Chapter 11 Tan Kai
Yu Dong actually heard about the subscription certificate, but what he remembers most clearly is that the subscription certificate is also called the certificate of making a fortune. Anyway, as long as you buy this thing, you will definitely make a fortune.

As a Shanghai native, he has also had a living example by his side. One of his cousins ​​who was still in contact bought a subscription certificate and made a lot of money.

But as for when the subscription certificate was issued and how to purchase it, Yu Dong had no idea at all.

Thinking of this, Yu Dong became a little anxious. After all, it was Baoshan in front of him. It would be a pity to let it slip away.

Yu Dong has no business brain and is not very good at making money. When he was young in his previous life, he even regarded money as dung.

But after his illness, his thinking changed a lot.It was only because he had been ill and dragged down his family that he knew how important money was.

Now that he is reborn, he has quit smoking, but he can't guarantee that he will not get sick again.

If he really fell ill again, he would have to repeat the same mistakes, but fortunately it was his parents.

With money, at least when he gets sick again, he can be more calm, and the life of his parents will not be so difficult.

Even if he is not sick and has money to support, it will be easy to do something in the future.

For example, he once had a dream of running a magazine, but later the magazine fell out, and after the Internet became fashionable, he wanted to create a literary website.

If you want to do these things, you can't do it without money.

So Yu Dong began to pay attention to the stock market. He decided to take time to investigate the news and see when the subscription certificate would be issued.

If time is enough, he can save some capital during this time to buy more subscription certificates.If you don't have enough time, you can buy as many as you want, and you can earn as much as you want.


After a while, the students were officially in class, but Yu Dong became more relaxed. He occasionally went to see the students and held meetings for the students, and most of the rest of the time was at his own disposal.

Most of this free time is used by him to write novels, and the rest is pondering about stocks.

He inquired about the subscription certificate from various sides, but did not hear any specific news.No news is good news, at least it means that this will not happen in the short term, and it also gives him some time to prepare.


September [-], Rongcheng, "Science Fiction World" magazine.

Tan Kai sat in the office, dazed at the desktop with his pen cap, and what made him dazed was the stack of manuscripts on the desktop.

For "Science Fiction World", this manuscript seems a bit thick, and they generally only accept short stories.

This stack of manuscripts has a rough count of nearly 32 words, and the most important thing is that this is only one-eighth of the full text, which is estimated to be [-] words!

Usually, in such a situation, Tan Kai will return the manuscript, and then attach a rejection letter to tell the other party that it is not suitable.

But this time, Tan Kai hesitated.

Because he saw great potential in this novel.

Although the author only sent [-] words, not even the outline of the work, but only one-eighth of the content was enough to shock Tan Kai.

The writing of the novel is very good, the conception is good, and the rhythm is good... But these are not good enough to make Tan Kai hesitate. What really makes him hesitate is a different near-future world shown in these [-] characters.

He has never seen an author who can write about the near future so realistically and so meticulously, and many of them have wild imaginations that make people feel very reasonable.

For example, the mobile phones and social networks mentioned in the article... These two things are born out of mobile phones and computer networks at first glance, but they seem to be different things.

Mobile phones can not only make calls, but also send real-time telegrams anytime, anywhere, and even conduct face-to-face video communication.

In front of these things, Tan Kai no longer pays attention to the story behind.

He couldn't write a rejection letter, but... what if he didn't write a rejection letter? Could it really be sent to the magazine?
Do you want to connect?

How can this work? This method of forcing readers to buy is not easy to use. If it is not used properly, the already precarious "Science Fiction World" will die directly.

Or, contact the publisher to help with a single copy?
Which publisher would like?
Tan Kai went through several publishing houses that he could contact in his mind, and finally found that he was not sure of convincing any publishing house.On the one hand, the current science fiction market is not good. The aftermath of the "spiritual pollution" incident that happened a few years ago is still unresolved, and few publishing houses are willing to touch a domestic science fiction novel easily.

Just when the table was about to be knocked out, Tan Kai seemed to have made up his mind, grabbed the manuscript on the table, walked out of the office, and walked towards the office of the president Yang Xiao.

Yang Xiao is studying the sales data of these issues, combined with the recent news about science fiction literature in China, she has come to a conclusion that Chinese science fiction is developing in a good direction.

dong dong dong.

The knock on the door was urgent, and before Yang Xiao could answer the door, he looked up and saw Tan Kai hurried in.

"President Yang, look at this."

Yang Xiao looked at the manuscript on the table, and then at Tan Kai, she didn't know why editor-in-chief Tan, who has always been serious, behaved like this.

"What is this?" she asked.

"A novel."

"One?" Yang Xiao glanced at the thickness of the manuscript, "There must be tens of thousands of words, we..."

"More than that, this is only one-eighth of the full text, and the full text has more than 30 words."

"More than 30 words!?" Yang Xiao looked puzzled, and then seemed to understand something, she put her hand on the manuscript on the table, and said: "Editor Tan, I think we have reached a consensus that we will not accept long manuscripts. In other words, we don’t have the ability to accept it, if you really think it’s okay, I can help you contact the publisher.”

Tan Kai shook his head and only said, "Look at the manuscript first, and we'll talk about other things later."

Hearing Tan Kai's words, Yang Xiao stared at his face seriously for a while, and finally said helplessly, "Okay, I'll watch it."

"I suggest you watch it now."

If someone else talked to Yang Xiao like this, she would have slapped the table and let them get out.But Tan Kai is different. They paid a lot for "Sci-Fi World" together and walked side by side through ups and downs.

Moreover, Tan Kai has never been like this at ordinary times, and today is also abnormal.

Taking this into account, Yang Xiao was not angry, but nodded: "Then wait for me here."

She picked up the first page of the manuscript and saw the title of the work - The Second World.

Then she read it slowly, until she read [-] words, a question popped up in her mind - is this a science fiction?

(End of this chapter)

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