Chapter 14 The Misty Poetry
Yu Dong has participated in the poetry reading club in Liu Changmin's mouth many times, so he is no stranger to it.

In later generations, the word literary and artistic youth may have some different meanings, but in this era, the literary and artistic youth is the literary and artistic youth, which is only a literal meaning.

Anyone who has read books for a few years has some meanings of literary youth.

Everyone likes to get together to read and read poetry.

Liu Changmin and the others have a very small circle of poetry reading, including some teachers in Jinling Art Academy, and only seven or eight people participate each time.

In the past two years, Beidao, Haizi, Gu Cheng, and Shu Ting have become popular. The Misty Poetry School is very popular.

Poets of the present, like the stars of later generations, have fanatical fans.People who like their poems do more than just appreciate the works.

Things like "my brother work hard" are already the rest of the game.

Fans will devote their hottest hearts to their idols and treat them as gods.

Later, some people said that the 90s was the most prosperous period of Chinese modern poetry. Not only were there many excellent poets, but even ordinary readers could participate in it.

In fact, there is no such thing as tall and high, but it is just another form of fan culture.

Yu Dong clearly remembered that even in Liu Changmin's small circle of seven or eight people, there were often disagreements.

For example, Gu Cheng.

In the past two years, Gu Cheng lived in New Zealand and lived on an island with his wife, but there were rumors that Gu Cheng engaged in polygamy and lived with other women on the island.

There are many theories about this woman, some say it is a foreign woman Gu Cheng met in New Zealand, and some say it is a woman Gu Cheng met in China before.

Such a statement angered Gu Cheng's fans, who thought that these messages were completely dirty water splashed by people who didn't like Gu Cheng. All these things, polygamy and empathy, were non-existent.

Their Gu Cheng is an innocent man like a fairy tale. He loves his wife so much that they will live happily ever after on the island.

In the poetry club, if someone says that Gu Cheng is not good, he will definitely be angry with Gu Cheng's fans.

Apart from Gu Cheng, the most popular in the past two years should be Hai Zi.

Haizi was already famous in the literary and art circles, but he really reached the peak after he fell on the track.

Someone once said: People generally prefer the works of the dead.

Although this statement is a bit biased, it is not without merit.Literary and artistic workers always gain a higher reputation after death.

And Hai Zi really died very "literary".

I don't know since when, suicide and terminal illness have become standard for literary and artistic masters. As long as a certain writer is alive or died normally, then they are not literary and artistic enough.

Is Haizi an excellent poet?
Of course he is.

But in the eyes of many people, Haizi has become the god of modern poetry, but whenever modern poetry is mentioned, people can only think of Haizi.

Again this is clearly not right.

After the success of the new culture, various schools of poetry have emerged one after another. The Misty Poetry School is just a handful of clear water in the long river of history. There are many poets who are better than Haizi and Gu Cheng, and there are many poems that are better than their poems.

But only Haizi and the others are remembered, besides their good poetry, it is also related to the way of death.

Yu Dong actually didn't like modern poetry very much, but he agreed to Liu Changmin's invitation because he wanted to meet the acquaintances of those poetry clubs.


The next day, Yu Dong took the manuscript of "Mending the Sky" to Zhongshan Magazine.

This time, I was familiar with the road in the east and walked straight through the hall of the magazine, knocking on the door of the editor-in-chief's office.

When the door was opened, Yu Dong looked at the person who opened the door with a surprised expression.

The person who opened the door was a middle-aged man who Yu Dong had seen before, the one who asked for directions at the door when he first came here.

When the other party saw Yu Dong, he was a little surprised at first, and then laughed again, "You are Teacher Yu Dong."

"I don't dare to be a teacher, you can just call me Yu Dong, hello." Yu Dong nodded and said.

"Haha, you are here to submit the manuscript, I'm done here, you go in." The man smiled, then walked past Yu Dong and entered the office next door.

Yu Dong glanced at the door of the office next door, which read "Deputy Editor's Office".

He raised his eyebrows, but he didn't expect that man to be the deputy editor-in-chief of Zhongshan Magazine.

"What, you two met before?" Su Tong, who was sitting behind the desk, said with a smile.

Su Tong saw everything that happened at the door just now, that's why he asked this question.

Yu Dong walked towards Su Tong and said as he walked, "I can't talk about acquaintances, when I came last time, the first person I saw was him, and I asked him the way, is he the deputy editor of the magazine? "

"Well, he is the deputy editor-in-chief He Yongle, an old man of the magazine. He joined the magazine as a literary editor not long after the publication was launched." Su Tong lit a cigarette, then waved to Dong and motioned him to sit on the sofa.

The two sat down on the sofa opposite each other. Su Tong took the manuscript from Yu Dong. He did not rush to read the content, but weighed the manuscript with his hands.

"This manuscript is not light, is it just one?" Su Tong said somewhat unexpectedly.

Regarding the length of the manuscript, he had told Yu Dong and the others before that the manuscript needed for this time was [-] to [-] words, and the manuscript in his hand definitely exceeded [-].

"Well, it's just one article, with a total of [-] words." Yu Dong said.

"[-] words." Su Tong's brows furrowed, "I mentioned the space limit before, did you notice Yu Dong?"

Yu Dong nodded and replied, "Of course, three to eight thousand words."


"I know it's too long, but there's no other way. I've changed it several times and can't delete it anymore. This time I'm here to let you see the manuscript, if you can, if you can't..."

Yu Dong's meaning is obvious, if it can't be done, then forget it.

It’s not long before the next issue is finalized, and now even if Yu Dong is allowed to revise it, I’m afraid there won’t be enough time.Although Su Tong asked Yu Dong for the draft, he would definitely not put eggs in his basket, he must have left behind.

Therefore, even if Yu Dong's manuscript cannot be used, the impact on the magazine will not be too great.

Su Tong nodded responsibly, "Okay, let me read the manuscript first. You can sit here and wait for a while, and I will read the manuscript now."

"It's okay, I'll wait."

Su Tong hummed, and then seriously looked at the manuscript of "Mending the Sky".

For Yu Dong, Su Tong has high hopes, but he also knows that Yu Dong is inexperienced in writing, so he may not be able to deliver outstanding works.

Therefore, he has already prepared second-hand preparations. If Yu Dong can't hand in the manuscript, he has several other manuscripts of decent quality in his hand.

 Thank you [One Curtain Dream Emperor Sleepless] 100 reward
(End of this chapter)

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