Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 111 Probability Problems

Chapter 111 Probability Problems
Seeing Yu Dong wave his hand, the girls immediately protested, "Teacher Yu is so ruthless."

Yu Dong said with a smile: "You can ask questions before or after class every time. I will come to the classroom in advance. Now it is after class. Do you have any questions?"

They said they wanted to ask questions, but they shook their heads vigorously when they really asked, "No, no, see you next time, Teacher Yu."

After talking, the girls ran away together.

Hu Changqing walked over with his hands behind his back, and commented solemnly: "Yu Yu, your lecture is very good. It's easy to understand, and I also benefited a lot. This experiment was very successful, and we will continue to work hard."

Yu Dong said with a smile, "I will try not to disappoint the leader."

Hu Changqing nodded, and then walked out of the classroom slowly.

After he left, Feng Ming's three idiots ran over.

"Wonderful, really wonderful. I used to talk about Yan Normal University, but now I see Lao Yu in a class, it's really Lei Gong's fart—extraordinary." Feng Ming laughed.

He Yu jokingly said: "Old Feng, you don't give in too much, this flattery is really loud."

Yu Dong didn't want to pay attention to these three people, he tidied up his lesson plans and walked outside.

Feng Ming and the others followed behind, still giggling and not serious.Even Liu Changmin, who has always been prudent, was misled by them and said some nonsense.


When Tan Kai received Yu Dong's reply, his eyes had already started to shine, because according to the thickness of the letter, there must be a manuscript in it.

And judging by the thickness, it is very likely to be a novel, or at least a novella.

He couldn't wait to open the envelope, and sure enough, there was a letter and a stack of manuscripts inside.

The content of the letter was not much, only seven or eight lines in total. Tan Kai put it down after glancing at it, and then read the new manuscript seriously.

After spending more than an hour, Tan Kai finally finished reading "Prison No. [-]", and then heaved a long sigh of relief. The reversal at the end made his brain a little numb at that moment.

In fact, Tan Kai was a little disappointed when he saw the middle, because it can be seen from the previous story and the clues released by Yu Dong in the story that this prisoner named Lin An should be in a virtual world.

And this idea has actually been used in "Second World".

It's just that the background and characters have been changed, and the protagonist has become a prisoner.

Although some prison escape storylines have been added to add some freshness to the whole book, it is still unsatisfactory.

So when I read half of it, Tan Kai also had some troubles, should I let this manuscript pass?
Because "Second World" is being serialized, if there is another novel with a similar story type, I am afraid readers will comment.But it would be shameful not to give it, after all, this story is really interesting.

However, this problem was easily solved when I saw the final ending, and the big reversal at the end suddenly made this story different.

Although it only changed from one layer of virtuality to two layers of virtuality, the thinking it triggered was different.

After reading "The Second World", readers may think about what is the meaning of living in this world, whether it is the existence of thought or the existence of body.

But after watching "Prison No. [-]", readers will question whether reality exists.

"Yu Dong's exploration of the virtual world is really different from ordinary people."

Tan Kai sighed, and then remembered the previous "One Day".

"Prison No. [-]" has no similarities with "One Day", but Tan Kai thought of the possibility of "Prison No. [-]" being adapted into a movie because of "One Day".

He always feels that this "Prison No. [-]" is very suitable for adaptation into a movie, no matter in terms of writing technique or story structure.

Although Tan Kai doesn't understand movies, he feels that technically speaking, the difficulty of shooting "Prison No. [-]" should be lower than that of "Second World" and "Closed Loop".

Immediately, he took the manuscript and went to Yang Xiao's office.

Seeing Tan Kai holding a stack of manuscripts, Yang Xiao laughed, "Any good manuscripts?"

"Guess whose it is?"

"I guess it belongs to Yu Dong."

Tan Kai was taken aback, "How do you know?"

Yang Xiao pointed to the manuscript, "Only he uses such good paper."

Tan Kai looked at the manuscript in his hand, and suddenly said, "So that's how it is."

The paper used by Yu Dong is indeed better than that used by ordinary writers, and it has been so since the beginning.

The cost of submissions for writers is generally very low, and they usually only need to prepare their own ink.

There is no postage for manuscript submission, which saves postage first. As for manuscript paper, many writers simply ask for it from the magazine, and sometimes even ask for an envelope.

The manuscript paper given by the magazine is usually of average quality, and it will never be given to Yu Dong.

Writers who cannot get manuscript paper from magazines, the manuscript paper they buy themselves is mostly of lower quality.

In fact, Tan Kai sent manuscript paper to Yu Dong, but Yu Dong never used it.

"Show me the manuscript. You came here specially to prove that the manuscript did not disappoint you." Yang Xiao said with a smile.

Tan Kai nodded, and handed over the manuscript: "Indeed, the manuscript will definitely be published. Now there are two problems, one is that this manuscript is about [-] to [-] words, and it must be serialized. Second, I think this This novel has great potential to be made into a movie, should we fight with Yu Dong to get the film and television adaptation rights as well?"

"It's very difficult." Yang Xiao sighed before he saw the manuscript, "After the matter of "One Day", it becomes very difficult to buy the film and television adaptation rights of Yu Dong's novels. What do you think Can we get such a high price abroad?"

Tan Kai shook his head, "No, no one in the country can offer such a price. But foreign directors may not be able to buy his manuscript. This is also a matter of probability, right? And the probability may not be great."

"That's right, it's a matter of probability. But the problem is, you are willing to believe that there is no concept of foreign directors buying it, but Yu Dong is likely to be willing to believe the probability that it will be seen by foreigners. If you want to sell something, there are a hundred There is a 30/[-] chance that it can be sold for [-], are you willing to abandon this possibility and sell it for [-]?" Yang Xiao analyzed slowly.

After listening to Yang Xiao's words, Tan Kai also sighed. Yang Xiao has a better understanding of human nature than him.

As Yang Xiao said, if he really had something that might be worth 30, he would never sell it for [-].

Putting himself in the shoes of others, there is a high probability that Yu Dong will not accept the conditions offered by the magazine.

If you want to buy the film and television adaptation rights of "Prison No. [-]", you can only raise the price to the point where Yu Dong is satisfied.

But magazines can't do this, they can't spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy a film and television adaptation right.

 This chapter was supposed to be posted last night, but I forgot because of too much alcohol, sorry
(End of this chapter)

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