Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 116 I Can Make You Money

Chapter 116 I Can Make You Money

On April [-]th, the afternoon of the Ching Ming Festival, Yu Dong and Liu Changmin gathered in Feng Ming's dormitory to play eggs while they were resting. It was the tense moment of breaking through the barrier when they heard someone shouting outside, "Yu Teacher Dong, someone is looking for you."

Seeing that he was about to lose, Feng Ming, who was with Yu Dong, hurriedly urged Yu Dong: "Did you hear that, someone is looking for you, why don't you go out and have a look?"

"Then this card..."

Feng Ming snatched the cards from Yu Dong's hand, and then mixed them into the deck, "It's important, we will reopen when you come back."

Liu Changmin and He Yu quit immediately.

"Old Feng, you are just playing around."

"No, no, we will win this game."

Yu Dong smiled and got up and walked out, leaving the three of them arguing behind him.

When he walked outside, he saw Jimmy James standing at the door of his room.

Jimmy also saw Yu Dong, and he smiled heartily, "Mr. Yu, long time no see."

Yu Dong walked in the direction of Jimmy, with a surprised expression on his face: "I didn't expect you to come so soon. I thought you were in the United States now. Isn't "One Day" being filmed? As a screenwriter, you don't have to go to the scene often?"

"Harold is a dictator. After I hand over the script to him, I have nothing to do. But I hope you don't mind coming to visit on such a day."

"It's okay." Yu Dong waved his hand, and opened the door of his dormitory, "Go in and sit down."

After entering the room, while Yu Dong was making tea for Jimmy, Jimmy went straight to the point and said, "It's also a coincidence that your letter arrived just after I arrived in Yanjing. It's just that you didn't explain clearly in the letter, you only said that you have something to talk to." I'm discussing, I don't know what you are talking about, what can I do for you?"

Yu Dong handed the tea to Jimmy, and then explained with a smile: "That's right, I have a cooperation that I want to talk to you about my novel. "Science Fiction World" serialized one of my novels, You know that."

Jimmy nodded and said, "Well, you said."

"I now want to translate this novel into English and publish it in the United States."

Jimmy pondered: "You mean you want me to be your agent and help you contact the publishing house?"

"That's pretty much what it means."

"I'm afraid it's not easy." Jimmy showed embarrassment, "Although you are very famous in China's science fiction circles, most foreign publishers have never heard of your name, and if you want them to publish your novels, they may not be willing .”

Jimmy has already said it very euphemistically, not to mention Yu Dong, even if the entire Chinese science fiction world is moved there, American publishing houses may not buy it.

"If it's a guaranteed deal, do you think any publishing house will reject it?"

"Steady profit without loss? I don't quite understand what you mean, how can we make sure profit without loss?" Jimmy asked puzzled.

Yu Dong laughed, "I bought all the books that couldn't be sold for the first time. In this case, won't the publishing house be able to make a profit?"

Jimmy stared blankly at Yu Dong, "You are so confident that you can sell the book? If it doesn't sell well, you will have to spend a lot of money."

"It's not about self-confidence. I actually prepared for the worst. The worst thing is that I will lose a lot of money."

Jimmy was even more puzzled, "Then what are you trying to do? Do you want to gild your works in the United States, and then make money in China? But there is no need to do this, as long as you spend some money to buy a book number, Then find a small printing house and print dozens of copies. Anyway, domestic readers don’t know whether the book will sell well abroad, they only know that the book is published abroad, and the effect will be achieved.”

Yu Dong looked at Jimmy with a smile, this guy was really full of businessman's thinking, it was easier for him to hold back a routine than others to hold back a fart.

I have to say that Jimmy's proposal is really shameless.

"Don't worry about what I'm drawing, anyway, it's not bad for you. No matter how many books you sell, I'll give you a commission, including the part I spent on myself."

Jimmy pondered for a while, and then said, "If you are determined to put money in it, I have another suggestion. I will talk to a publishing house first, and have a good chat with them about your popularity, and then we can Use the movie "One Day" as a bargaining chip in our negotiations."

"If the publisher is still not willing, we propose to sign a bet agreement with them. Within the specified time, as long as the sales volume of the first print does not reach a certain percentage, even if we publish the book at our own expense, and give the publisher a certain amount of remuneration .After the book is released, we will immediately spend money to buy these books back from the bookstore, creating a false impression that the book is very popular. Then we will spend a little more money to let some media help to brag about the sales miracle of this book.”

"In this way, our gambling agreement will be successful, and the publishing house will definitely choose to print it when it sees this situation, and the royalties for the additional printing will be earned by us. This method will allow us to Spend less money to achieve better results. Maybe with such marketing, American readers will also be interested in your novel, making this book a real bestseller, and we can make money without posting money. "

Yu Dong felt a little dazed after hearing Jimmy say such a long list. When this guy heard that he had a commission, he immediately became more subjective.

At the same time, Yu Dong also secretly sighed, the decision to cooperate with Jimmy was indeed right, he is very familiar with the marketing of rankings.

Yu Dong was about to speak, but Jimmy continued, "Take a step back, even if the final result is not good, and the book cannot be sold and it is in our hands, we can cooperate with Harold. At some point, you can set up an activity to watch a movie and give away the original author's novel, and give away all the books that are in your hands. Although you lost money, at least you have gained a group of readers and paved the way for the next book."

Dude, this book hasn't started yet, and Jimmy is already thinking about the next book.

But after all, Jimmy is also thinking about his own interests. Only when Yu Dong's books are printed more can he make more money.

Yu Dong nodded, "I don't know about marketing. If we cooperate, you will have to worry more about this."

"Looking at what you said, isn't this what I should do?" Jimmy said with a smile, "Actually, I think you can wait until you publish a few more short stories, then make a collection of stories, and put "One Day" on it." Go in, and then name it "One Day", and then there will be promotion for the movie, at least the sales will not be too low."

"This one will do too."

Jimmy raised his eyebrows and said, "Leave it all to me, I dare not say anything else, at least I can make you money with the novel "One Day"."

 Thank you [Shangshan Fighting Tiger 6666] for the 100 reward
(End of this chapter)

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