Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 1078 The scale has grown again

On the second day of the Deep Space Annual Meeting, Yu Dong met Andy Rubin in his office.

Andy Rubin told Yu Dong that the research and development of the Android system has made good progress. If it goes well, it will be available for mobile phones in the second half of next year. However, if they want to achieve the effect they previously expected, they will probably have to wait until the year after next. That is 2004, and it has to be the second half of the year. There are still many problems that need to be solved at this stage.

Yu Dong smiled and said to Andy Rubin, "You just need to improve the system. There is no need to rush to put the Android system into use now. I hope that when the Android system comes out, it will make everyone's jaws drop."

Andy Rubin said with great confidence, "Android will definitely surpass Symbian. It can be said that the two of them are completely different."

Yu Dong understands why Andy Rubin said this. Although the Symbian system is said to be an intelligent system, it is not actually very intelligent for users.

First of all, in terms of applications, it is very troublesome to download applications on the Symbian system. Not only is it inconvenient to find applications, but there is also a signature mechanism when downloading.

In order to prevent malicious programs from entering the phone and reducing the smoothness of the system, Symbian has set up this signature mechanism. This signature mechanism must be used to download an application on a Symbian phone. Only applications that pass the signature can be installed on the phone. The whole process is very It's complicated, and many users don't know how to sign at all.

Many people have already reported that this signature mechanism is not easy to use, but there is no good solution now. If the signature mechanism is relaxed, it may cause a lot of malware to enter the mobile phone. When the mobile phone has problems, it is not the user's fault. The opinion is so simple.

Another important point is that the software development threshold for the Symbian system is too high. Developers need to deal with memory allocation and respond to the operation of functional modules. In other words, this software must take into account the use of multiple models of mobile phones. For example, for keyboard phones, touch screen phones, etc., the resolution displayed on the software phone must also be considered.

It is very difficult for developers to worry about these things, which results in a small number of developers developing Symbian system software.

As a result, software progress will be very slow, which in turn will cause system updates to be slow.

But the system currently being developed by Andy Rubin can already solve this problem.

Therefore, Andy Rubin believes that as long as the Android system enters the market after it matures, it will quickly capture market share.

Yu Dong told Andy Rubin not to worry because chip research was still lagging behind. Daniel told Yu Dong that if he wanted to achieve what he said, none of the chips currently designed could achieve it.

As for when it will be achieved, Daniel did not give an accurate time. Technology research and development is like this. No one can say for sure. Maybe tomorrow they will be able to suddenly solve the technical problem, or maybe they will be stuck with a problem for several years without any solution. breakthrough.

However, Daniel told Yu Dong that it is now very close to realization.

What Yu Dong hopes is that after the chip is designed, BenQ Mobile can be the first to use it, and then create a cross-generation mobile phone, preferably with Android system.

But if there is still no movement in the chip, he plans to release the Android system in advance and make the system available to other mobile phone manufacturers.

The Android system will be launched in 2005 at the latest, and BenQ Mobile will also release a mobile phone by then. Although the chip may not be good enough or amazing enough, it will definitely allow BenQ Mobile to gain a foothold in the high-end smartphone market.


The next afternoon, Blizzard officially announced that the first DOTA World Championship will be held in October next year.

Michael Mohan already said this on stage at the annual meeting yesterday, and everyone knows it, but there is a big piece of news in today's announcement, and that is the competition bonus.

The announcement mentioned that the total prize money for the first DOTA World Championship will reach 80 US dollars, and the championship bonus will be 40 US dollars.

After the bonus was counted, many people couldn't believe it. They went back and forth and counted the zeros several times to make sure they were five zeros, not four.

Why do you think it should be four zeros?

Because the WCG competition is now a single competition, the champion is [-] US dollars, which is already a very high bonus. Why WCG is so popular is not only because the game is good, but also because the bonus is indeed quite attractive.

But this time Blizzard directly increased the prize money of the DOTA World Championship more than ten times, to 40 US dollars.

Many netizens even expressed disbelief, thinking that Blizzard had made a wrong number.

[The total bonus pool adds up to 80 US dollars. Is Blizzard so rich? 】

[Blizzard must be rich, but I didn’t expect to spend such money. 】

[Can this money be earned back? 】

[If they can make the game as good as wcg, it should be possible. 】

[It’s not easy. The prize money is 80 U.S. dollars. There are also costs to hold the competition. It is estimated to cost several million U.S. dollars in total. 】

[Brothers, let’s not talk anymore. I am planning to form a team to compete in the DOTA World Championship next year. Is there anyone with me? 】

[How can I participate? Do I sign up and then audition? 】

[I guess we will play city games first like the previous wcg. 】

[40 US dollars, here I come. 】

[You guys underestimate DOTA too much. I guess the sponsorship fee is enough for Blizzard to hold the competition. 】

Just as netizens were discussing whether Blizzard's $80 bonus could be recouped, Blizzard's official website announced another piece of news.

Blizzard announced that the winner of next year’s DOTA World Championship will not only receive a $40 bonus, but also the naming rights of new skins and sales shares.

Naming rights and sales share of new skins?
When many netizens saw this article, they didn’t quite understand what it meant, but Blizzard explained it in detail in the announcement.

If a team wins the DOTA World Championship, Blizzard will design a set of skins based on the five heroes used by the team in the final battle, and part of the sales revenue from this set of skins will be distributed to the champion team.

The announcement did not announce the proportion of the share, but netizens were still excited after seeing this. The original reward of 40 US dollars was already very high, but now the share is going to be given to the championship team?

[Who knows how much a set of DOTA skins can cost? 】

[How much does it cost? There are even skins for $0.99 each, which is not expensive. 】

[This is a skin, I mean how much a skin can sell for in total. 】

[Some best-selling skins should be able to sell for 10,000+ US dollars, I guess. 】

[I feel like there are quite a lot of people buying skins. 】

[There are too few skins now. It would be great if there were more good-looking skins. 】

[The skin is too expensive, I can’t afford it, and it can’t improve the hero’s attributes. 】

[Although the hero attributes cannot be improved, some skins are easy to use. 】

[That’s right, I was stuck in the [-]-point rank before. Then I bought a dwarf skin. Now I’ve reached a thousand-point rank and am steadily getting into the middle. 】

[No matter how much the split is, I see Blizzard’s sincerity.I have a hunch that there will definitely be a lot of DOTA competitions in various cities this year. 】【Six people in our dormitory play Dota. This game is so popular now. 】

[Which of your cities is so fast?Here, I seem to be the only one playing Dota. 】

【I'm from New York. 】

[No wonder, New York must be like this. 】

[I’m from Los Angeles, DOTA is really popular right now, and we have several classes that compete against each other regularly. 】

[This game is very competitive. 】

[Indeed, our dormitory has formed a team. 】

[In the Internet cafe next to our house, if your DOTA ladder score exceeds 1700, you can surf the Internet for free for [-] hours. 】

[So good, I’ll go now, I have 1700 points. 】

[Haha, it’s the same here, but as long as you score 1600 points, you can get [-] hours for free. 】

[Do you know what a 1700-point master can bring to an Internet cafe? 】

[Oh my God, 1700. I have never seen such a high score in real life. If our Internet cafe had it, others would definitely stop playing and go to see him. 】

[We have a team in the Internet cafe, and we also accept challenges from outside teams. If you succeed in the challenge, you will get a bonus of one hundred dollars. 】

[What if the challenge fails? 】

[If you fail the challenge, you don’t have to pay anything. Just pay the Internet fee. Generally, the Internet fee in the challenge area is relatively expensive. 】

[Haha, this is just to earn your internet fees. 】

[For more than ten dollars an hour, not only can you play on a high-configuration computer, but you can also have a team of experts play with you, which is not a loss. 】

[Yes, it’s not a loss at all. Many of us want to challenge even though we know we can’t win, just to experience the fun of dueling with masters. 】

[I have recently paid attention to a team, which is quite strong. I wonder if I can see it in the World Championship later. 】

[I feel that some big capital will soon enter. Although many DOTA teams have been established before, their strength is still insufficient. 】

Netizens are right. After Blizzard officially announced the news, some larger companies began to think about forming a DOTA team.

It’s not that they are interested in the US$40 bonus, it’s just because they know that if Blizzard spends so much money, next year’s DOTA World Championship will definitely be very popular. If they don’t take advantage of this time to enter, when will they wait?


During this year's off-year holiday, the Deep Space Park was very lively. Many foreigners did not leave after the Deep Space Annual Meeting, but came to Yu Dong's house.

On the day of the New Year, Luoyuan also held a spring roll competition. Because there were so many participants, even the ingredients were transported in small trucks.

Yu Dong first went to participate in a spring festival organized by the city government. After returning to Luoyuan, he thought he had entered the United Nations. A group of foreigners wearing aprons were making spring rolls.

When they held this event before, Yu Dong never expected that it would be so big.

Of course, making spring rolls is just one of the activities. On the second floor, there are people watching movies, playing cards, board games, and more.

Yu Dong walked around the first floor and found that many Korean artists from his company had also come over. Quan Zhixian even brought a family of three over.

Some time ago, he heard that many Korean female artists wanted to settle in Jinling, and Jun Ji-hyun should be one of them.

Because Quan Zhixian's parents were also here, Yu Dong stopped to say a few words to them. It felt like a school event. When a parent of a classmate came to school, the teacher would naturally go over and say a few words to let the parents know. Don't worry, your child will be fine at school.

Yu Dong also went there with this mentality.

"Mother Zhixian, father Zhixian, hello."

Yu Dong spoke Chinese, and Quan Zhixian next to him was responsible for translating his Chinese to his parents.

Quan Zhixian's parents were quite surprised to see Yu Dong being so easy-going. They were flattered and shook Yu Dong's hands with a very respectful expression.

In fact, in the view of Quan Zhixian's parents, Yu Dong belongs to that kind of wealthy family, and there is a class gap with them.As for Yu Dong's assets, if compared to the benchmark, they should be comparable to those of Goryeo's top chaebols.

Yu Dong's garden also deepened their impression. The size of the garden exceeded their imagination.

Feeling the restraint of Quan Zhixian's parents, Yu Dong smiled kindly and said, "I am very happy that the two of you can come to China to celebrate the New Year. Zhixian is a very hardworking child and she performs very well in the company."

Quan Zhixian's mother said quickly, "Zhixian caused trouble for them in the company. I hope you can be more tolerant. Thank you for your continued care. It is our family's honor for Zhixian to work at Deep Space Company."

Yu Dong felt that what she said was too exaggerated, so he smiled and said to Quan Zhixian, "I heard that you were looking at a house. How did it go?"

"It's almost done, but the procedure may take some time." Jun Ji-hyun replied.

"Is the house close to Xiuyan's house?"

"very close."

Yu Dong smiled and nodded, "You have made great progress in Chinese recently, keep working hard."

Quan Zhixian was very happy when Yu Dong praised her, "Thank you boss for the compliment."

Yu Dong looked at the spring rolls made by Quan Zhixian and the others again. The appearance was really terrible, and the skin was also bumpy. He smiled and said, "I wish you good results in today's competition."

After saying goodbye to Quan Zhixian's family of three, Yu Dong went to say hello to other families one by one.

Yu Dong also saw Lin Yichen's family of three. Lin Yichen signed a contract with Deep Space Company two years ago, but at that time Lin Yichen had to continue schooling, so he was not in a hurry to debut.

In order to allow Lin Yichen to concentrate on school, although Lin Yichen did not start working, Shenzhen Space Company paid her monthly subsidies, including a living allowance of 5000 RMB and a study allowance of 3000 RMB.

This money was not a lot of money, but for Lin Yichen at the time, it was a timely help, which helped relieve a lot of burden on their family.

Lin Yichen is also very ambitious. She was admitted to the Korean Literature Department of National Chengchi University. This year she acted in several commercials and music videos, and her first TV series "The 18-Year-Old Promise" was also released this year.

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