Chapter 12
After reading [-] words, Yang Xiao didn't even feel that he was holding a science fiction novel, because it was written in daily life.

The protagonist is a college student who goes to school, eats, and occasionally does sports every day...

It seems to be all the trivial things in life.

However, there are a lot of imaginative things hidden in these trivial lives, such as mobile phones, social networks, scan code payment... These things are perfectly integrated into daily life.

This caused Yang Xiao to not react for a while when he was watching it.

This is indeed a science fiction novel, but the author has perfectly integrated the science fiction elements in it into "reality", and unconsciously, he has shown readers a novel and impeccable near-future world.

Yang Xiao only read [-] words to know that this is definitely an excellent science fiction novel.

Now many sci-fi writers have entered a dead end, thinking that the focus of sci-fi is fantasy, as long as the imagination is rich enough and whimsical enough.

But in fact, this is not the case. Good science fiction works must have rigorous internal logic, and at the same time, they must not forget the word science.

A good science fiction novel should take into account the three major elements of science, fantasy, and literature, without one of them.

Just like when people write about spaceships, the shapes that often appear are flying saucers and bullets. Why, is it because of the lack of imagination of writers?Of course not, but because such a shape is based on some basis, a reasonable fantasy through its own knowledge.

This is why the elements in many science fiction works have become reality after many years, making the writer a "prophet".

Let's just say that one of the functions of the mobile phone in "Second World" - video calling, this is nothing new, and a similar picture has appeared in Arthur Clark's novels - passengers in the space capsule can visit the earth. people on the video chat.

Another example is the network, "Neuromancer" also wrote something similar.

It's just that "Second World" is written in more detail and specificity, and each link is linked to another link, and each link has another link for explanation.

As mentioned in the article, video calls are transmitted through the network, and the network is also divided into different forms, including satellite signals and ordinary network signals.

Of course, some people will say that many excellent science fiction works do not seem to be written so "hard-core", such as "Dune", which even contains such things as prophecy.

But Yang Xiao believes that even some "fantasy" sci-fi masterpieces such as "Dune" are scientifically traceable, and at least many people will not have a strong sense of disobedience when reading them.

This is the core of science fiction. No matter how outrageous things are, as long as there is a core related to science, there will be no problem.

It's like the writer wrote the same scene, a certain human being resurrected after being crushed into flesh, if the author just wrote that the human being was resurrected through some incredible energy, it would be fantastic.But if the author explains that this human remnant cell is genetically reproduced (or some other science and technology), no matter whether this science and technology can be realized now, then it is science fiction.

In addition, there is another point in the book "Second World" that makes Yang Xiao happy. Compared with most science fiction writers, the author of "Second World" is much more delicate and has a good control ability. powerful.

Combined, these elements prove that Second World is a rare and excellent work.

But, this is a long story.

She understands Tan Kai's performance somewhat, and in the face of such an excellent science fiction novel, she can't say anything to refuse.However, do they now have the ability not to say no?

"Science Fiction World" is just starting to gain momentum. At this time, they take the risk of publishing long stories. Maybe their magazine will be affected. In this case, their previous efforts will be in vain.

Yang Xiao is not a person who does not dare to take risks, but it also depends on whether it is worth it.

"Mr. Tan, what do you mean by yourself?" Yang Xiao put down the manuscript in his hand and looked up at Tan Kai.

Tan Kai was sitting in a chair thinking about something, when he heard Yang Xiao's words, he came back to his senses, shook his head and said, "I just came to you to discuss it because I have no idea."

Yang Xiao first looked at Tan Kai for a while, then turned his gaze to the door of the office.Although the door of the office was closed, the lively voices in the magazine hall could still be heard.

Since the annual meeting of the World Science Fiction Association was held and the name of the magazine was changed, the enthusiasm of the members has been very high.Inside and outside the magazine office, there is a thriving scene. If nothing else, the magazine society is getting better and better.

They're working in the right direction, and what's happened this year has taught them that, so as long as they're moving in the direction they've been working on before, they're finally heading for a bright future.

But Yang Xiao is not a conservative person, she is always a little adventurous, otherwise she would not be staggering forward under the heavy pressure of the magazine.

Therefore, the manuscript in front of her has already made her heart ache.

Although she can achieve about [-] points, there is a chance that she can achieve [-] points, and she always wants to try it.

"In this way, write a letter to ask the author if he can make a trip, bring his full manuscript, let's discuss it, and tell him that we can reimburse..." Having said this, Yang Xiao shook his head again, "This is too slow. , let me take a trip, just in time to go to Shanghai, Jinling is not very far from Shanghai."

"It's not too close," said Tan Kai.

"The hundreds of kilometers of road is worth it. Even if this is not possible, this writer must make good friends." Yang Xiao said.


For the manuscript of "Zhong Shan", Yu Dong quickly finished the first draft, but the length was a bit beyond expectation, with more than 1 words written.

The range given by Su Tong was [-] to [-] words, and Yu Dong suddenly exceeded [-].

He also wanted to make some deletions, but found that the more than 1 characters he wrote by Xin Ma Youxuan were difficult to delete and edit. It took several days to delete [-] characters to [-]. Adding punctuation marks deleted seven hundred words.

If you delete it again, it doesn't feel right.

He wrote this novel based on Jinling's myth and legend "Nuwa mending the sky". In Jinling folklore, Nuwa mend the sky with five-colored stones, but one accidentally dropped a piece.

And this stone fell on Jinling. After the stone fell, it smashed into a pit, becoming Xuanwu Lake, and bounced to the side to become a mountain, which is Zijin Mountain.

In Yu Dong's "Mending the Sky", the process of all this happening is described from the perspective of ordinary citizens.In mythology, the story of three words and a few words seems a bit joking, but from the perspective of ordinary citizens, all this is like a catastrophe.

 Thanks to the book friend 20170225091039329 for the 500 reward
(End of this chapter)

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