Chapter 16 Hello, Teacher Yu!
There are still many things to do at Yu Dong's school, so he left without staying in Su Tong's office for too long.

However, when he left the publishing house, he met Ye Zhaoyan. The two met at the door of the deputy editor's office. Yu Dong took the initiative to greet Ye Zhaoyan. Ye Zhaoyan glanced at Yu Dong, nodded lightly, and went straight into Su Tong's office. .

Yu Dong was left out, but he didn't feel anything, he turned his head and walked out of the magazine.

Back at the academy, Yu Dong was stopped by Uncle Zhou in the reception room: "You are Mr. Yu Dong, I have your letter."

Hearing his own letter, Yu Dong subconsciously thought it was a reply from "Science Fiction World". He also thought that the speed of sending and replying the letter was not the same as he remembered, and the reply came so quickly.

But after he got the letter, he realized that he was wrong. It was not a reply from "Science Fiction World" at all, but a letter from his girlfriend Xia Yangyan from Yanjing.

It was probably a letter of breakup. Although it came a while earlier than I remembered, Yu Dong wasn't too surprised because he didn't contact Xia Yangyan at all during this time.

It may be because of the neglect on his side that Xia Yangyan accelerated the rhythm of breaking up.

But this time he was wrong again. When he returned to the dormitory and opened the letter, he realized that it was not a breakup letter at all.

On the contrary, this is a love letter that expresses the feeling of longing.

In the letter, Xia Yangyan first said something about her after graduation, and then expressed her loneliness after moving away, and finally asked why Yu Dong had not heard from her for more than two months.

Such a love letter surprised Yu Dong. According to memory, even if Xia Yangyan did not propose to break up at this time, it should be soon.Moreover, after graduating from the previous life, Xia Yangyan never took the initiative to write to him.

It was always when he wrote a letter of several pages, and when she replied a few paragraphs, the breakup was foreshadowed.

This is still difficult for Yu Dong.

As for Xia Yangyan's girlfriend, what Yu Dong thought was to wait until she took the initiative to break up and follow the rhythm of the previous life.

But now that such a letter was suddenly sent, he couldn't figure it out. Did Xia Yangyan deliberately write such a letter to hide her thoughts of breaking up, or did things change and she didn't want to break up?

If it's the former, Yu Dong doesn't care, as long as it's a big deal to play with her in this scene.

But if it is the latter, it is troublesome.

Now Yu Dong wants to break up.

Otherwise, regardless of whether Xia Yangyan was acting or changed her mind, she would just send a letter of breaking up and cut off the connection between the two of them?
But this made him feel very disadvantaged, because the person who was always in chaos and abandoned became him.Although he did this because he was hurt in the last life, other people don't know. If he really does this, he will definitely be pressured by public opinion in the future.

It was Xia Yangyan who became a poor woman who was abandoned.

Yu Dong is not an all-inclusive saint, nor is he a person who doesn't care about other people's opinions, so he doesn't want to do this.

After thinking about it, Yu Dong decided to write a letter to Xia Yangyan. In the letter, Yu Dong first said how busy he was with work recently, and then said that he had gradually adapted to the life of Jinling, although the development of Jinling was not as good as that of Yan. Beijing, but the victory lies in tranquility and comfort.

He said that he wanted to settle in Jinling in the future, and he also thought about how they would live in Jinling after they got married.

After writing the letter, Yu Dong was busy sending it out.

After sending the letter, Yu Dong went to the playground.

The school is preparing to hold the Autumn Track and Field Games at the end of September. Now that the students in each class have begun to prepare, Yu Dong, as a counselor, naturally has to take responsibility.

Moreover, all the students he brought were freshmen, and he was not familiar with the school's sports meeting process, so he had to pay more attention.

When Yu Dong arrived, the school playground was already very lively, and many classes were training square formations on the playground.

There are not many students in Jinyi, and the venue is not very good. The scale of the games is definitely not comparable to top universities such as Yanda and Shuimu, nor is it comparable to Yudong's alma mater, Yanjing Normal University.

But in the universities of this era, the importance of sports games is definitely higher than that of later generations.

Twenty or thirty years later, although there are more and more people in the school, fewer and fewer people actually participate in the sports meeting.

In many school sports games, athletes and students from various student organizations participate. Other students may also stand in a square team and walk through the field at the opening, and play their own games for the rest of the time.

Many times, the playground is full of gongs and drums, and the bedroom is dark.

A major with 200 people usually cannot make up a double-digit cheerleading team.

But it's different now. Whether it's students or schools, they attach great importance to sports games and invest a lot.

A slip of black rubber shoes, dark green military uniform, and the vanguard still holds a rifle in his hand.

Yu Dong even saw a float. This float has not been decorated yet. It is a wooden body with four wheels, which looks very simple.However, after the students decorate, the floats will be painted with various colorful paintings, colorful flowers and red flags.

When the games start, some students will stand on the floats and do various shapes, and some coolies will be responsible for pushing the floats behind.

Students from the Department of Arts and Crafts occupy the southeast corner of the playground, and the monitor Qu Aiguo is organizing the students to line up.

"Everyone shows the state of military training. Our arts and crafts department has a short history, but we can't let other majors underestimate us. We have 23 people, but we must show the momentum of 230 people."

Qu Aiguo's voice was loud, and when he shouted from the southeast corner, students from other majors around him also looked over.

Seeing the gazes of other majors, the students of the Arts and Crafts Department straightened their backs unconsciously.

Yu Dong nodded, Qu Aiguo did have a spirit that could mobilize other people's emotions.

He watched from a distance for a while, then walked over.

Seeing Yu Dong passing by, Qu Aiguo hurriedly raised his hand and shouted, "Take a break, Teacher Yu is here, let's welcome Teacher Yu, come, 1, 2, 3—"

"Hello, Teacher Yu!" All the students of the Arts and Crafts Department shouted in unison.

Their voices were surprisingly neat and sounded imposing.

Yu Dong was taken aback, he had never experienced this scene in his last life.Looking at it like this, they should have practiced in advance, otherwise it would be impossible to shout so neatly.

He looked at Qu Aiguo, who had a proud look on his face, and understood that this kid had arranged this.

Students from other majors have not seen this battle, and many students have given thumbs up. Good guy, this is a student from the Department of Arts and Crafts.

(End of this chapter)

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