for more than a minute, and there is no movement on the stage.

Not only were the live audience shouting, but the comment section of the Duckweaver live broadcast room was also filled with the same message: One more.

One minute passed, but the singer did not come back. The stage lights were turned off, and the big lights at the venue were also turned on. This was obviously the rhythm of the end of the show.

But the audience was still unwilling to leave and still shouted for another one.

2 minutes passed.

3 minutes passed.

When five minutes passed, some spectators finally gave up and began to leave.

But just as the audience was walking out, the lights suddenly dimmed and the stage lit up.

The prelude of "The Last Battle" sounded, and the scene roared again.


Even before the lifting platform was fully raised, Jay Chou jumped directly up from below, but because he jumped too high, he almost fell to the ground.

It stands to reason that this act of being cool has already failed, but the fans at the scene still screamed in surprise. In their eyes, Brother Jielun is still handsome even if he falls into pieces.


After the initial encore had no effect, the network's ratings soon began to decline.

Dorrent looked at the declining ratings and shrugged. He didn't feel too big about it, because he expected that the excitement would eventually end. Today's ratings data are already very good. The key is that it lasts a long time. The numbers were great from the start and completely outperformed the Academy Awards by the end.

But at this moment, Jay Chou suddenly returned to the stage, and the atmosphere was rekindled.

Then Dorrent saw that the live broadcast data began to rise, and soon returned to the peak, and even slightly exceeded it.

Looking at the data that had rebounded, Dorrent felt that his heart could hardly bear it. The ups and downs were so exciting. He was old and couldn't stand such excitement, but he couldn't bear to leave.

Now this situation is good news for them. This wave of ratings has doubled again.

After the song "The Last Battle" ended, the audience encoreed again this time.

But miracles cannot always happen. No matter how long the audience encore was, the singer did not appear again. After several minutes, the audience began to leave one after another, but some people still stayed behind, waiting for a miracle to happen.

In fact, most people know that under the current situation, it is impossible for Jay Chou to return to the stage, but they still have some thoughts. The key is that they are not in a hurry to leave. They are willing to stay in the venue for a while, just Just think about the wonderful performance of the past four hours or so.

This is good. Leaving the site in batches can reduce the pressure on security and traffic. There are tens of thousands of people on site. It is almost impossible to evacuate at once. Even if the Deep Space Company does a good job, it will still take a long time. Only then can everyone be transported away.

Now it is different from when I came before. When I came, many people came over within a few hours, and many people came directly from the Deep Space Park.

The long time span itself can alleviate the transportation pressure. The short distance from the Deep Space Company also facilitates traffic control, and many people can be transported in one hour.

But it’s not possible now, it’s so late, and everyone won’t be able to return to the Deep Space Park, so there’s no way to be as efficient as when they came.

Fortunately, the traffic pressure is less at night and buses are better arranged.


Here, Dorrent and the others were finally able to wrap things up. Looking at the data that was gradually falling, Dorrent said with emotion, "This time Deep Space Company has had another great harvest."

The assistant laughed and said, "That's right. They collected more than 5000 million US dollars in broadcasting fees for today's concert alone. This is so profitable. In addition, they also charge tickets on site."

Dorrent waved his hand, "What is this little money? And they must have spent a lot of money on this concert. The subsidies for these stars are quite a lot. Although the artists are all from their company, they will definitely also pay. Also There are live broadcast fees, which are not a small amount. But they don’t charge much money for tickets. The big ones are broadcast fees. They will earn some in the end, but it will definitely not be too much. When I say they have a good harvest, I mean based on this time Concert, their annual meeting will be more lively in the future, and the name of Deep Space Company will be even more famous."

"This is indeed true, and after this year, their advertising will definitely be more expensive next year." The assistant said.

"Not only will the advertisements be more expensive, but the broadcast fees will also be more expensive. Do you think, based on this year's situation, we can still get the broadcast rights next year with more than 2000 million?"

The assistant shook his head, "It should be impossible. Other TV stations will definitely come to compete."

"It's a pity. If I had known earlier... I wouldn't regret selling the medicine in the world. The biggest winner is Jinling, and it hasn't done much. Cooperating with the Deep Space Company, it can increase the city's popularity and collect tourism revenue. After this concert , everyone has also seen Jinling’s ability to hold large-scale events, and there will be more and more large-scale events in Jinling in the future.” Dorrent said.

The assistant nodded and said, "Yes, I heard that they will hold a friendly match at the Jinling Sports Center next summer. The two teams will be Real Madrid and Manchester United. Jinling will definitely be very lively by then."

"This is like a company driving a city." Dorrent said with emotion, "I don't know where the limit of the Deep Space Company is."

"They are really good."

Dorrent rubbed his face and said, "Let's rest first. We have to prepare for the live broadcast of the game theme day the day after tomorrow. This time the game theme day "World of Warcraft" will start a public beta, and the popularity is definitely not low. We must be prepared to welcome this. Wave heat.”

"Don't worry, boss, we are all ready, there will be no problem with the broadcast."...

The residual heat of the New Year's Eve concert is also very high. The news media in the next two days are full of news about the concert. Because there are too many celebrities at the scene, there is a lot of news to write about.

In order to catch up with this wave of traffic, some media wrote news for almost every guest present. In addition to writing news for every star, they also wrote news about all aspects of the concert, such as the large number of people and the convenient transportation. The tickets are beautifully printed, and they will write about any news related to the concert.

In addition to the singers performing on stage, the live broadcast also found many celebrities in the stands, including Yu Dong and others, which is naturally worth writing about.

Anyway, a lot of news is now posted on the Internet, and they don’t even need to consume paper and ink, so they are naturally willing to write more.

It wasn't until the third day that a few news related to the game theme day finally squeezed out among the concert news. "World of Warcraft" was finally going to open beta.

This time "World of Warcraft" will open open beta in seven countries, including China.

China's inclusion in the first batch of open beta lists is inseparable from the Deep Space Company.

When "World of Warcraft" was first designed, Deep Space Company was already in contact with several relevant departments. The relationship was quite complicated, and it was not just a matter of game design.

Fortunately, the Deep Space Company still has some respect, and this matter has finally been negotiated. Otherwise, it may have been delayed for a long time.

As a highly anticipated game, the public beta was naturally very lively.

At [-] noon on the game theme day, Blizzard held a large-scale press conference at the game theme hall of Deep Space Company.

The press conference was held on the south side of the second floor of the game theme pavilion. The venue allocated an open space of more than 2 square meters for them, and then decorated it with elements related to Blizzard games.

More than 100 media were present at the scene. Before this, there had never been a game press conference of this scale. In fact, it was rare for a game to hold a serious press conference and invite media reporters. At the scene, this conference was already a special event.

This press conference was also announced to the public in its entirety, and was connected to the comment area of ​​the Yawei Yawei live broadcast room. They would also select some questions from the comment area to answer.

The press conference lasted for an hour, and at twelve o'clock, the staff got a red button from nowhere.

There is also a pretty big red light next to that button.

"Ten, nine, eight, seven..."

When Mike Mohan finished reading the countdown, he pressed the button with his hand and the red light came on.

This also marks the official start of public beta testing for "World of Warcraft" at this moment.

The client of "World of Warcraft" was opened for download a few days in advance. Many people have already downloaded it in advance, so now that the system is open, there is no need to spend time downloading, and you can directly enter the game and create an account.

And now there is no charge for the public beta. Everyone can play for free. If players find problems during the game, they may also receive rewards.

Some people play open beta games just to find bugs and win prizes.

The rewards in "World of Warcraft" are also very generous this time. They will rate the problems found by players based on a fixed standard. The lowest level is level one, and the highest level is level ten.

At level one, you can get [-] minutes of game time. When the game is officially opened later and you need to charge, these [-] minutes can be directly offset, and there is no limit to the account.

Level 19 is awesome. It is a complete new BenQ computer and it is equipped with the latest 1-inch screen. This set costs more than [-] yuan in total.

Level 2 is also pretty good and you can get a BenQ S[-] phone.

Anyway, judging from the prizes, Blizzard must be very sincere this time.

Because the prizes are so generous, many players now even begin to expect that there will be a lot of imperfect bugs in "World of Warcraft" for them to find.

However, the reality disappointed them. The game was very well done, with very few bugs, and they were basically minor bugs, not level [-] or [-] bugs.

Like previous game releases, this time "World of Warcraft" has just been released, and there are many yappers on the Yawei Yawei website playing live broadcasts of the game.

In just two days, the number of downloads of "World of Warcraft" exceeded one million. Many people expressed surprise. Is this still called a public beta?The key is that the number of downloads is still soaring now, and I don’t know how high it will be in the future.

"World of Warcraft" is indeed very fun, which is how most players feel after getting started with the game.

First of all, this game is very deep. There are many background settings and plots in the game. Each character has his own story. There are also many tasks and dungeons in the game. Each task also has its own story. The plot can immerse players in the game because of the story.

The dungeon is more competitively challenging and requires players to work as a team to pass the level.

Many netizens nowadays are either turn-based, where you hit me and I will hit you, or they are the kind of fighting that does not require any operations and relies entirely on data. For example, in a popular online game now, the fighting between players is completely It all depends on the player's combat effectiveness. Those with high combat effectiveness will definitely win against those with low combat effectiveness.

But this is not the case in World of Warcraft. Whether you are fighting people or fighting monsters, you need skills and wisdom.

Two players with exactly the same attributes, operated by two different people, will produce two completely different effects. In many cases, low-level players can also defeat high-level players through skills.

In addition, World of Warcraft is also very social. Players can form teams to carry out tasks and dungeons, and join guilds to play with other players. These are the most basic. There are also many social activities in the game, such as arenas and boss battles. such as.

In addition, the setting of the two camps in World of Warcraft is also very interesting. The Alliance and the Horde have a natural antagonistic relationship. When the two parties meet, they become famous and can just draw their swords and fight. There are even conflicts between the two camps. Players cannot interact through text because of different languages ​​in the game.

This kind of camp opposition can easily make players feel passionate. Many people have only been playing the game for two days and have started shouting such heroic words as "Fight for the Alliance" and "Bleed for the Horde".

There are also some players who go to fight with players from the opposite camp if they have nothing to do.

(End of this chapter)

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