Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 117 Introduction to Sampling Survey Statistics

Chapter 117 Introduction to Sampling Survey Statistics
After the matter of cooperation was settled, the two negotiated for the share.The two asked for a lot of money, and the other sat down to pay back the money. In the end, it was decided that Jimmy would be divided into 25 points for the royalties of the two works.

This point is too high for an ordinary writer's agent, but for the time being the cooperation between the two of them, Yu Dong still relies more on Jimmy.Moreover, the United States and China are far away, not to mention the inconvenience of going back and forth, and the consumption is also a lot. It is normal for Jimmy to take a little more.

In fact, if Yu Dong hadn't said that he would still do the novel collection "One Day", Jimmy would probably get even higher, at least the same [-] points as the last collaboration.Because Jimmy is more optimistic about "One Day", he believes that this collection of novels must be able to make money, the difference is just the difference between earning more and earning less.

But Jimmy is a real person who takes money to do things. He heard that Yu Dong was thinking about translation, so he patted his chest and took it over.

"Mr. Yu, you are a writer, so you should create well. And you still have a teaching job, so you don't have time to take care of these things. Regarding translation, you have decided which translator you want, and I will help you get in touch."

Hearing what he said, Yu Dong also felt very good, so he agreed, and then told him that he was going to find the translator Guo Jianzhong who often publishes translated works in "Science Fiction World".

The cooperation matter was almost discussed, and when Yu Dong was about to add water to Jimmy, Feng Ming rushed over in a hurry.

"Old Yu, what are you doing..." Feng Ming said halfway, when he suddenly saw Jimmy, "Oh, there are still foreign friends here, hello, hello."

Yu Dong introduced with a smile, "Jimmy James from the United States, James, this is my good friend and Jin Yi's teacher, Feng Ming."

Jimmy immediately stood up and stretched out his hand to Feng Ming: "Hello, Mr. Feng, nice to meet you, nice to meet you."

Feng Ming held Jimmy's hand in a daze, "Your Mandarin is too idiomatic, and it also smells like Beijing movies."

"Hey, I've been in Yanjing for many years, and I'm used to it. Are you looking for something from Mr. Yu?" Jimmy said modestly.

Feng Ming smiled and said, "It's nothing important. We were going to conduct a sample survey and general statistics together, but he left suddenly and lacked a sample. It doesn't matter. If you have business matters, talk first, and I'll come back after you finish talking."

Yu Dong put down his teacup with a smile, and said, "The matter is almost done. Let's go to your side. After that, we will have dinner together in the evening. James, don't you mind having dinner together?"

"Of course I don't mind. I'm honored to have dinner with you and your friends."

The three of them walked towards Feng Ming's dormitory. On the way, Jimmy asked curiously: "Mr. Yu, what is the general statistics of sampling survey that Mr. Feng mentioned just now? It sounds like it has something to do with mathematics. You are not a graduate of the Chinese Department. Are you going to participate in this too?"

Yu Dong held back a smile and said, "You'll know when you go."

"Oh well."

When Jimmy entered Feng Ming's dormitory and saw the poker cards on the stool, his eyes almost popped out, "This, is this the general statistics of the sampling survey you mentioned?"

Feng Ming explained with a smile: "Isn't that right? Two decks of poker have 108 cards. The four of us each randomly draw 27 cards, and then study the combination probability of the cards we get..."

"Don't listen to his nonsense." Liu Changmin interrupted Feng Ming with a smile, and then said to Dong, "Who is this gentleman?"

Then Yu Dong introduced Jimmy to Liu Changmin and He Yu. After getting to know each other, Yu Dong asked Jimmy, "Mr. James, can you play tricks?"

"I'm so ignorant, I've never heard of this kind of game." Jimmy waved his hand.

Yu Dong smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, let them teach you."

"Isn't it appropriate? Why don't you play with them and I'll watch from the side?"

"It's nothing inappropriate." Yu Dong pulled Jimmy to sit down, "The visitor is a guest, so it's inappropriate for you to watch from the side. The way to play this trick is not difficult. You have been in China for so long, and you must have played other cards before." , should be able to learn soon.”

"Then I'll be more respectful than obedient."

Feng Ming and the others are very enthusiastic about Jimmy's joining, not only because Jimmy is a foreign friend, but also because Jimmy is a novice.

The three of them have been abused by Yu Dong before, and their skills have finally improved after tempering recently. When they meet a newcomer, they naturally want to taste the feeling of torture, and at the same time, try the feeling of teaching novices.

So the three of them were very considerate and rushed to explain the technical essentials of smashing eggs to Jimmy.

Although their abacus was sound, the result was beyond their expectations.

Jimmy seems to be very talented in playing cards. After only a few rounds, he has already mastered the gameplay, and the cards are played very well.

When the game ended in the evening, Jimmy said with relish: "This game is very interesting. If I have the opportunity, I will teach my American friends how to play it. The most I played in China before was running fast. This bitch Compared with running fast, it's no fun."

After this battle, Feng Ming and the others were completely convinced.

They found that this Jimmy was not only very talented in playing cards, but his knowledge of China was beyond their expectations. If you didn't look at his face, you wouldn't feel that he was a foreigner at all.

Feng Ming and the others did not specifically ask Jimmy what he did, but they all guessed in their hearts that he might have something to do with the sale of Yu Dong's science fiction novels to the United States.

In the evening, everyone had another meal together. When the show was over, Jimmy said to Dong, "Mr. Yu, I won't come to see you tomorrow. I will contact "Science Fiction World" first, and get the person you mentioned through them." Mr. Guo Jianzhong's address, if it goes well, I will go to find him in the next two days."

"It's too much trouble for you."

Jimmy waved his hand and said, "It's okay, I should do everything, you can create with peace of mind, try to write a few more short stories, and save the "One Day" novel collection."

After Jimmy left, Liu Changmin said to Dong, "Yu Dong, this James looks very slippery. If you want to cooperate with him, you have to be careful."

"It's okay, he has no reason to trick me yet." Yu Dong smiled.

Liu Changmin nodded, "Well, as long as you know it yourself."

Yu Dong understands Liu Changmin's worry very well, but as he said, Jimmy has no reason to cheat him for the time being.

At least in this matter, because he still counted on Yu Dong to give him a share of the money.In terms of interests, their direction is the same.

Moreover, Jimmy has a long-term vision, and he will not give up the opportunity to make money in the future for a small profit in front of him. He will never make a one-shot deal.

 Thank you [huangduyanli] for the 100 tip
  Thank you [Chen Jiuru] for the 100 reward
  Thank you [Shouyixin] for the 100 tip
  Thank you [*** Wei Xiao] for the 200 reward of the boss
(End of this chapter)

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