Chapter 1082 Concussion
The development of the game "World of Warcraft" is beyond people's imagination. After the public beta ended and the game was officially launched, the players' activity level suddenly increased to a higher level.

In the previous public beta stage, although players thought the game was fun, their interest dropped when they thought that their data would not be retained after the public beta was over. They were also worried that all their hard work would be in vain.

Now that the game is officially open and their data can be retained, they naturally play with all their energy.

Moreover, Blizzard also provides upgrade prizes. The first person to upgrade to the full level can get one of Alienware's latest computers, which is very tempting.

However, compared to most games, the upgrade speed of "World of Warcraft" is much slower. Even if you charge money, there is no way to effectively improve it, so it may take some time to reach the full level.

Many people really stay online day and night in order to reach the full level as soon as possible.

However, when most people get halfway through the level, they will find that it is impossible to get to the top. It is better to play the game, which is the least fun to level up.


Sen Ertai, a sociology student at New York University, said that he downloaded "World of Warcraft" on his computer definitely not to play, but to do research. He wanted to start with this game to study the consumption structure of online gamers and game players. education level.

With an academic research mentality, Senertai first clicked on the Duck Web Video Network. He had already done his homework in advance. He heard that if he wanted to learn game strategies, he must first go to the Duck Web website. Here is the There are many game masters who will share their game experience with players and teach ordinary players how to upgrade, fight monsters and enter dungeons.

Enter the words "World of Warcraft Guide" into the search bar of the website, and a lot of content related to the World of Warcraft game will soon come up.

Senertai smiled and nodded. The search engine and recommendation engine of deep space websites are very easy to use. Unlike other websites, the things found are all messy.

I chose the most popular one from the list. According to Senertai's understanding, since it is the most popular one, it must be the one with the best technology and the most detailed and useful strategies.

With this idea in mind, Senertai clicked on the homepage of this yapper.

This yapper is called fulemenco. This name reminds Senertai of a Spanish dance called flamenco. Maybe this yapper is named after this dance, or maybe this yapper is Spanish.

But after clicking on the first video, he discovered that yapper was Asian.

After the other party spoke, Senertai could tell that he was still Chinese.

Although the words are in Chinese, it does not affect Senertai's ability to watch the video, because the video has already had English subtitles.

"Hello everyone, I am convinced. This program I bring to you today is mainly to show you how a high-end player of "World of Warcraft" can run wildly in the game. Yes, this high-end player The player is me, Gao Wan for short."

At this time, there were subtitles on the video explaining that "gaowan" has the same pronunciation as "testicle" in Chinese.

When he saw this, Senertai noticed something was wrong. Is this really a game strategy video?Why does it feel a bit unserious?

Soon, he discovered that his feeling was right, this was not a serious game strategy video at all.The character controlled by this yapper is not powerful at all, and cannot be called a high-level player at all. It has been all kinds of funny operations from the beginning. He is from the human race, and his level is okay. When he met a low-level tribe player in the wild, he went up and stabbed him. So he was chopped down, and then he kept guarding the body without any limits.

Just when he was feeling complacent, the other party suddenly came with several helpers and knocked him out. Then he retaliated with tooth and took away his corpse for a long time. He could only cry and run next to him in his soul state.


This is just a funny video, but I have to say, it’s quite interesting.

After that, Senertai watched several videos of this yapper, all of which were of this type, and basically all had plots, which were very funny.

More than an hour later, when Senertai was about to burst into tears from laughing, he suddenly remembered that he was here to learn technology and could no longer indulge in such funny videos. He had to quickly find a real master and learn the technology. Start studying and finish your academic paper early.

First, he clicked follow to prevent him from getting lost in the future, and then Senertai clicked on the second most popular video in the list just now.

This time, the video feels much more serious. It starts with an exciting fight scene, and then...

Then the tauren warrior and the human paladin fell in love, but because of the hatred between the tribe and the alliance, their love could not be seen in the light, and they could only date secretly every day.Sometimes they fight together during the day and lean together to watch the moon at night.

But after all, paper can't cover up the fire. In the end, their love affair was discovered by a thief and made public. The family members of both parties were very angry and decided to punish the lovers...

Halfway through watching, the video suddenly disappeared, and Senertai realized that this was actually a series.

I have to say that the production level of this yapper is very high, and it is funny but also has a sense of sadomasochism. At the end, the relationship between the two was announced, and Senertai was worried for them.

Now he is eager to see what follows.

Looking through the comments under the video, they are all asking Yapper to update the follow-up content quickly.

[How to say, how to say, can we directly overthrow the Human Race Presbyterian Council? 】

[Don’t be, give this couple a good ending. 】

[Is this still a TV series? 】

[When was it updated? It has been two days. 】

[Will the Elders hunt them down next? 】

[Don’t these two people have support from their own families? 】

[Although I felt that the tauren was a bit unacceptable at first, I feel okay after looking at it. 】

[Can we arrange werewolves in the next one? It seems more acceptable. 】

[The next part will have a love triangle, I’d love to see it. 】

[I want to ask, can humans and tauren have children together? 】

[The tauren are so handsome, I love them so much! 】

[Ah ah ah, the next episode will come out soon. 】


Senertai also posted a comment, urging yapper to update as soon as possible.At this time, Senertai was also very confused. What kind of game was "World of Warcraft"? Why did he find all these contents?It's really good-looking, but this thing... you can't learn skills.

He must quickly find a real high-level player and learn skills so that his academic research can continue. He swore that he was really doing it for academic research.

After resisting watching these funny videos, Senertai browsed the Yawei Yawei website again. He could still find some more technical strategies, but there were more plot and comedy videos.

Moreover, funny videos are more popular than technical videos. There is no way to help it. Technical videos are actually quite homogeneous. The tips for beating the same monster are almost the same. Just watch a strategy video.

But funny videos are different. After watching one, I still want to watch the second one. The funny points of each video are different.

Most of the plot videos are based on the official background story of "World of Warcraft". After watching it, Senertai also gained some understanding of the background story of "World of Warcraft".

At this time, he was very surprised. He had not even started playing the game yet, but he actually knew a lot about the background story of the game.

As a student majoring in sociology, Senertai keenly discovered that this seemed to be a strategy of Blizzard, no, it should not be Blizzard, but Deep Space Company.

Compared with players playing the game itself, Deep Space Company seems to want players to learn more about the world of "World of Warcraft". According to Deep Space Company's urine, when everyone knows the background of "World of Warcraft" well, they may Develop this IP, make a movie, and write a novel.

Senertai's guess was right, this was indeed guided by the Deep Space Company.

Deep Space Company did not hire anyone to make this kind of plot-type video. It is just that after someone makes this video, the Duckweed website will give this kind of video more traffic and let more people see it.

Seeing the popularity of this kind of video, naturally more yappers will join in.Gradually, this type of video became popular.

Of course, the main reason is that this kind of videos are indeed attractive. Otherwise, even if Deep Space Company guides them, it is impossible for these videos to have such a large traffic.Even if there was no Deep Space Company behind them, these videos would definitely be popular. Deep Space Company just moved the time forward.

Most people play games because they want to find sustenance outside the real world, and this type of plot video can actually have such an effect.

Recently, some novels with the background of "World of Warcraft" have even appeared on the Deep Space Chinese Internet. However, because the game has just started, many people are following the trend, so the level is mostly average.

There are many people who are not even familiar with the background of "World of Warcraft" and start writing this kind of novels. Naturally, what they write is not good-looking.

But I believe it won’t be long before there will be more and more novels of this kind.

Every time Deep Space Company creates an IP, it is all-round, from text to movies to games.


Just when game fans were all addicted to "World of Warcraft", in mid-May, the "Wall Street Journal" suddenly broke the news that the well-known Internet company Google was preparing to go public recently.

This news stated that Google has already begun to take action. Previously, Google secretly summoned more than a dozen of the top investment banks in the United States to fill out questionnaires, and asked these investment banks to sign confidentiality agreements and not disclose the meeting to the public.

As soon as this news came out, the financial world was in an uproar.

What people are surprised about is not that Google is going public. For such a big company, going public is a normal thing. It would be abnormal if it didn't go public. Many people have said before that Google should go public quickly, otherwise Development will stagnate.

The reason why people are surprised is that Google is so awesome that it summoned the top investment banks and asked them to fill out a questionnaire.

It’s not just a simple questionnaire. In the information disclosed by the Wall Street Journal, Google actually asked these investment banks to list their underwriting history, how they underwrote stocks, and what the performance of the stocks underwritten was.

This is a completely condescending attitude, like an emperor choosing a concubine. It is completely the opposite of what happens when other companies go public.

what?Is Google trying to rectify the financial market?

Because it is so outrageous, some people even doubt whether the news in the Wall Street Journal is true. Is Google really that crazy?

Besides, didn’t the news say that Google asked these investment banks to sign confidentiality agreements? Since they signed confidentiality agreements, how did this matter leak out? Could it be that someone violated the agreement? If so, will anyone be held legally responsible? responsibility?

Of course, the Wall Street Journal is still authoritative. There is no need for them to cheat on this kind of news. There is a high probability that Google will go public.

As for why Google can be so tough, it's easy to understand. After all, Google is a huge customer. As long as investment banks can underwrite Google's stocks, they will definitely be able to make money.

Who would think too much money?
Compared with real money, how much is face worth?That's why these underwriters still want to cooperate with Google under such circumstances.

Of course, this matter will not be over. After that, most of the financial world's attention will be focused on Google.

Originally, people thought that Google’s expression when looking for underwriters in the early stage was outrageous enough, but later people discovered that it was nothing.

After identifying the underwriters, Google will start a road show.

The so-called road show is to report to investment banks and investors and showcase the company's advantages in order to attract others to buy their stocks.

Under normal circumstances, in order to sell stocks, company leaders must try to highlight the company's advantages during road shows.

But during Google's road show, everyone on the team, including the founders, kept telling jokes and often even refused to answer investors' questions.

Many people who participated in the road show said that Google was absolutely crazy and they had no intention of going public.

When setting prices later, Larry Page and the others were also very willful and directly decided on the top ten irrational numbers e as the amount of funds to be raised, which was 27.18281828 billion U.S. dollars, just like a joke.

Of course, when it comes to raising funds, using some special numbers will have no impact as long as they are within the range.

What is most intolerable to the underwriters is that Google has abandoned the pricing method of investment bank inquiry and instead adopted the Dutch auction method.

If the Dutch auction method is used, the profits that investment banks can make will be much lower.

The first is the commission. Because there is no inquiry, the commission that Google needs to pay to the investment bank will be significantly reduced. Secondly, the investment bank has no way to benefit its customers.

If the pricing power is in the hands of investment banks, they can first set the price of the stock a little lower, and then let their clients buy more.

(End of this chapter)

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