Chapter 110 Can't
It was already seven o'clock, Yu Dong looked at the almost full classroom, nodded, and then distributed several information registration forms.

Then Yu Dong said: "Students who are sure to sign up for this class write the information on the form. Those who are not sure that they will be able to attend every class in the future should not write it, so as not to cause trouble due to absence. Before writing, you should also ask Are you really interested in this course, if not, I don’t recommend listening to it, it will really waste your time.”

Yu Dong didn't persuade those students who joined the fun to leave now, because he took their face into consideration. Through this form of filling in the form, he silently decided to leave or stay. It was much gentler, and it could also prevent some students from staying for the sake of face.

After about 10 minutes, the form was filled out and sent up.

Yu Dong roughly counted, the four forms add up to more than 80 people, and there are probably more than 120 people sitting in this classroom at this time, excluding Liu Changmin and others, that is to say, more than 30 students finally decided not to sign up .

This was expected by Dong, after all, among the more than 100 people, many of them must have come to join in the fun.

Yu Dong looked at the information registration form a few more times, wanting to see which major had the most registrations for this class, and then suddenly saw a familiar name.

He looked up at Cheng Yanqiu's direction, and shook his head. This teacher Cheng is really fooling around, and she actually filled out the information form.

Noticing Yu Dong's gaze, Cheng Yanqiu returned a look of "what are you looking at me for?"

Yu Dong wanted to reply with "Look at you", but in the end he gave up, picked up the chalk and started to write on the blackboard with a light cough.

"Drama in the Composition of Literary Works."

After finishing writing, Yu Dong threw the chalk on the table and said, "Actually, there is still a literariness in drama, but the latter will not be involved in these ten class hours. Before the formal lecture, I would like to ask you a question. Question: How do you feel about drama?"

Yu Dong asked a question, and the students below started discussing in low voices. After a while, Wang Kuo raised his hand and said, "Teacher Yu, I think drama is conflict and contradiction."

"Well, good, any other comments?"

Fu Qinghuan raised his hand and said, "I think drama is a sudden change in the relationship between characters, and it is also a kind of story that breaks away from the ordinary life of ordinary people, just like when I raise my hand to answer questions in class now, there is no drama, because students answering teachers' questions is life. It's normal, but if I confess my love to Teacher Yu now, it will definitely be dramatic."



As soon as Fu Qinghuan's words came out, the other students' emotions suddenly became high, and they started booing loudly.

He Yu poked Feng Ming, and said in a low voice, "Recently, these students are so bold, openly molesting the teacher?"

Feng Ming nodded and said, "Yes, I'm really envious."


Liu Changmin on the other side looked at Feng Ming with a strange look, which clearly meant: You have a problem, kid.

Yu Dong on the stage did not expect Fu Qinghuan to be so courageous.

It is true that the waves behind the Yangtze River push forward the waves ahead.

In the past few years, women's poetry has emerged in China, and women's consciousness has gradually awakened in these literary works.Young women in literature and art read this kind of literary works, their minds are becoming more and more liberated, and they are becoming more and more bold.

Yu Dong wasn't too annoyed, he knocked on the table with a smile, motioning for everyone to calm down.

After no one spoke, Yu Dong spoke again: "These two students' understanding of drama is not wrong, but it is not comprehensive enough. In fact, drama is everywhere in our lives. Everyone here, Regardless of whether you understand drama theory or not, you all know the concept of a 'drama'. Just like just now, after hearing this female classmate's speech, someone must have shouted in their hearts that there is a good drama to watch."

"Or some people feel uncomfortable, and they will throw out the phrase 'really good at acting'. When we are doing something, we will also express our views with or without drama. These "dramas" are not Refers to the dramatic art itself, but to a quality possessed by the dramatic art: dramatic or dramatic events and actions."

"So in this class, we will use these popular expressions to talk about some of the characteristics of what makes a play a play."

Yu Dong knew that Jinyi's students were not professional in literature, so the lesson plans prepared for them were carefully selected and tried to be as simple as possible, so as not to confuse them.

In order for them to understand, Yu Dong deliberately started from the popular expressions in life.

Also, Fu Qing's hilarious outburst just now, although he was suspected of molesting the teacher, was indeed helpful for the students to understand the drama.

So Yu Dong didn't scold Fu Qinghuan, but continued to give lectures.

After talking about popular expressions for a while, Yu Dong talked about the rule of thirds and the rule of ten to the students.When talking about the classification methods of these two majors to the students, Yu Dong didn't want the students to memorize them by rote. The understanding of the concept of sexuality begins.

This also led to Yu Dong's purpose of holding this open class.

Before understanding drama, understanding drama first will be of great help to the systematic study of drama in the future.

The time for the two classes was not too long, and with the time spent filling out the form before, the remaining time was quickly spent in Yudong's lecture.

Whether you are a student or a teacher here, you have never been exposed to this kind of professional literary theory class before, and it sounds very fresh.

Moreover, drama itself is a bit more interesting than other literature courses. Although the theories involved are equally boring, it is especially suitable for examples and metaphors.

Sometimes Yu Dong said the last sentence, and the next one can follow suit, because although drama is beyond people's daily life, it is also very close to people's daily life.

"Okay, get out of class." Yu Dong looked at the time, and he called out the get out of class as soon as the time came, regardless of whether the rest of the lecture was finished.

After he finished speaking, he was about to wipe the blackboard with an eraser when Qu Aiguo, who was sitting in the front row, ran up and snatched the blackboard eraser from Yu Dong, and said with a flattering smile, "Brother Dong, I'll help you."

Yu Dong took a look at Qu Aiguo and let him go.

The students left slowly. When the group of women who had gathered together walked past the podium, someone asked Yu Dong with a smile: "Mr. Yu, if we usually don't understand, can we ask you?"

"The main reason is that Fu Qinghuan has a lot of questions." Another person shouted.

Yu Dong waved his hand, "No."

 Thanks to [Wandering Today] for the 500 reward
  Thank you [Yanzhao Gaoge] for the 100 reward
  Thank you [Book Friend 160817091182751] for the 100 reward of the boss
(End of this chapter)

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