Chapter 114 Intertextuality
Yu Dong wanted to write "Hou Yi" not to compile history books, nor to refute so-and-so's view of history. He just felt that this semi-legendary history had a lot to dig out in the expression of human nature.

In fact, Ye Zhaoyan also wrote "Hou Yi" later, but that book was written because of "Binu". He desperately wanted to apply the story to mythology, and finally wrote scattered things. Even Ye Zhaoyan's other works are not up to the standard.

However, Yu Dong's "Hou Yi" may have exaggerated performances, but it will not be confused with the mythical story of "Hou Yi shoots the sun".

In Yudong's "Hou Yi", there is a member of the Youqiong family who was born with supernatural powers and was good at archery since he was a child. People in the tribe always compare him with the legendary Yi.Because he has been good at archery for generations, everyone calls him Si Yi.

In such an environment, Si Yi fantasized since he was a child that one day he would become a great hero to save the common people.

Later, when he heard that Emperor Taikang was tyrannical, he felt that the time had come for him to save the common people, so he sent troops to Luoshui to stop Taikang while Taikang was hunting.

Across Luoshui, the two drew their bows and shot at each other. Si Yi raised his hand and shot Taikang's arm off with an arrow.Although Taikang saved his life, he was afraid and never dared to cross Luoshui again.

At this time, Si Yi just felt that he had saved the common people, and he didn't want to become emperor yet.But then he gradually felt that his dream had not been fulfilled, so he thought about finding and shooting monsters all day long, and even hoped that a few suns would pop up in the sky for him to shoot down.

One day Han Yun told him that in order to be born with a vision, he must first become emperor.

In order to fulfill his dream of being a hero, he proclaimed himself emperor, and then spent several years gathering people to help him find traces of monsters.Until one day, when he was disheartened and complained about Han Yun, Han Yun ordered him to capture him.

Before Han Yun killed Si Yi, he told him with his ears that the monster was not elsewhere, but right in front of him.Si Yi is so tyrannical that he has already become a monster in the hearts of the people, but this monster will be killed by him Han Yun.

When Si Yi died, the people danced and clapped their hands to celebrate.

But later it was discovered that Han Yun was also tyrannical, and people began to beautify Si Yi again, calling him Hou Yi, which meant that he was recognized as a monarch, and it also meant that Han Yun was usurping the throne.

In order to increase readers' reading experience, Yu Dong specially strengthened the intertextuality of the novel "Houyi". Rich imagination.

Yu Dong graduated from the Department of Chinese. He thinks more when writing, and is very influenced by rhetoric.

This time he deliberately let the "author die", freeing readers from the authority of a single textual meaning and the concept of an omnipotent author, and giving the freedom of reading to the readers.

In fact, this kind of novels related to history have more or less achieved this.Because the history is there, every reader has a history in their minds. When they read a novel, they will interpret the novel based on the historical texts they have read before.

And some things just need additional historical text comparisons to reflect the complete meaning.

This is also the case in some rebirth online novels of later generations.When describing the era, many things are interpreted by readers based on other texts they have read or even the experience of the era.

It's just that Yu Dong deliberately highlighted this point in the novel. In terms of character changes, the whole novel is somewhat similar to Yao Xueyin's "Li Zicheng". The dragon slayer eventually becomes a dragon.

Maybe many readers will think of "Li Zicheng" when they read "Hou Yi", and the intertextuality is reflected at this time.

"Hou Yi" is the fastest novel written by Yu Dong. From the afternoon of Saturday, he wrote the first draft of more than 3 words until the next night.This is mainly due to the fact that he has conceived this novel for a long time before, and the story in his mind has already taken shape.

There are still more than 3 words of manuscripts in the back. No accidents, it will take less than a week to write and revise.

During this day and a half, Liu Changmin and Feng Ming came five or six times, and every time they saw Yu Dong writing at his desk from outside the window, they left quietly.

Hu Changqing also came once, and also stopped outside the window for a while before leaving.

Until Monday morning, the first thing Liu Changmin said when he saw Yu Dong was: "You have finally come out of retreat."

After chatting with Liu Changmin, Yu Dong knew that they had come to him many times.

"I wanted to scold you, but seeing how serious you are writing, I didn't have the heart to bother you. But I made a bet with Feng Ming to see how long you can write. He said that you will have a rest until yesterday afternoon. I said you can't rest these two days, and I won him two dollars in the end." Liu Changmin said with a smile.

Yu Dong also smiled: "The two yuan is also my credit?"

"That's natural. I'll add a marinated egg to you when I go back to the cafeteria for dinner."

"It's really generous."


When he was about to get off work in the morning, Wu Changxin called Yu Dong to the office.

Yu Dong originally thought that Wu Changxin called him here to ask about the public class last Friday night, but he didn't expect Wu Changxin to open his mouth to ask about the Cucumber Garden Poetry Club first: "How is your recent poetry club going?"

Although a little surprised, Yu Dong still reported the situation, "I went to Yanjing and didn't participate in the poetry meeting last time, but after I came back, I heard from Teacher Liu that it was not bad. Many students also participated, and the scale is getting bigger and bigger. The bigger it is, the higher the enthusiasm of everyone.”

Wu Changxin nodded, and suddenly asked again: "Yu Dong, do you think our school has the conditions to have a school magazine of literature now? Publish some poems or other articles published by students and teachers?"

Yu Dong wanted to say "no" directly, but he still held back.He thought about his words and said: "I think this is a good thing, but wait for a while, it's not too late to do it when the time is more mature."

Although Yu Dong said it tactfully, Wu Changxin already understood the meaning, and this matter could not be done now.

In fact, Yu Dong not only thinks that he can't do it now, but he also thinks that he can't do it in the future.

Now that there is no social network or video software, some school literature school magazines still have some room for survival. When the Internet develops in the future, the channels for students to obtain information will increase explosively, and such school magazines will be completely unattractive.

Besides, Jinyi is an art school, and it can't just rely on the Cucumber Garden Poetry Club to support a school magazine.

It’s okay to do it hard, but the end result will definitely be self-entertainment, and the more you do it, the more stinky you will be.

Wu Changxin actually knew that this idea was a little unrealistic, so after hearing Yu Dong's answer, he nodded: "I'm in a hurry."

(End of this chapter)

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