Chapter 113
The boss' nephew needed a job, so Ruan Xiaohu lost his job.

However, Yu Dong didn't see the slightest complaint from Ruan Xiaohu's face, he was very calm about his unemployment.

"Aren't you angry that the boss hired relatives instead of you?" Yu Dong asked with a smile.

Ruan Xiaohu shook his head, "The shop is owned by the boss, he has the final say on who to use. He didn't short my salary, so I have no reason to be angry with him."

Yu Dong hummed, then opened the door: "Come in first."

After entering the room, Ruan Xiaohu first returned "A Premeditated Murder" which he had borrowed from here last time, and then handed in his review this time.

Regarding this book, Ruan Xiaohu mentioned two points in his testimonials. One is that the stories described in the book are too coincidental. The mentality makes people feel cold. It is not just the two murderers with knives who killed the protagonist Santiago, and these spectators cannot escape responsibility.

Ruan Xiaohu's post-reading impressions became more and more pure, which made Yu Dong feel relieved that he had indeed been able to obtain enough nutrients from reading.

After reading Ruan Xiaohu's post-reading impressions, Yu Dong asked with a smile, "Apart from these, do you have any other feelings about the narrative structure of this book?"

Ruan Xiaohu was stunned: "Teacher Yu, didn't you tell me to try not to pay attention to these things?"

"It's okay, let's chat casually."

Ruan Xiaohu thought for a while, and said: "When I read this book, I felt a little strange. The author's way of telling the story is different from the books I usually read, and at the beginning of the book, I saw the main character died. , there is a feeling in the back, I have been waiting to see how the protagonist dies."

"Do you think it fits well with the title of the book "A Premature Murder Case"?"

Ruan Xiaohu nodded: "Well, I have this feeling. Not only the murderer in it is very public, but the author is also very public. Teacher Yu, is this a flashback technique?"

"Do you think so?" Yu Dong asked back.

"I don't know, it feels like it, and it doesn't feel like it."

Yu Dong explained to him with a smile, "You can think of it as a complex flashback technique. In essence, it is indeed a flashback. But it is different from the flashbacks we have seen before. It has a beginning and an end, and finally forms a A closed loop. The key lies in the performance of the content between the beginning and the end, and the chain structure in this novel just perfectly connects the first and last parts together."

Speaking of the narrative structure of this book, Yu Dong himself couldn't help admiring in his heart.

It is magical realism that made Marquez famous all over the world, but his contribution to narrative structure cannot be ignored.

Compared with the circular opening of "One Hundred Years of Solitude", this "A Premeditated Murder" expresses the circular structure to the extreme in the full text.

There are too many writers in China who have been influenced by Marquez. In Yu Dong's circle of friends, Su Tong, Mo Yan, and Yu Hua all imitated Marquez.

Including Yu Dong himself, when creating, the shadow of Marquez often appears in his mind.

The reason why Yu Dong wanted to tell Ruan Xiaohu about this today is because he felt that Ruan Xiaohu could get in touch with a little bit of narrative now, which would be very helpful for interpreting the work.

However, after listening to Yu Dong's words, Ruan Xiaohu still half understood. He vaguely understood the difference between Yu Dong's narrative method and flashbacks, but he didn't fully understand.

And Yu Dong didn't expect Ruan Xiaohu to understand with just a few words, these things were too far away for him, as long as he left an impression in his heart now, it could be regarded as planting a seed.

"Go and find it yourself, which book do you want to borrow this time?" Yu Dong pointed to the cabinet and said to Ruan Xiaohu who was still in a daze.

But Ruan Xiaohu shook his head, "Teacher Yu, I'm not going to borrow this time. I'm looking for a new job now, and I don't know what I'm going to do in the future. Whether I can come here often, or even in Jinling I'm not sure. Let me borrow books after I find a job and settle down."

Yu Dong looked at Ruan Xiaohu for a while, and said, "Borrow the book first, read it if you have time, and put it away if you don't have time. If you really want to leave Jinling, come and tell me."

Ruan Xiaohu finally borrowed the book, this time he borrowed "Shackles of Life".

If it was the first time meeting Ruan Xiaohu, Yu Dong would definitely not suggest him to borrow this book.

Now after such a long time of contact, Yu Dong has a better understanding of Ruan Xiaohu, and feels that he can read this book.

Many literary works are not suitable for young people to read, because there are many plots that go against tradition, and some young people whose values ​​are not stable will be unable to distinguish between literary works and reality, and cannot withstand the impact of these plots.

After Ruan Xiaohu left with the book, Yu Dong put away the manuscript of "Lu Xiulan" on the table and prepared to write another book.

The title of "Lu Xiulan" was decided by Su Tong. Yu Dong thought of a few names before and felt that they were not good enough. Su Tong saw that he was struggling with naming, so he said that he should use the protagonist's name.

When Yu Dong heard it, he thought it was okay, so he took advantage of the situation.

The novel I am about to write is a manuscript promised to "Harvest". A few days ago, because of the revision of "Lu Xiulan", I have not freed up my hands.

The new novel is called "Hou Yi". When writing "Prison No. [-]" before, Yu Dong hesitated between the two novels which one to write first, and finally chose "Prison No. [-]".

Yu Dong also conceived the novel "Hou Yi" for a long time. Before that, he had always wanted to write a novel related to history. After much deliberation, he finally set his sights on Hou Yi.

The Houyi he wanted to write about was not the "Houyi" who shot the sun, but Houyi Youqiong, the sixth emperor of the Xia Dynasty.

In fact, the one who shot the sun in the early myths was not called Hou Yi, but Yi.

It's just that Hou Yi was also good at shooting because he was poor, and later folk myths confused these two characters.

There is also a saying that Youqian Houyi also named himself Yi because he worshiped Yi shooting the sun.

After Xia Qi's death, his son Taikang succeeded to the throne. Taikang ignored state affairs all day long, indulged in hunting, and the regime gradually loosened.Once he was so excited to hunt that he went out for a hundred days without returning.

Youqiong Houyi, the leader of a tribe in the lower reaches of the Yellow River, saw Taikang go hunting, so he took the opportunity to raise troops to stop Taikang on the south bank of Luoshui River, unable to return home.After seizing power, Youqiong Houyi first played the trick of "holding the emperor to order the princes", established two consecutive emperors, and then exiled the then emperor Si to make himself emperor.

Later, Youpo Houyi was addicted to hunting and mistrusted treacherous officials, so Han Yun killed him and usurped the throne.

Because the Xia Dynasty did not leave detailed written records, later people's descriptions of history are also different. It is also said that Hou Yi did not usurp the throne, but has always been in power.

Guiqiu monthly ticket, recommendation ticket
 Thank you [shawn Sean] for the 500 reward
(End of this chapter)

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