Chapter 13 Reading Poems
In "Mending the Sky", Nu Wa didn't even appear on the stage, everything is a story of the world.

On a certain day of a certain year, a white halo appeared in the sky of Jinling, followed by a lewd rain, which was closed for several months.

When the halo first appeared, people in Jinling thought it was auspicious, so they held a big ceremony to celebrate this auspiciousness. People looked at the halo above their heads every day when they went out, and felt that they were blessed by gods. Jinling City was full of happy people. breath.

After a few days, it started to rain.

But the people of Jinling didn't take it seriously. It would rain every few days in Jinling, and it would be strange if it didn't rain.

It wasn't until the rain showed no sign of stopping for more than ten days that people felt something was wrong.

At this time, some people said that the rain came out of that aperture.

Originally, people didn't think about this, but once they heard this statement, when they looked up at the halo in the sky, it became more and more reasonable.

The rain must have come out of the aperture.

Some people say that if there is a hole in the sky, that aperture is a hole.

People quickly accepted this statement, but people also wondered why there was water leakage in the hole. It is reasonable to say that if there is a hole, the stars in the sky should fall.

Some people also say that the sky is more than one layer, there is another sky in the sky, the sky has 33 layers, the first layer is broken now, those stars are not on the first layer, there is only the Milky Way in the first layer, and the rain that is falling now is in the Milky Way of water.

But soon, Jinling people did not have the heart to think about these issues, because the rain was getting heavier and heavier, and Jinling City had been flooded in many places.

The crops were gone, the vegetables and fruits were gone, and the people of Jinling started to die, in various ways.

Some drowned, more starved to death, and the bodies were left untreated and just floated on the water.

The commoners could not run, and could only kneel on the ground every day to pray for the sky, while the dignitaries were divided into two factions.

One group of people chose to move westward with their property before Jinling was flooded and find a higher place to live in. They believed that the day when the water in the Tianhe River could not have been drained, they would be safe as long as they found a high place. .

The other group thinks that the water in the Tianhe River is endless, and it is useless to escape anywhere, so they plan to get a lot of large ships to form a boat formation to search for food and seeds as much as possible, even if the earth is flooded, they can life on board.

But Jinling only had so much food, and there was a contradiction between the first and second factions.In order to prevent the first faction from taking away the food, the second faction launched an attack. After a major battle, the second faction won a tragic victory.

After the victory, the second faction kept building ships and looking for ships. After half a year of the aperture, they finally had enough [-] ships.

These large and small boats were filled with grain, seeds, livestock, soil... They were dragged to the shore and linked together with thick chains to form a huge group of boats.

The dignitaries felt that they needed some servants and workers, so they recruited them from the outside world. If they wanted to board the ship, they had to pass many reviews. The most basic thing was to bring [-] catties of rice, or other food that was not too much.

There are also some who have been "specially recruited". For example, some women are good-looking, some can steer, some can cook, some can sing, some can play the piano...

Anyway, as long as it has the characteristics that nobles fancy, it can be "specially recruited" to board the ship.

Moreover, in order to live a better life on the ship, the nobles formulated a series of "laws" and also divided the people on the ship into ranks.

The level determines the daily food quota and the rights that can be enjoyed. If the level is too low, it will only be thrown off the ship in the end.

Throwing people off boats is for population control, and those who enacted these laws see the practice as "preparing for a rainy day."

But when everything was ready and the nobles began to board the ship first, a boulder fell from the sky.

At that time, the nobles were organizing a meeting, and suddenly someone saw a small dot in the sky. At first, he didn't care, but then the dot got bigger and bigger, and the man screamed.

There was chaos on the boat, and a few people ran away, but most of them didn't even have time to think about running when the boulder hit them.

In an instant, one hundred and five boats disappeared under the stone.

The boulder smashed a big hole on the ground and bounced back to stand beside it.

The water around the big pit slowly flowed into the pit, and the rain in the sky stopped. It didn’t take long for the sun to come out and the water in Jinling to slowly recede.


The main point of view in "Mending the Sky" is a teenage apprentice shipbuilder. At first, he got food by helping the nobles build ships, and was barely able to support his family.

But he was unlucky. He accidentally fell from a height while building the boat and broke his legs.

The nobles couldn't be so kind to feed an apprentice boatman with broken legs, so they sent him off the ship.

After losing the shipbuilding job, the boatman apprentice family lost their source of life, but they had to heal his legs, and the last one starved to death.

The boatman also died in the end, but before he died, he saw the boulder smash the boats into the pit, showing his last smile in the world.



Yu Dong let out a long breath, and he stretched his waist fiercely, ready to get up and go out for a walk.

He had smelled enough of the air in the house.

Although the first draft was written quickly, the writing process has always been a state of mind wandering, but even writing and revising it also consumed a lot of his mind.

He decided to take the manuscript to the "Zhongshan" magazine tomorrow and show it to Su Tong, and ask him for his opinion first.

As soon as he walked out the door, he saw Liu Changmin competing with the well killing in the yard.

This hand-killing has taken a long time, and some of them are not very easy to use. It takes a lot of effort to press the rod down.

Liu Changmin lifted the pole up, then jumped up and pressed it with his own body weight, the pole was slowly pressed down, and the water gurgled out.

Yu Dong looked funny, laughed and joked: "Mr. Liu, you should eat more, if you lose weight, you will be ignored."

Liu Changmin was still in the "mid-air", when he heard Yu Dong's words, he held his breath and said, "It's okay, if I can't hold it down, I'll carry two big rocks on my back."

Yu Dong gave a thumbs up, "Gao Ming."

At this moment, Liu Changmin completely suppressed the well, and he was relieved. He smiled and said, "Where are you going?"

"The weather is nice, let's go for a walk."

"Well, it's good." Liu Changmin nodded.

Yu Dong smiled: "Yeah, you should be busy first, I'm leaving."

Just a few steps away, Liu Changmin stopped him, "Some teachers have made an appointment to read poetry together on Saturday. Do you have time, Mr. Yu?"

"Read poetry." Yu Dong scratched his head and asked, "What time is Saturday?"

"Starting at three o'clock in the afternoon, in Building [-]."

"Okay, I'll go there then."

(End of this chapter)

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