Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 15 Magical Realism and Symbolism

Chapter 15 Magical Realism and Symbolism
Before starting to read it, Su Tong didn't have high expectations for this manuscript.

In all fairness, it is hard for Su Tong to believe that the quality of this manuscript can be guaranteed after submitting a manuscript of [-] words so quickly.

But when Su Tong read the previous paragraph, his views changed a bit, because from the perspective of this novel alone, it can be judged that this is by no means a shoddy work.

He glanced at Yu Dong, who was staring at the tea cup on the coffee table seriously, as if there was something striking on the tea cup.

Su Tong couldn't help but glanced at the teacup on the coffee table again.

There seems to be nothing to see.

Shaking his head, Su Tong continued to focus on the manuscript in his hand.

The initial angle of view attracted him to continue to look down, and the light circle that appeared behind made Su Tong refreshed.

This... Su Tong suddenly remembered Marquez. As the most well-known foreign writer in China in this era, Marquez definitely had a profound influence on Chinese writers, and Yu Dong's novel had a strong beginning. of magical realism.

In other words, Yu Dong's magicism has been uncovered, even more straightforward than Marquez.

Since Marquez became famous, there have been many works imitating his style in China.However, these imitated works are only physical but not soul, and it is awkward to look at them.

Those writers always focus on the Latin American continent of Marquez, but ignore the core of the work. The background and style of the writing are different.

Yu Dong's novel is somewhat different. Although there are some shadows of magical realism, it does not copy Marquez's routine.

Looking further down, Su Tong found some other things. Yu Dong seems to be very good at it and likes to use symbolism very much.

The halo in the sky, the continuous rain, the huge Funamura... There are many such symbols in the novel. As for what you want to express with these symbols, it depends on your opinions.

The most rare thing is that Yu Dong's main structure is very clear, the main line and branch lines of the story are very rich, but very clear.

You know, this novel is only [-] words.

Think about how many things Yu Dong explained with these [-] words.

The main line of the story, the branch line of the main perspective, the development route of Funamura, the contradiction and struggle between the two factions of dignitaries...

After Su Tong read the entire novel, he sighed deeply.

He always remembered what Yu Dong said just now that the novel could not be deleted or corrected, so when reading the book, he was always looking for something that could be deleted or corrected.

But the more he looked at it, the more frightened he became, because he found that there was really no place to delete or modify it.

In many places, he felt that if it were him, he would not be able to express the meaning of the book in such concise words.

After reading the whole novel, the first four words that popped out of Su Tong's heart were: Hearty.

Yes, it is hearty.

In the novel of more than 1 words, except for a glance at Yu Dong, Su Tong didn't take his eyes off at all, and read the whole story without stopping.

Su Tong put down the manuscript, touched a pocket and couldn't find a cigarette, so he rubbed his face impatiently.

"Wait for me for a while."

Su Tong said to Yu Dong, and then hurried out of the office.

One minute later, Su Tong came back again with a lit cigarette in his mouth.

His face became soothed with the smoke. After sitting down on the sofa again, he pressed the manuscript with his left hand and said with emotion, "Yu Dong, you exceeded my expectations."

Looking at Su Tong, Yu Dong could probably guess from his expression that he was still very satisfied with his manuscript.

But Su Tong's words were not easy to answer, so Yu Dong just nodded slightly.

Su Tong continued: "To be honest, when I proposed the direction of folk mythology, I didn't think too much in this direction. If I was asked to write it at that time, I would be at a loss. But you are different. It is also very in line with the direction of our draft selection, and has made an organic combination of Chinese myths and Jinling folklore. And through folklore, the idea of ​​the article is suddenly elevated, and it has been elevated to the construction of human social civilization. …”

When it comes to the content of the novel, Su Tong talks freely, and it can be seen that he really likes this novel.

"I haven't read such an exciting short story for a long time after "The Precept"." Su Tong concluded at the end.

This surprised Yu Dong.

What is "Being Precepted" is Wang Zengqi's masterpiece, and it was later selected as the most influential work in the 40 years of Kaikai.

And Su Tong even directly compared "Mending the Sky" with "Being Precepts", which is the supreme admiration for "Mending the Sky".

Yu Dongji liked the novel "The Precepts" to the point where it was deeply rooted. When he heard Su Tong compliment him so much, in addition to being a little honored, he was more apprehensive.

How can his works be compared with "Precepts"?

"No, no, brother, you are really overrated." Yu Dong said quickly.

Su Tong said, "I'm just expressing my own feelings, and I don't know why. After reading this novel of yours, I felt a little anxious and wanted to write a story like this."

"That's good, I believe that you can write very good works, Brother Shi," Yu Dong said.

He is not flattering Su Tong, but his sincere words from the bottom of his heart.In fact, his "Mending the Sky" was inspired by Su Tong's "Bi Nu", but Su Tong has not published this novel yet.

It's just that Su Tong doesn't know about this.He took a sip and moved the topic to Yu Dong's novel, "This novel is used by the "Zhongshan" magazine."

Yu Dong didn't expect Su Tong to make such a straightforward decision. He originally thought he would think about it for a while.

"Then this picture..."

"Length is not a problem. It's not like there is a gap of [-] words for the first issue of "Zhongshan". Besides, I already have space for the space I set before, and the other people will definitely not use the space specified. It's all used up, so just give you what other people don't use."

Hearing what Su Tong said, Yu Dong was relieved. He nodded and said, "If that's the case, I can be considered lucky. After all, it's the first time you asked me for a draft, so you can't lose face."

Hearing Yu Dong's words, Su Tong laughed and said, "After all this, you still have the mentality of handing in homework. But it doesn't matter, just hand in the homework. "

(End of this chapter)

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