Chapter 1089 Mass layoffs

Yunchi Sports selects young players to support. Except for a few who are appointed by Yu Dong, most of them are chosen by themselves.

The reason why they can select good players is closely related to big data technology.

Big data technology is not a new thing. As early as the 60s and [-]s, the U.S. government and some companies had begun to use computers to process data. This is the origin of big data technology.

It's just that computers at that time were still relatively primitive, and the data size and processing capabilities were very poor, so this technology did not develop very well.

It was not until the 90s and [-]s that computer technology developed greatly, and data size and processing capabilities were significantly improved.

But even so, big data technology is still a new science for most people. Many people even do not regard it as a new science and do not study it carefully.

But Deep Space Corporation has been conducting research in this area three years ago. They have also established two big data research laboratories in cooperation with Southeast University and Jinling University.

Moreover, Jinling University is already planning to open related majors. Many schools at home and abroad have already opened majors related to big data analysis, such as the information management and information systems major studied by Ren Hongfei.

But in fact, these majors still have some problems in big data analysis, and the direction is not clear enough. Many students from these majors do not know what they want to do.

However, Deep Space Company has done a very specific job in this regard. They have also broken down into segments, including medical, financial, sports, etc. Each industry has a dedicated team responsible for it.

In order to develop big data technology, Deep Space has developed a distributed storage and processing framework. This technology allows data to be stored and processed distributedly among many computing nodes, thereby speeding up the speed and stability of data processing.

Yunchi Sports cooperated with the Big Data Development Department of Shenzhen Space Company to develop a series of sports equipment. These equipment can collect more than 200 pieces of data from athletes, and then analyze and process it to find the optimal results.

Many of the young players they sponsor are found based on big data analysis.

Big data analysis can also make mistakes, that's for sure. There are also some players funded by Yunchi who will not develop well in the future, but the overall proportion is already very high.

Therefore, although big data cannot guarantee no errors, it can improve the success rate.

In fact, the equipment produced by Yunchi Sports is still relatively rough, and some of the data may not be accurate. However, because Yunchi Sports is the first to make such things in such detail, their products are very popular with many clubs. Tried them all.

The effect is there, and the key is that it’s not expensive.

The price of these devices is not expensive, not because of low cost, but because Yunchi is not thinking about making money for the time being. They are more about promoting products and collecting data.

Especially the latter.

What Yunchi Sports is doing now definitely requires a lot of professional data, but if they go directly to those clubs and ask them to cooperate with Yunchi to collect athletes' income, then these clubs will probably be unwilling.

But now that Yunchi has sold a set of equipment to them at a cheap price, it is logical to get the data of these players.

In fact, these clubs have not yet reacted. If they react, they should not let Yunchi take away their data easily. Apart from anything else, if Yunchi sells these data to opponents, it will be fatal to them. of blow.

In fact, Yunchi Sports is also considering going public recently, and it should probably start next year.

However, Yunchi Sports is different from Tencent and Google. It is a traditional industry, so its listing is also a traditional way.

After going public, Yunchi Sports will also embark on a crazy merger path, so that it can expand the market more quickly.


On November [-], just when many people were immersed in the atmosphere of Google's successful listing and believed that Internet technology companies would rise again, the California state government issued a document, and the content of this document is: , San Jose-based technology company Cisco Systems will permanently lay off hundreds of employees in the South Bay area next month.

The documents show that Cisco will lay off 230 employees at its San Jose office and 120 employees at its Milpitas office.

This layoff will begin on December [-]th.

After the California state government documents were released, Cisco also explained the layoffs to the outside world through the media.

Cisco explained that the reason for the layoffs was not to save costs, but mainly to maintain a balance. As for what kind of balance they wanted to maintain, they did not give a specific explanation.

Cisco's layoffs are particularly broad this time around, including engineers, managers and technical support staff.Affected employees will receive severance packages and outplacement services, and Cisco will work to help them find new jobs.

In fact, for a large company like Cisco with tens of thousands of employees, laying off more than 300 employees is not a big deal. The proportion of layoffs this time is less than [-]%.

However, this is not the end, but just the beginning.

Only ten days have passed, on November [-], before the first round of layoffs began, the California state government issued another document. The content of this document is almost the same as the previous one, except that However, there is some difference between numbers and locations.

This time, Cisco plans to lay off 160 employees in Milpitas, 250 and one employee in the San Francisco office, and 310 and 720 in San Jose, for a total of [-] and seven employees, one more than last time. times.

This time, the explanation given by Cisco is still the same. They said that the layoffs are not to save costs, but also to achieve a rebalance.

But all the while, Cisco never explained what they meant by rebalancing.

This time, reporters also asked if they would have a second layoff, but a Cisco spokesperson did not answer.

It seems that there is no difference between the two layoffs, except that the number of people has increased. However, this time the layoffs actually included a vice president of Cisco.

Two rounds of layoffs directly eliminated more than 1000 employees. Even if Cisco has tens of thousands of employees, this number is enough to attract people's attention.

There are also more discussions about Cisco on the Internet, and most of them are negative.

[Cisco seems to be doomed. I originally planned to go to Cisco after graduation, but now it seems that I still won’t go. 】

[Huawei is too strong now, and Cisco may collapse. 】

[The performance of the products is the same, but the price is twice that of others. How can it be outsold by others? 】

[Huawei's service is very good. If there is no problem at ordinary times, even if there is a problem, after-sales service personnel will be in place quickly. 】

[Yes, thumbs up for Huawei Technology Company’s service attitude. 】

[Alas, I am a Cisco employee and I feel very sad. 】

[I am also an employee of Cisco. I have not been laid off yet, but I am very panicked. 】

[I heard that there will be more layoffs in the next round, but I don’t know if that’s true. 】

[I heard that a total of 4000% of the workforce will be laid off, and a total of [-] people will be laid off. 】

[So many, then 3000 people will be laid off. 】

[If we really only cut [-]% of our jobs, it would actually be okay, but I’m afraid it won’t stop. 】

[I feel like this situation will last for a long time. 】【Brothers, I have switched to Huawei. 】

[Didn’t I say some time ago that Internet technology was going to take off again? 】

[Facts have proved that only some companies have taken off, and most of them have not. 】

[Indeed, Cisco’s current situation cannot be saved by one or two companies. 】

[And the key point is that it is impossible for Google and Tencent to use Cisco products. 】

[I’ll stop talking here. Cisco will never get up as long as Deep Space is here. 】

[That’s right, if those companies in the deep space system don’t use Cisco’s products, they will lose a huge wave of orders. 】

[Deep Space Company’s current capabilities are so terrifying that no one can mess with them. 】

[It feels like Microsoft may be taking action, and now Deep Space Company poses too great a threat to them. 】

[Deep Space Company is not in a position to go to war with Microsoft. 】

[Yes, the foundation of a computer is still the system. 】

【You are so naive. 】

[Microsoft is strong, but Deep Space’s roots are also very deep now. 】

[You don’t think that in the Internet era, there are only computers. 】

[You mean the mobile version?How long will it take to wait? It’s too far. 】

[The key is that if Microsoft wants to touch Deep Space Company now, there is no way. 】

[At that time, Microsoft ignored Deep Space Company in the competition of streaming media. As a result, Deep Space Company now has a large amount of streaming media technology in its hands. 】

[I don’t know when Microsoft will take action. 】

[Why didn’t Deep Space Company take the lead? 】

[Deep Space Company would not be so reckless. 】


The largest social networking site in the world is now Deep Space Tribe, and the most popular instant messaging software is Dongdong. During this period, there have been particularly many discussions about Cisco on Deep Space Tribe and Dongdong.

There is also Facebook, and there is a lot of news about Cisco.

A few days later, Cisco filed another lawsuit against Deep Space Computer. They believed that the negative news about Cisco on the Deep Space Tribe was caused by Deep Space Company’s deliberate guidance and even malicious manipulation.

In fact, Cisco's accusation is not entirely without reason.

Why is there so much news about Cisco on the Deep Space Tribe? It is indeed related to Deep Space Company. They push more news related to Deep Space Company to users.

However, Deep Space Company stated that they only did this because the news was popular. Of course they had to promote popular news, just as TV stations only chase news with higher popularity. All of this is the choice of the audience.

It is impossible for Cisco to win this kind of lawsuit. They are just trying to stir up trouble and make it miserable.

But it is a pity that no matter what they do, what netizens see on the Internet is what the Deep Space Company wants netizens to see.

A very interesting thing happened in the middle.

Cisco is trying to speak out for themselves on Deep Space Tribe, because no one can see their voice on other platforms, but their account on Deep Space Tribe has been officially restricted by Deep Space Company. No matter what they post, Not many people will see it.

Unless netizens can click into their homepage, they won't be able to see their updates at all.

Maybe someone will go out of their way to find them and click in, but there are very few such people.

Seeing this situation, Cisco went to find a "data" company and helped them promote it on the website.

But soon, the company that took their orders was wiped out, all their accounts were blocked, and the entire company was suddenly in a state of silence.

In the past two years, Deep Space Company has been developing retrieval technology in this area. They will not directly block accounts for this kind of data processing. They will first put them in the "monitoring room" to monitor them. Once there is any abnormality in these accounts , when they need to take action, they can directly close the network, and there is no need to go to them one by one, which is too time-consuming.

This is not over yet. After terminating these accounts, Deep Space Company sued Cisco for producing false data and maliciously guiding netizens.

Now, Cisco has stolen the chicken but lost the rice. They have another scandal on the Deep Space Tribe.

The most outrageous thing is that Deep Space Company directly announced more than 3000 banned accounts this time, and also announced information about what these accounts had done before, such as participating in online violence against a certain celebrity, and providing false data to a certain celebrity...

And they also blamed Cisco for these things.

Cisco couldn't complain, and Deep Space didn't say that this company was their investment. When I see the two pieces of news put together on a regular basis, I always make associations.

You said whether Deep Space Company did it on purpose, then it must be so. Only fools think that Deep Space Company did it unintentionally. These things are just coincidences.

But if you want to sue the Deep Space Company, you have no choice.

This is the power of having a mouthpiece. Now it is difficult for Cisco to speak out, and those TV stations and newspapers have no reason to speak out for them.

How much money can they give?The key is that now the people who work at Black Cisco can make a lot of money, but those who say good things to them don’t get much traffic.

The war of public opinion is very terrible. In this war, the weapon is the communication channel.

Now that Deep Space has basically mastered the voice channels of the Internet, traditional media are also developing. If they want to fight a public opinion war, ordinary companies do not have this ability.

Of course, these black materials may frustrate Cisco, but it is impossible to bring them down, so Deep Space is now using a two-pronged approach to continue the price war between Huawei and Cisco.

Huawei claims to the outside world that its products have the same performance as Cisco's products at half the price.

But in fact, the performance of products that are only half the price is still somewhat different from Cisco's products.

But even so, customers are still willing to buy it because it is cheap.

(End of this chapter)

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