Chapter 1085

Linda noticed that although it was a deep space science fiction themed conference, there was a lot of popular science content at the conference.

There are various popular science demonstration videos, as well as scientific experimental instruments. These scientific experimental instruments are not just decorations, but can be used. There will be staff on site to help demonstrate, and sometimes the audience will go out to experience it.

Many parents came with their children, just to let their children learn more popular science knowledge.

"Have you been to other science fiction conventions?"

Halfway through the shopping, Serena suddenly asked.

Linda shook her head, "I haven't been there. I've only been to the deep space science fiction conference. Are there any other science fiction conferences?"

Serena smiled and said, "You don't think there is only one science fiction convention in this world."

Linda's boyfriend smiled and said, "Actually, the World Science Fiction Convention was more famous before."

"World Science Fiction Convention? It sounds like it's a formal event. It's more powerful than the Deep Space Science Fiction Convention?" Linda asked doubtfully.

Her boyfriend shook his head and said, "It is indeed quite famous, but it is not more powerful. The Hugo Award, the grand prize in the science fiction world, is awarded by the Science Fiction Convention, but in recent years, people have paid less attention to the World Science Fiction Convention. A lot, everyone pays more attention to the deep space science fiction theme conference."

After thinking about it, he added, "Actually, the attention of the World Science Fiction Convention has not been particularly good. Compared with other popular events, the World Science Fiction Convention does not receive much attention. After all, only loyal readers of science fiction can attend it. I’ll pay attention to these things.”

What he said was the truth.

Although the World Science Fiction Convention sounds very famous, its audience is basically science fiction fans, so the popularity of the convention has not been very high.

But the Deep Space Science Fiction Theme Conference is different. In addition to science fiction books, there are many interactive things in the entire park, attracting a large number of tourists.

The key is that it is large in scale, and the organizer has more action and money.

"Have you been to the World Science Fiction Convention?" Serena asked.

Linda's boyfriend nodded, "Been there once."

"How do you feel compared to the deep space science fiction theme conference?"

Linda's boyfriend smiled and shook his head, "There is no way to compare them together. Let me just say this. If you divide one-third of the first floor of the science fiction theme museum in the Deep Space Park, it will reach the scale of the World Science Fiction Convention. You Do you think there is any comparison between the two?"

Hearing what he said, Serena suddenly had an idea. It was indeed not on the same level at all.

Serena tried to think about the scale of the World Science Fiction Convention, and found that such a scale would be over if she just strolled around, and there was no way to visit for a long time.

But in the deep space park, you will always find that there are many things that have not been discovered before, and you can often get surprises.

Last time Linda and the others visited the deep space park for several days, but this time they came and found many new discoveries.

Moreover, Serena also discovered that the internal equipment of the deep space park was frequently replaced.

Especially the screens that can be seen everywhere. In just the past six months, a batch of screens have been replaced. The new screens are thinner, larger, and have narrower edges. They are also very good for watching those science fiction videos.

Many people pay attention to the BenQ brand because of these screens.

Also, their robot Wall-E has become more flexible recently.

Of course, Serena and the others also know that Deep Space Company can do this because of its money. The World Science Fiction Convention also wants to do this, but the cost is not enough.

The Key World Science Fiction Convention is fluid and is held in a different location every year, which results in the popularity of the convention being different every year.

Different organizers have different abilities to organize events, but the same thing is that they all want to make money.

Many of the equipment in the Deep Space Park are continuously accumulated, not just for the construction of science fiction theme conferences. When the conference is over, these equipments will also be used in daily life.

But the World Science Fiction Convention is different. Most of the time, if you want to add more creative equipment at the conference, you have to consider whether these equipment can be used later.

There is a high probability that it cannot be used. Since it cannot be used, then if you purchase these equipment, your money will be wasted.

For this reason, the World Science Fiction Convention every year is very simple. It mainly consists of some booths and cosplayers. It can even be said that the most attractive thing about the convention is the cosplayers.

But if they want to see cosplayers, many people prefer to go to those animation exhibitions, because the cosplayers at animation exhibitions are better-looking and the characters are more familiar.

In addition, there are many problems at the World Science Fiction Convention. For example, many of their booths do not have power supply, and some displays cannot be completed.

The rest area is very cramped and can be extremely hot in the summer.

Not to mention eating, members often complain that if they don’t spend a lot of money to attend conferences, they can only eat pig food.


After wandering around the Deep Space Park for a few days, the football match between Manchester United and Real Madrid was about to begin.

Serena and the others also felt it. There were more and more people in the past two days.

Originally, there were already a lot of tourists in Jinling because of the Deep Space Science Fiction Conference. Now that players from Manchester United and Real Madrid are coming, the number of tourists has suddenly increased to a new level.

A large number of people gathered at the Deli Hotel where the players stayed every day.


The two teams arrived at Jinling Airport together, and then split into two buses to go to Deli Hotel.

At the beginning, the organizers were still struggling over which bus was in front and which bus was behind. Later, after discussion, they decided to let Manchester United's bus go in front.

This ranking is not because of which team is ranked higher, but because Manchester United is a club owned by Deep Space Company. In Jinling, they are considered the hosts, while Real Madrid is the guest.

In social etiquette, as the host, Manchester United must of course open the way for the guest Real Madrid.

After the bus came out of the airport, it was smooth all the way, but once it reached the city, it had to slow down.

Although the road has been blocked by a cordon, and there are security personnel standing by to maintain order, under this situation, it is impossible for the car to increase its speed.

Moreover, since they are coming to China to thank the fans and do publicity, it is also a good thing to walk slower and interact with the fans.

The car drove very slowly on the road, and the curtains of the bus were all opened so that fans could see their beloved players.


The two teams rested in the hotel for a day, and then went to the Deep Space Park to hold an autograph meeting.However, unlike ordinary autograph signing events, each player will only sign one hundred sets of jerseys, and will not sign more, because they will have to attend press conferences and other activities later.

Another day passed, and the friendly match between the two teams officially began.

This game is also broadcast live globally, and is still broadcast live by Deep Space Company.

Deep Space Company is also very powerful. In just one month, it sold the broadcast rights of these three games for more than 7000 million US dollars. TV stations in many countries bought the broadcast rights.

In fact, the big one is the match between Manchester United and Real Madrid, and the other two games are bonus. Many TV stations have proposed to buy the broadcast rights of the match between Real Madrid and Manchester United alone, but Deep Space Company does not agree and let them If you want to buy it, buy it together.There is nothing these TV stations can do. This is Real Madrid and Manchester United, and they are reluctant to give up this broadcast opportunity.

In fact, it is Deep Space Company's ability to sell the broadcasting rights for such a large amount of money. If another company were to organize this event, I am afraid that the broadcasting fees might not be even half as much.

Because Deep Space Company has strong publicity capabilities, news about the two teams' games is now everywhere at night.

Of course, if it weren't for Deep Space, it would not have been possible to bring the champions of La Liga and the Premier League together to play a friendly match.

Although it is a friendly match, this game is still quite interesting.

In the Champions League quarter-finals this spring, Real Madrid played against Manchester United. In the end, Manchester United won the semi-finals [-]-[-] in two rounds, while Real Madrid could only suffer.

A few months later, the two teams met in Jinling, and naturally there was a sense of competition.


Since it is a friendly match, everyone has nothing to worry about.

After the game started, both sides didn't care about defense anymore and both played with open arms.

Less than 5 minutes into the game, Beckham got a direct free kick at the edge of the penalty area.

Under the spotlight, Beckham lived up to expectations and sent the ball directly into the net with a perfect banana arc.

Manchester United was one goal ahead and did not want to defend and continued to press forward. Real Madrid, on the other hand, lost a goal and wanted to get back one, so they also stepped up their attack.

Another 10 minutes later, Ronaldo received a pass from Raul and entered the small penalty area from the edge of the penalty area. Then he used a pendulum move in the small penalty area to pass goalkeeper Schumacher, and then gently pushed the ball into the goal. middle.

At this time, the atmosphere at the scene was completely ignited.

The two goals are both the personal abilities of the stars, and both have the characteristics of Ronaldo and Beckham, making them very enjoyable to watch.

[Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuoriuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuoriupu, I actually saw the Bayesian arc and the pendulum pass in the penalty area in the same game. 】

[I didn’t expect that this game would be so exciting. 】

[It feels even more exciting than the previous Champions League knockout games. 】

[During the knockout rounds, everyone was a little conservative and afraid of conceding the ball. Now in the friendly matches, everyone wants to score goals, so it’s nice to watch. 】

[Two goals in 15 minutes, it must be a goal battle today. 】

[Damn, I really envy the people watching the game. 】

[There’s nothing you can do if you can’t get a ticket. 】

[I don’t know if there will be such an event next year. 】

[If there is, I will definitely buy a ticket. 】

[You can buy tickets if you want?Gotta grab it. 】

[Hey, can you come to the United States to hold a friendly match? The travel expenses abroad are too much and I can’t afford it. 】

[No way, it would be great if you Americans could buy Manchester United or Real Madrid. 】

[I heard that Real Madrid’s appearance fee this time is as high as 250 million euros. I don’t know if it is true or not. 】

[It should be true, and in addition to 250 million euros, Deep Space Company will also pay Real Madrid 200 million in reception fees, which adds up to 500 million for one team. 】

[In addition, most of the money earned from activities that stars participate in in their own name, such as signings and taking photos, goes to the stars themselves. 】

[One team is worth 450 million euros, but the two teams are close to [-] million euros? 】

[In fact, it’s not just that. After the one-time payment of 200 million for the reception fee, the players’ hotel expenses will also be borne by Shenzhen Space Company. I heard that some players drank a lot. 】

[These are just small amounts of money. The two teams can add up to 1000 million euros. The key is that the Deep Space Company can afford this money. 】

[You have made a mistake in your calculations. Real Madrid did not only play one game. The appearance fee for three games was 750 million, plus 200 million in reception fees, plus some losses, a team needs 1000 million euros. 】

[The two teams are worth 2000 million euros, so much. 】

[Even if it is 2000 million euros, they can afford it. Don’t you know, the broadcast fees for the three games this time were sold for more than 7000 million U.S. dollars, which can completely cover the cost. 】

[So many were sold? 】

[It turns out that organizing this kind of competition is so profitable. Why don’t others organize it? They don’t want to make money? 】

[Haha, it’s not that simple. If it weren’t for Deep Space Company, the broadcast fees wouldn’t be able to sell for so much money. It would probably only be about 4000 million US dollars. 4000 million U.S. dollars is equivalent to more than 3000 million euros. After excluding the cost of live broadcast, I am afraid it can only cover the appearance fee and reception fee. 】

[Actually, I want to say that if it were held by other companies, they would definitely not pay such high appearance fees and reception fees. 】

[Yes, the reception fee of 150 million euros is really exaggerated. I have never seen any organizer give such a high reception fee. 】

[How much is the usual reception fee? 】

[On the Chinese side, I think a reception fee of 400 to [-] million yuan a week or so will be enough. 】

[Yes, three to four million yuan is completely enough.The appearance fee is 400 million euros, which should be no problem. Calculated in this way, one team’s expenditure is about 200 million euros, and the two teams combined are only 50 million euros, 300 less than Deep Space Company paid. million euros. 】

[In any case, although Deep Space Company gives more, it can also earn more. 】

[Is it possible that because Deep Space Company earns more, it gives more? 】

[Actually, it’s all the same, that’s what it means. 】


The game was still going on at this time. In the next half hour of the first half, the two teams each scored another goal. On the Manchester United side, Giggs cut in from the wing and shot into the net, while on the Real Madrid side, It was captain Raul who successfully countered offside and scored a single goal.

In the second half, the sides changed sides and fought again. The two sides switched offense and defense very quickly and repeatedly created dangers, but they were just a little bit short.

Until the 78th minute, Solskjaer, who had just come on as a substitute for less than 3 minutes, received Beckham's corner kick and directly headed the ball to make the score [-]-[-].

There was not much time left in the game, and Real Madrid was also very anxious at this time and wanted to start attacking.

But Manchester United seems to be starting to practice defense, giving up offense and starting to take strict defense.

Real Madrid failed to find opportunities many times. In the end, in stoppage time, Guti completed a volley to help the team draw the opponent.

(End of this chapter)

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