Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 1084 Science Fiction Theme Conference

Chapter 1084 Science Fiction Theme Conference
Although the sales of BenQ S3 mobile phone are not bad, AU Optronics, as a company belonging to the same BenQ Group as BenQ Mobile, has been affected. Their stock price has dropped from the original price of 30.00 US dollars per share to [-] US dollars per share. The range is close to [-]%.

However, AU Optronics' stock itself was unstable during this period. At its lowest point in the past, the price per share was only US$[-].

Moreover, the original stock price of AU Optronics rose to US$[-], which had something to do with BenQ Mobile. Now it just suffered a little backlash and returned to their rightful position.

However, AUO is not affected by such fluctuations because their shareholder structure is relatively simple and their extreme data performance is relatively good. Investors do not care about the ups and downs at all.

It's just that some financial analysts jumped out to sing bad news.

Since its listing in 2001, AU Optronics has become the world's first LCD panel design and manufacturing company to be publicly listed on the New York Stock Exchange.

Just when their stocks were falling, the company suddenly released another news that they had basically completed the acquisition plan of Guanghui Electronics.

After completing this merger, AU Optronics also has production lines for various generations of large, medium and small size panels.

Industry analysts say that if AU Optronics' global panel share this time is likely to exceed 20.00%, it will surpass Korea's Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics and become the world's number one.

After this news came out, AU Optronics' stock began to rise again, all the way to US$[-] per share.


On June 23, in the final round of La Liga, Real Madrid defeated Athletic Bilbao [-]-[-] and finally won the La Liga crown with a two-point advantage.

That night, Real Madrid announced that their team would travel to China at the end of July.

On the other side, Manchester United also released a message with basically the same content. They will also travel to China at the end of July.

It has been rumored for a long time that Real Madrid and Manchester United will travel to China this summer, and everyone is waiting for official news.

But they waited, waited, and waited until June, but still no news. Many people had given up hope at this time.

There is only so much time for the summer vacation, and if it is not held in early August, there will be no time.

So if they want to travel to China, it will most likely start in late July.

If the trip to China starts in late July, it can’t be announced to the public by late June, right?The time is too short, how can they prepare, and even if they can prepare, how can the audience prepare?Many people rush there from other places, especially those from abroad, and have to apply for temporary visas.

But what fans didn't expect was that on June 23, when June was about to end, the two teams released this news at the same time.

But it is indeed more interesting to publish at this time, because they can write on the message: La Liga champions vs. Premier League champions.

Yes, on the other side, Manchester United also won this year's Premier League championship.

It was not easy for Manchester United to win this championship, because the team had some problems to adjust to at the beginning of the season, so the early performance was very average. On the other hand, Arsenal was very strong, and at one time the point difference between the two teams was stretched to [-] points. .

In the middle of the season, many people thought that Manchester United had no chance of winning this year's championship. This year's championship must go to Arsenal. But what they didn't expect was that in the later stages, Manchester United suddenly broke out and never lost a game.

Of course, the key was that Arsenal dropped the ball. In the end, Manchester United completed a desperate reversal, successfully going from eleven points behind to nine points ahead of Arsenal, winning the league championship ahead of schedule.

The road to the league championship for both clubs is quite bumpy. If Real Madrid doesn't win in the last round, it will miss out on the championship.

In such a dramatic season, with both teams finally winning the league championship, this trip to China for both teams was very eye-catching.

On June 24, Deep Space Corporation officially released an announcement.

Jinling Olympic Sports Center will usher in the Premier League and La Liga championships this summer.

The match between the two teams is scheduled for August [-], and tickets will go on sale three days later.

Different from the last Deep Space Annual Meeting, the tickets for the two teams' game this time are much more expensive. The lowest ticket for the grandstand costs more than 800, and the one at the front costs more than 2000.

But even at this price, demand still exceeds supply. Before tickets went on sale, the ticket office website was crowded with people, which even affected other ticketing services.

Because tickets are not open yet, this show is still grayed out on the ticket office website.

But even if it is gray, you can click in and leave comments below. On the first day, there were tens of thousands of comments under this ticket.

[Can we play home and away games?It would be too difficult to get tickets for just one show. 】

[Is it troublesome to get a visa now? 】

[It’s hard to say, but it seems that it will be a little more difficult to get a visa this year. 】

[It’s okay. My visa was processed very quickly last time. 】

[It’s too far away and the travel expenses are not worth it. 】

[Indeed, the tickets for the game only cost two hundred US dollars at most, but the travel expenses cost thousands of US dollars. 】

[Haha, when we went to Korea, the air tickets were relatively cheap. 】

[You can also go there in Thailand. 】

[Haha, I work in China, no travel expenses. 】

[Although you work in China, can you get tickets? 】

[This won’t be the only one, there are also tickets to meet later. 】

[Well, I heard that Manchester United and Real Madrid will play one game against the Chinese national team respectively. 】

[I envy the Chinese team, which can often play against such strong teams. 】

[The Chinese football atmosphere has been very good in the past two years. 】

[The football atmosphere in China has always been very good, but the results have been better in the past two years. 】

[We are preparing for the next World Cup. Let’s strive to qualify. 】

[There are so many people studying abroad every day, so of course they perform well. 】


After Real Madrid and Manchester United came to China, they both played two games. In addition to the game between them, they will each play a game with the Chinese team.

Naturally, Deep Space Company helped arrange the games. Originally, they were going to hold all three games at the Jinling Olympic Sports Center.However, after coordination by relevant departments, the other two games were eventually moved to Yanjing and Shanghai, so that more cities could enjoy the traffic brought by the stars.

During last year's annual meeting, various places were reporting tourist arrivals in Jinling every day, and they were very jealous and wanted to attract the Deep Space Company to them.

However, in order to concentrate as much time as possible, Deep Space Company moved the science fiction theme conference to July 25th. When the science fiction theme conference ends, it will be able to catch up with the competition between the two teams.

In this way, many people can choose to go to Jinling on July 25th and spend a few days at the science fiction theme conference before watching the game.


On July 26, Serena and Linda came to Jinling again.

Looking at the gate of the deep space park, Serena smiled and said to Linda, "Linda, when we left China last time, did we think of coming back so soon?"

Linda smiled and shook her head, "I thought that the deep space annual meeting would come again in the new year as soon as possible, but I didn't expect that it would come again in the middle of the year."

This time, they came here to watch a football match. Linda made a boyfriend at the beginning of the year who was very fond of football, and this boyfriend was very lucky to grab three tickets for the football match... In fact, it was not a grab. It was bought by Linda's boyfriend through connections.

If you want tickets to a football match, you have to either grab them hard or buy them through a relationship. As for buying them from scalpers, it's very difficult.

Because Deep Space Company needs to bind the Starry Sky Card to grab tickets, if scalpers want to scalp the votes, they have to dump the Starry Sky Card together. Many people are not willing, which also greatly increases the cost of scalpers.

In addition to buying tickets through normal channels, you can also find someone you know.

Deep Space Company retains tickets openly every time it provides tickets. For this football match, Deep Space Company retained more than 4000 tickets for itself.

Some of these tickets are given to employees within the company as benefits, and some are given to some more important customers.

Linda's boyfriend was able to get these three tickets because his brother-in-law cooperated with BenQ Mobile.

But when his brother-in-law gave him the tickets, he told him that these three tickets were worth tens of thousands of dollars.

The three tickets are all for the front row. If you really want to lose them from scalpers, you may not be able to get them for even [-] US dollars, because it is rare to find three consecutive tickets, and you can only grab one Star Sky card number at one time. Two tickets, originally there were fewer consecutive numbers.

Looking at the tickets in his hand, he asked, "If I sell the tickets outside now, can I get more than 3000 US dollars?"

Serena smiled and said, "Probably not. It's easier to sell three tickets together, but if you only sell them for more than 1000 US dollars, there should still be many people willing to buy them. So you have to pack the tickets and don't lose them. .”

"Let's go in and see what a science fiction themed convention is like."


The Deep Space Science Fiction Theme Conference is different from the annual conference.

At the annual meeting, only the Science Fiction Hall had science fiction-related things.

But the Deep Space Science Fiction Theme Conference is different. As soon as you enter the park, you can see rich science fiction elements.

Tourists cosplaying characters from science fiction movies can be seen everywhere, walking among the crowds. There are many booths in the science fiction museum. Science fiction-related organizations and units from all over the world seem to have come to the Deep Space Park, and they have set up several floors of the science fiction theme museum. They are all occupied.

Other museums are also fully cooperating with the science fiction theme museum today.

The literary theme gathers all science fiction books on the first floor, so that people can see science fiction books as soon as they enter.

All the music played in the music hall is from science fiction movies, and today's scripts in the detective hall are all related to science fiction.

In the Game Center, today’s main promotions are science fiction games.

The gymnasium also followed the trend and held a physical football competition...

If you are a science fiction fan, you will feel extremely happy in the Deep Space Park these days. If you are not a science fiction fan, you will fall in love with science fiction because of your experiences these days.

What Serena and the others like most are the science fiction movies and short films that are played everywhere in the movie theater... many of which they have never seen.

Some seem to have been specially produced for science fiction theme conferences, such as Linda's favorite science fiction cartoon "The Kettle", which lasts for 23 minutes and is only played on a specific large screen on the second floor of the film and television museum.

Linda stood in front of the screen and spent 23 minutes motionless to watch this cartoon. If it weren't for Serena and the others, he would want to watch it again.

In fact, a film of more than 20 minutes is considered long. You can see films of only two or three minutes everywhere.

There is a very large rest area on the south side of the second floor of the film and television museum, but the rest area is chargeable.

There are separate chairs in the rest area, and ten points will be deducted for every half hour of sitting.

Of course, the chairs that earn ten points for half an hour are not just for sitting and resting. These chairs have massage functions and a separate seven-inch small screen. Some short videos will be played on the screen for tourists to rest. time to watch.

The short films here are all two to three minutes long, and the length will not exceed 3 minutes. After 10 to 10 minutes, you can probably watch five or six short films.

And according to Linda's observation, there should be no less than a hundred short films of this kind in this player, because she looked around the rest area and didn't find that several people were playing the same short films. If there weren't hundreds of videos, It is impossible for this effect to occur.

Linda and the others also tried this chair. I have to say that this chair is really comfortable. At least in Linda's opinion, it is more comfortable than spending points to go to the computer in the electronic reading room. The massage effect of this chair is very good.

In fact, from Linda's point of view, there is no money to be made from this chair. The reason why points are collected is probably to prevent some people from occupying it for a long time.

Ten points for half an hour, which is about fifty cents.

In half an hour, there should be 10 minutes of massage. Just these 10 minutes of massage are worth more than [-] cents, not to mention there are very high-definition short films to watch.

Fifty cents for half an hour, one yuan for an hour, and only a dozen yuan for a day at most. It is estimated that the cost will not be earned back.

The chairs in this rest area are very popular. Linda and the others had been waiting for a long time just to feel the chairs.

However, I heard that the official website has issued an announcement that the rules of this area will be changed over time. In order to allow more people to experience this chair, the original half hour will be reduced to 10 minutes, and the price will be 10 minutes and five Points can increase some liquidity.

In addition to this kind of rest area where you can watch short films, the movie and television hall also has a rest area where you can watch movies, but everyone watches one movie collectively instead of everyone watching one movie.

And there are no comfortable chairs in the rest area, only stone steps. After entering, just sit on the steps.

However, this kind of collective rest area is not a good experience when there are many people, because it is very noisy with people coming and going, which affects the impression. It is better to see it when there are fewer people.

(End of this chapter)

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