Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 1077 Calvin’s Complaint

The focus of this year's annual meeting is on Blizzard and Huawei, but in fact everyone really wants to know about Deep Space's plans for mobile communications.

Deep Space has been making big moves in recent years. It acquired BenQ and then established BenQ Mobile. The sales of BenQ s1 and s1 are very good, and the brand has been established.

Also, the recently established Blue Star Company has successively acquired several chip-related companies, and even recruited Daniel, a master of chip design. Naturally, everyone has wild imaginations.

However, Deep Space Company has never disclosed their thoughts to the outside world. Even when it comes to entering the smartphone market, they have an ambiguous attitude and have never publicly admitted it.

At this annual meeting, many people thought that Deep Space Company might reveal some news, but the result was very disappointing, and there was still no news.Even in Jimmy's annual summary report, the word "chip" was not mentioned.

After the annual meeting, it was time for interviews with reporters.

Of course, reporters would not miss such a good opportunity. When Yu Dong appeared in front of them, the first question they asked was about chips.

"Teacher Yu Dong, may I ask how the follow-up work of Blue Starry Sky will unfold? Will you return to the game graphics card chip market with 3dfx?"

Yu Dong had expected that someone would definitely ask this question, but he didn't expect that the first one would be. He replied with a smile, "We have just acquired 3dfx and are still sorting out the company's assets. The follow-up work is to sort out the company as soon as possible." , and then consider whether to stick to the industry or consider changing to another track. I will let you know when there is news in the future."

Another reporter asked, "Will you enter the smartphone market? Is it possible that the next generation of BenQ Mobile, or the next generation of mobile phones, will be a smartphone? If it is a smartphone, which operating system will you use, or will you? Will you develop an operating system to compete with Symbian? Otherwise, why have you never joined the Symbian family? As far as I know, people have always invited BenQ Mobile to join the Symbian family."

This reporter was very greedy and asked a lot of questions at once. Yu Dong raised his eyebrows and said, "You asked a lot of questions. Let me answer the last one first. Since we don't have smartphones yet, why should we join the Symbian family?" ?As for whether we will enter the smartphone market in the future, I can only say that this is the general trend. In the future, all brands will consider entering the smartphone market, and BenQ Mobile will definitely be no exception. But as for when to enter, we don’t have any idea yet, maybe You can give us some suggestions. Let’s talk about the operating system. Developing an operating system yourself sounds like a fantasy. I don’t think most people would do this.”

At first, the reporters were still listening carefully, trying to find useful information from Yu Dong's answer. But after they finished listening, they realized that the answer seemed very long, and every question was answered, but there was no useful information at all. No.

"Teacher Yu, do you think smartphones will become mainstream within ten years?" a reporter asked.

Yu Dong thought for a while and said, "There is no doubt that smartphones will definitely become mainstream within ten years. Now all major manufacturers are investing a lot in smartphones. I believe there will be results soon. In less than five years, you will Maybe you will be able to use a smartphone that will give you a lot of surprises. As far as I know, whether it is Nokia, Motorola, or Sony, they are all actively developing smartphones. In fact, as an ordinary user, I personally hope that it will be available soon. Use a useful smartphone and enjoy the benefits brought by technology.”

"Is it possible that this phone is produced by BenQ Mobile? BenQ Mobile has been performing very well since its establishment. If they enter the smartphone market, they will definitely bring surprises to everyone. I believe that Chinese consumers, We also hope to see our own brand produce a mobile phone that leads the times."

Yu Dong shrugged his shoulders, "Who knows, the world is changing with each passing day, and anything can happen. Maybe this phone can be made by Blizzard, Huawei or even Paypal. Technical development has always been for People are pleasantly surprised. I personally hope that domestic mobile phone brands can produce a good smartphone. If this phone is produced by BenQ, I will be even happier."

Seeing that Yu Donggang was still doing Tai Chi, the reporters knew that nothing could be learned from this topic, so they changed the topic.

"Teacher Yu, Shenzhen Sky Group currently holds a lot of stocks in Internet companies, and Amazon's stocks have risen a lot recently. Will you sell Amazon's stocks next?"

"It depends on the situation. It depends on whether we need cash. If there is no need for cash, we are not willing to sell stocks for the time being. In addition, even if we have no money, as long as we can still borrow, we are not willing to sell stocks. .”

"Does this mean that you have enough confidence in the companies in which you hold stocks? Borrowing money requires interest, which at least means that you believe that the profits brought by the stocks are higher than the interest."

Yu Dong nodded and said, "Of course I have confidence, otherwise, why would we buy their stocks?"

These words left the reporter speechless. That’s right. If you are not optimistic about them, why buy the stocks of these companies?Besides, if the Deep Space Company borrows money, the interest rate will not be very high.

"Do you think Internet stocks will rebound overall in the near future?" another reporter asked.

"According to my observation, the Internet has generally recovered a bit, but it may take some time to get back to the past. Everyone needs to be more cautious when investing, and don't follow the trend just because we bought stocks." Yu Dong said.

The reporter laughed and said, "From the perspective of Deep Space Company, I hope that investors will follow your lead and buy. In this case, won't the stocks you buy appreciate in value?"

"Aren't they all bubbles? Isn't that how the bubbles in the past two years came about. I hope you will invest in Internet companies only after you truly see their potential."

"Teacher Yu Dong, there are rumors that Manchester United and Real Madrid will come to Jinling to hold a friendly match next summer. Is this true or false?" another reporter asked.

Yu Dong nodded and said, "This is indeed the case. The trip between Manchester United and Real Madrid to China has just been finalized, so the official website has not yet notified it, but don't worry, you will be able to see the news on the official website in a week or two. .”

The reporters became restless, asked so many questions, and finally came up with a valuable piece of news.

Regarding the friendly match between Manchester United and Real Madrid in Jinling, there were rumors outside, but there was no official announcement. Now that Yu Dong has said it, it is equivalent to an official announcement.

"Will their two teams only come to Jinling? Will they also go to other cities?"

Yu Dong shook his head and said, "If you want to know the details, you should wait until the official announcement. There are many things that I don't want to tell you, and I actually don't know them myself."

Yu Dong didn't lie to them this time. He really didn't know many things about the company. There were so many things going on in the Deep Space Company every day. Even if he was the shadow clone, he couldn't come out in person. He just asked about many things briefly, and more Nothing will come to him.

Yu Dong was in a good mood today. He stood in the interview area for half an hour. No matter what questions the reporter asked, he answered them one by one. However, it was not certain whether the answers were useful. …

The dinner that day was naturally very lively. Halfway through the meal, Motorola CEO Chris Galvin came to Yu Dong with a wine glass.

This was the first time the two met in real life. Chris Calvin was very enthusiastic. His goblet was filled with white wine. After meeting, he clinked the glass with Yu Dong very boldly and said, "YU, nice to meet you." you."

Yu Dong smiled and took a sip of wine, "Logically speaking, when you come to Jinling, I should go and greet you. But I've been really busy these two days, so I've neglected you. I hope you don't mind."

Chris Calvin waved his hand and said, "I don't mind. I know you are busy these two days, and I have also met Jimmy. Do you have time this year, and I invite you to visit our Motorola? You are the boss of our company. Designers, many of our company’s models are made by you.”

Yu Dong smiled and said, "I'm just giving you an idea. It's mainly designed by the visual design studio."

"Thanks to your design, several of our models sold well during that time." Chris Galvin said.

"No, no, the appearance of the mobile phone is only secondary. The main thing is the function of the mobile phone. Your mobile phone can be favored by consumers because your mobile phone functions are very good. Our design can only be the icing on the cake." Yu Dong modestly road.

In fact, Motorola was hit by Nokia in those two years, and its sales had begun to have problems. It was Deep Space Company that helped them stop the decline. At that time, Yu Dong not only helped them design several best-selling models, but also helped them in the operation mode of mobile phones. He gave a lot of suggestions, which are very important to Motorola.

In addition, Deep Space Company and Motorola were in the honeymoon period during those two years, and the two parties cooperated very closely.

In terms of publicity, Deep Space Company helped them a lot.

Apart from anything else, Deep Space Company plays an important role in the Chinese market being able to withstand the influence of Nokia.

Motorola was featured in almost every one of Yu Dong's films at that time. The most successful one was of course "The Second World", which was a global sensation at the time, and all the mobile phones used in it were Motorola.

In the entire movie, the logo that appears the most is Motorola’s m.At that time, both parties were mutually beneficial. Deep Space Company vigorously promoted Motorola, and Motorola also provided Deep Space Company with a lot of funds for filming movies. In the early days, Deep Space Company was able to make those blockbusters, and Motorola also contributed a lot.

The main reason was that Motorola had a lot of money at that time. It was nothing to them to invest US$2000 million in a movie, but this money solved a lot of problems for Deep Space Company.

Chris Galvin may have gotten a little carried away. After pulling Yu Dong to talk about their cooperation, he began to complain again, "Sometimes, a company's decision-making cannot be made by one person. Some short-sighted people can only look at it." We can’t see the starry sky and sea of ​​the future until now. Motorola has been able to last so long because we have long-term strategies, but now these strategies don’t work.”

When Yu Dong heard what he said, he knew that his situation in the company was not good.In fact, no need for Calvin to say it, everyone knows this.

Since September, some rumors have been leaked within Motorola, and it seems that the board of directors wants to replace Chris Galvin as CEO.

If this news is true, then Chris Galvin may not be able to keep his position.

Although Motorola was founded by the Calvin family, their family's shareholding in Motorola has become very small as the times have evolved.

Currently, Chris Galvin only holds [-]% of Motorola shares, and Chris Galvin is a somewhat idealistic operator. He has not really climbed up from the grassroots, and he has no role in the board of directors. Control.

In the previous life, Chris Galvin also left Motorola around this time. After he left, the company did improve, but this had nothing to do with the subsequent successors.

Chris Galvin was originally leading the development of a new mobile phone, but he left Motorola before the new phone was released, and the phone that was not released in time was the Blade.

This mobile phone was very popular at the time, with 5000 million units sold within two years. It directly helped Motorola turn around its profits and losses, and also allowed his successor to take advantage of it. However, the successor was obsessed with the success of the Blade and rested on its laurels. In the end, Motorola still No more.

But in this life, the situation is very different.

Because the design concept of the blade has been used by Yu Dong a long time ago, it has been popular for a while, and now it is impossible to use the blade to extend your life.

Now Chris Galvin wants to design a smartphone that will directly lead the times. This is one of the reasons why the shareholders want him to step down.

Motorola's strategic mistakes began ten years ago. At that time, there was a big problem with their determination to digitize. Their mobile phone department gradually became disconnected from the network department and went in different development directions. The network department firmly hoped to move away from the company as soon as possible. Analog is moving towards digital, but the mobile phone department has been obsessed with analog for a long time because analog is still contributing a lot of profits.

It's the same problem now. Chris Galvin hopes to increase investment in smartphones, but the shareholders believe that the company's main profit is still in non-smartphones, and there is no need to spend a lot of money on smartphones so early. .

The key is that shareholders have not seen where the market for smartphones is. Smartphones are now nothing more than gimmicks.

Under this current situation, Motorola's end has become a foregone conclusion, and no one will be able to turn the tide.

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