Chapter 109 Unforeseen (seeking tickets)

On Thursday morning, Yu Dong received a letter from Science Fiction World, which said two things.The first one, the short story "Alien Monkey" written by Fushui has already been drafted, and it will be available in the next issue.In the second case, Tan Kai told Yu Dong that there was a domestic director who asked about the film and television adaptation rights of "Closed Loop", and asked Yu Dong if he would like to contact him.

The reason why Tan Kai didn't directly give Yu Dong's information to the other party this time was also because Yang Xiao asked Tan Kai to be careful after knowing about Jimmy James last time.

Yu Dong lost interest when he heard that it was a domestic director. Now that a domestic director wants to make a good sci-fi movie, isn't that a joke?

Although "Closed Loop" has no grand future scenes and the technical requirements are not very high, it is already difficult enough for domestic directors.

Besides, Yu Dong has never heard of this director named Du Hui, so his identity as a director may be questionable.

In addition to these two things, Tan Kai actually said another thing, but he didn't say it clearly.

As usual, Tan Kai talked about the recent pressure on the editorial department at the end. Although the number of manuscripts received by the editorial department has doubled since the news that "One Day" film and television adaptation rights were sold to foreign countries, the number of good manuscripts has not increased much.

The editorial department now needs to spare a lot of energy to review manuscripts, and has to find people everywhere to invite manuscripts.

He also said that the manuscript recommended by Yu Dong was of good quality, and it was a small favor for the magazine. The more things like this, the better.

Tan Kai didn't ask Yu Dong for the manuscript from the beginning to the end, probably because he asked for it every time the previous few times, but this time he couldn't open his mouth.

But the meaning revealed between the lines is clear at a glance.

Yu Dong smiled, found "Prison No. [-]" that had already been transcribed from the cabinet, and then replied a short letter to Tan Kai, putting the letter and the manuscript in the envelope.

After replying to the letter, Yu Dong took the money order to find Hu Changqing.

When Hu Changqing got the money order, he was very excited, and the hand connecting the money order trembled a little.

He didn't even know what expression to make to deal with it.

"Thank you so much, Yu." Hu Changqing grabbed Yu Dong's hand, "I must treat you to dinner tonight."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Haha, no need, isn't this novel written by your friend, Secretary Hu? If you really want to treat me to dinner, I should invite him."

Hu Changqing's expression was stagnant, and he said with a sneer: "He lives a little far away, so it's not convenient to come here. It's the same if I invite you on his behalf."

"Oh, that's right. If you have time, you must meet Mr. Fushui. His works are quite interesting. If you can persist in writing, you will definitely be able to achieve success in science fiction." Yu Dong said with a half-smile.

Hearing what Yu Dong said, Hu Changqing was happy, but he didn't dare to show it, "My friend, I haven't written science fiction before, and I don't understand many things, and I'm still in the groping stage."

Yu Dong nodded: "Okay, then I'll go first, there are still some things."

"Aren't you going to have dinner together tonight?"

"No, let's wait until the next draft fee is higher. I'm afraid the 100 yuan is not enough for me." Yu Dong walked away with a smile.

Seeing Yu Dong leave, Hu Changqing also laughed, "This is less than, but the tone is quite serious."


In the evening of the next day, Yu Dong went to No. 301 Teaching Room [-] early.

But I didn't expect to see seven or eight students chatting inside as soon as I entered the door. These students are none other than Gongmei 91 students.

Seeing Yu Dong coming in, Qu Aiguo took the lead in applauding: "Come on, let's welcome Teacher Yu."

Seeing seven or eight of them clapping hard, Yu Dong touched his head, he should have thought that this would happen.

Yu Dong stepped onto the podium, put one hand on the podium, and counted the number of people with the other: "One,, eight, eight people, I didn't expect that one-third of our class is so interested in drama and literature." .”

"Not only that, Mr. Yu, there are still a few who are not here. At least half of our class must come."

"Half, those who don't know think you are from the Department of Literature." Yu Dong couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

Qu Aiguo laughed and said, "It's called getting close to Zhu Zhechi, being swayed by what one sees and hears, learning to be a good man from a good man, and learning to bite from a Ma Hu. We look at Teacher Yu every day, and naturally become interested in literature."

"Okay." Yu Dong waved his hand angrily, "You can come to the class, but I want to tell you in advance that once you sign up for my class, you will come to every class after that. Although my class is not related to any It is linked to the policy, but if someone violates my rules, I will naturally have a way to punish them. The coursework of engineering and art is not easy, and there is not much free time. If you just want to join in the fun, I advise you to go back early."

"No, we really want to hear it."

"We'll stick to it."

"Teacher Yu, don't drive us away."

Several students chattered together, vying to express that they really came here because they wanted to understand drama and literature.

Qu Aiguo said eloquently: "Arts are all connected. After we have received the influence of drama and literature, it will definitely be of great benefit to our professional courses."

Hearing what they said, Yu Dong didn't say anything more, raised his hand to calm them down, and waited for the time to sign.

After a while, many students came one after another, and the classroom gradually filled up.

Yu Dong looked at the time, and there were about ten minutes before the deadline. According to the current situation, many students should be able to be recruited, but not too many.

"Old Yu, I'm not late."

Yu Dong was preparing the information form when he suddenly heard Feng Ming's hearty voice coming from the door.

"Why are you here?" Yu Dong asked.

"I'm here to experience the charm of literature, aren't you welcome?" Feng Ming said with a smile, then went straight to the back row and found a seat and sat down.

The students sitting around him leaned back involuntarily.

Although Mr. Feng is usually amiable and amiable, he is still a teacher after all, and it is somewhat timid to sit with him and attend lectures.

But the matter was not over yet, within 2 minutes of Feng Ming's arrival, He Yu and Liu Changmin also ran over.

And Hu Changqing.

When seeing Hu Changqing, Yu Dongtian's Linggai was a little leaky.

It's all right for Feng Ming and the others to come over, why don't you come over to join in the fun, don't you know who you are in the eyes of the students?

Sure enough, when Hu Changqing sat down in the back row, the students who were originally away from Feng Ming and the others leaned back.

Between Hu Changqing and Feng Ming, the students still felt that the latter was not so scary.

Before Yu Dong's headache was over, another group of students came in.

When this group of students came in, it was obvious that the eyes of the boys in the classroom were shining, because they were all girls.

"Hello, Teacher Yu." Fu Qinghuan, who was walking ahead, greeted Yu Dong.

He Yuanxiao, who was inseparable from her, was also among them... Also, Yu Dong suddenly saw a familiar face again, Cheng Yanqiu unexpectedly also came.

Yu Dong caressed his forehead and sighed. Things were already moving in an unforeseen direction.

 Thank you [Shanshang Yanghai] for the 100 tip
(End of this chapter)

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