Chapter 115 Translation
Jinyi already has a school magazine called "Jinyi Xuebao".This journal was republished in 1978, and was renamed "Golden Arts Journal·Yiyuan" ten years ago. In 86, it was divided into two editions: "Music Edition" and "Art Edition".

Liu Changmin published an article in "Art Edition" a few days ago.

From 88 to the present, the unified issue number has just been implemented in China for a few years, and now the "Jinyi Xuebao" has not yet received a unified issue number, and it was not published as an independent issue until 2000.

Yu Dong is clearer than Wu Changxin about these things from the front to the back of the school magazine.

At this time, it is definitely premature to start another school magazine of literature.From Yu Dong’s point of view, it is best for the school to focus on the development of the “Golden Arts Journal”, as only the “Golden Arts Journal” can truly show the advantages of Jinyi.

Wu Changxin then asked a few more questions about the situation on Friday night, and then let Yu Dong go out.

What happened on Friday night, in fact, Hu Changqing had already reported it to Wu Changxin once, so this time he didn't ask in detail.

And in Wu Changxin's view, the situation in the first class did not allow us to see much.Although he believed in Yu Dong's ability, whether the public drama classes could be carried out well in school depended on the follow-up feedback.

Recently, Wu Changxin is also actively contacting the higher authorities to see if the Department of Drama can be resumed as soon as possible.And this time not only to restore the drama performance and stage art majors that existed before, Wu Changxin also wants to add several new majors, such as drama, film and television literature, drama, film and television art design, and drama, film and television directing.

He felt more and more that time was pressing. The development of the domestic film and television industry was obvious to all, and more and more talents were needed.And he also found out some rumors, it is said that the radio and television department is likely to reorganize the domestic film mechanism in the past two years, and the film market will gradually open up by then.

If they can't plan ahead, it will be difficult for them Jin Yi to drink soup in the booming film and television drama market.

It's just that it is not an easy task to restore the drama department. There are too many things to consider, such as teachers, enrollment, hardware foundation, and the above policies.


As soon as Yu Dong walked out of the principal's office, Hu Changqing dragged him into his office.

"How about it, Principal Wu praised you, I said a lot of good things for you." As soon as he entered the door, Hu Changqing said with a smile, faintly intending to ask for credit from Yu Dong.

"Thank you, Secretary Hu." Yu Dong thanked with a smile, and then asked, "What do you want me to do?"

"I can't talk about the order, so I just want to ask my friend's novel to be published in "Science Fiction World", will their magazine send him a sample issue?"

Yu Dong nodded and said, "That's natural. At that time, the money order filled in your information, and they will send you the sample issue directly, but their efficiency is not very high. You may have to wait until the official issue to get the sample issue." After coming out."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, as long as I know it is there." Hu Changqing waved his hand with a smile, then thought of something, and added: "The main reason is that my friend is more concerned, and I also told him, isn't it just a sample magazine? What does it matter if you don't send it?"

Yu Dong said with a smile, "Your friend's mood is understandable. After all, my work was published in the magazine. It's normal to want to receive a sample issue as a souvenir for myself."

"That's right, that's right." Hu Changqing nodded while rubbing his hands.

Yu Dong looked at Hu Changqing and said with a smile, "Does Secretary Hu have anything else to say? If not, I'll go out first."

"No, you can go back and do your work."


In less than a week, Yu Dong finished the draft of "Houyi" and sent it to "Harvest".I'm afraid Cheng Yongxing has been waiting too anxiously, half a month has passed since the last time I told him to give him the manuscript.

And if you don't send the manuscript, you won't be able to catch up with the next issue, and you have to wait until the next issue.

After sending the manuscript, Yu Dong sent another letter to Jimmy James, telling him that he had something to discuss with him.

In fact, Yu Dong didn't know whether Jimmy James could receive this letter, because Jimmy didn't have a fixed mailing address in China, and he left the address of a hotel where he often stayed before, but it was impossible for others to be in the hotel all the time.

The reason why Yu Dong wanted to find Jimmy James was to discuss with him about publishing his novel in the United States.

Now "One Day" is being filmed, and it is estimated that the movie will be released next year, and the movie will bring him some fame by then.

Yu Dong wants to take this opportunity to push his science fiction novels to the United States.

If you want to push your novel there, you need someone who is familiar with the American market to help, and Jimmy James is a suitable candidate.

The two have a basis for cooperation, and Jimmy James usually does some writer's agent work.And Jimmy James is a very profit-driven person. As long as his interests can be guaranteed, he can guarantee to do things well and be quite efficient.

In addition to contacting Jimmy James, Yu Dong is also considering candidates for translation recently.

If a novel wants to go abroad, translation is a very important link.Whether it is science fiction or pure literature, if you want to export well, you cannot do without excellent translation.

The different levels of translators can directly determine the quality of a translation, and this effect is fatal.It can be said that the translated version is the second life of the work, and it is the translator who creates this life.

The same work translated by different translators may have unimaginable differences in style.

For example, "The Complete Works of Detective Sherlock Holmes" translated by Yu Bufan has a sense of martial arts in the Republic of China, which is completely different from other related translations.

This extreme expression of the translator's own style can easily cause huge controversy. Those who like it will like it very much, and those who don't like it will hate it very much.

For Liu Cixin to win the Hugo Award and Mo Yan to win the Nobel Prize for Literature, the two translators Liu Yukun and Chen Anna definitely played a vital role in it.

As for candidates to translate his own works, Yu Dong first took aim at Guo Jianzhong, who won the Capek Translation Award from the World Science Fiction Association last year.

He is one of the few translators in China who can translate science fiction works and can translate Chinese to English.

If an agreement can be made with Jimmy James, Yu Dong will contact Guo Jianzhong through "Science Fiction World" and ask him to help translate his works.

 Thank you [*** Wei Xiao] for the 100 reward of the boss
  Thank you [Already an Uncle] for the 100 tip
  Thank you [Two Three Twos] for the 100 tip
(End of this chapter)

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