At this year’s Deep Space Annual Conference, people also spotted some relatively unfamiliar faces on the red carpet, such as Steven Case, CEO of America Online, and Chris Galvin, CEO of Motorola. These two business tycoons, Never been here before.

In fact, as long as you carefully study the red carpet guests at the Deep Space Annual Conference, you can study some of the business decisions of the Deep Space Company in the past one to two years.

When people see the smile on Steven Case's face, they can tell how good he has been in the past year.

Originally, AOL Time Warner was in danger, its stock had fallen to a terrible position, and Steven Case was about to leave AOL Time Warner. However, at this time, the original rival Deep Space Company turned to AOL Time Warner. They came to their aid and pulled them out.

Now not only is AOL Time Warner on the right track, but Steven Case has also completely taken control of the company. Most of the people at Time Warner have been cleared out, and now the new company is completely managed by AOL people.

If the previous merger between AOL and Time Warner was a classic failure case, then the cooperation between Deep Space and AOL can be regarded as a classic success story.

It is said that there are two companies cooperating, but it is actually three companies, Deep Space Company, AOL and Time Warner. Each of these three companies has its own strengths. Now it has found a very good cooperation model, which not only smoothes the original tracks of the three companies. , and also opened up new tracks.

Now AOL is focusing on the telecom operator business, which has beaten several operators in North America to the point of pain. Now it is looking for allies everywhere.

In order to strengthen the cooperation between the two parties, Deep Space Company sold 15.00% of pets' shares to AOL Time Warner. After Deep Space Company acquired Alienware, it also planned to sell another [-]% of its shares to AOL. In the future, the two companies will be more closely bound together and form a true strategic alliance.

Seeing that AOL Time Warner has cooperated so well with Deep Space, Motorola is also very envious, but now Chris Galvin can no longer control Motorola. Although they want to strengthen cooperation with Deep Space, those on the board of directors obviously There are other ideas.

In fact, even if the people on the Motorola board of directors agree that Chris Galvin should strengthen cooperation with Deep Space Company, Deep Space Company will not agree, because Yu Dong and Jimmy are not optimistic about the subsequent development of Motorola, and their company's system and model have hindered it. their development.

In the next 20 years, Motorola's model will no longer work. If you want to go far and long, you must be like Huawei or Google.

Since we can see that Motorola will inevitably decline in the future, and it will be an irreversible decline, why should Deep Space Company tie itself to them?

For Motorola, Jimmy even hopes that they can go downhill early, and then they can grab some mobile communication patents from them. These are exactly what BenQ Mobile lacks.

The red carpet at this year's Deep Space Annual Conference was divided into front and back areas. The front area was occupied by business people, and the second half was filled with entertainment stars.

But no matter it is the first half or the second half, the reporters are not willing to miss it, and they have to film it from beginning to end.

At this year's annual meeting, neither Yu Dong nor Jimmy listed the development data of Deep Space Company in detail. On the one hand, they now have too much business and the data cannot be listed at all.

They have so many companies, Deep Space Computer, Deep Space Entertainment, PayPal, Haibei, Paypal... You can't be more selective than others. If you list one, you must also list another, but if you list one of these companies alone, the data is enough. They have been talking about it for a long time.

Furthermore, it is difficult to disclose detailed data on the development of many companies to the public now.Many data related to the core of the company's development are represented by very vague approximate data.

For example, the servers of the Duck Web website and the Deep Space Tribe only say that there are thousands or hundreds of servers, and they will not publish the data of Xiang Xiang at all. Others will not believe the data of thousands or hundreds.

In the past, the reason for listing data was to tell others that Deep Space Company was developing well, but now Deep Space Company no longer needs these data to prove itself, and Yu Dong and Jimmy do not need to explain to those investors.

More importantly, it is to inform everyone about the rough plans for next year, such as what movies will be made and what games may be released.

The highlight after that was when Michael Mohan, the representative of Blizzard, and Ren Zhenfei, the representative of Huawei, took the stage to speak.

Being able to speak on stage at the annual meeting shows that the group attaches great importance to the development of this subsidiary. Blizzard only got this opportunity because it released several popular games this year and recently released "World of Warcraft".Huawei has just joined the Deep Space Group this year and has the opportunity to speak on stage. This shows how much Deep Space attaches great importance to Huawei.

Michael Mohan prepared for today's speech on stage for a long time, because he knew that this was not only an internal report speech within the group, but also a good opportunity to promote Blizzard and their games, which are now on televisions, In front of the computer, there are millions of viewers watching this annual meeting, and his speech is crucial to Blizzard.

Perhaps influenced by Yu Dong and Jimmy, Michael Mohan's speech got straight to the point. The first sentence was: "Hello everyone, I am Mohan, the CEO of Blizzard. In 2002, as of now, "World of Warcraft" With 130 million players worldwide, this fastest-selling PC game in history was made by Blizzard."

Sure enough, when Michael Mohan said these words, there was a round of applause.

It's a pretentious thing to say, but it's something to be proud of.

It has 130 million players in a few days, and it is still in public beta. This is of course an amazing achievement. No one has ever seen a game sell so fast before. It can even be said to be a miracle.

Michael Mohan then said, "Our goal is to have more than 2000 million players in World of Warcraft around the world within five years."

It’s really bold to say that an online game has more than 2000 million players, but the guests below don’t think this goal is difficult to achieve. After all, World of Warcraft already has 150 million players, and there are still five years to go.

Of course, 2000 million players is not an easy goal to achieve anyway, because there are only so many game players, and the higher you go, the harder it becomes.

The reason why Michael Mohan is so confident is precisely because the Chinese market has been opened to them.

China's Internet market has developed rapidly in recent years. According to statistics, in November 2002, the number of Chinese Internet users exceeded [-] million.

That's not the end yet. According to predictions, five years later, that is, by the end of 2007, the number of Chinese Internet users will basically exceed [-] million, and is expected to even exceed [-] million.

What is the population of the United States?
According to statistics, the current population of the United States is 8000 million. In other words, in five or six years, the number of Internet users in China may be equal to the total population of the United States.

There are a lot of Internet users in the United States, more than 1 million, but the potential has been almost tapped, and the age structure of American Internet users is not as good as that of China.

The biggest disadvantage of "World of Warcraft" in China is probably the paid model. Although the situation has been better in the past two years, most Chinese netizens still prefer to play free games.

Most Chinese players are unwilling to play games like "World of Warcraft" that require point cards. On the one hand, this is because Chinese netizens themselves are not wealthy, and the point cards of "World of Warcraft" are not cheap for many players. On the one hand, many Chinese players do not have the awareness to pay to play games. They would rather play free games and then top up money to buy props.

In the eyes of these players, they charge money to buy props that others don't have. They can show off and use the props to win the game. This is money well spent.

Later, Michael Mohan talked about the situation of "Warcraft 3" and "DOTA". The former sold more than 150 units in just one month, and the latter now has more than 200 million players online at the same time.

When the guests at the scene heard that 3 million units of "Warcraft 150" were sold in a month, they didn't feel too big. But when they heard that DOTA had more than 200 million simultaneous online players, many people almost screamed. Come on, this data is too exaggerated.

The number of online players at the same time can reflect a lot. First of all, the number of registered players must be very large, and it must be much higher than the number of 200 million. In addition, the players of this game are very active, and the high player activity proves that the game is playable. High sex.At this time, the live broadcast room of Yawei Yawei had exploded.

[One in two million is here, I will start a game right away. 】

[The 1600-point player is here, who dares to play solo with me? 】

[Sorry, I am a player with a score of 1900. 】

[Just brag, there are only ten players on the list with over 1900 points. I remember their names, who are you. 】

[Upstairs, did you not pay attention to the ID of the person above you? 】

[Holy shit, it’s mty, and you’re in the live broadcast room. 】

[Haha, I came from his live broadcast room, and he was also watching the annual meeting live broadcast. 】

[Excuse me, can anyone help the players with 200 points? 】

[Let me go, is there really such a thing as 200? 】

[Players with a score of 200 are even rarer than those with a score of 1900. Is it because the internet speed at home is not good and I keep getting disconnected, so I am penalized? 】

[No, if you keep getting disconnected, it won’t be as simple as penalty points, your account will be banned. 】

[What you said above is correct. If you get disconnected and quit the game directly, your account will be banned if you come a few times in a short period of time. I was banned for a month before and I just got released. 】

[Brother, lend me your 200-point number for fun. I really want to feel the atmosphere at this level. 】

[No, the coordination in this stage is basically zero. Whether you win or not has little to do with your strength, it mainly depends on luck. 】

[Excuse me, is World of Warcraft fun? How does it compare with DOTA? 】

[They are not the same type of games. How can I compare them? I play both and they are both fun. 】


At this time, Michael Mohan on the stage finished talking about the results of several of the company's games, and then began to talk about preparations for next year. In addition to releasing some expansion packs for the games, they also have an important move.

"We will hold a separate DOTA global competition."

I heard that Michael Mohan was going to have a separate DOTA global competition. Many people were very surprised. Why would he want to have a separate competition if he wasn't going to join WCG?

Although there are quite a lot of DOTA players now, to be honest, everyone's level is average, and various professional teams are also being formed. If a separate competition is held, will the popularity of the competition be enough?
Is Michael Maughan too whimsical?
But Michael Mohan said with great confidence, "The competition will be held in October next year. The competition format will be determined based on the number of teams participating in the competition at that time. The location of the first competition has been decided and will be in It will be held in the Deep Space Park. If you are interested, you can follow Blizzard’s official website, or the official website of Deep Space. We will update the competition information at any time.”

Netizens in front of the computer actually don't care whether the game is popular or not, they just want to watch the game.

【I'm already looking forward to this game. 】

[Why is it held in October? Can’t it be held in the summer? I want to see it. 】

[In China, if you want to go see it, you can’t afford a plane ticket. 】

[Can the official give away tickets? 】

[Will there be a live webcast by then? 】

[There must be live broadcasts online, do you still have to ask? 】


After Michael Mohan finished speaking, Ren Zhenfei walked up again.

After he stepped onto the stage, his words were even more shocking.

"Hello everyone, I am Ren Zhenfei, CEO of Huawei. Huawei's performance growth in overseas markets in 2002 can be described in four words: far ahead!"

"In addition, among products of the same price range, the cost performance of our products is also far ahead. In the next few years, our goal is to achieve a comprehensive lead in the field of telecommunications equipment..."

Far ahead, far ahead, Ren Zhenfei used countless words of far ahead in his 10-minute speech. When Ren Zhenfei walked off the stage, the words "far ahead" were still echoing in the ears of many guests.

It's so brainwashed.

The key is that Ren Zhenfei's state can be described as high-spirited.

Huawei has indeed had a very good year this year, especially starting from the Atlanta Equipment Show in June. Their development in overseas markets has completely exploded, and they have successively grabbed several large orders from Cisco.

Now Huawei's goal is to kill Cisco and become the leader of telecommunications equipment vendors.

A year ago, Ren Zhenfei was still thinking about Huawei's future path. Unexpectedly, one year later, the road has been completely paved.

In the lawsuit against Cisco, Huawei also won a complete victory. Because of this complete victory, many people also saw Huawei's strength.

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