Chapter 1081 Linked Marketing
Yu Dong and the others stayed at Huangcao Village Primary School for three days. They did not leave until the new teacher sent by the county arrived.

When they left, they did not say goodbye to the children and left quietly while the school was in session.

On the way back, Yu Hua was worrying about what happened next, "Where should we go next? This training is too difficult."

Wang Xiaobo said with a smile, "It's not difficult to teach. Just don't let outsiders follow us next time. Just the two of us, the chance of being recognized is very small."

"That's right." Yu Hua nodded firmly, "Next time you must not go outside."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "If you don't want to go, don't go. Is there any place you want to go?"

"We definitely hope to go to places that really need help, like Huangcao Village Primary School." Wang Xiaobo said.

"Under this premise, of course the closer to home the better." Yu Hua added.

Yu Dong nodded, "No problem. I will ask them to find a place like this when we get back. In fact, there are still many places in the country that really need help. The gap between cities and rural areas, ordinary rural areas and remote mountain villages is beyond ordinary people's imagination. Less than that. The education in Huangcao Village is very backward, but when it comes to poverty, they are not ranked here. There are still many places where children can’t even wear clothes, and education is even more of a luxury.”

Yu Hua and the others are not indifferent to the world, so they naturally know that the situation Yu Dong mentioned still exists in large numbers.As the economy gets better and better, this gap becomes wider and wider.

And it’s not just the gap between urbanites and rural people, there is also a huge gap between rural areas and mountain villages.

In some coastal cities, working in factories earns several hundred or even one or two thousand a month, and there is no technical content. Some people may say, since life in the countryside is so difficult and you can’t even pay tens of dollars, why? Don't you go out and find a job?

But they don’t know that some people may have never left the town in their lives and have no way of working thousands of miles away.

Some people can’t even take the train.

These things may seem unbelievable to some, but to some they are normal.

Take Huangcao Village as an example. At first, no one in their village went to work because they didn’t know that they could make money by working outside. Later, they may have heard about making money by working outside, but they didn’t know how or where to go.

Until the village, or relatives of a certain family come back from other places, and the development is good, they will be taken with them. In this way, one brings two, two brings three, and gradually some people go out to work.

With the development of economy, there is a huge cognitive gap between people. People always think that they have the whole world around them.

In fact, if they really want to go to a place where they can't even wear clothes, Wang Xiaobo and the others are really of little use, because in such a place, it is simply ridiculous to think about educating students.

Only when people have enough food and warm clothes can they think about the next thing.

The reason why Yu Dong did not arrange such a place for them was because if Yu Hua and Wang Xiaobo were placed in such a place, the most local and helpful thing they could do every day was to work for the locals.

Deep Space's philanthropy continues to grow in size and spend more and more money every year.

The reason why more and more teachers are willing to teach in the countryside is because the Deep Space Company provides subsidies to teachers in certain places.

The subsidy money will definitely not be a lot, at least it will not be higher than the salary of teachers in the city, but it can improve the enthusiasm of many teachers.

In fact, there are many teachers who have very lofty ideals, but the reality is very cruel, so they cannot go to the countryside to teach, because that means they will make a lot less money and their lives will be greatly affected.

But now that the Deep Space Company has given subsidies, although it does not allow them to make more money than in the city, it can narrow the gap a lot. If the balance between ideal and reality is slightly weighted on one side, it will tilt.

The charity model of Deep Space Corporation has always been to try not to give money directly to the poor. Instead, it will build factories for those who have no jobs, and send teachers to those who lack education. For those who really have no money to pay tuition, Deep Space will also Give them priority to subsidize their tuition fees, and then consider giving them some living subsidies.

Most of the direct payments are scholarships. This money cannot be obtained just because of poverty. It may also require students to study hard and achieve good grades.

Or have special talents.

Charity is different from company operations. Charity gives people a feeling that it is very inefficient. Deep Space Company has spent huge amounts of money in many places, but it is difficult to see the effects at once.

For example, before, Deep Space Company spent more than [-] million yuan on a certain project, and some media expressed doubts, saying that there were big problems with Deep Space Company's spending, and that there might be corruption in the process. They also questioned whether Deep Space Company was a In order to deceive the policy and pay less taxes, the project costs are exaggerated.

Because although they spent more than [-] million on this project, it doesn't look particularly obvious, making people wonder where the money was spent.

But in fact, most of the public welfare undertakings of Deep Space Company are not directly donated, nor are they run in the name of public welfare projects. There is no case of deliberately underpaying taxes or deceiving policies.

However, these projects will become more effective in a few years.


In March, Deep Space announced that it would acquire Alienware, a computer manufacturer in the United States. The specific details of the acquisition were not announced by Deep Space, and there was a lot of discussion about it.

Alienware is a high-end machine manufacturer that specializes in enthusiasts. In addition to being fun, their computers also have another feature: they are expensive.Even though computers are being greatly reduced in price nowadays, Alienware's computers are still unwilling to reduce their prices.

Now that Deep Space wants to acquire Alienware, it may be taking the high-end computer route.

Not long after Deep Space announced the news of the merger, Blizzard also announced that "World of Warcraft" would end its public beta at the end of March and seamlessly access the official server.

After the official server is launched, the first three players in each zone to reach full level will receive a new alienware laptop.

When most World of Warcraft players see alienware, they are a little confused, what is this?
Although alienware is well-known among game enthusiasts, for ordinary people, they may not have heard of it much.On the one hand, the brand life is short, and on the other hand, computers are too expensive and most people will not buy them at all.

Many people searched for Alienware's latest notebook and were shocked by the price, which actually cost more than 3000 US dollars. The attractiveness of the prizes immediately increased, and players became more motivated to reach the maximum level.

It will be some time before World of Warcraft ends its open beta and the game officially opens its servers. It will also take a long time for players to reach full level, but the advertising effects of this wave of linkages have come out ahead of schedule.

In less than three days after Blizzard's announcement, Alienware's laptops were sold out.

Alienware is a niche computer, and there are not many in the market. Of course, it cannot withstand the vast number of World of Warcraft players to snatch it up.

Because Alienware computers are not available on the market, their official Deep Space Tribe account has been flooded by eager players, and everyone is asking when they can buy them.

[We can no longer buy it here. The most outrageous thing is that there are two computer stores that say they have never heard of alienware computers. 】

[This brand does not seem to be particularly famous. I asked two companies, and the shopping guides said they didn’t know. 】

[Damn it, you don’t have a specialty store? 】【With computers costing more than 3000 US dollars, can't we open more specialty stores? 】

【Is this computer really good? 】

[I can only say that if you haven’t paid attention before, Alienware is particularly famous in our circle. 】

[Brothers, I bought it. Damn it, this laptop plays games smoother than my desktop. What the hell. 】

[It’s true or false, you can’t be a bastard, right? 】

[Who cares about the whole family? It’s really easy to use, but it’s a bit expensive. 】

[The official word comes out, when can I buy it?I have all the money ready. 】

[Hurry up and open up the production line and increase production power. 】

[Is there a reservation channel?I see that the pre-sale on Amazon has been closed. 】

[Yes, you can also open a pre-sale. 】

[They are all subsidiaries of Deep Space Corporation. Can you get a discount on Amazon? 】

[Is there a bonus for alien computers playing World of Warcraft? 】

[This computer is really good for playing games. It is mainly convenient to carry around. I have already bought it. 】

[After playing this notebook, you will know that other notebooks are garbage when playing games. 】


But no matter what netizens ask, Alien official has only one sentence: We are actively stocking up, please be patient.

The company did not increase production lines because of this wave of traffic. Faced with the sudden increase in sales, Alienware also responded calmly and only accelerated the existing production lines.

Because they know that after this wave of traffic has passed, they will not know how the situation will be until it stabilizes later. If they really want to increase production lines, they will have to wait until later.If we rashly add production lines now, if sales recover later, we will have excess production capacity.

By doing this, they actually increased players' willingness to buy.

Things that are difficult to buy are naturally good. Many people think so.

Although Alienware did not intend to do hunger marketing, it inadvertently achieved the effect of hunger marketing.


Nelson looked at the comments that kept popping up on the computer screen, feeling happy and anxious at the same time.

Fortunately, their sales have increased so much, but anxiously, they can't hold on to so many orders.He also wanted to quickly talk about the OEM production line, but he also understood that now was not the best time.

"Sure enough, after selling myself, our traffic has increased a lot." Nelson said with a smile.

Alex smiled and said, "What do you mean by selling yourself? Didn't we keep a lot of shares?"

"Sold a part of my body." Nielsen smiled, "I see, we will be talking about a new production line soon."

"We'll talk about this later. According to YU's wishes, we now have to invest heavily in research and development to improve the performance of notebooks. It seems that our first-generation notebooks still haven't conquered him."

Now they are preparing for the second generation of notebook computers, which may be released within a few months. By then the new generation will be produced, and there is no need to add production lines to the first generation at this time.

Nelson smiled very confidently, "Just watch, our next-generation notebook will definitely be able to conquer him."

Although Yu Dong didn't say it clearly, Nelson and Alex both knew that after Deep Space Company merged with them, their main business in the future would probably be on notebooks.

In fact, Nielsen believes that focusing on notebooks is indeed the right strategy. In recent years, the price of complete computers has continued to plummet, prices have become more and more transparent, and profit margins are very small.

The most important thing is that it is now difficult to sell the host and screen of a complete computer together.

In the early days, machine manufacturers packaged the consoles and screens for sale, and some manufacturers even printed their own logos on the screens.

But now consumers are not stupid, and it is not troublesome to connect the screen to the host. Why should they spend money to buy a computer screen provided by the whole machine manufacturer? Why not buy a separate computer screen themselves?The point is, it's much cheaper to buy the screen yourself.

Moreover, the screen provided by the whole machine manufacturer may not be able to meet the needs of users.

Without the profit of the screen, the profit of just a complete machine will drop a lot.

Moreover, Nielsen and others predict that in the future, more and more gamers are likely to assemble their own computers instead of choosing a complete computer. First of all, the price of the complete computer will definitely be more expensive than that of an assembled computer with the same performance. Secondly, the complete computer will also be expensive. There is no way to satisfy everyone, so some people choose to assemble in order to meet their own needs.

Especially high-end players, they have relatively rich computer knowledge and can assemble their own computers.

Some time ago, while Nielsen was hanging out on the Yawei Yawei website, he saw a technology enthusiast posting the entire process of assembling a computer online.

This video is very popular, and many people have left comments below, expressing their hope to learn how to assemble a computer like him.

Alex leaned back in his chair and said with a smile, "Although the merger has just been completed, I have already felt the benefits that the merger has brought to us, and Deep Space Company has really not taken care of us these days."

Not arbitrarily interfering in the company's strategy is what Alex and Nielsen value most. Before, they were a little uneasy, wondering whether Deep Space Company would really not dictate to its subsidiaries as rumored by the outside world. Now it seems that this rumor It should be true.

However, Nielsen still did not make a direct conclusion. "How long it will take now, let's wait for a longer time. Who knows whether there will be any changes in the future."

"That's true." Alex nodded, "Isn't there an old saying in China that you can see people's hearts with time, and you will be able to see their sincerity after a long time."

"Now, let's just focus on research and development. The parent company will help us solve the production and publicity issues."

(End of this chapter)

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